■■ $ UZS*- ^4 V \ Ì I *• I TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. NOVEMBER 17. 1910« r_ .STS1CTLV IN ADVANCE.) One year.............................................. Six months .... Three months ■ f « Jjillamook Ijtabligbt Editorial Snap Shots. The "wets” will have reason , to be truly thankful and happy this Thanksgiving. Of course there is going to be . less business and more book accounts for business men when , the “wet” regime comes into effect again. $ Tillamook City is to lie visited by another party of evangelists. It seems to us that this city is getting its full share of sensa­ tional religion. I » •x rials allowed them to run. The officials, as well as the saloyn keepers, are to be given another trial, and if something can be clone to wipe out the bad repu­ tation the city and county have fallen heir to on account of Something should lx* done to those who have been dispensing prohibit saloon keepers from [ liquor, it will be a proper move- i manufacturing and dispensing nieut. If not, and the saloons i I doctored whiskey, which was ! are allowed to become gamh- | doled out over the bar of some ling joints again, then the Head-1 of the saloons in year» past. Be­ [ light will make another aggres- I cause a saloon keeper pays a Live light to put them out of I big license he should not be per- business next year, which will mitted to sell adulterated or not be a very difficult matter to [ saloon manufactured whiskey— do if the officials allow saloons the same remarks apply to other to run iti such a manner to dis­ adulterated and short weight gust the people. That will be , articles sold in this city. A tfie attitude of the snap shot | little investigation once in a I man, for he will have no fight while would put a stop to rot with saloon keepers who want : gut whiskey and adulterated to act decent is conducting a ! and short weight articles being nasty business. sold. _______________ st de wide prohibition and too little on local option, with the " 1 S<* 75 i result that Tillamook county is 50 again in the ‘“wet” column, as ____I well ns seven other “dry” coun­ ties. RATES <>P SUBSCRIPTION. HEADQUARTERS FOR P > » DAIRYMEN’S^ SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES I i We carry a Large Stock of Hardwarn, Tinware, Glass and China, Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window Sashes, Still the “suckers" bite, and The best joke of the election is on J. C. Bewley, a rabid pro­ bite readily. This county and Teddy Roosevelt says he was hibitionist, who made a mis­ city have had their usual round Agents for the Great WesternSaw. l-jEgsgg'lr a- MT* beaten to a “frazzle" in New take and voted to make the of “salesmen,” disposing of York. The prohibitionists in county “wet” and for the liquor stock, stoves and other fine in­ Oregon must admit that they, dealers’ home rule bill. As Bro. vestments. They report that too, were beaten to a “frazzle.” Bewley paraded the town on business is good in Tillamook, The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County. horses back, carrying a broom 'as it always is for soomth, per­ It is up to those who defeated with the Stars and Stripes at­ suasive talkers, who make ,* ( ' < ’S 4' the proposed new city charter tached, when the saloons were | big tnonoy without work, to furnish something better, as put out of business live years even if they have to take money the city needs a charter that is ago, it wouldn’t be a bad idea away from people who are in keeping with its growth and if he would perform a similar! standing off the grocer and peo- development. service for the “wets.” Well, | pie who are in debt, yet they | well, well. No one would have seem to lie able to make it work, It seems to us, if the vote for i dreamed that a prohibitionist, though it seems hard to believe governor is any criterion to go wjth so radical ideas, would that people are so easily "work­ by, that a whole raft of persons v(>te against what he has been ed" and “frazzled" out of their in this county voted for a re- preaching ho so many yearn. years, hard earned cash. The snap newal of Democratic hard times. | shot man has pounded on this Well, they are liable to get a It was a well merited honor matter for a long time and is dose of it. _______ _ that the people conferred upon going to keep pounding, even Judge Geo. H. Burnett when if it does seem to be a hopeless, “Beaten to a Frazzle !” to i Manufacturers of quote Roosevelt's admission. they elected him one of the thankless task. The Merchants’ Supreme J udges of Oregon. No Protective Association of the That is what a large number of one was more deserving of the Tillamook Commercial Club Republicans attempted to do to the Republican party in Oregon honor than Judge Burnett, for was reported to be going to take the people knew his sterling some action on this question, w..enthey ‘ knifed” Republican , qualities as a jurist, and the dis- but the continuous round of candidates. [ patch and