TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, Statewide prohibition as provided KATES OP SUBSCRIPTION. for by «onatitutional amendment .STRICTLY in advance .) 1.50 was defeated by 17,846 in a total of «ine year........................................... 75 Six months....................................... fO more than 104,000 votes recorded on Three months................................. the amendment. The highest majority polled for pillandoli Ijeabligbt, or against any measure was on the bill providing that Baker County I should pay $1000 yearly to the judge the Eighth Judicial District in TAX AMENDMENT IS Of addition to the annual salary of $3000 received by him from the state. CARRIED BY 1655. In a total of about 84,000 votes there is a majority against the bill of 58,- Counties Empowered to 368. On woman’s suffrage 94,659 votes Choose Method. were registered and the amendment A SWEEPING CHANGE. was defeated by 22,259. NOVEMBER 24,1910 1 CHRISTMAS PRESENT. Par Excellence CHRISTMAS IS COMING ! In fact, it will soon be here, and we are gointr to place before the people of Tillamook a DANDY CHRISTMAS PRESENT which which they should not overlook. This present is contained in the property we are uow offering the buying public as “MAPLE GROVE ADDITION, the best that there is¡n TILLAMOOK CITY in first class residence property, with all of the improvements abso­ lutely guaranteed without further cost to the lucky purchaser who buys now. Time space and the expense forbids us going into detail regarding our SPECIAL OFFER and the MERITS OF THIS PROPERTY. We have at this time sold a number of the choice lots in MAPLE GROVE to conservative and progressive business men of this city. Ask anyone of the following what they think of an investment in Maple Grove Messrs' M. F. Leach, A. K. Case, Chester McGhee, T. P. Johnson, Omar C. Kiger, W. J. Stephens and others who already placed an investment and selected their lots in Maple Grove. But come in personally to this office and let us tell you WHY YOU SHOULD 23 Amendments Defeated. Legislature Deprived of All The following is the complete Power of Regulation--I$n- state vote on all defeated measures: I Womans’ suffrage amendments— teiing Wedge is Driven 36,200 Yes for Single Tax. 58,459 No Majority against ............... Compilation of the official vote on Constitutional convention (he various initiative and referen­ 25,427 Yes ....................................... dum measures, as canvassed by the No .......................................... 50,753 county election boards, reverses the result heretofore announced on the | Majority against............. 34,326 aiuend- Legislative districting county taxation amendment that meat — appeareil under tlie ballot number» Yea .......................................... 24,(»21 326 Ye« and 327 No. In«tea3, MB Legislature may «iiliniit such laws Bill creating the Con nty of Notice. Notice of City Election. (or ajiproval or rejection nt the Williams N otice is H ereby G iven , — That polls. Each county i« permitted to Yes .......................................... ., 14,555 N otice is H ereby G iven to the .. 63,991 within sixty days from the date of regulate taxation within it« liorilers No ........................... legal voters of Tillamook City, Ore- I said notice it will lie unlawtul for ns it Hee« tit. The levving of poll Majority against ............... 49,436 stock to run nt large, under penalty gon, that there will be a general tax is |irohil>iteregon No said notice it will be unlawful for 07,970 es 40,20» stock to run at large, under penalty of said city, and one Water Com­ o 41,022 Majority against ................. 53,874 of Ten dollars for the first offence missioner at lurge. Bill for the support and main- The said election will be held in the 7,587 tenance ot the Ashland Normal and Twenty dollars for each and every subsequent offence, in the City Hall in said city, and that C. K. Yes .. . 38,473 Precinct of Carnahan for Tillamook Reynolds, Frank Severance and R. No . ... 48.571 County. State of Oregon, according 1- Wade have been appointed Judges I .■«», km M 4(1,043 Majority against ................... 10,098 i to a vote taken at a General Election thereof, and Robert'Watt and E. D. duly belli on the 8th day of Novem­ Hong clerks therebf, and that a Prohibition amendment caucus will be held at the Opera Yes................... ........ I ber. 1010. 42,433 No . ................... 61,271» In witness whereof I have here­ House in said city on Saturday, November 20th, 1910, at 8 o’clock Majority against ......... 17,846 unto set my bund ami seal of said P. M. for the puqioae of nominating county this 17th day of November, Prohibition law— candidates for said city offices. Ye« 42,649 1910. No Done by order of the Common I 63,564 Council at Tillamook City, Oregon, I Majority against..................... 29,915 Not Sorry for Blunder. November 21st, 191(K Employe«' indemnity commission Majority for , i.raa bill "If my friends hadn’t blundered T. B. H andley , City Recorder. I — Hume rule liquor bill Yea 32,2C! in thinking 1 was a doomed victim es ................................. 