Ct )ay illmiwk TILLAMOOK. OREGON, NOVEMBER 17, 1910 kXJ l‘L*i »1 So per year ARxeDres'sSClothes ar? her! P°S‘’ Noven,ber 12> your ThaaksgiHsg HART, SCHAFFNER lamook County Bank Ladies’ Home Journal descriptive late Fall and early Winter style book with any pattern 20c? CAPITAL STOCK, $30,000.00 The first consideration of the Officers and Directors of this bank, is the security of the funds intrusted to our care by de- positors. Our past record is an absolute guarantee of sound and safe banking methods. On this evi- deuce of stability and strength, we respectfully ask for your banking business. LAST DAYS OF THE GREAT $10,000 REDUCTION SALE. Purchase your Thanksgiving Wants—Buy your Fall and Winter Needs, $75,000 stock to select from which should vitally concern and interest you M. W. HARRISON, President. ERWIN HARRISON, Cashier. reduction THANKSGIVING linens . OOK JOTTINGS , eye specialist ill's home made mince typewriter, cheap. — D. vered, $10.00 a ton. ing wanted D. by Mr«. naia was in from Hebo ner Oshkosh came in ott is doing business in is week. Whitehouse 4 Son for nee, etc. • red, Carload of Powder. ITH Co. nt by the sack or the « . L. Sb rode. idson, of Beaver, waa in y on business. the best kind, at the umber Mfg. Co. Three Milk Cows, good to Walther, Hemlock. * ' Crane, of the Miami, Sunday and Monday. ur property and avoid . S. Whitehouse A Son.« , 52V, x 105, for $1100.00 lock 10, Park Addition.— ge license was issued to E. Allen and Amalica C. rice paid for Hides, Fur- Pelts. N. Melchior, Till- doora can be obtained ilaniook Lumber Mfg. city. , cheapest and beat paper town. Leave orders at ith Co. • is baking at night and upply the demand for her bread. Attorney John H. McNary m Salem on Monday to uit court. .—A Tailor'« Shop, in City.—Apply to G. W. roook, Ore. tlie last high water the washed of out the road in ce« north of town. door« and windows from mook Lumber Mfg. Co. money by doing so. * r Sale, at a bargain. May Mrs. Plank’s, forenoons, at the Headlight office. * t suit need pressing? If to the Tillamook Steam s and have it pressed • a riet y Store, Wanted, a girl to work in the Enterprise office, at Nehalem. Board furnished at private home. * How about that old summer suit? Have it dyed by the Tillamook Steam Dye Works for winter use. ’ See Mrs. Sb rode for lessons in painting. A «ample of her work may be seen at Jenkins' Jewelry Store. C. E. Buchanan, formerly with H. Soures in the paint business here, has left with his wife for Port­ land. Ora Deeter returned to town on the Sue H. Elmore Sunday morning after an extended absence in Cali­ fornia. You can find a nice new line of goods at Mrs. Wade’s millinery parlor, just north of The News • office in Bay City. If that suit needs to be pressed for the dance or show, phone the Tillamook Steam Dye Works and they will come after it. Elsie Lamb, who has been taking a vacation in Portland and other towns of the Willamette valley, re­ turned Sunday on the Elmore. Lost, a Airedale Terrier, answers to the name of Clackamas. Please inform superintendent at Fish Hatchery and receive reward. . John Anchim, who was living in John Harter’s house prior to his coming home, has moved into the old McNair house near Goyne's. Team for sale, 2900 pounds. Good and true. Also two new wagons for sale. Enquire of W. H. Purdin or D. L. Shrode, Tillamook, Ore. . For sale, house 6 rooms, large wood house, all out buildings, all in good order, 2 lots 50 x 105. Price $1350. Inquire at the Headlight Office. Rev. S. G. Finney will preach at Bay City on Sunday morning and in the Presbyterian church in this city in the evening. Sunday school at 10 a. in. A special school election is to be held on the 20th for the purpose of levying a tax for school purpose« and for the bonded indebtedness of the district. Ready for your inspection at Patx- )■('■ «tore, our