TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, has gone to Salem to live with OK JOTTINGS sons, who own property there. NOVEMBER 17, 191Ô her ! The Sue H. Elmore came in on Wednesday with the following pas­ sengers : Mrs. Leach, Fred. Sender and wife, Mrs. R. E. Arenbreeal. Mrs. Schmidt, it- Kiger, Mrs. Jenkins, Albert Schmidt, James L hl will do the baking Word, Mr. Hollister. Come.—K ing ration of Quick Meal A marriage license was issued on Hay. Nov. 19th. A hot Thursday to Wm. P. Hadley and I Coffee Guild of the Presby- and a red hot They were mar­ h jryone. will hold a sale of Allie Hollander. Come. —K ing leful articles Wednee- ried that evening and after the cere­ *a at their rooms over mony was performed the bridegroom furniture store. All are was taken by several of his friends and locked up in the city jail for a fpect the articles. short time. »on has been arrested Lloyd Kays, whose leg was broken 'ass, having failed to two weeks ago while playing foot­ er of the court to sup- a bench warrant huv- ball and who is being eared for by Dr. Kerion, is reported as improv­ ed by the circuit judge, ing nicely. The broken limb is lugtit back by a Ueputj knitting as well as could be expect­ ed and if he continues to improve difference between LiL- as he has been, it will not be long and the imititioi . before the cast can be taken off his 'lute the other is green leg. 1, tile World's best, tor The eteamerSueH. Elmore left for Howard Walden, l.ead- Monday morning with Nehalem and Tills- Portland the following passengers: ' J. H. Hopfield, C. E. Buchanan and wife, unthly meeting of the Mrs. A. Baker, Frank Elliott, A. R. ty last Ihuraday night Chatfield, J.S. Buxton, MissDevipe, was appointed to ap- W. W. Sears, Forest McGregor, T.E. Hie City Council to usk Epplett, Lina Epplett and J. W. Till­ tiding of lire eacapea otson. She had also cargo of cheese >rge building, of the and fish for Portland. iate reached this city There are quite a number of men who are out of employment in the city, and their prospects for getting work does not look bright, unless the saw mill starts up again, the clos­ ing down of which cut off a large pay roll, as well as throwing a num­ ber of men out of emplQyment. At I Libbey's is engraved present, the outlook does not look i Cut Glass. Don't be very bright for much going on this tie cheap imitition cut winter for thoke seeking employ­ ley’s. World best, is only ment. riowurd Wahlen, Lead- A letter was received by T. E. ir, Nehalem and Tilla- Epplett the past week, from his « wife's brother in Colorado, stating id process barley, $1.20 that Mrs. Epplett, who went there I $31.50 a ton ; oats, $1.85 some time ago for her health, had »U.UUton; bran, 95c. sack, begun failing instead of improving | mill chop $1.05 90 lbs. as was expected, and that she was in ; shorts $1.35 80 lbs. in a very critical condition. Mr. ton.—W m . C urtis , The EppleOt and daughter Lina left on the Eiinore for Colorado to be near ■ Olson, representing the her as she is not expected to live ^■sivinga and Loan Asso- until spring. he Upper Crust. Upper will be used for our monstration of Quic k L Flour is lurnished Jo. Biscuits and coffee fay, Nov. lvtb.—K1N0 & Í in on Wednesday, to I^Btlie county and to report are looking for open- they can find profitable ■k». ^■h coat of cement on the ■al Building was torn off ■reek and the building is ^■nistied. The reason for ^■isli breaking off was be- ■cement that it was mixed The George-Taylor Evangelistic Co., of Los Angeles, consisting of Geo. W. Taylor, Evangelist, Mrs. Carrie Beale-Taylor musician and singer, Paul B. Taylor, boy soloist, of Los Angeles, and L. A. Wagner chorus leader, of Chicago, are ex­ pected to commence a Union series ! of meetings in this city about the 1 15th of December. , Arrangements have been made for the use of the ? ■‘dead.’* Commercial Building on Main 1 ■inter will speak on the Street and by the time the company ° ■ subjects next Lord’s day: arrives, the preparations will all be ■iter the Revival, What?” complete. ■le Human Sympathy of Two crowded houses witnessed I ■ Everything will be done the performance by the Dramatic ■lo se services worth your Club on Friday and Saturday,when M.E. H oven , Minister. ‘‘The Convict's Daughter” was the Bi'al union Thanksgiving title of the play, and the manner in K>( all the churches in the which the amateur theatricals play­ ■ie held at the Church of ed their parts brought forth seve­ Thursday evening, Nov. ral well merited rounds of applause. llisbury, of the Methodist This was the beet play presented by will preach the sermon, the club. The next play will be the luaic. Everybody invited. J great comedy, “Nobody’s Fool.” (This play will be delayed one week llamook Bar Association. from the regular time owing to the