TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. NOVEMBER 24. 1910 GRIDIRON HEROES. GROTESQUE NAMES. DEATH BOARDS. burdan» That Innocent English Chil­ dren Had to Dear. Curious Custom That Provails In East­ ern Bavaria. HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRYMEN’S SUPPLIR In the eastern half of Bavaria, says In England, as in utber countries, thousands uf people go through life a writer in lAe Wide World Magazine, Ones Who Never Win Places In cherishing a grudge against their par on the borders of Bohemia. Iles the so cuts for giving them absurd or tneou culled Bavarian forest. This part of the Football Hall of Fame. gruous names. It was most natural tlie country, although It boasts beauti­ that a demure and pretty girl in a ful scenery. Is seldom visited by tour­ suburb should feel rcsentfu.' ists. probably for the reason that the AND THEY WEAR NO “LETTER” north when she bad to answer to the name charms of the region are little known of Busybody, given In honor of the even 111 Germiiny. Tills part of Hitva- These Practically Unknown Men Are winner of a race fifteen yearn before. ri.-i has bwn In many ways untouched liy civilization, aud owing to its seclu­ the "Scrub»," Who Htlp to Keep the Among tbe names registered at Som­ sion from the outer world some very Varsity Team on Edge—They Play erset House are Airs and Graces and ! Nun Nicer, which were Innocently strange customs are still in vogue, the Game For the Gama's Sake. borne by two little girls who found strongly reminding one of the middle There is no royal road to a thorough them most embarrassing In after years. | ages. Gue of these strange customs, strict­ The appalling name of Wellington knowledge of American college foot­ ball. The preparation of the varsity Wolseley Roberts was borne by a ly observed by the populntlou. is the way In which they keep alive the eleven Is long mid hard. The mills of young man who. in disposition and ap­ memory of llielr dead by the erection pearance. was anything but militant. the coaches grind slowly, mil they of what are called "totenhreiter." or grind exceedingly fine. There Is noth­ ! nnd as little likely to win fame on “death Isurds." These lire wooden Oils. Paint, Varnish, Doors. Wine the battlefield as his predecessors Ar­ ing In store for much of the good ma­ thur Wellesley Wellington Waterloo plunks cut in the h I iiiih .- of tombstones Sashes terial that In the eml must Is* rele­ i'ox und Napoleon the Great Eagar. I ami roughly pnliitixl Sometimes tney Ì hey gated to the side line. 'These meu. bear also tin- Image of a saint, However, even these names, inap­ wrapped hi gray blankets, who line propriate aa they may be, are to be lire erecti-d—often in a row of thirty Hu- low fence surrounding tfie field preferred to Roger the Ass. Anna (slc> and more-on the roadside, ill fields mid meadows, near i-bafwls and cruel- mi the day of.the big game, are the Domini Davies ami Boadlcea Basher. Agents for the Great Western Saw scrubs. or second team men. To parents of large families the ad­ fixes. In the village streets In short. There is a paradox In their situation vent of another child Is not always everywhere; they are eveu milled to — their only chance for personal glory welcome, hut It Is scarcely kind to i houses nnd barns. They do not mark burial places, ns Iles In the defeat of the varsity eleven. ' make tlie unexpected child bear a tok­ There collie» a time In many a big game en of disapproval. It must be rather might be sup|s>se Manufacturers of lorn hope and has played a game tile affairs. The scrivener had his inkhorn ‘mid painted, but are simply deposited like of which has not been seen on the mid pen attached to it. the scholar Ills Just as they are at I he foot of some book or books, the monk his crucifix crucifix, where they remain uulouched field that season. Even scrubs take their triumphs and rosary, the Innkeeper bls tallies until they molder away. and their disappointments differently. and everybody bls knife. So many There are uot n few who are proud to mid so various were the articles at­ A REAL POISON PERIL have been on the second team 111 the tached to it that tlie flippant began to year that the first eleven swept all poke fun. In nil old play there Is men­ before It. They have no varsity let tion of a merchant who had hanging Venom of the Most Deadly Creature In This Country. 1er, but the discriminating know that nt his girdle a |Miuch, a spectacle case, One venomous creature there Is In they were better players than some a "punnlard." a lien and iiikhorn and of the varsity men of other years. u "hmidkercher." with many other this country which may Justly be There ale oilier scrubs who bemoan trinkets besides, of which a merry termed a public peril In the wildest tile fait I hat they were not In college companion said. “It was like a hab­ sense. Proportionately to population when the general average of the play erdasher's shop of small wares." In more victims full to it yearly In the ers was low anil they would have another early piny a lady says to her United States than to the dreaded been almost certain to make the first ■mild: "(live me my girdle mid see cobra in India. Some 12.000 Ameri­ im. lie it said, however for the that all the furniture be nt it. Look cans are killed every year by its bite. honor of the second team that In­ that pinchers, the peukn i',1, the knife Three