TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. NOVEMBER 17. 1910 I Executor * LIKED THE FRYING PANS. High School Flashes. George W. Phelps vm . Srethna S. AN EQUINE JOKER NOTICK I- HKkKhv I ,,, Phelps and Allen H. Wilson. Fore­ The debaters have at last started .'ndi«n* Found an Exciting Ute For the County Cour! ..line stM-JW closure. Continued. Countv ot 'I'll',.:!..... k Wj with the tryout work for the teams. Sculptor Ward’s Modal, Lex, Saemod to Cooking Utensil*. un.Ur.igned, tlx euxator Have a Sanaa of Humor. Nicholas Job vs. Claude and Es­ They expect to put out two teams I and tealanxiu HENxynTjj The Indian, however averse be may telle Thayer. To Reform Deed. and any ..nd .,11 The late J. Q. A. Ward, the sculptor, t lie year and will neccajarily need »aid .state are keJ? Default and decree without cost. found great diversion In watching the be to auy kind of useful labor. Is not again»! present then. th, J. R. Harter vs. H. H. Hathaway. all the practice possible. There are tricks aud peculiarities of the horses slow to avail himself of a new source »dice in Till... o»t office health. plaintiff. joker. That was Lex. a horse of tbe not beeu diminished. Thinking that F. Lewallen and I*. J. Brown. The mook Oregon, did. on the 1«,„l Railways Company, a cor United The Ciceronian Society met Fri­ blood of tbe Immortal Lexiugtou. perhaps be bad not diaeburged his I9O9. file in this office SwornStiiJ vs. A. J. Provuost and day and gave their second program grand jury returned only two in­ Application. No 02040. I sm S “I-ex was of a splendid type. He whole duty In the matter of supplying SH'4 uisi N E ', s w Section hl >voost, his wife. Condem­ dictments, one against J. H. Beach for thia year. The music, both vo­ stood for me for much of my eerly Uncle Sam's wards with these culinary 1 North. Bl nge 9 Wevt. WauJ for embezzlement, and the other nation. Continued. dian. and the timber thereon J work. Somehow be discovered that a utensils, the agent began uiaklug spe­ provisions 01 the act of June 3 3 George H. Williams and James cal and instrumental, was good, against Frank ¡.eitheiser for assault table on which I worked was easily acts amendatory known u 3 tlie recitations and readings were Walton Jr. vs. J. W. Brown and cial efforts to iuduce the red meu to tier and Stone Law.” atsurt ..3 i nd battery, while one "no bill” Sarah J. Brown. To Reform Deed. well rendered and the debate was shaken. It was a Itourd on trestles so use them. be fixed by uppr.nscment.aartZl arranged thut tbe position of tbe board against Carl Possetti was returned. Default and decree. At first it was bard work, but by the to such application, tlie iau4J very interesting, those taking part have Ixen appramd al The cases against E. T. Haltom, D United Railways Company vs. in it holding up their side of the might be altered to almost auy augle. time he bad given out about two dozen thereon tlie timber estimated 1.20014» d J. Dunn and Lloyd C. Miller, wlio Sarali McMillan and N. M. McMillian urgiiinent with good tulk, bringing When I .ex saw I was busiest he would there came u sudden change. Not a at S.ftO per M. ami the land ||d said applicant will offer final her liusbaild. Condemnation. Con­ slide slowly uud silently to tbe side were all sued for large sums of tinued day passed in which the agent did not port of lus application and ar»nJ their points clearly. of tbe table and turu LU bead tu have have applications for at least a dozen, on the 28th day of November N money, because they hap|»enen Goldie White vs. Leon White. manager consented upon the con­ Jecta. which he at first supposed to be to purchase said lands, Sixtaenth Century. tide and uvenimi pleadings. Divorce. bowlders, descending the side of the the highest price ottered, providrt^ Disease uud the dog were believed ditions that we would play if able made in good faith, and alsopd J. W. Sweeney, S. S. Hlauinmer John H. Clark and Nelly mountain