52,461 No ., 51.725 of consumption, I might not bealive u ..................................... » 014 now." writes IX T. Sanders, of Bar- H examet hylenetetr amine. rodaburg, Ky.. "but for years they Ia the name of a German chem­ Majority against .......... 19,493 Majority for................. . ,. ♦,5<7 Bill creuting the County of Des­ aaw every attempt to cure a lung­ ical, une of the many valuable in­ Employers’ Liability Law rucking cough fail. At last 1 tried gredients of Foley’s Kidney Rem­ chutes e« . aa,Mi Y'- .................................... The edy. Hexamet hylenetertramine ia 18,110 Dr. King’s New Discovery. O .................................................. 33,32» «° .................................................... 61,342 effect was wonderful. It soon stop. recognised by medical text books _____ |>ed the cough and I am now in liet- and authorities as a uric acid aol- Majontv ugainst 43.233 ,*’r •>‘‘«••11 than 1 have hail for years. vent and anti-eeptic for the urine This life-saver an un­ lake Foley’s Bill providing method for creating T '*‘‘ wonderful ” ------- “ 1 is ----------- Kidney Remedy rivaled remedy for couglis, colds, la- prumptly the first sign of kidney rw| t new counties— 37 (KH *r>gg‘‘. asthma. croup, hemorrhages trouble and avoid a serious malady Yea ................... ai '- kit wl,«s»l>ing cough or weak lung«. Sold by C. I. Clough. 49.657 No ..................... "”_2_ j KV.. $1.011 Trial tsittle free. Guar­ 33,451 Majority against ., Both Speedy and Effective. VÄ1 anteed by Cbas. I. Clough. Majority for .... .......... 11X21» Official gaiette bill I-arge Office, Dining Room aodJI-adies' I’arlot- Thia indicates the action of Foley Gt Kid road« amendment — Saves an Iowa Man's Lite. Yea ................................. . 27,950 Best equipped Hotel in Tillamook County- c* . ........................................... The very grave seemed to yawn Kidney Pills as S. Parsons. Battle ....................... 51X873 No 52.317 ladore Robert Madsen, of Weal Burl­ t reek, Mich., illustrates: " I have 32.852, afflicted with a severe Majority against .................. 24,361 ington. Iowa, when, after seven lieen of kidney and bladder 18.023 Pro|M>rtional representation amend weeks in tlie hospital, four of the case beat physician« gave him up. Then trouble for which I found no relief I ment »as allown the marvelous curative until I used Foley Kidney Pills. 43,253 Yea 37,681 o 41,374 No 44,958 IMiwers of Electric Bitters. For. af­ These cured me entirely of all my I was troubled with ter eight months of frightful suffer­ ailments. Majoiity for . ............ 1,679 Majority again«! 7,W7 ing from liver trouble and yellow backache* and severe shooting Three fourths jury amendment— jaundice, getting no help from other ' pains with annoying urinary irreg- The steady use of Foley -... 44,545 remedies or doctors, five laittlea of I Good Results Always Follow thia matchless medicine completely Kidney Pills rid me entirely of all » ........................................ 3R.SI7 The use of Foley Kidney I’ill«. cured liim. Its positively guaran­ i my former troubles. They have my Majority for......... .............. 3,238 I hey are upbuilding, strengthening teed for Stomach. Liver ór Kidney highest recommendation. " Sold by } and maithing. Tonic in action, troubles and never disappoints. ! C. I. Cfough. Prohibition Bill Vote Heavy quick in results. Sold by C. I. Only 5Oc. nt Chaa. L Clough's. The greatest number of votes cast < lough. Dressed ia •IHack sad Yellow ' on str) measure »«• on the pn hi* I am pleased to recommend Not "Football Colors" but the ”1 do not lieliexe there is aa«J any oth V Lhamlarlain liitlon law, which received a total , .................................... - \ . IIHIIIIKIIHin X v Oligli Kf llinh MM ill as 1 lieat — —. * —S « thing 4 — * a* s t 1 Cough k_ a Remedi * safest “ as color of the cartoon containi g Fo- I er medicine so good for whooping the know of and of more than lilKOl» The l> II ia Isy a Honey and Tar the best and I Rrmwlv wr ¡"I'wrr "i." * £*»**' T"?*» ’ W * "'“t'"*- “>•’•" •>"<• I ron. «•fest cough remedy for all coughs defeated by 31,91.5 Approximately I Kimeilx. writes Mrs. hranci» Tur , chini troiitdc," writes Mr» I It ; ."*n' Y°*‘**’ n<‘* •c' epf » autiati-1 Ibi« rem Arnold of Denver. Colo We ha“e ]!,*■> tote* fewer than those ran, pin. Junctio I t uy. Ore lute but see that yon get the genu lor candidates lor Governor wete •di is also un«i>r|M»aed for colds used it rej>eutedh sud it lias never HH‘ holey » Honey and Tar in a •Thir'» ' b> Ut“r ’ relU" (Hilled on tin* bill. wi,h b,“‘ h Ti)U>-»o..k < •>rug store. Lamar’s Drug Store. 3 I iLc.T bjr C. 1. (. lough. Rollie W. Watson, Uz Nolan, J. S. Stephens, W. G. Dwight and Wm. Curtis for particulars. Call at Once and let us show you the.lots Steamer “ Sue H. Elmore MOTOR STEAMER OSHKOSH Tillamook & Portland Sail Every Tuesday and Saturday Couch St. Wharf, Portland. That’s All TILLAMOOK, OREGON. New Furnishings—Modern Fixtures- Centrally Located. Hot and Cold Water on Each Floor. Meals 35 and 50c. Beds 35 cents and up accorcli®€ Room. p. w Todd, Prop. R. H. Todd, Mflr HARNESS, COLLARS, etc. You Use We Sell W. A WILLIAMS s ’ ■ y ‘ L UR