Circuit Judge Geo, H. members devoting their time to the I banquet at Todd’s Hotel practice of football, as a game is to I V evening, at which Attor- T. Botts presided. The lie played on Thanksgiving day be­ tween the Dramatic Club members >s highly complimented by and the High Schoo). neys for his long and valu- rices on the bench. ras started on Tuesday last The Golden Gate is Voder [ Management. the right of way for the m tht depot to the water hich Walt. Wood lias the and which is to be com- |n three months. He will hak : out the bridge to get Captain Hosford, who han been a successful steamboat man on the Columbia river for 25 years, bought a third interest in the Golden Gate, with the understanding that he was to have entire charge of the running driver through. of that vessel. It in two yearn since •dies forming the Shakes­ Captain Hon ford wan in thia city, lub bad their monthly meet- •nd since then he has been anxious Friday at the home of Mrs. to get into the coast trade. Became toat, several invited guests in on the Golden Gate on Sundry, resent and participated a , but did not have time to stay over . ------ ,-------- in ------- Ooyable afternoon Spent to-1 to meet ihe business men and ahip- Mre. Groat served a daintyr- ■ pern, but will do so later. Captain kbich was enjoyed by all. I Hosford inform« ua that he will put 1 the vessel on a five days schedule, rit Sunday, at 2.30 pm.. at lentist church, the following and it will be his aim to give the •Rte of Brother Olson will be Shippers and farmers a square deal, r the word oi God : 1st, No the same as he has done on the Col- ____ utnbia river ao’many yeara, and ” until Penticoat ; 2nd, for The lost and restorZl by Camp' I where he •erer*1 CHRISTMAS PRESENT. ____ Par Excellence.____ CHRISTMAS IS COMING ! In fact, it will soon be here, and we are going to place before the people of Tillamook a DANDY CHRISTMAS PRESENT which which they should not overlook. This present is contained in the property we are now offering the buying public as “MAPLE GROVE ADDITION,” the best that there is in TILLAMOOK CITY in first class residence property, with all of the improvements abso­ lutely guaranteed without further cost to the lucky purchaser who buys now. Time, space and the expense forbids us going into detail regarding our SPECIAL OFFER and the MERITS OF THIS PROPERTY. We have at this time sold a number of the choice lots in MAPLE GROVE to conservative and progressive business men of this city. Ask anyone of the following what they think of an investment in Maple Grove: Messrs. M. F. Leach, A. K. Case, Chester McGhee, T. P. Johnson, Omar C Kiger, W. J Stephens and others who already placed an investment and selected their lots in Maple Grove. But come in personally to this office and let us tell you WHY YOU SHOULD BUY A LOT IN MAPLE GROVE. OUR PLAN IS THIS : We are going to GIVE YOU A CHRISTMAS PRES­ ENT, one that you will look back too with pleasure and profit in time to come. From the 1st of December until the day before Christmas I am going to divide my selling commission with you. This means that you get a present in proportion to the amount of your purchase on a lot or more in Maple Grove. The price on all lots from $190 to $700. The terms are from $50 to $100 cash, and the balance on a payment of $10 per month. I am going to give you a present of from $10 on a $400 lot up to $17 50 on a $700 lot. This plan will only be allowed to those that take advantage of this offering from the 1st of December until the 25th December. 1910. Make selection of your lot now and get your choice while there are many to choose from. We are under contract with the owners to sell Twenty Lots out of Sixtv-two Lois in the tract: after Twenty Lots are sold out of Maple Grove the balance of Forty-two Lots all advance in price to future purchasers One Hundred Dollars on the lot. Now is the time to investigate this Christmas offering. Rollie W. Watson, Uz Nolan, J. S. Stephens, W. G. Dwight and Wm. Curtis for particulars. Call at Once and let us show you the lots. «TA Answer to Correspondent. conditions looking threatening, he phoned in from Portland not to ship T axpayer , Nehalam. It ie un- them. It was fortunate that he did, jimt to attempt to blame or cast re­ ¿'"‘the vessel was caught in the flection on any of the county official* 8tornl after 8hecrossed out. and had for the drowning« at Nehalem, and for that reason we must decline to the hogs been on board they would publish it. Ami for the further reu- have endangered the safety of the Hon that those who take desperate vessel. Every time that the vessel chances of fording a river when the ; water is eight feet deep, are alone ' was struck by a heavy sea, the hogs re»|>on«ible for what accidents that i would have piled on one side, nnd might follow, and