toward them with tremen­ is that the land will not be sold wig to get our squad together for prac­ to walk together la tbe sixteeutb cen­ ami Isaac Blaummer, partners do­ zard and Antje C. Clark vs. therefor accepted for less than H dous rapidity. tice, aa a number of our men had tury. The terrier tbeu wus as much ing business under tbe firm name I.atourette. the Board reserving the right s To Quiet Title Insteud of fleeing from these moving ucre, a suspect as tbe rut today. In plague any and all bids. Said lands «1 and style of the Sweeney Construc­ tin ued, threatened to quit playing the Tillamook County Oregon, aaifa times be bud only to venture Into the objects the Indiaus simply applauded in tion Co., vs. Joseph Effenberger, us as follows. J. J. Hurlburt vs. Lloyd C. Miller, game. street to court deuth. Here is uu or­ and shouted. Soon be saw other ole Justice of the First Justice District Damages. Non HUit on motion of Tide lands fronting wnd abuttnji of Tillamook County, Oregon, and plaintiff. The two societies are working at der Issued by the authorities at Win Jects like the first descending, and In a No. 5 of Section 4, T. 2 N„ R. 101 J Beginning at a point where ttofl Omer Bush, Writ of Review. Con­ short time the whole situation was line between Sections 4 and 9. T !H J. J. Hurlburt VH. D. J. Dunn, present to raise money for the im­ Chester in 1583. which Is typical of the tinued on motion of plaintiff. W., intersects the high water oil Damages. Non suit on motion of provement of the Gilford Stillwell rest: “That If auy house within this plain to him. Bay. located S. H9° 51' W. 4754.IM Hirum Eudus vs. The Tillamook plaintff. Having selected a long, smooth slope the corner common to Section* 3,il Park and have divided the money cytle shall bapjten to be Infected with County Bank, a corporation, ami 10 and running thence : of the mountain where there were no the Plague, that thene every peraoue Ellen Long vs. Frank L mg. Di ­ promised last year for the building «9° 51' W.. 1637.7 feet to I .lean II. Johnson. Action for or to keeiie within his or her bouse every stones, the Indians had converted It Default and decree. line. 1 money. Jury trial and a verdict in of a gymnasium on the bc I ioo I bl* or her dogg uud not to suffer them Into a soil of earthen toboggan slide N. 12° 26' E., 651.3 feet alongtoq m Barker __ vs. Roscoe Barker luvor of Tillamook County Bank. line. grounds. These old subscriptions and Willie Barker. Partition. to goo at large. And if any dogge be and were utilizing the frying pans ns N. 17« 59' E.. 677.U feet along to Andy Nolan vs. L. A. I.eMiller, In tbe mutter of the citizenship will be taken in charge by the stu­ tbeu founde at large it shall be luwful toboggans. Seating themselves In the N. M9 line. Agnes Fitzpatrick, Adininstrutrix W 51' E . 1350.3 feet to higi ” ' Con dent laxly, and those who promised for the Beudle or auy other person to pans, they grasjied the handlea with line. oi the estute of E. A. Fitzpatrick, of Arthur Newton Ertl.ine. S go u2' w 346.9 feet along ii| tinned to next term. both bauds; then, crossing their legs the money will be seen in regard to kill tbe same dogg aud that auy owner Deceased, and Chester Stuart. line. Foreclosure. Settled. State of Oregon vs. E. F. Tyler. whether they will still give the of such dogg going at large shall lose over their arms, they went spliiniug Ä. OU° 49' W.. 936,1 feet along to| line to place ol beginniag, M down the slide with great rapidity. C. F. Singinatrer, et al vs. P. J. Forgery. Jury trial, which wus un­ amount or whether they would like U shillings." 43.9 acres. Sharp and B. O. Snuffer. Action! able to agree, and oil motion of tbe to double it. Among the records of King’s Lynn, The agent let them have the few puns Applicationsand bids shuald ben If you have not been tor money. Jury tiiul with verdict to G. G. Brown, " Clerk Ulate LaSI under May. 1585. appeared this: “ For that remained In the storehouse, but district attorney the case wus dis­ visited by one of the hustlers yet, Salem, Oregon and marked A»* for defendant Sharp. as muche as It bath pleased Allmlgbtle. did not order a new supply.