NOVEMBER 24,1910 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, CLEVER RASCALS. The Fast Steamer Robbers of Naples as Daring as They Are Resourceful. GATE LDEN Mastsrly Manner In Which This Au­ dacious Rogue Pilfered a Church Furnishing Shop and Corded Up It* Teo Confiding Proprietor. eaves Tillamook for Astoria and Portland URSDAY of Each Week eight and Passengers ATES ADDRESS J. R. GLADDEN, Agent. tineas training school. Endorsed by business men. I whose graduates secure positions and hold them. penses low. School in continuous session. Send !ue. STALEY, Principal Salem, Ore The Best Hotel. E ALLEN HOUSE, J. P. AUDEN, Proprietor. idquarters for Travelling Men. Special Attention paid to Tourists. Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation FAMILY RECIPES. bars liesn In the habit of paying. I that we offer »on a eul>«tantlal aav- an i you < annot net better painleM , no lualler how much you pay. I finish i» I ate and I bri.lgu work for out- Iof town uatrona in B» day if doeire*!. al««* oitracUoa l[r*« »I*««» píales or bridge work is order Cflnfltihation free. Malar Crews« The valued family re cipes for cough and cold cure, liniments, tonics and other remedies have as careful atteutiou here as the most intricate prescrip­ tions. $5.00 00 »*4.00 1.00 1.00 22a Bridge Tfl«th4. 6 p M FUIlag« Esamei FiHiaffa .50 5.00 7.50 • .50 Silver Fillings Gwd Rubber Plate« Be«t Red Rubber _______ J Plate« uw gm M msms Pelale«« (str*tie« .5U w ninnt_____________ MKTMOO« Ir ■ ua ran teert fer Hft4*ea gear*. Our fresh, high grade drugs will help to make these remedies more effec­ tive than ever. Dental Co»,iae. inless Dentists tte* M* »H*Wta HMÎUW0, MK. • « u o « r It « to i Right prices assured. are also id Vou Ever Try FN NEW FEED AND Î1VERÏ HA KN, tot, give him a call. ng first-class. k South of P H arris , Second (j. Prop. CLOUGH, I I Reliable Druggist. A Household Medicine. To Im really valuable must show equally good results from each member of tbe family using it. Foley’s Honey and Tar does just this. Whether for children or grown person« Foiey's Honey and Tar is I »ent and safest for ail coughs and colds. Sold by C. I. Clough. Will Promote Beauty. Womeu desiring lieauty get won­ derful help from Hucklen's Arnica «alve. It baniahes pimplee, skin eruptions, sores »"d boils. It make« the skin sot. and velvety. It glorifies the face. Cures sore They Will Do for Yow eyen. cold sore«, cracked lipa, chap |>ed hands. Best for burns, scalds, will cure your backache, fever aores, cuta, bruise« and piles. »en your kidneys, cor- 25c. at Chan. I. Clough'n. ills fiary irregularities, build worn out tissues, and te the excess uric acid i»ea rheumatism. Pr*. ight’a Disease end Dia- $nd restore health and i- Refuse substitutes. >y Chas. i. Clough. King’s * Discovery aATMPAOTOny Var nnrwnx SCHEME OF ONE LONE THIEF. Shall Women Vote? If they did, millionn would vote Dr. King n New Life Pills the true rem­ edy for women. For baninhing dull, fagged leelings. backache or headache, consti|«ation, din(>elling colds, iinparting appetite and ton­ ing up lhe system, they're unequal ed. Easy safe. sure. 25c. at Chas. I. Clough's.______________ Mr. Otto Paul, Milwaukee, Wis.. ■ says Foley's Honey and Tar is still I more than the best. He writes us. I “All those that bought it think it is the beat for coughs and colds they ever had and I think it is still | more than the best erlain'aS*n«nnch and Liver Tablet» do not »ick-n or ini«, and may I k Ukrn with |«rf«1 aaietv bv the moot delicntr woman or the yosinirmt child Tbe old and feeble will also find them a mo“t anitable remedy for aiding and Mr-ngthen ing their weakened digeosion and for regulating thelmrrl* Rz » eale by Lamar'» Drug Store His name was Bignor Domenico Doc­ tor Dolcbinettl. and he was host In Rome. For a scholar with a degree he enjoyed his meals rather unre­ strainedly, but after tbe spaghetti and capretto had disappeared be used to slow his pace over the finocchio con vino and to straighten bis back, wipe bls mustache and begin his stories. “Napoli? Si. si! Naples? Bella clt- ta, beautiful, beautiful! And what thieves are they in Naples! It is the one city where you cannot lead a don­ key through the streets.” There did not seem to be much con­ nection between tbe«»e. and our puzzled looks said so. “Perche? You dare not lead. You