decorum which cbar- stock atid bargain seller keeps What conconsistency. Some aeterized his court. He may rolling on and all leave with Republicans would not vote for not have been very popular with the satisfaction of taking away Bowerman because he wus en-1 bulldoze and pettifogging attor- considerable money, and with a dorsed by any assembly, but neys, for they knew full well smile, after selling a pig in a they voted for other candidates that any levity on their part poke to Tillamookers. If one who received their nomination soon brought «town the stern I of our own citizens would try rebuke of the court. In behalf to sell some of the stuff that in the same way. of our constitute!! ts we extend have found ready takers iu this We are informed that the congratulations to Judge Bur­ city and county, he would be grafters still find business men, I nett for the implicit confidence promptly and correctly called as well us the dairymen, “euay” the people have in him and his insane, but just let one of those in this city and county. They elevation to the Supreme Court. smooth talking, bulldozing “bit” readily at must every traveling fellows drop in here, fukir’s scheme, who make easy The November elections show he can actually do business with money without doing a lick of that the people want to pull people who are standing off the The Best Equipped Saw Mill in the County. work. down the Republican party, grocer and butcher. If as much New Machinery, Experienced. Workmen and which brought about a long money, ip proportion to the spell of prosperity. One tiling population should lie taken out Eirst Class Lumber of the Best Quality. we want to impress upon those of Portland as is taken out of who voted for a Democratic Tillamook in this manner the LET US FIGURE ON YOUR LUMBER BILL governor last week, don’t be I figures would lie staggering, surprised, if the country goes and the funny thing is that in Democratic two years hence, if 19 cases out of 20 if these people values in Tillamook lands are who seem to want to buy so reduced one half. Yet one thing badly would shut their eyesand ft further. Don’t be caught with go out and buy Tillamook real Bro. Kffenberger, of the Ne- a lot of h igh priced land with a estate or go to the local mer­ haleni Enterprise, was in the big mortgage plaster when the chants, they would be a great city this week in attendance at country goes Democratic. But deal better off and help sustain the K. P.’s doings. It was not the people appear to want a the prosperity of the county and necessary for him to steer clear change by the way they have city. Talk about the need of I for all stomach troubles—-indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, gas in the stomach, W of the city marshal, for the snap been voting, little dreaming, new enterprises,we need some­ " breath,sick headache,torpid liver, biliousness and habitual constipation. Pleasant to tab. shot man vouched for his usual perhaps, that by doing so it is thing to give our citizens brains Sold by Chas. I. Clough. „■-? ] good behavior while visiting in liable to knock the props from I and backbone to stand off these the metropolis of this county. under the present prosperous grafters and gold-brick fellows. Come again, Bro., you're quite conditions. Notice. welcome. For pains in the wide or chest N otice I s H ereby G iven ,— It was giM.I judgment on the dauqieii n piece of flannel with That the County Court of Tillamook A large iiuiiilier of copies of part of Captain Hosford, niaq- ('huniberlain's Liniment and bind County, Oregon, will receive bids over the qrat of pain. There is the Oregon Free Press were aging owner of the GoldenGate - it nothing better. For sale by Lamar’s for the grading to a width of 16 feet, sent to people in this county which probably saved that ves­ i Drug Store. in accordance with the survey and field notes, that portion of what is during the election, mid the sel from a serious diiuister. It ’I am plbaaed to recommend known as the Hock Road, which manner in which they were was the intention to take out Cough Remedy as commences at or about Oretown I strewn on the floor of the post 30 large hogs on the vessel last | I CluimlHTlain's the best thing I know of and safest school house and ruus thence South­ EXPORT BEER, office by the persons whom they week, butCnpt. Hosford being remedy for coughs, colds and bron- erly to a point where the said survey were sent to, plainly indicate suspicion» aliout the weather at i cliial trouble.” writes Mrs. I.. B. of the Rock Road intersects the pre­ KAISER BLUME. that the people did not propose this season of the year phoned Arnold of Denver, Colo. "We have sent road al or about the Commons place, now the Kodad farm. | used it repeatedly and it has never Unsurpassed. Non-Intoxicate to rend prohibition literature ill from Portland not to ship the I (ailed to give relief.’’ For sale by Said Bids must include the fur­ t trust upon them in that num- hog», „ . And it wus fortunate i Lamar's Drug Store. nishing of all tools and equipment uer by the bidder (except the County that he did, for a furious storm MALT TEA. [ road grader which the sucessful came up after the Golden Gate I Shall Wotneu Vote? bidder may use) and should be The “ wets ” , . , . .have anil Sue H. Elmore crossed out, | STAR BREWERY If tb-v did. millions would vote Dr. made at so much per rod. tnously busy for over Hye year» Hn,| each wn„ 8evere|v Kir g' « New Life Pills the true rem The sucessful bidder will be re­ P- luting out some b«.l features |UHhe<| wit|, (he heuvv „ea nH l‘dy f. r women. For bsnisliing quired to give s bond for the com­ . f lKul option and closing their [that dav and night and until dull, .ugged feelings, backache or pletion of the contract if awarded exes to the gd features. In a I „oon the next dav. What would hea I I • t 4 I i 1» hit 'I I’» I I *1 MOULDINGS, Beer mg up the svateni. they're unequall­ the County Clerk of Tillamook Coun­ ty. Oregon, on or before M o'clock A. M. Wednesday, the 7th day of December. I WO. Tht County Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Bv order of the County Court. J. C. H olden . County Clerk. luiu the hogs wen on taiard and ed. Easy safe, sure. 25c. at Chas I piled up on one aide when I. Clough's. struck by a heavy sea can only Mr. Otto Paul, Milwaukee. Wia., Is* surmised, but we think that aays holey's Honey and Tar ia still , the wise precaution» taken by more than the best. He w riles us. “All those that bought it think it [Captain Hosford, prevented", is the best for coughs and colds —*-------- ■ and • • I think • “Regulate the saloons !” wus , probnbly, a serious disaster. It C thev ever *- hml it is still best. -L-L —•• C_. Our baby had the argument used by the wets is safe to predict that shipment more than the I a bad cold and it ------- cured --- him — Zn ..i one in the recent Political light. We. [of hogs by steamer will tie dis-1 d«y. I" Please accept thanks. Sold continued, for Captain Hosford too, say regelate the saloon. It , - by C. I. Clough. is n most difficult thing t„ do l-L* £ f ‘ exl)er“i«^i however, but it it generally sun L u,nan to nln nny risks posed that rillamook CiQ « >11 ¡ 'k<’________ __ start in t > regulate the saloons hv issuing -a loon i, lit-ensts to',,’1 * , ... W,,,‘tl,c «‘Y well known gambler» and blind tu “TZ officials whether pigs. Doe. the wet»“ thinki ¡y will remain dry" in another that this will i»e a good start to'-- V r _ ‘ rv It is up to reform the aaloons in this city ? I twelve months. I them to prevent saloons from 1 becoming hells of drunkenness The Prohibitionists. in fort-, mid gambling dives. Will they itig state wide prohibition into have the grit and backbone to the political tight, met. as we frame such .ordinances which predicted, a crushing defeat, for will put proper restrictions on the people of Oregon are not saloon keeper»’ TbsMesdiight's disposed to make such a radical light against saloons in thia city change. Too much time and was the shameful and rotten umiuuiiitiun was expended on manner in which the city offi HOTTLED Bl’ Columbia Bottling C°1 Astoria, Oregon- Fine Dairy Farm 3S6 acres, lying 3 miles from Florence, the banking and shipping center of the district, with regular boat to Portland. " 1AI acres is dyked tide marsh, all A Household Medicine. in grass and worth S3U0 per acre, To be renlly valuable must show 41 a res tide marsh in grass and equally good result« fmi„ each not dyked, worth $100 per acre. 21« member of the family using it acres rolling Itench carries« million y,'*1'? « lion«*)' «n«l Tar does juat feet of virgin timber, worth ftljm— this. \\ hether for children or grown nt local mills in logs at $5.ou ,>er |K*rsotin Foiey's Honey and Tar is thousand. This 21« acres after it is best and safest f„r all coughs and logged, will be worth $100 (*er acre ; colds. Sold by C 1. Clough. for imsturr and apple raising. I resh water trout stream runs through the tract Fine building Will Promote Beauty. W »men omen desiring desinn beauty get won I sit», hut no building. Only 30 » derful help from Hiuklen'» Arnica ' minutes by motor boat to bank at landing. Good ••Ive. It banishes pimples, skin Portland boat eruptions, sores and bmla 1> school, church. Mores, creamery , mskes ths skin soft and velvety. mill, etc., near building site. Total It glunfies the face. Cures sore *'77*21 T*’.T' 170170,1 1 want to eves cold sores, cracked lilts, chap, ee l .ml w.l take $20 «On. with $5- jwd ha nit». Heat for burn», scalds, 0») cash and balance long time with fever sores, cut». bruises and piles « per cent tn'ereat. G eo . M elvin M u t ■» A.-, st Chss. 1. Clough s. P Box «, Eugene, oie. I THE Soda Waters, Sipthons, Bartlett llaeral A. K. CASE, 4 4 Tillamook Iron Work1 4 General ___ _ _______ Machinists & | Ì 4 4 J rropBtKTiMi r»»rriiTii« g - Boiler Work, Logger'« Work asd HrsH Fl»» Machine Work a NperiallJ« k . oreg < TILLA moo w. W v w w ~ W. tr W w w * « 9 * W w w w w I