tepori of the conditioù of the 1MOOK COUNTY BANK, City, in the State of Oregon, at the ¡e of business, November 10, 1910. RESOURCES. Ifacounts....................... ••• Secured and unsecured .. ted, etc tse, furniture and fixtures ktate owned .................. ■ • Inks (not reserve banks) [proved reserve banks • • • [other cash items................. . .............................................. $245,441.71 73.98 72,365.24 4,817.28 5,141.03 2,095.13 33,782.89 422.40 40,493.58 ..................................................... $404,633.24 LIABILITIES. >aid in............................................................ ....................................................................... brotits, less expenses and taxes paid........ rs and bankers ............................................... leposits subject to check............................. ftiticates of deposit ........................................ rates of deposit................. L.k ............................................................ at»..................................................................... >osits ................. ‘.............................................. >ther than those above stated .................. 30,000.00 1,500.00 8,391.81 2,135.79 238,279.95 4,405.69 50,828.89 38.00 3,892.36 64,085.21 1,075.54 $404,633.24 I Oregon, County of Tillamook, SS. in Harrison, Cashier of the above-named bank, do [wear that the above statement is true to the best of Hge and belief. E rwin H arrison , Cashier, ibed and sworn to before me this 23rd day of No- 10. O. Mills. Notary Public. Attest : M. W. Harrison, H. T. Botts, Carl Directors. [OOK JOTTINGS , eye specialist 1 ill's home made mince I typewriter, cheap.—D. Ivered, $10.00 a ton. D. • [skins was in from Foley r (wing wanted felt. by Mis. * Monday, to the wife of i a girl. fnt by the sack or the ). L. Shrode. • Sunday at Beaver, to the Curl, a daughter. the beat kind, at the Lumber Mfg. Co. . Kiger returned on the tn visiting her mother. -Three Milk Cows, good •tto Walther, Hemlock. • rba and son Emmanuel rn from Blaine this week, ks and suit cases, call on mal, the Popular Price i, 52*4 X 105. for $1100.00 »lock 10, Park Addition.— Price paid for Hides, Fur- Pelts. N. Melchior, Till- ». • laag, of Beaver, was |in rday doing business with ants. doors can be obtained illamook Lumber Mfg. • «by. . ». cheapest and best paper town. Leave orders at uith Co. • II is baking at night and lupply the demand for her le bread. — A Tailor's Shop, in I City.-Apply to G. W. imook, Ore. • »ring on th« Golden Gate *on were: Mr. and Mrs nd Mr. Patterson. iar’s ariety Store, • UaMAR, Pre. oeated in th« RHOOK K E HOTEL«. op in and book Around.” J GOODS on ©eh boat. on Thursday evening. Hbrner Da viB und Elizabeth Schmidt.of Garibaldi. For Men's and Boy’s c’othing, shoes and furnishings, come to Morris Schnal’s, the largeJf exclu­ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 1910, Grand formal CHRISTMAS OPENING, to which we extend a cordial invitation to our friends and patrons—bring the children —greater than ever will be the elaborate display. Do not miss the treat we have in store for you. Every department beaming with Yuletide gaiety. Plan to be our guest Saturday, or you will regret it. sive men’s and boy’s furnisher in Tillamook county. The game of foot ball played on Thanksgiving, between the Tilla­ mook High School and the Dramat­ ic Club resulted in favor of the for­ mer with a score of 11-O l Marriage licenses were issued the past week to Christian Olsen and Ethel Blazer, Homer M. Davis and Elizabeth Schmidt, and Elie Stein- i non and Ella M. Courier. The American Boy is positively | the best paper publiwlied for boys. Send$1.00 for one yeur’s subcription for yourself or your boy to L. P. Arrant, Monmouth, Oregon. * Frank Goyne, a brother of T. H. Goyne, is visiting with relatives here at present. He arrived from Alaska, where he has mining inter­ ests, on the last trip of the Elmore. A new patent, just invented, isan alarm clock, which needs winding every eight hours. It alarms every rAorning. Come in and see it at Howard Wahlen’s, leading jeweler. Snow Drift flour, $5.90 a bbl. and $1.50 a sack. Lighthouse flour, $5.40 a bbl. and $1.40 a sack. Im­ perial flour, $5.75 a bbl. and $1.45 a sack.