• i I l LAMOOK HEADLIGHT. NOVEMBER 10. 1910 Circuit Court Docket. anil Willie Barker. Partition. In the matter of the Citizenship of Arthur Newton Erskine. The Election. Women’s taxpuying suffrage amendment, grantingto taxpayers, regard­ less of sex, the right of suffrag-. 300 Yea 209. »91 No 306.------------------------------- --------------- ------------------ act authorizing the purchase of a site for the construction anxl main- An tenanee of a branch insane asylum to be located, in the discretion of the hoard of trustees of the Oregon State Insane Asylnin, at or within five miles of either of the following cities, to-wit: Baker City, Pendleton, or Union, in Eastern Oregon, to be called ’The Eastern Oregon State Hospital.” 393 No 284. _____________________ 302 Yes 213. act to elect, on the firat Monday in June, 1911, delegates to «consti­ An tutional convention, to be held on the second Monday in October, 1911 for revising the constitution of the state, ami providing lor submission of the proposed Constitution, so revised, to the legal voter* of the State for adoption or rejection on the first Monday in April, 1912. 395 No 350. _____________________ :«u Yes 123. The election on Tuesday resulted in the election of the entire state Circuit Court will convene next .-------------- ■— Republican ticket with the exception Monday, with Judge G. 11. Burnett THREE MEN DROWNED of Bowerman who was beaten by on the bench, which w ill be the last AT NEHALEM. West, the Democratic nominee, by term of court he will hold in thia several thousand votes. State wide county. The docket is as follows: Met their Death While Ford­ prohibition failed and it is claimed K. G. Staples vs. W. H. West. ing the River when it was that the home rule bill passed. Action for Money. Every Republican on the county O ik Nolan vs. Frank Ekroth, Thos. Dangerous to Do So. F. Harrison and J. M. Hurnsou. ticket is elected. To Quite 'I itle. An accident of a most serious na­ Beals and Kunze ran close in this II. (tie B. Marolf, Ethel M. Holden, ture happened at what is known a* county lmt the former has a good ami Arthur E. Bohlen, her husl>- the Steve Scovell ford on the North mid. vs. Brewton E. Maroif, et al. Fork of the Nehalem, Monday morn­ majority in Yamhill county. For Circuit Judges it is generally Partition. ing, which resulted in the drowning August David­ conceded that Judge Galloway has For amendment of ¡sections 6 and 7, Article IV., of the Constitution of lolui < onklin vs. Mary Conklin. mg of three men. son had started with l,ouis Blat- been re-elected anil Percy Kelly will this State, to provides separate district for the election of each Divorce. State Senator and each Sfate Representative. Mate of Oregon vs. J. C. Gove. tlei and Louis Neiderberger to haul be the other successful candidate. their milk to the creamery, and 307 No 299. _____________ __________________ _____ ■306 Yes 163 Escheat Proceeding. Tillamook County went "wet,” I upon am F.adus vs. The Tillamook Next morning the body of Davidson State ol Oregon, directing a uniform rule of taxation “except on 586 West, Dem......................... Co inty Bank, a corporation, and was lound and later the bodies of property specifically taxed,authorizing tlie levy and collection of Secretary of State. G. enn II. Johnson. Action for Hlattler and Ni iderberger were taxes for State purposes and lor county and other municipal pur­ 619 Benson, Rep ..................... money. poses upon different classes of property, and appropriating State found under the wagon box. Sheriff 78 Davis, Pro ............................. I.. A. LeMiller, taxes among the several counties as county obligations. Andy Nolan vs. Crenshaw was called to holdall in­ 138 Me Donald, Soc...................... /'".nes Fitzpatrick AdmiiiMtnitrix quest over the bodies, and the jury 313 No 261. 