Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, November 17, 1910, Image 6

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The Same Price to every buyer,
whether he is a Capitalist, Rancher,
Lawyer or a Little Child.
One price to all, and one price only.
No other single thing has done more to build up our ex­
cellent business than the confidence inspired by the fact that
we have but one price.
Many years of careful buying of the best goods obtain­
able are placed at your service, and you will find in every case
that our price to you are right.
If you want evidence as to the advantage to be gained bv
trading here, we can offer none better than the fact that our busi­
ness just grows ami grows, and our customers are well pleased
with the quality and the prices of the goods we sell.
All we ask is compare quality and prices with any store
in the county, and remember you will never be asked or be urged
to buy at this store.
Our Ladies Tailoring
Is at Your Service.
We ure pleased to announce that we have opened a Ladies’ Tailoring De­
partment. \ on can now have your c'
made-to-measure to suit your taste
at prices that will fairly astonish you.
1 hey will be made in Chicago by the
American Ladies' I'ailoring Company, We have hundreds of the latest fabrics
and all tilt* newest fashions on display. Come and see us today.
TO ORDER vourfLi
• store
all the details
An experienced fitter—right in our
will take your measurements,
peculiar to
i 2 •
------- '.— — * ........ *nre. Your garment will be man-
C r at.
uilom in one of the hnest shops m America under éxpert supervision
Hni®hed garment will be ready promptly for your try-on and inspection, then
hkW ma" ,a.’,on,'K "111 bring out every line and detail ofyour figure
tluti >ou can know the joy of wearing high quality tailor-made clothes.
Satisfaction Assured.
Have your clothes made to fit your
figure, and to accent your individu-
alitv, and you ure certain of
S,-Vle’ .*’*• fabric and tailoring are
guaranteed by ourselves and the American Ladies' Tailoring Co. of Chicago.
Low attention
11 iH i,,t o'^U^T.))^
,ere‘'t*ng to know that
..... £ Lh.sive
I get o garment made to your measure ut reasonable prices?
♦ 13.50 and ap.
5.50 and up.
7.00 and up.
♦ 10.00 and up.
12.50 and up.
Our Fashion and Fabric Display
Do not miaa this remarkable exhibition of all the latest styles and hundreds
Of new shades
snaoes anti
such as the best dressed woman will wear"“
and patterns suvli
..a style «nd fabric for you in this marvelous display
Such 7welTi of 1^2
■nd fabrics has never before been shown.
" °f 8^,e*
•‘Wets’’ Carry the County with a
Big Majority.
The official count of the election
in Tillamook County was completed
on Saturday, with the result that
the entire Republican ticket was
elected ann the county went "wet”
by a big majority. A. G. Beals lost
the county by a few votes, but lie
carried Yamhill county, having a
majority of 500 votes over Kunze.
Judge Galloway was re-elected,
and Percy Kelly, of Albany, is the
other circuit judge elected.
Elmore, Pro...............
Hawley, Rep .............
Sherman, Soc...........
Smith, Dem ...............
Bowerman, Rep.......
Eaton, Pro ....... .........
Richards, Soc...........
West, Dem...................
Secretary of State.
Benson, Rep ..........................
Davis, Pro...-..........................
Me Donald, Soc..........................
Oliver, Dem..............................
State Treasurer.
Butler) Pro.........
Kay, Rep ....... ......................... .
Otten, Soc........... ,.....................
Justice of Supreme Court.
(Four year term.)
Bean, Rep ....
Bright, Pro
McBride, Rep.
Myers, Soc....
Ryan, Soc ....
Slater, Dem. ..
Justice of Supreme Court.
(Six year term)
Burnett, Rep
Jones, Soc ..
King, Dem..
Moore, Rep.
Ramp, Soc
Attorney General.
Brix, Soc-.............................
Crawford, Rep .................
Supt. of Public Instruction.
Aiderman, Rep........................... 683
Hinsdale, Soc
......................... 160
Horner, Dem................
Steel, Pro........................................83
State Printer.
By lander, Soc.............................. 153
Duniway, Rep ........................... 747
Godfrey, Deni...................... .292
Com. of Labor Statistics.
Curry, Soc.................................... 178
Hoff, Rep .................................... 713
Houston, Dem ......................... 257
Com. of Railroads.