—W m . C urtis , The Grain Man. * Have you seen the Giant and Big Ben Alarm. Clocks, and also the Perry Jones has returned from Eight Day Alarm Clocks, the most the Nestucca, where he lias been wonderful inventions this year for employed as bridge builder. sale by Howard Wahlen, leading Get your doors and windows from jeweler. The members of the IT. B. Church the Tillamook Lumber Mfg. Co. You save money by doing so. * and Sunday School met at tlie church Wanted, a girl to work in the Wednesday evening and spent the Enterprise office, at Nehalem. time socially, becoming better ac­ Board furnished at private home. * quainted with each other and their pastor. How about that old summer suit? A strong southwest storm came Have it dyed by the Tillamook Steam Dye Works for winter use. * up on Saturday morning with a heavy rain. This lasted until nearly The city caucus for the nomina­ noon on Monday, which caused the tion of a city ticket wiH be held on rivers and sloughs to overflow and Saturday evening at the opera house. covered the bottom lands. Just received a line of ladies’ 14 Eugene Jenkins has had a large in. high top water proof shoes. imitation watch, with electrical at­ Morris Schnal, Popular Price Cloth­ tachments placed on the iron post ier. x in front of his jewelry store, which Ikies that suit need pressing? If adds much, not only to his store, so take it to the Tillamook Steam but to the street as a whole. Dye Works and have it pressed Dr. Kerron reports Morris Schnal right. * to be the proud father of an 11 lb. See Mrs. Shrode for lessons in boy born Tuesday,the 15th. A Rabbi painting. A sample of her work is expected in from Portland thia may be seen at Jenkins' Jewelry week to make the young child tit Store. for life according to the Jewish The past week John Brant sold to rites. Nr. Dayton a lot and house in Sun- Star brand precess barley, $1.20 nvinead, the consideration being a sack and $31.50 a ton ; oats, $1.85 $1000.00. hundred, $3ti.00ton ; bran, 96c. sack Just received a beautiful line of $29.50 ton ; mill chop $1.06 90 lbs. neck wear. Come in and look it sack, $22 ton ; shorts $1.35 80 lbs. over. Morris Schnal, the Popular sack, $33 ton.—WM. C urtis , The Price Clothier. »- Grain Man E. T. Haltom is confined to bis Thursday being Ladies' Evening home with a severe cold, contracted at the Tillamook Commercial Club, while returning from a business the members and their wives and trip to Portland. friends spent Thanksgiving at tlie Mrs. S. Viereck and aon returned Club rooms, when a social time was The ladies served to the city on Tueaday, having been enjoyed by all. on a visit to frienda iu the East for refreshments. several months. The Ladies’ Guild of the Presby You can find a nice new line of terian church will held a sale of goods at Mrs. Wade's millinery fancy and useful articles Wednes­ parlor, just north of The News day afternoons for three weeks, at their rooms oveT Psge Bros.' furni­ office in Bay City. • ture store. All sre invited to in­ The two months old child of Mr and Mrs. Everett Leightona died at spect the articles. Judge Geo. H. Burnett, who had thefr home in thiacity, Tueaday the been holding court in thia city, left 22nd, of pneumonia. for Salem on Monday evening, hav­ If that suit needs to be pressed ing Closed his lust term of the cir­ fur the dance or show, phone the cuit court in this county that after­ Tillamook Steam Dye Works and noon. The judge baa many warm they will come after it. • friends and aduiireis in Tillamook. Born, on Saturday, to the wife of There will be preaching next Sun­ W. S. Buel. a aon, and the County Superintendent ia disappointed that day morning by the Rev. S. G. Fin­ ney at the Presbj terian church and it was not a school marm. Sunday school st 10 a.m. AH are Lost, a Airedale Terrier, answers cordially invited to these services. to the name of Clackamas. Please Owing Io the union service there inform superintendent at Fiah will be no service in thia church in Hatchery and receive reward. the evening. It is a pleaaure for Howard Wah- The ^newlyweds. Mr. and Mrs. len, the leading jeweler, to show Verne Knight, received a tin show you his gooda. whether you blit or er at the home of Verne's cousin. not. New gooda arriving daily. Virgil Knight west of town. The Team for aale. 2B1D pounds. Good evening was spent so« isbiy snd it and true. Also two new wagons is hoped the msny