312 Yes 148. 141 Oliver, Dem ... .............. . < f the estute of E. A. Fitzpatrick, brought in a verdict that the men An act providing for the payment of $1099.90 annually to the Judge of State Treasurer. Lex-eased, and Chester Stuart. met their death by accidental drown­ the Eighth Judicial District, by Baker county, in addition to the Foreclosure. ing. Butler, Pro..................................r, 93 annual salary of $3000.09 received by liim from the State. One queer thing was that each C. F. Singm itrer, et al vs. I’. J. Kay, Rep ................................ .713 314 Yes 50. 315 No 419._________________________ .___________________ Sharp ami B. <>. Snuffer. Action were good swimmers and Mr. David Otten, Soc.....................................154 son was an extra good one and it is for money. A bill for an act to create the County of Nesmith out of a portion of the Justice of Supreme Court. northern part of Douglas county and the southern part of Lane Pacific Railway A Navigation Co. strange why they could not make (Four yeur term.) their escape. Each of the men were county ; providing for its organization, fixing the salaries of the vs. Mar.y Lox k. Condemnation. Bean, Rep .... ...437 industrious and respected men in officers thereof, and for adjusting finances between the three Lois <’. McMahon vs. Roberts. the vicinity in which they live. Bright, Pro . . ...139 counties. Hull Damage*. McBrixle, Rep. .. .444 (hie remarkable coincident in -con­ 316 Yes 99. 317 No 439. Myers, Soc.... .115 J. R. Harter v*. J. McCormick. nection with the accident is the fact ... 109 Ryan, Soc .... A bill for a law to provide for the permanent support and maintenance Foreclosure of Tax Title. that Mrs. Davidson’s previous hus­ Slater, Dem... .195 of Oregon Normal School at Monmouth, Polk county, Oregon, by B. D. l.amar vs. It B. Broomxvell. band, Scovell, was drowned at the levying an annual tax of one twenty-tilth of a milion the dollar up­ Justice of Supreme Court. /A same ford some years ago, and she Foreclosure of Tux Title. on all the taxuble property within the State of Oregon. (Six year term) Nancy E. Olson vs. Norman Ol- was the first to discover his body. 318 Yes 257. 319 No 217. Burnett, Rep............................. (/« son. Divorce. Jones, Soc................................... 125 Notice. First Bank and Trust Co. vs. bill for u law creating tile county of Otis, Oregon, out of territory A King, Dem..................... 393 Hiram Eadus mid Glenn H. John­ now included in the counties of Harney, Malheur and Grant, Moore, Rep ................................. 395 N otice I s H ereby TG iven , — son. Action for monej. providing for its organization und for the adjustment of finances Ramp, Sox: ................................. 1U9 Cornelius Desmond v*. George W. That the County Court of Tillamook and transferring ol records betxveen the several counties affected I County, Oregon, will receive bids Attorney General. The only Baking Phelps. To set aside note. by the proposed law. for the grading to a width of 16 feet, Brix, Soc.................................... 170 320 Yes 69. 321 No 340. B. I). Lamar vs. J. W. Cupit. in accordance with the survey ami Powder made Crawford, Rep ......................... 699 ForecloHttre of Tax Title. field notes, that portion of what is bill for a law to annex a portion of the uorthern part of Clackamas A Supt. of Public Instruction. from Royal Grape B. D. Lamar vs. J. N. Ferguson. known as the Rock Road, which county, Oregon, to Multnomah county, Oregon, and providing for V Aiderman, Rep. F'orecloMure ol Tux Title. 596 commences at or about Oretown transcribing and transferring the records ot the territory proposed Cream of Tartar Hinsdale, Soc 108 ; Oak Nolun vs. M. II. Larsen, M. F. school house mid runs thence South­ to be annexed, and for adjustment of finances between the txvo Horner, Dem . 