TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. NOVEMBER 24. 1910. ARY FORMS. RIDING THE BILLOWS. HIS GOOD FORTUNE. HADE GOOD AS A COOK. the spitball Executor's Notice. A Few Pointed Suggestions For Ocean When Ha Had to Work Ho Started a Novice 1» Hssssv GlVSS—That II. fhs Old Lumberman Got Supper 1» Takas Great Strength and Speed to Travelers. Dainty Rolling Mill. Without the Least Effort. Pitch It Properly, Do not Interfere with the captain in umiiraignci, tne executor ot thr ln>t win I was Just entering upou my thirty­ ! “Nowadays a cook le Describing f spidmii |n t>aseball provided for 7n“'7nJ HAV k J and Wherefore Many the performance of his duties or offer fourth year when, owing to the failure each camp.” said the old lumberman and the way T .s pit« bed. Hugh 8. suggestions in navigation based upon of my wife's futber, I found myself Army Customs. who has worked on the St. Croix, the Fullertou iu Uiu American Magazine your own experience in runulng a obliged to make a living. Penobscot uud the St. John, •but in nays: catboat ou Lake Mobonk. There are I had often wondered where all the “There came Into baseball In 1008 a few captains now tn the transatlantic steel rails came from, and now 1 de­ my days of lumbering we took turns, I'ntKl th«« 27th day of txtobsr, 1S10 service who have not crossed the termined to go Into the business of a week at a time, or one man would ball which earne u.-ar revolutionizing ... _ , • H GOVNIi. the game aud brought a new era of ; make all the bread, another the tea tt"” Ttata- ocean several times, and we know of supplying them to railroad companies _________ lnent °f Henry Have «¿««««i made great ptt.bers out of pitchlug. and coffee, aud so on through the bill in of the Former Goaa Back none who has acquired bls knowledge Having learned through careful inqui­ | of fare. Once in a while—generally be­ ‘has-beens' and [>oor hitters out of once NOTICk FOR PVHUCAnON ry that nearly all of them were made ime of the Borgia« and the of the sea in a correspondence school. Ueparnnent of The Interior, fore they'd got licked into their reg'- mighty sluggers. If the lady with golden hair seated iu rolling mills, 1 persuaded the own-, r V «. Land otfier at Portland Orason. to th« Knight« of tha Cru- "The ball Is pitched with two, some­ . Srptembrr 16th 15io: tn the steamer chair next to yours in­ of a bankrupt iron foundry to convert iar winter mold—some fellow would ,tc* *• twrrby given that Henry c. times with three, fingers held on one uneral Volleys and Taps. kick against the routine; 'he's been advertently puts her bead on your It Into a rolling mill. Then I went to Kutue, who»e po»t oftce addm» I» ■fma- side of the ball and with the thumb or dJl'°«,h* l,‘d*Jr 01 July, a soldier when saluting a shoulder and groana do not rudely re­ a good reliable machinery man on the hired to do soiuetblug else.' or ’he'd tip of the thumb and nail being grip­ û«2kk2T«?»ïù' th," <'*!?* *" O” •♦•tatnrnt and be banged If he'd cook, anyhow.' Theu Ai.L'lk»itton. f»o I'JO ao , to vurvhMBe th« Wk Ise his hand to his bead move It. but whistle a soft lullaby, as next block uud told him to send me ped hard against the seam at the ' there were ructions. » N K ,U t .vn.hip The beginning dates back if you did oot notice the act. Bear tn some of the very best rolling mill ma­ I “I remember one little rebellion that opposite «Ide of the sphere The top of 1 North. R hu M c 9 vtcut Wlltamett« Mrrl. <11 an and the timber thereon under th« mind that two heads are better than chinery that he had In his store. the ball Is made slippery «t the point provision« ot the act of June 3, lfetfe of the Borglas, if not to an one. The lullaby may put her to Meanwhile my noble wife had not begau hot and roaring ami died dovvu of contact with the fingers, so that the act« umendatory, known the “1 inv In those days assassina­ Bleep, when her curls may be gently been idle, and by the time I was into a laugh all round, thanks to an In sphere slide« off the fingers with the i r«M . ïtnne Mt •Bch *•'»•«* »»»»Uhl be ftMol by HpprNiWmentann thul.imr.unnt te vogue, and in order that removed to her