for the fact that with 30 heavy hogs in that position the county officials have expended I it is doubtful whether the vessel a great deal of money in recent ! years upon roadH and bridge» at could have righted herself. Any­ Nehalem, something which that way, none of the hogs would have part of the county was deprived ol . for many yeara until Commissioner lived through the storm. Alley did some hard huntling for these improvements in the north Singer Sewing Machine. end of the county, and for which lie is deserving of considerable credit Now is your op|»ortunity to get machine that will last you a fife a_____________ time, on easy monthly, payments Knights of Pythias Bold Banquet that you will scarcely miss and On Monday the Knights of i no interest. I personally guarantee every ma­ Pythias of this city were afforded chine and will keep it in repair free the pleasure of an official visit of charge. Your old machine will be taken from their Nehalem and Seaside brethern. In anticination of this as part payment. Machines delivered at your home, visit, the Pythian Sisters had been on free demonatrntion trial. aaked to aid in the entertainment Call in and see the New Singer Off B urdett S hipman , Tillamook, Ore. and their part of the entertainment Whalem’a Jewelry Store was certainly well taken care of. After a brief session of the lodge, which showed so many Knights in P ot Sale. attendance that the capacity of 30 acres of rich Nehalem river bottom land. For particulars and Todd's Hall was taxed, the Knights price call on or address the owner, were ushered into the splendid George R. McKimens. Nehalem, banquet that had been prepared by Ore.________ ___ the Pythian Sisters, and for an LF hour delighted themselves with the Notice. delicacies that were Laid before N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That them. The banquet hall was ele­ within sixty days from the date of gantly and taatefnlly decorated and •aid notice it will be unlawful for the repast nicely served to the end. stock to run at large, under penalty that the Pythian Staters fully lived of Ten dollars for the first offence up to their reputation hospit • nd Twenty dollars for each and able entertainers. After the ban­ every subsequent offence, in the quet, all adjourned to the lodge Precinct of Carnahan for Tillamook room where music and dancing County, State of Oregon, according were enjoyed to a late hour, when to a vote taken at a General election all departed, unanimous in their duly held on the 8th day of Novem­ declarations of having enjoyed a ber. 1910. moet splendid evening. In witness whereof I have here­ unto set my hand and seal of said Team for Sale. county this 17th day of November. For Sale, a nice young team of 1910. J. C. H old BN. Connty Clerk. I bay mares Apply to V N. Elliot. * salvation ,he Pre*ent *•“« *■<•<«» *" rirer 'd. No baptism no salvation, itation is extended to _.i He will hustle for business itation is all .-.service. toi ' and intends to kept the steamer on M and hear. »•»x. jw>n|/ < »»tvii r Portland w linn’* hum • the jump xrv between and Till- ’ •" moved into him amook. remaining in port only long Stray Calf. For Sale "Jener. i^en.r He is having a enough to load and unload. Being A stray calf. red and white atwxit Grand Piano in s hand .-a —.!*** l,r,re, experienced in the steamboat bust •ix month« old has been on John Werner . with the other modern | new. he will set a lively gait in the Zurflueli's place at fleaaant Valley. •ome oak finish Thia mat rn ment »>«»e one of the handling of freight and passengers. Owner please call for same is practically new and ran be had at low coat Stool L------ an 1 at ari melad houses • for a weekly service ia altogether too Good Results Always Follow ». Such residences add to •low for the needs of this county, The use of Foley Kidney Pill* ed Call and see it at mmervial value of the land which could J ob T bbrdk h a, be obviated if They srr upbuilding strengthening and soothing. Tonic in action, ‘lghborhood. The Pop Ca|n Palace- the two transportation rrsnpsniM quick in results Sold by C. I. Igehats Olson and Non« and would change their schedule« Clough________________ Stray Calf. with Rev V. E. Hoven’s wile •o that a steamer could leave “I do not believe there ia any oth Mher. were taken to Sheri lan f Portland Tueadava and Satur­ er medicine an good for whooping A stray Jersey heifer calf. al>o«tt ►•day by Will Harns. The days. One thing which Captain cough as Chamberlain's Cough dials go to Sumner. Wash.. Hosford did two weeks ago which Remedy. ” writes Mrs Francis Tur •ix Month» old. ha» been on H H pin. Junction City, Ore. Thia rem­ ffsye» place on th* Saadlsk* road 1 Meetings. Mrs. V E Horen showed ------------ - good >■— -—— '¿.',-¿1 judgment. Finding edy ia also unsurpassed for