must take him by tbe tail, for when the unsuspecting peasant lends an ass laden with panniers or onions or wood Into Naples before long he hapi>ens to glance back. and. behold, all is gone— produce, panniers, pack saddle, all filched. Thereafter he takes the ass by the tail and steers him through the streets that he may watch constantly. “Pol—It 1» all organized. Some years ago the leader of the roboers was tbe captain, Everybody knew him. When anything was stolen from one, one went not to the police, bnt to the cap- tain. “There whs a little music master came home one day and found his pi­ ano gone, a whole piano, aud no one in tbe house could say how. when or where It went. The little man was distracted. "Then he took heart and went to the captain and stood before him with his hat in his bands. He was just a poor music teacher. His piano was all he had lu the world. He— 'Go.' Bald the cap­ tain. 'At 6 thia evening you have your piano.' And about the time of the service that afternoon a wagon came to tbe little man'« door, and four men heaved out s piano, which they set In Its accustomed corner; then they drove off without a word. “Poi. tbe music man. went again to tbe captain's bouse aud began to thank him and to fumble about in his pock­ ets. saying that he did not have much, about 20 lire, all bls savings—22 lire perhaps. “What—twenty-two lire?’ yelled the other. ‘I. who am rich, whom men call tbe captain—22 lire to me! You poor’— And he kicked him down the stairs. "But the most remarkable robbery was done not by tbe band, but by a Neapolitan single handed. "One day there drove up to a church furnishing shop an equipage with two prancing horses and a liveried coach­ man and baited before tbe big win­ dows full of precious finery, A t>eau- tlfully dressed little signor alighted and asked to see the proprietor. He said he bad a cousin who would tbe next day be ordained bisbep and be desired to purchase appropriate gifts. First he would see a crozier. The pro­ prietor fetched a sui>erb crozier of sli­ ver. tbs crook of It gold, wonderfully chased and overwrought with carving. •' 'How much?* asked the well dressed titan. “ 'Five thousand lire, signor.’ '“Good! Tie it up and put It tn tbe carriage. And let me see also * miter. And again be chose the costli­ est, one frosted with sliver arabesques and bead«! with pearls. lie sat down to write a check for 8.000 lire altogether. But. no; be would see also n bishop's ring. 'How much was this one?’ •' Two thousand lire, signor.’ “ ’Good!’ And that. too. went Into tbe carriage with the miter and crozier Finally this princely cnatomer would buy a complete vesture and de< Idert on a figur«l alb broidered with cloth of gold from shoulder to foot. ' ‘Only.' be doubted, 'will It fit? But stay.' he said to the shopman; ‘you are a big man. almost as large as my cousin See if tbe garment will fit yoo.' Bo tbe proprietor put It on and stood clothed in magnificence from cravat to ankle '“Good! Beautiful! Only tbe waist. My cousin happens to be enormous of girth Suppose you put your arms at your aides, and I shall fix tbe girdle to include them That will abotrt equal my cousin's waist ' So be bu< kled th* belt tight about the proprietor's wrists and moved hack to survey tbe *ff«-t Bonn' Beiltosima' Most beautiful” be -rled And now. signor boon glomo” He skipped through tbe door. Into bis carriage and whirled downtown "At that 'Good day' tbe proprietor la* out one awful yell end bounded Into the Street Thief” be screech*« O, crashed Into astounded people, tripped In h’s golden skirts. roHed and «mid no* get up again "Poop*» woaM no* touch him. kick In« and frothing and trying to point -TMsf. tbW- would no* even look la tbe direction of the vanKMng ' erring* Finally th* pol»eo grabbod him 81« covered that be was tnaane and a rob her and hustled him to |*1»on Po* they let him go next morning Phils flelphta Ledger CAUGHT THE COINER. COARDING IN A CUBAN HOME Accident Spoiled an Ingenious Counterfeit Passing Schama, ▲ cane which shows tbe Ingenuity used in passing counterfeit coin is the following: A tailor, who also was a very successful coiner, bad a little daughter who was some teu years old She was being taught to play the vio­ lin. and twice a week she nent to have a music lesson at a house about a mile distant. Once a week tbe innocent little thing