huudred thousand more are stances of the latter ty|ie are rare. to close letters with, the bodkin, the made seriously ill from the after ef­ A scrub player learns the lesson of ear picker mid the scale be in the fects. Unfortunately the virus works self sacrifice. It I h his but to lx* walk case." Girdles were in some respects so slowly that alarm is stilled. The <-d over daily by the varsity, while like the chatelaines of more modern victims do not sicken nt once. The most of the Instruction mid en iiuragi- times, but they differed therefrom In bite is forgotten. but feu days or two The Best Equipped Saw Mill in the County. meut lire lavished on said varsity. being more useful, more comprehen­ weeks after the subject falls Into a As a rule, however, there comes nt sive In regard both to sex mid to ar­ fever. Ills blood is poisoned within New Macbinen Experienced Workmen and least one week In the Henson when the ticles worn, mul when completely fin­ him. Eventually in extreme cases he scrubs are pampered mid petti-d and ished more costly. It Is partly for this becomes delirious, succumbs to a stu b irst Class? Lumber of the Best Quality. made mill'll of The minify Is In the reason that we find girdles ts-qiieiithed por and dies. Yet because there js nothing horrific throi-H of n "slump." Is lagging, dis as precious heirlooms mid as valuable BIGURK ON plrltid and sullen. It I h then that the presents Io keep the giver's memory to the sensation loving Imagination In scrub team suddenly finds thm It green after death. They were uot in- the malaria hearing mosquito public Inertia or Ignorance tolerates It with a is being tmiglil In play the game Just frequently of great intrinsic value. grin and permits It to breed In city iih If It were to take the field as the and country alike throughout the first choice against the fix-. There Is The Price of a Life. length and breadth of the nation. a comb for nlmoHt every man. there According to Anglo-Saxou law, ev- are words of encouragement, much ery man's life. Including that of the Compared with It as a real menace all the combined brixxl of snakes, scor valuable Inslrm tion mid a new esprit king, was valued nt a fixed price, aud pions, ceutlpisles. tarantulas and other de corps. Under the new Inspiration uny one who took it.covld commute the pet bugalssis of our childish romanti­ the second team sweeps tin- Hugging varsity off Its feet, humiliates the first offense by a money payment upon a cism are utterly negligible, are as fig string players to the uttermost, « Idle fixed acais. The life of a peasant was ment to reality, as shadow to sub­ for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irrejuhntfl the coaehea cheer the scrub mid ji-er reckoned to be worth 200 shillings, stance. It Is perhaps characteristic of Foley’s Kidney Pills purify the blood, restore lost vitality and vigor. Refuse substitstd the varsity. At least once a season it that of n man of noble liirth 1,200 shil­ our wryly humorous American tem­ I m very gixxl to bo a scrub. fur at lings, and the killing of iu king involved perament that we should have invest­ Sold by Chas. I. Clough least once a season the scrub de­ the regicide in a payment of 7,200 shil­ ed the unlni|s>rtaiit danger with all feats and humiliates tin- team that lings. It lias been pointinl out that the the shuddering attributes of horror has proved perhaps a terror to all Its heir to the throne coulditlius get rid of ami have made of the real |>erll a joke Notice. outside rivals. Nothing has sueli n the existing occupant by murdering to be iierennlally hailed with laughter N otice I s H ereby - 'G iven ,— salutary effect on the varsity as Hie him and thereafter handing over the In a thousand thoughtless prluts.—Ev­ Tluit the County Court of Tillamook tine, according to the scale,, to the ex­ erybody's Magazine. eating of humble pie once In awhile. County, Oregon, will receive bids In late years the scrub Is getting chequer, when his offense'would be for the grading to a width of 16 feet, purged and Ids money would come more consideration than In the old The Drummer. in accordiince with the survey and days. Yet the men play principally back to himself, for in those, days the Drummers seldom pray npich. pny field Holes, that |K>rtion of what is for the love of the game and In order sovereign receive,! all fines asipersonal their bills, usually bate shams, dodge known as the RoCk Road, which to ¡iiuke the going as hard as possible lierqulsltes. There Is very little doubt touches, have warm hearts, quick wits, commences at or a lout Ore town for the varsity. Slicer loyalty aud the that these rough means were practi­ much uerve ami more courage, but are school house and ruus thence South­ ¿XPORT BEER tin III of battle keep them at It year cally applied In the rase of some rulers born scoffers. They bsve good mem­ erly to a point where the said survey of the Rock Road intersects the pre ­ lifter year. They learn fixitball from of England In tbeiprecouquest period. ories. much humor and a fund of KAISER BLUME sent road at or alxiut the Commons ground up. They see the big —London Telegraph. stories limited only b/ time. They can place, now the Kodad farm. ■» from the side lines mid, know- preach a sermon, lend in prayer, time Unsurpassed Non-Intoxicating Said Bids must include the fur­ l" signals, have a |x-ctillar advan­ Stavanaon Obliged. n horse