gift* will be of for sale. Enquire of W. II. Puri in help in starting the young people or D. L Shrode. Tillamook. Ore. . aright in life. A writ nt review was filed tn the Charles Lowden. Jake Miller and circuit court in the caae of Frank Krick Miller were bound over to the Hannenkratt and H C. Ka) a. which I Grand Jury for kitbag fiah with dy­ waa tried in Justice Stanley'a court. namite in the Wilson River, their Chm Samlsor. of Portland, has bonds I eing placed at $500 for esc h. been engaged by KeldaouR Cardiff, Another man by the name nt Fisher painter« in thia city. He arrived was discharged, as there wee no Frklay morning on the Trask stage evidence against him These parties Mamed, at the M. F. partonage. Hve near Hillsboro, in Washington by the pastor. Rev. H R wsliebory. Santa Claus is Snooping Around, For sale, bouse 6 rooms, large wood house, all out buildings, all in good order, 2 lots 5J x 105. Price $1350. Inquire at the Headlight Office. County TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Go to F. S. Wliilehouae & Son, list of buildings which failed to pro­ the leading ngents, for Bond, Acci- vide fire escapes and floors flu nk­ ient and Fire Ins'itance. as they ing outward, and from the long list write mire than three-quarters of it is evident that few building are the insurance written In Tillamook complying with the law. The owners County, because they are better are to l>e notified io make tlie necse equipped than any one else in the sary alterations. The sum of $1(M) business was appropriated towards improv­ It is announced that the first ing Stillwell’s piny ground. through train over the Pacific Rail­ The long expected biq p ned ! way A Navigation road will be run About 2,UX>,(XXIft- of logs came down May 1, 1911. Probably the entire I the river in the recent freshet, from population of Tillamook Buy will be 'tic Salmonberry nnd I'jipet Ne­ singing: ‘'You Must Wake nnd halem w.iteia. The logs begin Call Mr Early, Call Me Early, Molli coming down st 9:(X) p.m., and con­ er Dear” and Portland will beat tinue I to run until the fiJlowmg A large number of people were down heavily on the chorus.— Ore­ morning At times the river was one solid mass of logs and debris early seen sampling the hot coffee ami gonian. biscuits at King A Smith's last Sut The first free rural route from in the morning, >et no effort was urday. There were over 70 who Tillamook City will be established made on the part of the contractors registered and many who did not. ooTuesdfty, January 3rd, 1911, dally, to cutch them, and they went down It is hard to tell which, but either with the exception of Sundays The the bay on thu sand spit near the the material used or the cook or salary of the mail carrier will be tiar. The mud tints opposite the both are deserving of much praise $810 per annum As this part of old Cronen place and Armstrong's the department ia under civil service farm also, were covered with logs for their quality. that liivl been driven in by the The Golden Gate arrived in port rules, an examination will be held strong southwesterly winds that at 1; 30 Friday morning. She brought in thia city on the 17th of Decemlicr. I swept up the bay, and it is ea in the following passengers: Roy Elihu C. Soule was arrested Mon timated by those that saw them I-ekich. Mike Miker, John Hart. Mr day by Constable Dawson, charged that there wak fully 1,500,000 fekt of Simmons and wife, E. A. Polson, with wife beating. The case waa logs scattered over the flats at the Mr. Tockerage, O. Herbert. Grant bnought before the Justice Court for time. Theae were also carried Foster, O. Goyne. She also brought i hearing Imt was withdrawn as tlie down tv the bar by tlie tide when in a large amount of grain and hay parties were in the habit of quarrel the wind subsided in the afteineon. ing. on the stipulation that they It ia the intention of the J. W- for our merchants Tlie Elmore left port Friday morn- . separate and the defendant leave Sweeney Construction Co Io pick The ing with freight and the following the county* on the next boat. them up, but it may coat consider­ passengers Mrs. Bergstrom. WAV. ! reason that Mrs Soule had her hits-j able money to do so — Nehalem Spangler, Agnes Tittle, «Mrs. Gor- band arrested war that she needed i Enterprise jenson, A. Arenson, Jacob Gorjen- protection. Hard Times Social son, John Gorjenson, Ernest Tyler 1 The wet weather the past week and wife, A. Gilliert, S. L. Bigelow. hua caused nearly all the streams! A hard times «octal will I* given Owing to the storm she did not get I near town to overflow. Monday fry the ladies of the I’resbyterian out until Thursday morning. | morning it w as impossible for Prof < htirch, at Bay View Hotel, next At the Methodist church on Sun | E O. Munson to reach hie school ut Wednesday evening, to which all day there will be Sunday school at I Wilson. Lamb’s dock was under sre cordially invited. 