carried besides her violin case and violin a package cunnlugly secreted in the false bottom of the vio­ lin case, which contained some twenty or more pieces of counterfeit coin. Tbe music master, a rogue who was In tbe know, found no difficulty In ab­ stracting tbe package unnoticed by tbe child and in bis turn passed It on to a woman "fence." who agalu gave it to a male friend, who deliver«! It safely to tbe "ntterer." a woman again, al a street corner. the package lielug this time concealed in tbe false bottom of a canary cage. Thus It passed through six bands, and besides tbe man him- self only the music maater knew who manufactured the coin. The tailor was caught by an sed­ dent. His little girl let the violin ease fall in tbe street, tbe bottom of the case was smasb«l. and all tbe coins, done up in tissue paper, fell into the street. The child, much mystified, opened one of the little packages, and tbe glitter caught a policeman's eye. This mishap led to the instant arrest of the tailor, who confessed, hoping for a light sentence, a hope which was not realized. Among tbe coiner's stock In trade were discovered two works on chemistry, fourteen molds, two batteries, plaster of purls, two la­ dles, a melting pot. crucibles and a quantity of chemicals —London Tele­ graph. You M «st Not Mention Money, but You Pay All the Same. lu Cuba, where tuouey Is uot talked of, where no one is valued according to bis money. tbe need of it is never- lossless the sword banging over every home. Money—tbe luck of It Is evi­ dent everywhere, but tbe word Is uev er mentioned, writes Kate Iordan in tbe New Idea Woman's Magazine. "Be sure you do uot s|>euk of mon­ ey.” tbe Cnliau friend who had intro- < uced us bud said. "From her cousiu s brother-in-law I know tbe senoiw ex­ I pect» $15 a week for each of you. I'm this In au euvelopo with her full num« ou It. which you know means uot only her husbands mime. but all of her own family uumes. which I will give you. aud leave it where she will And it. It will disappear, but." said our Cuban friend proudly and sternly, "it will uever l«v mentioned ' To eat one's three meals under the summer sky gave a holiday flavor to what become* habit Our table was set under a palm ou oue of tbe gal­ leries. Our tlrst taste of tbe iced or­ anges of Cuba was a momeut to lie re membered They are peeled whole and so i lose tliat even the Juicy pod» are cut into a little. A fork is stuck into eai it orange, aud. resting In a bowl of I.e pm kid all uight. they are In the morning little globes of Iced liquid sweeim-ss. They are eaten while neld up ou the fork, on the pulp, the skele­ ton of tbe orauge being left impaled ou it. The Havana housekeeper believe« In having tbe cook, with the gravity of a prime minister. de|s>slt the food on the table, bnuuse to her point of view what is meant to lie hot should be as hot ns cayenne and w hat Is meaut to be cold of a polar iclnrss After tbe cook's triumphal bearing io of a fish other servHUt* are on baud to give minor service. An HENTÏ AS At! INVENTOR. Author's Rerarsible Boat That Was a Halfway Sucoass. George Henty. the author of boys' stories, is described In "Sixty Years In tbe Wilderness." by Henry W. Lucy, as the warmest heart«!, shortest tern- pered man in the world. "Before be found his true vocation in writing boys' books Henty tried various methods of supplementing his salary on the Standard. One was the recovery of tin from broken or disused utensils. For some months bls study was filled with a bad smell and serai* of broken tin. The smell was engen dered by efforts to melt off the tin from the baser metsl with tbe assist­ ance of a chemical compound invent­ ed by tbe operator "The next thing that attracted Hen ty’a attention and filled him with hope of fortune was the building of a re­ versible boat, bound to right Itself an tematically. He took room« up the river and. with some sssfstance from a village mechanic, built his boat. To a certain extent It proved an unquali­ fied auccees. At tbe slightest well di­ rected touch, sometimes without It. It would turn over, keel uppermost. with Henty in the river. Righting Itaelf was. as the French say. 