own sofa pillow. geulous old soul, all qniet good naiure ready to begin operations she had in minimum of frivtion. w hile the thumb, to .wh nppliention. the |nm| emf timber might not have a superior Should you desire to go below before duced several of the most-brilliant wo­ and fat—Uncle Ned. we «-ailed him. thrre.iii h'ive l.ccn ftp|>rHiae j»«» M. ami the land $ia(i uo: that n coming into his superior's ard after her husband and ask him to their steel rails of us. Tout bed by And the tire nearly out ami nothing being that the ball, leaving the hand, • Niti i|»i'licHUt XX III ..flri rtnal proof in iui>. port of lii* Mpplivntion and sworn «tatemeiM o raise his right hand, palm remove them himself. her unselfish devotion. I clasped h< r ready for supper. We were all hungry takes heavy 'English' from the thumb on the WSthuiii „• IH|0 Wort nt. to show that no dagger | If in the midst of your dinner you hi my aruug while the tears coursed —aud grouiy. ns sometimes hnp|ieiis In and starts revolving rapidly iu the di­ I H, Govne. United State» CommUaiouer. at lillainook, Oregon the best regulated crews. Each In turn rection opposite to that in which It led there. From this old * _______________ fee| a sudden emotional qualm ___ arising ___ ■lown my cheeks. Any |>er«on is ut liberty to protest thia before entry, or initiate n contest baud salute has come down, within you rise with it as nearly si­ Then 1 called on a railroad presi­ declared be wouldn't be cook, and It naturally would rotate. Therefore It purchase ut any time before patent issues, by fiNna look«*d like a supperless night till Un ­ te with the sword was uot ruultaneousiy as possible and hasten dent. told him that I desired to be­ «ll«if whirls rapidly for a abort distance uu n corroborated .trtidavit in thin nn!nn with. ----- way «„ in ««,.. the >.„d beginning wlth- fro[n t|je saloon, taking care In your come self supporting and asked him to cle Ned spoke up in his quh«t way. ttl the natural but suspended motion ing fncts which would defeat the entry. H I* ttrnny. ion. When knights of the flight to stick to the aisles between buy some of my rails. He told me to "'Dear me.' says he. 'what a time ot the ball overcomes the false 'Eng RetfUtcr •elved their orders it was the tables and not go leaping from deliver a basketful to his place of about cooking! Why. It’» the cadetti llsh' applied by the thumb and a eon Noticc of Final Account. Now. test between the natural ami unnatural for them to call ui>ou Gcd table to table like a frightened ante­ business every Saturday night. thing In nature to get su|H>er their assumption of the lope toward the exit. This latter Greatly elated over my prospecta. I boys, If you'll all wait on me I ll Ite forces ensues. The ball ceases revolv­ No UK 1S HaitBRY GlVKN 1 hrit thè »11» leisigned MilniiniisirMtvr ot thè tMMe of i. To do this the sword course would cause considerable con­ called together a number of working­ cook.' ing unnaturally and floats and wabbles <1< ''A MAH K XI HONG, iltccnscd, hus tileiJ hi* to the front so that the fusion in the dining room, and in men whom I found Idle on the streets "They all agreed. This being set- until the natural twist overcomes the tinnì iiccouàt 4M luch ndininistrutoi In thè the lips, when the cross your baste you might inadvertently and directed them to make some nice tied. Uncle Ned sat down on u spruce false one. and then the ball darts Just ortur <>t th« Count> t Itili uf I Jouiio. «tate »»f Oregon und thwt ile the hilt and blade could be trip over another passenger's welsh steel rails without delay and take chair aud let his assistants have II. as it would have done If it had been L »mnty lu.Ur of srtid Tilh.m<»„k. Cimntv hns «M oiu I hx . Devem!»cr MI» V‘io. ni uti oath registered to carry rabbit, which is not considered good them around to the kind railroad pres­ "•Now. lfh-k.' said be. ’the first thine curved naturally, shootlug in the direc­ appoiuted thr hout of >0 u't-locL a «n , ut llw orto» of lers faithfully. The drop­ form tn polished circles either on the ident. for you to do is to get a little wood tion In which the heaviest