race, umpire a ball game, make nishing of all tools and equipment tage over any other spectator. With Robert Louis Steveuson once went a stump speech and have an oplulon by the bidder (except the County­ MALT TEA. a knowledge of the signals one tuny the followiug quaint letter'to an auto- upon every known subject from prize­ road grader which the aucessful erltl, Ise the handling of the big team graph hunter: fights to the nebular hypothesis. —Com­ bidder may nsel and should be STAR BREWERY made at so much per rod. In the big game may more readily You have eant me a »Up to write on. mercial Travelers Magazine. Tl»e sueessful bidder will be re­ uuderatand the strategy of coach anil You have »ent me an addressed envelope. You have eent It me stamped Many have quired to give a bond for the com-I quarterback. Firmness. done as much bofore You have spelled pletion of the contract if awarded It I» this opportunity to aualyae the my name aright, and some have done Special Brew "When my wife makes up her mind.“ the same. big games, coupled with the cbaucs to that tn one point you stand alone; you said Mr. Meektou. "there is no use of All bids to be fied in the office of get practically as good coaching as the have sent mo the stamps for > my postot- arguing with her." the County Clerk of Tillamook Coun- rtce not the »tempo for you» What Is varsity, that makes excellent coaches asked "But every woman chauges her opin­ with so much consideration I take BOTTLED BV THE out of imtuy scrub players. Some of a pleasure to grant. Here, »Ince you ion sometimes." value It and have been,at the pains to these »eruiis have gone back to college "Yes. Ami Henrietta Is particularly It by such unuauag attentions—boro Tht County Court tenervi a the and turned out freshman teams that earn resolute wtieu she makes up her mind right Io the signature to reject any and all bids. By­ liaVe been able to tight the varsity to to change her uplulou"—Washingtuu order of the County Court. ROBERT' DOUD* STKVKN8ON n standstill mid so have aatiuilslie,) the Star. J. C. H olden . County Clerk. very coaches who taught them Them Calculating. A Healthful Town. have l-ven Instances of this at near­ “Why doesn't Mrs. Fllmglt stop Fine Dairy Farm “If this town 1» as healthful as you ly every big Institution In the east, quarrellug with her/husband a nd I get a Suda Watrnt. Slplhoiu*, Bartlett Mineral 386 acrea, lying 3 miles from say it la. why do there bap|x-n to be so Fometlm,-» the aervleoa of these ex- divorce?" Florence, the banking nnd shipping many doctors' signs Iu evidence? “ "She realises how,much more,of his scrutai have been eagerly sought by the of the district, with regular They are nearly all the signs of eye center veteran varsity coscbSB. and many a Income he would htave left after pay­ Ixiat to Portland. ony than*. ____________ thanyahe now allow» ____ him doctors. The people are so healthy man without a field reputation has ing alimony i»i acres is dyked tide marsh, all for car fan» andVluQcheK*'—Washing here that they stay up nights enjoying in grass nnd worth *3tX) per acre, | roved to 1« no mean strategist ton Star the climate am! Injure their eyes. “ — 41 a res tide marsh in grass and It la really these ex scrub men who Chicago Record Herald. not dyked, worth $1H) |»er acre. 216 keep up the high average of Interest Careless acres rolling l«encli carries4 million Iu the game. They are turned out feet of virgin timber, worth «tltzi- She—My little brother shot off his Evidanca of Faith. yearly at the rate of five or more to at lix-al mills in logs nt »At») ,«.r gnu this raomliyg. and the bull* went Mrs. Brooke — Have you any faith In >-(v»ry varsity player The varsity man thousand. Thia 216 acres after it ia may low- Interest in tbe game In after through my h.-dr Ho— How careless life insurance? Mrs Uvnnr—Yaw. in­ logged, will l>e worth »KII per acre of you to leaw It Lying around.-Ex- deed: I've real I z,-il »loo.OfiO from two rears. but the scrub practically never for pnsture nnd eqiple raising. buslstnds. and they weren't very good Fresh water trout stream runs it I» they who are tbe backbone of /■ ■ ■ ones either —Judge's IJbrary. through the tract. Fine building the pilgrimage* to West Point, and it A Previous Quaation. site, but no building. Only ; has cov­ null. etc., near building site. Total ***»• of ths gsme tn the college, »nd pn-eent value. »7u, .tn I want to ered Iu a desperate hurry - l*»ck Fln* .M»<-hine Work a S|»»-ciaH.T- sell and will take Cjnimn. with F»- .mt of them They play tbe game and /If yntiyat angry with a man ar'aro­ 1 » “*•» «nd lailance tong time with I hey watch It foe the games ««hr TILLAMOOK. OREG»'* man ina» up your mind what entriate Manufacturing sorrow to one of the 6 | mt cent interest. t New loch lYiot. J . and then dou't say tt woret uf «lus Gso. M klvin M illbr . • ■ ■ a mJ* I Box 30, Eugene, Ore. RANCE We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tjnware, Gl and China, ALEX McNAIR CO rillamook Lumber Manufacturing Compì H em lock LU MB ER KILN DRY FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISHED LUMBER. ALL KINDS OF MOULDINGS, We Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook County’s Most Famous Cheese. Columbia Bottling Co Astoria, Oregon- 4 < 4 4 4 4 4 4 Ik Tillamook Iron Work5 General Machinists & Biacksmi^ j this t et th» are a run tint ndoa r go' ta Intent t I tn aa «rabil allow».