10 a. m. and preaching service by the I water and the town was threatened Notice pastor, Rev. H R Salisbury at II I with darkness because of the water o'clock There will lie a union see running into the fire Imx st the Not«« i I* JlilRKHV OivkR, That vice at 7.30p.m., in which the C hris light plant Monday nfternoon. The I have taken up and impoun«1e<4 one gray stallion, weight about tian, Presbyterian and I'nited Bre­ wind blew the electric wires together I |gll lbs , limned Prime Almo, said thren churches will participate. putting the town in darkness for horse having been taken up by me Rev. B. E. Emerick will preach. half an hour at a time, Sunday in Tillaim ok ( tty, < hegon, on lb» 21st day of November 1910. «ml AH singers are invited to be present night. that I will, on Hie 2VOi day of No- Pratt, of Seattle, Wash , I vemlucr, 1910. st the hour of 2 Two hounds, about three weeks A. W. ago. chaaed a buck deer from the was in the city last week. He came o’clock |> m , sell said horse accord, ing to the provision of Ordinanre to near the life saving here with the ides of looking over j N>> *9. of Tillamook City, Oregon : Miami station, on Garibaldi beach, and the field With the prospe« ta of put aai* held st l>»w»««n coming to the reservoir on the hill, ting in a milk condensing plant. , HroHiers' livery stable, in said city. W T K imhall . all fell in and were drowned It w»a He found this an ideal location in < il y er«h»!. about two weeks after before the regard to the large amount of milk | Dated postad November ¿2nd, 1910. dead animals were found by the produced in the vicinity of Tills | life saving crew, who went to the mook City and say s they can pay , Tram fur Bais. reservoir to clean it out. The hair more for milk at a milk condensing , For Sale, a nice young team of on the deer was coming off One of factory •• • rtieese factor? Imy mares Apply to F N ElMc.t. the bounds belonged Io Lou Smith. He has made a propoeition •" I“’’ sms aanam» Opera House, two nights. Friday » plant by forming a «ornpany. or Fur would do so himself if guaranteed , and Saturday. Dec. 2nd and 3rd. tin I The Invincibles met on Friday evening and had, as nsua), a fine program, after which the social committee took charge of the me< t ing and entertained the visitors in such a way that they were all con vinced of the good which is being done by tlie debating club. For the information of those who desire to become rural mail carrier for the free rural delivery from Till amook city, an examination will take place in this city ou December 17th. but.np|»Hcationa must l»e made Io the Postmaster of this city ten days previous to that date. i Dramatic Club will present, nndei sufficient milk the direction of H J McCowell. the At a meeting of the city court' il funny comedy, ‘'Noliody’s Fool on Monday evening. W J Stephens This play is intended to make yo« and Ijiurftiim A Johnson made ap laugh . other plays have been con pin ations lor «almn licenses, but stderrd funny, but fpr.real plg»U this was continued until the next some fun there are none that com m -eting Tlie matter of di«|wneing pare with "Nobody's Fool. '' Knjo> W,th tlie arc lights and entering fr s good laugh, and you’ll feel bette t > a new contract with the Light and see liftman entirely new hgh» Company to furnish the city with Doti t miss aeeing this play It's a I more small lights waa again taken good one. Tickets ere now selling up and referrvd to a committee A at Lamar's Drug store In prepar- committee from the hose com|>nny atioa now is the greatest American walU l on the city coumd with a play ever written. Aruosa " I W»rn«r Grand Htutio in • Tht« tnatruiuenf some oak fintati ia ('mettraU,». ne w r and ran b* had an 1 •* art in< iud at ’ | sc __ bottom land {•rice call on i«orge R Or«