friction was l IC C'.unti Ju.U-r in thè Court flou»» In ' Ulnniook «ìty, Tlllamook Countv «»i»«.’n applied. A «pitball If pitch«! direct J" sword, point to the front. land or on the sea. Rejoicing at the prospect of steady aud start up the fire.' tlir tini* oid iilsver» thè firmili« nf»«rt If ou your way to the upper deck employment the workingmen hastened I " 'Isaac, just step down to the brook Iv overhand darts almost straight Boni uwoont nnd the »rttlrmvnt thrrvd tbmisslon. Iliitrd fili. «K’totwr WOth. luto downward, atxl If pitched «Ide arm the funeral cortege of a you find the staircases blocked by to obey, and the rails that they made and fetch a pall of water. CK<>S<7h •« BObVFKLT, Adeiini.trntor ol ibr K.tni» ofsarah cer or soldier is the horse, j others hastening upward like yourself under my direction proved so durable “‘You. Mac. while the tires getting with the thumb toward the body it Knlfon». Cccastd shoots outward and down as a fat! d equip|>ed. with the boots I do not step upon them In your mad that In a very short time I had all the under way. wash a few (Mitatoes and rider placed heels to the ; flight Upward, but slide down the orders that I could fill. get 'em ready to put ou wbeu the pot outcurve does, the quickness and speed Notice of Bale of Tide Lands. of the break depending entirely upon e stirrups, led to the place banisters to the lower deck, which I attribute much of my success to bolls. Novies HSKBHY Oivsii.—Tkat lb» To show by reversal of the you will tiud Just as well adapted to the fact that each rail is delivered to •• ‘Now. .lake, yon cut n few slices ot the amount of force with which It Land Hoard ot thr Hour of <>r*xon «mount Hutt your needs as the upper. Any deck is the customer tastefully wrapped In pork and pnt it on over the fire to fry.' Is thrown and In ratio to the ______ wner's march has ended, will «r>l to th« hishewt bidder nt It» ollie» In go back to the days of the good In a qualm.—John Kendrick tissue paper fastened with pink rib­ “ ‘But, Uncle Ned.' we all shouted to­ of friction applied by Ibe thumb or the Capitol H,Hiding at Snleul. Oreaon on lack of friction by the fingen« Great Urt-rnilter JT. mill nt IO no n'eloti ■ tn r the reason why in the Bangs In Harper's Weekly. gether. ‘you was to get supper!' bon.—Delinea tor. of «aid dry, all the Staten ln'err»t In th« volleys are tired over the •“Yes,' said he. calm aud easy a* strength and speed are essential to the tide andoveiHow land» hereinafter deKrlb«d, String hnnrvrr to th» ow ner or owner* Of best pitching of this kind of ball." of a comrade. Among the ever. *1 was to get stip|>er: but you ant hind« Abutting or fronting on »u»h tide POWER OF A WORD. GUESTS. nd overildw land* the prefrrener rtaht e burial consisted of the were to wait upon me. Tom.’ said be, to purrha*.-*md tide and overflow Wind« at t earth three times on the Why Franca Changed tha Name ef the •you’d better get the dishes ready.’ the hlghent price orterrd. provided «util after THE PHARAOHS Bad Enough to Be Late, but to Bo Too i> made In goo I Huth and al»., providing ee times was the dead man "We kicked some, but ’twas no use; I “Life Saving Belt“ that the land w III got be »old nor nnv r.fttr Early Is Unforgivable. The Precautions Taken to Guard therefor »me. which ended the eere- we'd agreed to wait on bhn If he'd be acceptorl for le»« than ST 5t> per A vivid illustration of the power of It is au accepted aphorism that one cook. acre, thr Hoard reaervuig the right to reject as the friends aud relatives Against Grave Robbers. mere words over human beings was should never be late at a duel or a any and all bld« Said land« are «Ituutrtl iuch said "Vale.”’ three The Ingenuity displayed by the an In I'dlantorth County, l.regon. and de»ertl>eU "When everything was reudy for once brought to the attention of Freucb dinner, Tardiness is unpardonable. a» follow • as a farewell to our dead clent supper, there Ibe old mau still sat In Egyptians to prevent robber* late land» fronting »nd abutting on Lot people by Franclxque Sarcey. but the converse Is also true, If it is e tire three volleys over from breaking Into the pharaohlc No 5 of Section ♦. I J N H IO W After the wreck of the Bourgogne an offense to be late It Is unforgivable his spruce chair— hadn't stirred an I eglnn'ng nt n point w here the (action Theu the service called taps Inch! graves merits admiration from present line between Section» 4 and 0. T. X N.. M. to this closing the ceremony. many passengers were found floating to be too early. This refers solely to W., Interae-l» the high water of Sehaten '• 'Dear me. dear me.' said be. 