Me Lain, Dem.............................379
Miller, Rep ................................ 713
State Engineer.
Koob, Soc ............................... 237
Lewis, Rep ........................
Division Supt. of Water
Division No Oue.
Judge of Circuit Court.
Bayne, Dem................................ 266
Galloway, Dem........................... 099
Kelly. Rep.................................... 56«
Van Winkle, Rep....................... 457
Representive. _
Beala. Rep......... ,........................ 568
Kunze. Dem................................ 590
on receipt of
your addreaa.
Tells How to Make 178 Kinds of C»V«
Cakes of all kinds for all people
are best made with Royal
Church of Chriit
United Railways to Complete Road
The great revival closed
into Tillamook in 12 Months.
coming forward. $5,000 we
In the Oregonian of the 9th Mr. for the new building. Al
Endeavor Society of set
Stevens says:
“We shall endeavor to complete members was organized. ihe
the United Railways to Tillamook did chorus of over a hand»
and the Oregon Electric to Eugene continue the work, plans I
within one year, and to do so will been made to secure Mrs. Ort
probably require the awarding of vin Linn of Seattle, Wash.,«
some contracts this winter. At the instructor and clioius du
present rate of progress on the The Bible School has 004
United Railways work, however, it present quarters. We haven
may require 18 months to complete the Oddfellow's Hall in whit
Loyal Men’s class will meelk
the Tillamook line.”
The Loyal Woma
On the United Railways, con­ present.
struction is now in progress between meet at the Parsonage, the«
Burlington, the present terminus, school at the church. Wort«
and Banks, and when completed it new church buildiqg will be,
will extend the railroad to a length once.
of 24 miles. The total distance be­
tween Portland and Tillamook will
To the Editor, Tillamook
be 72 miles by the United Railways
route, but construction will prove light: —
Dear Sir, —It is to l>edeplorei
heavier than on the Oregon Electric
extensions. It will also be a differ­ the Powers of iniquity are 4
ent type of railroad from the Wil­ enough to force the salooo i
lamette valley electric lines. Expense the good people of thiscotnf
is not to be spared in avoiding State, as evidenced by the mi)
grades, and curvatures, for rapid vote at our last election. Hon
transit is one of the main features at law-abiding citizens, wed
sought on the beach line.
A to the will of the majority. 1
running time of two hours between the future outcome of the la
Portland and tlieocean is promised. reign of terrorcreated bytfces
In the 24 miles now under con­ it may not be out of place to,
struction is located the mile-long the words of a man who knew
tunnel at Cornelius gap, oil which he was talking about: "I haW
work is being pressed as rapidly as the wicked in great power. ip
The road to Banks, it is ing himself like a green tree i
expected, will be completed with native soil.
But one pMI
the exception of the tunnel, and in and, lo, he was not: yea, I k
operation within a few weeks. him but he could not be fos
Temporarily the west end of the line (Pe. 37:35,36.) We are caeti
to Banks will be operated by steam but not discouraged.
and temporary tracks will be used
We wish to extend toy*
over the gap. Contracts have been Editor, our heartfelt thank* 1«
let for electrical machinery costing liberal space freely granted t
about $96.61«) and construction has your valuable paper in
begun on a jierinanent sub-station have, for weeks past, spoken
to replace the temporary station at people upon the saloon and
Another sub-station tendant evils. We feel underi
has been located at a point near the obligation to you for the»
tunnel known as Helvetia. Orders service you have rendered.
have been placed for two modern
Most sincerely yours,
coaches to give additional equip­
T illamook M inistekul
County Judge.
Blanchard, Soc...................... 3UI
Mason, Rep............................. 025
Crenshaw, Rep...................... 938
Scovell, Soc ........ ................. 281
County Clerk.
Holden, Rep ............... 1028
Karr, Soc............... .............
Allender, Soc........... . ............ •¿a
Martiny, Rep.......................... 984
Hawk, Rep...................... ......... 642
Henkle, Dem............................ 510
County Commissioner.
Farmer, Rep.......................... 1010
County Surveyor.
Davis. Soc....................
Jackson, Rep .........
Justice of ihe Peace and
Conatablea. Second District.