complete line of Ladies’ Suits and Coats, also our line of Furs and Misses’ and Chil­ dren’s Costa. Anything looks cheap i« cheap imatitiou Cut Glass. Buy Ubbey’«, the World’a beet, for sale only by Howard Wahlen, Leading Jeweler, Nehalem and Tillamook. * The American Boy ia positively the best psper published for boys. Send$1.00 for one year's aubcription for yourself or your boy to L. P. Arrant, Monmouth, Oregon. * The Golden Gate left for Portland I Sunday night with a cargo of mi« cellaneoua freight and the following passenger«: Wade Lewi«, Henry Proffit. and Rodney Mapes. G. A. Coffee will be used in our demonstration of Coffee Percolators. Finley A Co. wilt furnish the coSee. Coffee and Biscuit« free at our store. Saturday. Nov. MHh —Kl.xo A smith . DAMAR, P pg o«at«d in th« WOOK HOTE L i P in and book A fou nd." ü GOODS on ioch boat C o . . Snow Drift floor. $5 .90 ■ bbl and $1.50 a «ack Lighthouse floor. $5.40 a bbl. and $1.40 a sack Im perial flour. 15.75 a bbl and $1.45 a sack.— W n . C cktis . The Grain Man. • A deal was closed the peat week between the Chnatian Chord» peo­ ple and Cart Knodaon. whereby a tract of land, 150 X MS ft., owned by Mr Knudson and east of the Ad­ ventist Church. became the proper, ty of the Christian Chord., the con­ sideration being 83WT Spotless white table Damask of known quality and vaine marked far below the average prices, Imported Table Sets and Napkins greatly reduced. Bleached Satin Damask mercerized, (Min. in wi 'e «elect designs, 65c. value.................................................................. 49c. Yd. Scotch Satin Damask, Giin. wide, new (local designs,85c. val. 69c. Yd. Barnsley Pure Linen Satin Damask, 72in. wide, conventional designs, $1.25 value.............................................................. 98c, Yd Irish Satin Damask, rich shimmering weaves, 72in. wide, $1.65 value......... ................................................... .... $1.33 Yd Barnsley Pure Linen Satin Damask, beautiful Patterns, 72in. wide. $2.00 value......... ............................................ $1 79 Yd. Napkins to match the above at reduction sale prices. Fine all linen Table set, 8 x 12 hemstitched cloth, napkins to match, $7.85 value............................................................ $5 19 Bet. Special Underwear Beautiful all linen Table Set, S x 12, hemstitched clot1', napkins to match, $7.85 value Imported linen lunch cloths, extra large size, he -natitched. Special..................................... .. ....................... .. . «2 25 Scotch linen Lunch Cloth, hemstitched or drawn work, sheer natural finished ......... Special, $2.79 Dresser Scarf* of fine linen, neatly hemstitched or drawn work effects............................. ...... ................... Special, Nobby Hats. Values. Marvelous value«, sample lines in excellent condition, at HALF the Regular price. Broken linens, good assortment of sizes, dependable style«, jieerless quality. Hats for Men, Youths and boys Shaggy felts, stiff derbies, finished felts. Value« to $2.50.............................................. Choice. $1.25 Men's Hats of finished felt, good assortment of sizes. Colors of black, gray and tan Value« to $3.00......................... Choice, $1.75 Caps for boys, youths and men, plaid, plain wools and leather. All sizes and colors. Values to 50c.................. Choice, 25c. Coopers’ fine knit ribbed, regular made shirts and drawers. Values Value» to $2.00.. 