'another pair of sleeves.' "Through some anxious weeks he waa frequently Ignominiously rescued by a passing boat and walked home, oozing water from pockets and boots In the end his landlady gave him no tice that she could not ‘be always mop­ ping up after him.' I fancy be gladly seized this opportunity of retiring from the boat building business " The I AN EXPERT BOOKMAKER. T T T. BOITS, -K ■*• • A ttorney - at -L aw . Complete set of Abstract Book* in office. Taxes paid fot non­ Residents. Office opposite Post Office. Roth phon*«. C arl ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, £>rnt«chrr Jlbvohnt, Office acroaa th* street and ourth I1 "» the Boat Olbct. Qj, BORGE WILLETT, A ttornky - at -L aw . Next to Tillamook Comity Rank, T illamook - O regon . '1 H. GOYN’E, A ttorney - at L aw . Office : Opposite Court House, T illamook , O regon T. I«‘ALS, M l)., PHYSICIAN SURGEON, TILLAMOOK ( Iftlre OI hi » o Hudding. Rcffidrnvt* : Mr*. ri»»*' Mm» Unlk Ona In Havana That Punlad a Chicago I Betting Man. “If you want to see expert bookmak­ ers you should go to Havana.' re marked a Chicago man. "They cer- taiilly have their business down fine, I went to a risk tig lit in one of tbe suburbs of Havana on a Sunday, Nearly ever.vtiody In that part of the town had turned out. “With two friends I got seats close to tbe pit I had never seen a cock­ fight. and I was interested. At the edges of tbe pit several natives were standing, facing the audience and yell Ing and waving ihelr hands. I asked one of my friends, who had been In Havana a short time, what they were doing. He said they were taking beta. Sure enough, the spectators were shouting ba< k at them, announcing their favorite« aud plai Ing their beta But tbe bookmakers were not using even a pencil. One of them. I am sure, must have taken fifty beta. “I watitl'd to get In on the game, so I decided to bet $2 on a black game cock that looked g<»>d to me I hand­ ed over my money, tint I didn't get a ticket. I felt sure I should never agsln a««* my money even If I had picked the winner Well, the main was fought, and my bled won I watched the book maker as lie went aiming the crowd, bunding nfltttey here and there When be came to u>e he handed over $10. I was surprised, bill he didn't notice It. as he was too busy cleaning up hl« «late. Finally I discovered through a spectator near by who could speak English a little that my bird had been I a four to one shot. Storiee of the Gravediggera. "How that bookie' ever kept all those Grimly humorous la tbe tale of the beta In his mind 1« more than I can Scottish gravedigger who complained understand "—Washington Boat that he did not get conatant work "But. Getirge.” «aid the mlnteter. "If A Tala of "Tipping." you were to be constantly employed In To tip or not to rip the peraon who tbe duties of tbe office you would eoou but due« hl« or lier duty 1« a queatlon bury tbe whole parish." re-ailing an Incident «et down In Wai "That mlebt he. sir. but boo am I to pole's reiulnlsceni e“ of bow a king onee keep a wife and family unless I get unwillingly enantlful !•<•» itors and lounging generally, while lb» poet The geutteman Mill rear portion 1» reserved for the worn “•Wbat I r« tei He .»» Turn from y ar many walk»—In tbrir gr*»t highwnye |4v«ent path Ta'rv goto «•» de 4<>ga of traB» -Jamao Milite la Fortnlgb'ly. —rblladel|«t la I'raae «•er/ H« nu«t*«nd Well I must say that all fools are no* dead Jri. Wife taffae bottata!* > —I'm gt»d '-f If danr I no* er look ver tn Mark -llluatratad Rita Th. OM «t»<-y. "DM Hardin« ke ban* k s mia fort «*• fka a a*»r «•• Etar-tly «ke »ne Ha temed M all « hte wMa.”- Jodfl» haberlach o/ M. KER RON, PHYSICIAN ifc SURGEON, C oncrktk B uilding * Oregon. Tillamcok, R. 1. M. SMITH, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, OftlQB otffr J. A Todd Mr Co., T i II hidoo I i , Orff. C. HAWK, PHYSICIAN * BURGEON, HAY CITY, OREGON. R. BEALS, HEAL EHTA'I’K, F inancial A grio , lillamock, Oregon. R. P. J. SHARP, RESIDENT DE H IST, Office across the »lieet iron- the Court House. Dr. Wise’« office. SARCHET, a . The Fashionable Tailor. Cleaning, Prtwing aud Repair­ ing a Specialty. Store io Hein» Photographic Gallery. WHITEHOUSE St SON, INSURANCI , I1RI*. MARINE. ACCIDENT, HON DS, Etc. T illamook O«aoo«$. Both Phone«. F S F howe A I fW < OWIN’« RS. ALICIA PHELPS, GRADUATE NURSE. MRS. PAGES TILLAMOOK, M A »Oh I C HOUSE. ORE. 1.0 01*1 N'r> 57, muta on fi»*ur- day M awch month in I (1.0 F Hall, a* 7 «0 p u> Faaxa »avaaaiat» * N H. V Muawa. »«.