213 Leach, uxliuinistrator of the estate erly to a point where the said survey —made from grapes— counties. Steel, Pro.......... 73 ol Mary Lutsen, deceased, et al, of the Rock Road intersects the pre­ 322 Yes 47. 323 No 401. sent road at or about the Commons Tillamook County Bank intervening State Printer. place, now the Kodaxl farm. as defendant. Foreclosure. A bill for un act to create the County of Williams out of a portion of Bylander, Soc................................. 99 No Alum Said Bids uiuat include the fur ­ Lane and Douglas counties, Oregon ; providing for its organiza­ J. R. Harter vs. J. W. Cupit. lliinixvay, Rep ........................... 633 nishing of all tools and equipment No Lime Phosphate tion ; fixing the salaries of the officers thereof ; and for adjustment Foreclosure of Tux Title. Godfrey, Dem.............................. 243 by the bidder (except the County ot finances between the three counties. Rollie W. Watson vs. Miami Lum­ road grader which the sucessful Com. of Labor Statistics. 324 Yes 51. 325 No 352. ber Co. Action for Money. Curry, Soc......................................128 bidder may use) and rliould be J. R. Hurter vs. John G. Schmidt made at so much per rod. Holl, Rep ........................... 693 For constitutional amendment providing for the people of each county l- o e Insure of Tax Title. The sucessful bidder xvill he re­ Houston, Dem ...........................218 to regulate taxation and exemptions within the county, regardless of constitutional restrictions or State statutes, and abolishing poll E. H. Collis, A. Bonham und Kate quired to give a bond for the com Com. of Railroads. or head tax. Bonham vs. W. S. C one. Eject­ pletion of the contract if awarded McLain, Dem................. .299 the siime. 320 Yes 234. 327 No 21ft ment. Miller, Rep ..................... 615 All bids to lie tied in the office of S. Sllitfiniinn vs. State of Oregon. State Engineer. For constitutional amendment giving to cities and towns exclusive pow the County Clerk of Tillnmook Coun ­ Writ ot Review. er to license, regulate, control, suppress, or prohibit the sale o iti Koob, Soc ......................... .... 186 ty. Oregon, on or before 9 o’clock Pearl E. Phelps vs. George W. A. M. Wednesday, the 7th day of toxicating liquors within the municipality. Lewis, Rep .................... .. 752 Phelps. Petition ior support. 328 Yes 469. 329 No 273. December, 1910. Division Supt. of Water Pacific Railway A Navigation Co. Tht County Court reserve* the Division No Oue. A bill for a hixv requiring protection for persons engaged in hazardous x- Willie G. Dubois mid John E. right to reject any and all bids. By employment, defining and extending the liability of employers, Chinnock, Rep.............................. 624 Dubois, her husband. Conilemn order of the County Court. and providing that contributory negligence shall not be a defense. Judge of Circuit Court. ation. J. C. H o U ien , County Clerk. 330 Yes '268. 331 No 195. Bayne, Dem....................... Pacific Railway A Navigation Co. I . 217 Fine Dairy Farm. Galloway, Dem................. .vs J. I \Osburg et al. Condemn I .560 A bill for an act to create the County of Orchard out of the northeastern Kelly, Rep........................... litioil. ..493 I 386 acres, lying 3 miles from portion of Umatilla county, Oregon; providing for its organiza­ Van W inkle, Rep .............. ..358 Iillmuook Countv Bank a cor I I Florence, the banking ami shipping tion ; fixing the salaries oi the officers thereof; and for the adjust­ poration vs. E. E. Tyler uml W. A. I Representive. ment of the finances between the two counties. I center of the district, with regular Suling. Action tor Money. Beals. Rep........................... 474 332 Yes 52. 