'here day engineers, writes Dr. Holscher. Id the cull taps be sounded drow ned with life preservers on. These the dinner, since duels are affulrs of I have got sup|>er. and 'twaa one o' the chief architect in the Prussian govern Hay. located » M«“.’V|' w 4754 « feet from thr corner common to Sectliina S. 4 1« and ■e to any olher? Because life preservers were fatseued upon the the past. IO and running I hence ment. In a work ou the sarcophagus a. - — Overhaste may be flattering, but it Is easiest things In the world.' H9® ftr — w . ---- - ~ waler call for "lights out." and bodies, but round the middle instead of Khafra, the builder of the second "We were 'caught,' ” smiled the old line of life are out In the com- of under the arms. and the greater also Inconsiderate. If the dinner Is lumberman, "and we sat down Io sup­ Glxeh pyramid, who reigned In Egypt N ia-> B . water lint has "Joined the silent weight of the upper part of the body Important enough to be called a “func­ per In good tem|>er. and ever afterward some 5.000 years ago. N. 17® .19* H water the dead.” This ending of had tipped the bead under water and tion'* and the house in which It is glv- 1 we bad Uucle Ned's proposition for a I The lid of the red granite sarcopb Hilt. f .51* K . waler fuueral dates back to the the person of course was inevitably, en is sufficiently large to be rated as byword; we'd agree to du auy living agus was dovetailed with minute N H9 line a mansion the early guest may And , but did not become a drowned. ”■ OJ* water thing provided we could be 'waited precision Into the receptacle To pre­ S A Hne. Now it appears that the greater num­ a hostess still in her maid's bands, if till late In the civil war. vent the cover from being drawn ba. k upon. ’ Youth s Companion. OO “ 49* W . R. « atre line t<> plait of . containing « u reason for causing all ber of the persons so drowned were instead a cottage and a simpler repast air' the Egyptian builders bored two holes await one the housewife may herself 43,9 aeree French. The French term for life pre ­ ■fore a military court to In the lid at the edge, not showing AppIicAtintiR find bide should tie addreectd No Uao For Them. glove from the right hand server is celnture de sauvetage. or "life be putting the last necessary touches to G G Brown Lltrk Atate I.ami Hf>nr.t »ber l I Vit) guest Is a little tardy. Should the soup great caXaatropbe brings, the idea of beu the Bible was printed placed In the ltd holes, and at the mo ­ "No?" replied her husband, with a nd was laid on the book, putting on a belt, and as a belt is pnt be cold or the roast dry it is not her | belligerent air. "You don't approve of ment the sariapbagus was fully close I afterward kissed. But the round the waist and nowhere else the fault: she was on time. tlie hides met and the bolts dropped Can anything tie more harassing than her. eh?” not always at hand when frightened person instinctively adjusts "Well,” she retorted with a disdain­ In position from the upper holes partly the custom of raising the the life preserver close about the hips. the “you-don't-miud-me-dear" type of ful sniff, “you'd never see me with my Into the lower, thus making It impoa The result Is that aa soon as the woman who always com«« half au aud uncovering the bead slide to move the lid. mouth full of hairpins.'' hour early and always wants to into general practice, in person so provided falls into the water it must have struck the Egyptian "Of course not." he snapped. "What "help?" Can anybody worship one s ■ The boy or girl with any the criminal was branded bis body tips over, with the heavier would you waut with so many hair­ engineers that grave robbers might household gods, turn away the nicks, >i, f<-< t <>f vision is girati, of the right band, and for paft downward, and the bead is plung­ get at the body by turning the aarcopb display the gleaming t>ide In the pro­ pins T—CatboRc Kt aud a rd and Times. liuntiicnppeti in the pmaiiit the custom of requiring ed beneath the surface. ague upside down. In which «see the r.f knowledge in the st ho».I faning presence of a comparative . I of the glove came luto The word "belt.’’ therefore, was the renin If your isiy or girl txilts would glide back Into th>4r orig stranger? A despairing hostess sold Declined to Tarry. er that the band might be cause of the loss of many Ilves In the does not show a Ligli | er recently: Hera la one of F. II. Benson'» stories Inal position and permit the lid lining Bourgogne disaster. Sarcey according­ centHge of average in the "When I have just men coming I of his early days of trouplug Iu the drawn out. To prevent this they filled fed silk sash long worn by ly proposed to counteract the fatal ef­ oc-liool report tl.c probabili- the lower hole« with wax and made lour army, which for many fect of the French word by reuamlng spend my soul on the cooking; when English provlucva: ties nre that there ie nottin- hot. Upon the lids being the bolts its women I put my extra efforts into I "At one town 1 wss playtug to pr thing the mulle Leased to form part of the the article and calling it a brassiere, position the bolts melted placed In burnishing the house; when Its both busluesa. The occui«aota of the gal ­ eyes To find ou fcxeept for general officers. which is a kind of waist, and by bring­ ill bring I almost kill myself, and when they lery were few and not ov ereutbusl their way Into the wax and upon cool not Iring Adopted simply because It ing the word bras, or arm. to mind to come too early I want to He down and astic. I was about to make an exit Ing became so firmly fixed that noth exninina them to Fly It was originally in- tesch people to put a life preserver on If doesn't pay to tion on the line. Tarry awhile and auou 1 log short of complete destruction could k this sash, which was very lust underneath the arms.—Chicago die.” guess about the rjcaigi'l “The quality of mercy is not strain ' will return.' upon which a voice from open the royal tomb pen of silk and could be Record-Herald. of your r < hild—it ta bet e It most have lieen a herculean labor ed.” It applies even to giving one's the gallery exclaimed: 'Don't trouWe kit to over a yard In width. to see that I the eyes »to to hew the whole edge away, but that We ’ re going and prospective hostess ample leeway for to return, guv'oor Bel as a hammock tn which right. If gbinara are needed The Cooling of the World«. Is what grave desccrstors did. sod th* preparation. Falling this, invitations not be back f "-Chicago Trite shall Ifficers could be carried off 1 HUI prepared to furnleli All Itodlee In spme are gradually ap­ may soon be written. “At 7. and please une. wax can still be «e«-n In ths bore boles the exact thing that will bld proaching frigidity. When a red hot be later—Youth's Companion. meet the needs of i the case, —New York Hun ►wise the guady colored they are Krnirtnlirr timi cannon ball Is taken oot of a furnace Up to Jameo. Nume that flowed from the gusruiileeil (or one year, Net at All Private. An official was describing, at a din Ths "Housa Fly.” b not placed there because it »Dd HiiR|teuded lii the air It parta with a to make and I ant here In the trial of a case recently In one ner at Washington, au unfair law The remfnl«< <-nt man suddenly found bril The original hair plume Its beat and keep« on parting with It them good “ Tr “ The people under this law." be sakl. until It finally reaches the temperature of the English courts a witness wss a gap In the conversation J on the shoulders of the kirn are not " surrounding It. And what bappena to asked to repeat a conversation that “are very much In the posltlou of a “I was In Kansas once.” be In-gan. | kl It was Intended that It Ibe cannon ball Is tmpfienlng to the she bad with her busband. Objec­ young Washington attache Aa the at­ 'when one of those old time cyclon«-» safeguard against a saber sun. The sun Is steadily losing Its tion was made that the question tache was breakfasting the other ue.ru- struck the town. I happened to he In i it the back of the neck, for log bls servant said to him: ’You are my brother's bouse at the moment and Hed around a bitching |«ost ■ ate and equatorial regions, so the final and husband was present plied that her mother and the hus­ Washington Star The next moment the cyclone bit th* chill la steadily advaoefug upoo the !