Asp, Soc ........... _.............. .. 54
Sheets, Dem......................... ’’ 253
Stanley,. Rep....................... ’ ’ 374
DawSon, Rep............... ;......... 520
Fourth Justice District
Both Speed.' afld
Miles Warren Justice and John
This indicates the actio"
Is the name of a German chem­
Ixingcor Constable.
ical, one of the many valuable in­ Kidney Pills ns S. Part»»
Third Justice District.
gredients of Foley’s Kidney Rem­ Creek. Midi, illustrate»:
I.W. Hiner justice and J. M. Baker edy. Hexamethylenetertramine is lieen
recognized by medical text books case of kidney :,n“ .
First Justice District.
and authorities as a uric acid sol­
Jos. Effenbergcr justice and Matt vent and anti-ceptic for the urine. until I used Foley Kranj?.
Olson constable.
Take Foleys
Remedy These cured me entirely « .
I was trvnN"
promptly the first sign of kidney­ ailments.
Port of Tillamook.
trouble and avoid a serious malady. backaches anil «evert
H. T. Botta and D. Fitzpatrick.
pains with annoying unsso
Sold by C. I. Clough.
Port of Nehalem.
ularities. The steady u* “
Not Sorry for Blunder.
W. C. Hawk and Gua Nelson.
Kidney Pills rid me entire:
“If my friends hadn't blundered my former troubles. TI*J
Port of Nehalem.
in thinking I was a doomed victim highest recoin mendatios.
H. V- Alley and G. Neilson.
of consumption. I might not lie alive C. I. Clough.
Stock Running at Large.
now.” writes D. T. Sanders. o£ Har-
There is little <1
rodsburg, Ky.. “but for years they
Carnahan precinct yea 5, no 26
saw every attempt to cure a lung- or from nn attack of the ft
Hebo precinct, yea 20, no 47.
«cking cough fail.
At last I tried when followed by pneu* ,-k
Local Option Vote,
Dr. King's New Discovery. The this never happens wb"“.
Against. effect was wonderful. It soon stop­ Iain's Cough Remedy 1»
41 ... .... Si
ped tbe cough and I am now in bet­ remedy has won its gres
Braver .......
31 ... .... 25
tar health than I have had for years. and extensive sale by it*
Blaine ........
19 ... ... 10
This wonderful life-saver is an un­ cures of colds and grip
Barnegat ...
4 ... ... 25
rivaled remedy forcougha. colds, )a- relied upon with imp!*«
Carnahan ...
1» ... ... 12
Kriffge, asthma, croup, hemorrhages For sale by Lamar s mta
Dolph .........
2 ... .... 4
whooping cough or weak lungs.
Chamberlain « Stoms^**
Fairview . ...
2» .., i«. 87
3ftc., fl. 0(1 Trial bottle free. Guar­
4 ... ...... 10
Tablets do not *u ken tri
14 ... ... 34
may be taken with per™»
Hebo .................
.* ... ... 27
the most delicate •>
Hoousrton ...
*» ... ... 120
youngest child ^heoM
Ijttie Nestueca
. P*e If*7 «rave wmr,| to yawn will also find them » ■»
28 ... ... 35
Nehalem ......
before Robert Madsen. of West Burl­ remedy for siding“*"
32 ... ... M
Netarts .........
ington. Iowa. when, after »even ing their weakened
« ... ... •
Sandlake ........
17 ... ... 8
,n ,*he hospital, four of the for regulating the I owe»
South Prairie .
beet physicians gave him up. Then by Lamar s Drug dote
® ... ... <0
was shown the marvelous curative
75 ... ..185
powers of Electric Bitters. For. af­ Dressed in ’ Black
21 ... ... 29
ter eight months of frightful suffer­
Not "Football V***L
Total ............... 454.......... 70S
ing from liver trouble and yellow color of the cartoon co«
jaundice, getting no help from other ley’s Honey and Tar
The policy have discovered a man remedies or doctors. five bottles of MfeM cough rr,ttr<
m"tch leas medicine completely and colds. Do not Xx*r^.
leaning agamat a corner building
its positively guaran tute but ere that
who had been dead three hour» 5°/?- ’° "»!"•
r Momich- lj*er or Kidnev ine Foley's Honey 1
All things come to him who waits" I
nerer diksppoints. yellow carton with
I Only Mk. at Chas I. Clough.,
Sold by C. L Clough-