333 No 343. Kunze, Dem....................... Nora Wells vs. N. A Wells. Di- I bout to Portland. 496 vorce. 130 acre* is dyked tide marsh, nil A bill for an act to create the County of Clark out of the northern por­ COUNTY JUDGE tion of Grant county, Oregon ; providing for its organization ; fix­ Id i M ly Simerul vs. Frank Sim I in grass an G”*> J Miles Warren justice and John Lc ngcor Maryette Johnson v*. II. 11. John Worb was Go«’. “ The w constable. A bill forati act prohibiting the taking of fish from the waters x I *«>ii. I iijuiix non. Rogue River, or of any of its tributaries, by any mean# excel t about 750» years old bewt’j THIRD JUSTICE DISTRICT. A Hush mid A N. Buah, part tiers with hook and line, commonly called anirlimr * book of the bible va.« «ritte» I. W. Hiner justice and doubtftd on 348 Yes lining huHims* under the firm 179. 3W No 247. «ngiing. Stray Calf. fore, the bible could ’ ot '* J name ot l udd A Bush, va. Frances constable. A bill for a law to create the County of Deschutes, Oregon, out of the in the I eginning <>r Xavier Moreau, sometime* known FIRST JUSTICE DISTRICT. A stray Jersey heifer calf, about u* Frank Morey, non c-oni|>oa men CrOok1C' ,-,rrK°n' providing for the or ia absolutely absurd tiw. mid N M< Milhin. guardian of six months old. has been on II. H. Joe Effenberger Justice and doubtful on gamzatmn, the salane# of ita office«, and settlement of the person and e*tnte Foreclosure. the bidle ever ww o natable. 359 Yra «T* b*t®Tn^he3g^>pO*eU cuunl’ “nre^”°n ‘4rtiC^ XIO< ,he Constitution oFThe Foreclosure. If th-y did, million* would vote Dr. W. C. Hawk and Gua Nelson are eleeted and dwelt among #*• . gd Ku /f t New I He Pill* the true rem PORT OF NEHALEM. Fled Wheeler vs. Miami I umtrer one of the name* edy *>r women For banishing H. V. Allay and G. Neilson ar» < <> . a cor|M>ralioti. Dumagea. Christ, and it signifies t ■ ^| dull, tugged lee 11 ng*, backache or B I Fslger ve. Mary M Felger. « question. headache, constipation, dispelling Divorce 354 Ye« 231 355 No 232 231 power by which I cold*, imparting appetite und ton A Bouaehold Medicine. Goldie 1 maintains all there is *° A bill for a law to amend the direct primary law by extending its nm mg up the avatem. they're unequal, To be really valuable must show Di vorve. visions Io presidential nominations, allowing voters to’desiunlre God aaid.’ Let there be ed. Easy safe. aure. 25c. at Ch«# equally g.xxl results from e«ch John H. Clark und NeMv W. Ho I Clough'a. m ^7 N^rSrty C’mhd’“‘ for C ”“«ent and Vice there was light " »«r xxf the family Uai ng jt 3M innl anil Anne C. Clark va. C D. comment! ii Gxxl e inf’ »Honey and Tar doe« jU(rt l.atourette T»» Quiet Title Mr Otto Paul, Milwaukee. Win., this. W hether for chihtren or grown - J. C. G ove .__________ r — J. J Hurlburt va. Lloyd C. Miller. aaya Foley'a Honey and Tar ia atill Peraxxna Forey’a Honey .nd fnr i. A bill for a law creating a board off people’s inxneci.tr« more than the beat. He write* ua. heat anxl safest for al Damage« a_.» All thoae that bonght it think it .-ol.G <..!.« »—* A long-lxiet g«»l'l 1 ■‘n,J J J Hurlburt va. D. I ■a the beat for cougha and colda For an amendment of Article IV. Constitution of «■»_____ 7— 7— frame ia repoHexI to Damage they ever had and 1 think it ia atill 3B0 y S’Ä’* rr,"’49n<’ P°wer* o< «h« people’ "‘a",n* lound in Ariz»xnii. 1* ’’ a Ellen I.ong vs. Frank Long. Di. more than the beat Our bahv had goid pnidm tixm ia gj 1 or A stray calf, red and white b I hmh a baxl cold and it cured him in one "wept thanks. Sold atx month, old ha. bean «g For amendment to the Cowatitution of the State of Oregon pi oviding of the coat of fre”’ An*°T_ | m Harker v». Roacue Barker 1 -A Ziirfluehj» place at fle.Mot Va,le£ by (.Il lough. look to its imgai,,,if 1 > v mb Owner pleaae call fw same, ’ mining ditches- This is the requisite for making Perfect Absolutely Pan w * â - î