95c. Gar. Alpha non shrinkable, soft natural wool. ribbed shirts and drawers. Values to $2.50 $1.25 Gar. Double breasted wool Shirt, with drawers to Vallie« to $2.25 match, strongly taped. $1.15 Oar. «7.10 Set Fine all linen Lunch Cloth, size 21 x 40, hemstitched and drawn work, $1.50 seller....................... Sale Price, $1 19 NEW FALL $1.97 Sweater Coats. Youths Boys We are putting it mildly when we «tate this is the grentent opportunity and beat bargain« ever presented, One lot boy’s, youth’« and men'« Sweaters coats, fancy weave* and color* Value to Special $1.25 $2.50 Another bunch of Classy Knit Sweater Coats, plain Imdiea. colored ve«t fronts. Special, $2.75 Values to $3.00 Gloves for Men, boy« and youths, 400 pair to select from, all kind« of leather. Value to $2.0) 75c. P-ir. CORSETS LATEST MODELS. Study the Nemo and American Lady Corset System, they produce en’lre new effects for all figures, sle nder, mt divm and stcut. Sure new models juit received. Cat! Vat Call MODEL 403, MODEL 103, Can MODEL MODEL MODEL MODEL For For C b R For CgM hr Arik 401, 318, 320, 314, American Lady t orsel our «pe< ial moderate pru <•. boned with Rustino, marie of fancy coutil Price at $1 03 American Lady Cornet, abdominal cut, material of I tench lisliale lightweight, strongly built Priced at $125 American Lady Corset for slender or medium figure». . inatsiial of Priced at $1 79 French coutil, boned with Rustino Nemo Corset to build out and develop the «lender form, made of Priced at 13 .53 fine French coutil Nemo Cornet for the stout figure. Patent self reducing device r. Priced nt $3 Î0 lamed with Rustino Nrjmo Corset, those desiring a medium «hurt Corset, with self re during straps (with relief straps and relief band«). Priced st $3 50 BALCONY SALE Take advantage of these goods values, buy your Furs here at at these generous Reduction Prices. HIGH CLASS FURS. Very fashionable Shawl of Sitka Fox, natural color, trimmed with lirad« ami tail» to corre«|>on<'. Regular $1275 value. $9 65 natural hair, heavy «ilk Mcassline lined. Stylish Black Martin J’elertne, long glassy Regular $15.(1) value, $12.45 Handsome Russian .Mink Pelerine Collar, three quarter length, lined with Skinner’s tnsat Satin. Regular $7.75 value. $5.48 Pelerine of black wolf sad pillow muff to match, lined with heavy durheee satin Regularly «old at 1'20,85 At per set $25.9$ Beautiful aet of Rueaian Mink, emliellishment of Mink tails and tieadk. Shawl Muff, three. .............. At per set, $.12 f.S quarter neckpiece. Regular $37.50 value CHILDREN'S SETS of dressy Hudson Bay seal and wool krimmer, lined with heavy mercerized Prices reduced to $1.98 and $2.95 Bet. Satin ........................................................................ Crockery Sale. THANKSGIVING. Imported Wares. Decorate your Table, All the China Closet. The Greatest Display of Imported Wares. Royal Breslau, Haviland, Old English, German Silesia and Others. Redaction Prices Prevail. Single Pieces or Sets. $1.25 set DESERT SET. 7 piece« of Decorated German Silesia ware, latent deatgne. priced at set COPENHAGEN ROSE SALAD SET of 7 piece«, rich delph coloring«, priced at 1» AUTOMATIC SALT AND PEPPER SHAKERS, nickel trimmed, mottled plate gla»«, pined at $0.911 ROYAL PRESLAN CHOCOLATE SET. comprising 14 pieces dsinty relief design«, priced at »¿«I HAVILAND SUGAR AND CREAMER, decoration« of gold and green HAVILAND COM POTS. OLIVE DISHES, PLATTERS. CUPS AND SAUCERS. SOUP. BREAD, AND GRAVBY PIECES, in set« or single, priced far below the average IMPORTED CHINA NOVELTIES, BRIC-A BRAC, DISHES AND VASES, values to $1.¿5. < hon e of the lot Special Thanksgiving Shoe Arrivals. Lounsbury’s Suede Pumps. Special High Top Suede Button i Lasts, and a vast line of Patent Lace Blucher Cut and Button Styles for Ladies. Children's Scuffers in Patent Calf and Gun Metal Leathers, Styles of Lace and Button. Made for strenuous wear. EMBROIDERIES. While they Isst. plain and checked aatn took, edging«. I8»n wide, for corset covers, values to Me., sake ......... 3*c Sura Edging« of C ambrir «nd Nainsook. k» to Si« wide, fetching desig as. Mr values. •t. yard BALCON DEPT SALE CHILDREN’S DRESS COAT ■ RAIN CAPE*. DRFSSES. FLANNIU ETIE NIGHT GOWN& N SKIRTS INFANTS' ( LADIES* $ LAING toA