• reason why the flag at town Ray. you ought to have seen b« an Indlcatioo of sorrow, warmth every where.-New York Amer­ band's mother were, whereujx.n the judge remarked: "It appears that both Tha Poor Man's Gym. the bona« fly ” fe be hoisted to the top of ica n. mothers-In law were present I shall "Would you mind telling me." asked •THd yon awat It?" Inquired th» bfora t-lng lowered The therefore rule that the conversation Mrs Bounlalot. glancing admiringly mean mtn on the soap box A Modest Poet. F-l when raised and low at the athletic shoulders of the pro­ There la a story told of a French was public ” And the atory promptly ended ► ben it is nt the peak of spective boarder, bow you keep iu I«eurer Newa So when it is neceaaary to poet who Inquired of a friend and eu< b splendid physical condition '" Struck by Lightning. I half mast it must be rato- flatterer what be thought of his last ORCO»! ft THE AUEN HOUSE. "I go tbrvugb a few gymnastic exee- found her work. "I have arrived at the fifteeotb A lady riding In a train An AneiatH fit a«** Man. ► before t«elng Anally low- rises every morning." confessed tba canto." be replied with enthusiasm, an old mi eelf seated by the side of There are a boat of authorities on I 'hl. time the gun fire« Ita < orner Stillwell Ave and Fir*’ I young man. flushing hydraulics and me< hank-» that «ould | either the hand or (tea "and think there Is nothing more bean- tron who was exceedingly deaf St. West, anti l»«rtti I'hones tlful and harmonious In the language.” “Ma’am.” said she In a high tone. ' “Well. I'm sorry, but we eua't board ba quoted to support ’he asaertkto that lare aoundlng appropriate yr-b I v. had the bathroom uwamp«“ the steam eugloe la not a m-stern In "I'ardon me. there la one thing." "did ytro ever try . lectriclty V Hied that way befora.“-Kansas <-'H/ vention Carptai la tba account of his »FiCiAt.IT IN All KIND OF CAKft ■aid the poet "Wbat dkl you aey. mlaaT “Ah. perhaps you mean Chateau­ “I asked If yon ever tried electricity travels A D 12*1. dewrit«ea s specie« All KINO OF BREAD briand's -AtataP“ for your deafn«wsF' of aaophlte. or steam «n«taa made In Queer Engliah Namee "Certainly not! 1 mean uiy aix “Oh. yea. Indeed. I did; K’s only last tba form of a man Thia contrivance Among five name« Io 'be North was filled with "to flammable liquid ' treotb canto ” summer I got atrn*k hy lightning, bnt I don't see aa it dot» me a bit of Hackery roter» Hefa ara tbr follow. (probably petroleum, and made to dn Ing Frante« Narrow«, Heaven. terrible work In the battle« between William Paradtoe. Alfred Raaaggers- the Mongols and the troupe of fraater galea. Thon»« Benjamin Hompna. John No Expoouro For Him. OILED TbooM« Rtickatorum. WIIHaui J«-ePb »ember of the loríala tare « Napter Nepper Eterte Needlaotltcbar Rom s< kable. ' and FltxherWrt Albert Hugh, !-«<< - “He takee t cold hath every morning wifi you Mvefu? I^ndon Globe -a very remarla bl» man"' fcr every (Jc.'lar jQtrt Tient, of men do that " «nd Keep you dry In Twa DtWeeawt Bpa s iaa • Bot I knew him for fiv. year» be the wettei! »«r I Utile Willie-Bay l«e wbat is a fore he ever mewttened the f*'t.**— SUITS »329^ IxMtisriiie Courier Journal SLICKERS’CC? of ND SWORD SALUTES, DINNER TOMBS OF • ** •>' e » • • •> HANDICAPPED »••••• « • » t b i Dr H. E Morris, • »V S- VIERECK, Tillamook Bakei y. I TOWERS FISH BRAND WATEHPPOOF CLOTHING ibas I Jah« 0 Tb» Eaa«er Way. "Do f'-relgnev» buy ma a y »f our Storks?" _ "Boma UauaHy though they prefer P, avqutra them by marr age ' t’Wte ttafl «I»«- POMMEL 3UCXUL •3C2 AJTbw»» Ca Towci U u 4A5-.»«< C c