—Harper's and bid to purchase tide lands” .1 missed. make up your mind to give some­ is. eak the miraculous Word that dors of tbe I’eunsylvaula Academy of I am prepared to for Oak Nolan vs. M. 11. 1 arsen, M E. State of Oregon, according to a vote tbe Flue Arts with ber pluce uex A Mean Trick. his servant might lie healed, at the exact thing that Leach, administrator of the estate taken ut a General Election duly held held at elbow length, evidently ad ­ Being anxious as to bis prospects in meet the needs of the < which Christ exclaimed be had not ot Mary Larsen, deceased, et al, miring some of tbe works. Although one of bls early attempts to euter par­ tliat the) * Tillamook County Bank intervening on the Sth day of November, 1910. Remember 1" seen so great a faith in all Israel. In witness whereof I have here ­ the gown that she wore was very ex liament. Ilerltert Samuel consulted bls us defendant. Foreclosure. Default guaranteed lor one y* There is no complaint against the anil decree. pensive, It did not show good taste, agent, who said the chances v. ere not unto set my hand uiul Heal of «aid and I a in here I» ™* bible, but it positively is not the ami a single glauca would couvluce them good, •• Traveli*»* J. R Hurter vs. J. W. Cupit. County tins Ittli day of November, rosy, because he was a "carpetbug­ Word of God. When Christ said one that she was of tbe class known ger.” kirs are not.” Foreclosure <>f Tax Title. Default 1910. und decree. Mr. Samuel thereupon promist'd to J. C. lloi.DEX, County Clerk "Lazarus came forth," he came aa the "newly rich." Rollie W. Watson vs. Miami I.um forth, the bible had nothing to do An acquaintance accosted her with live in the division If he were success­ her Co. Action tor Money. Defend about it. All the miracles of Christ the remark. "1 didn't kuow that you ful. and trills were Immediately posted Siiiiultuueoualy with what Col. mil's motion to make complaint were aueb an admirer of curios. that "If Herbert Samuel Is returned more definite anil certain was over­ W atteraon cull» the decadence of were accomplished by that unseen Mr*. ----- EVE SPECIALIST, i next Tuesday be will come to live g ruled Verdict tor plaintiff for $lfitl the American Republic u new one power, the Word of God. The bible "Ob. yes. indeed." she repiled; ”1 just here.” is only a partial history of tbe Word J. R. Hurter ve John G. Schmidt is springing up in Portugal. TILLAMOOK • OR»** delight In Inlqultlse." — Philadelphia Some of the other aide, however, foreclosure ot Tax Title. Default of God, in fact a man might read Time*. Pcllegra ia »aid to come from the posted one of these bill* on a pigsty. und decree. .. ....................................... - the bible all his life without becom­ Mr. Samuel did not win the election. Iv IL Colli», A. Ilonhani »nil Kate uae of moldy cornmeal baked and ing a believer in the word of God. Th* Lady ar th* “ Tiger?" — London Telegraph. Bonhmn vs. W. S. Cone. Eject­ eaten without trimmings. Corn- "For thia they willingly are ignor­ “Will you ba my wife?" ment. cakes made of wholesome grain, "Thia la ao sudden!" S. Sliiffiminii vs. State of Oregon. well buttered and with maple syrup ant of, that by the Word of God the Taking Hia Medicin*. “1 know it. but will you?" heavens were of old - - ■ and by the Wnt ol Review. Judgment of will not suffer in reputation. He found hi* hair was leaving tbe "1 must have time to couskler.” Justice'» court revrrseit und defend name word are kept.” The Word of top of bla bend and took his barber to ant ordered * to retiniti to plaintiff Boxing is now mile a part of baa­ (¡oil is the most ini|>ortant part of "How much time?" task about It. the inoney collected on the Juilg ing in (eimile seminaries. Our wo­ OPPOSITE THE ALLER *** “ An hour. Would tbe suspense drive “You sold me two bottles of stuff to the Christian religion. Throughout uicnt. men will soon be utlitotic enough the whole bible the omnipotent you frantic?" rnuke this liulr grow." Pearl K. 1’helpn vs. George W. Stillwell Ave. " "Nope. "Han't tbe suspense, but If “It Is very strange It won't grow Corner Phelps, Petition for aup|Mirt. l*e- to stand up in street cars without I lower of God is invested in his St. West, and lx>th PM** you are going to turn me down 1 complaining. fendunt's motion to c «trike out Word. Because we could not live want to know it and get away in time again.” Interrupted the barber. “1 ii me tided petition allowed, _ .. Motion Missouri mules sold by the pound without the aun, or would not have for a poker party I bare halfway can't understand it” toroidt-i to pay $_?•> into i~t" court lor "Wall, look here.” said tbe man. “I SPECIALTY IN ALL KIW are put on a generous diet before any faith in the Word of God withoi t y- promised —to join."—New York World. attorney's tees overruled. don't mind drinking another bottle, going to market, and have better the bible is no argument why we Pacific Railway A Navigation Co. but this must be tbe last."—Wesleyan ALL KINO OF •*«» luck than the porker» that receive should worship either tlie aun or vs. Willie <>. Dultoia mid John E siuii Sorrow. Christian Advocate. 1st treatment. Dubois, her husband. Condemn bible.—J. C. G ovk . Sorrow la not aa incident occurring at ion. Continued. now and then. It la . th* ---- woof ------ which — Great Proapaet*. Stray Calf. Pacific Railway A Navigation Co. When he gets to England ex-King is woven into tbe warp of life, and be “I'm at tbe end of my rope! Every va. I I. Voaluira et al Condemn, A stray calf, red and white, about Manuel ought to join the boy acovita. who ban not discerned the divine aa- resource 1 bare to gone, and I'm broke ation. Continued. six months old han been on John Tillamook Countv Bank a c«.r Zuiilueh'a place nt Pleanant Valley. By this means he might eventual- eroine*»* of sorrow and tbe profound at last“ "Have you borrowed all you can?" ly lead a formidable band of in­ meaning Which la concealed la pain poration vs. K K. Tyler and W . A Owner please call for name. Ita* yet to learu whet Ilf* to-F W. baling Action for Money, lie­ "Borrowed? No; I haven't tried vaders into Portugal. : Robertao*. Good Resells Always Follow leml.nit I v lei a motion ti. that.“ to make Col. Bryan ia not making hia cus- The line of Foley Kidney 1‘illa. snawer to plea in abatement ...i mure "And you aay you are at tbe end of defitvite overruled, \ erdiet for They are upbuilding, strengthening ! tomory number of speeches this your rope Why. man. you bar plaintiff and soothing. Tonic in action, | year . Perhaps he hesitates to aay even started Toledo Blade. quick in result». Sold l>y C. I. Nora W ell« vs. N. A Wells. D, Clough. anything through fear that Col. vorce. Rooaevelt will appropriate it. . Wanted Particular*. Ida Mav Simeral v«. Frank . "I do not believe there la any oth­ Sim Motorton Senior—You kept the car out Congressman Payne any», again •ral. Divorce Continued on motion er medicine mo good tor whooping of plaintiff. rather late last evening, son What cough aa Chamlwrlain'a Cough that the new tariff law haa proved delayed you? Motorton Junior-Had a Remedy," writes Mr». Francis Tur. its value. It prove» it every day. •- K Sandera pin. Junction City. Ore blowout, dead Motorton Senior- Hm' Thia rem- N A rtt of Attachment. IVfault and »l»o nnnur|*asned for cold» But the Democratic party ia out I Tira or roadbouae?—Deck tmtgment with order to aell attached edy of meat and digging for a ground-1 nnd croup. For »ale by La mar'a property, | ***" I l*rug Storr. CIRCUIT COURT. Case Against E. E. Tyler is Di » nissed. r I HANDICAPPI I « I ■ M f i « I i ■ I I • Dr. H. E. Morrii S. VIERECK, Tillamook Baked