Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, November 10, 1910, Image 5

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rney - at -L aw .
of Abstract Books
axes paid for non
site Post Office.
Sion» and Omen» to Which the
Sailor Grimly Clings.
Unsurpassed. Non-Intoxicating.
>th photic».
Sup»rstlti»n and a Guilty Consti»nc»
Fr»vad T h Much For th» Nor»«
m»n — A Buck»t »f Watar That
Stopped a Mysterious Wailing.
aberlach ,
er ^buofuit,
It Is a well kuown fact tbat In tbe
pawt the Hutlot waa urnuug tbe mo«i
superstitious of mortal.1«, mid even In
these enlightened days there sre a
goodly number of old salts who cling
tenaciously to their belief lu certain
slgus aud |N>rtents. Some, uo doubt,
of tlo*se HU|H-rstltlons have vanished
altogether Into the llmlm of forgot
ten things, but there will always tn* a
»-reduluus few who will shake their
beads solemnly and prophesy dismally
If a knife is stuck In tbe must or uu
ulbutruus or a stormy petrel is cap-,
lured and brought on board. The
orlplu uf some of the«e xu|H*rxtîtV»us
culimit be traced. Muu.v of t betu have
lu*eu bHtided down from father to son
for a great uumlier of years, with a
touch prolmbly added here mid there,
turulug a eomiairutlvely ordlimry sto­
ry Into a weird aud mysterious legend
Tbe b'tun Is tbe most suiierstltlous
of ull sailors. There are many of this
race who still itelleve lu tbe ominous
portent of the phantom ubl|>. the folly
of sturtlug a voyage on a Friday ia no­
tion by no means confined to seafaring
mem. tbe low hunting blue lights
which are ghost spirits hovering near
to give warning of approaching dlsas
ter uud many otber things, all of
Special Brew
street and north iron
Post Office.
rney - at -L aw .
Tillamook County
Columbia Bottling Co.,
Astoria, Oregon-
Soda Waters. Sipthons, Bnrtlelt Mineral
O regon .
rney - at
L aw .
posite Court House,
O regon ,
mook ,
í i
aun Building.
re. Wrist’ houae, west of
Mrs. Walker's.
AN &
Sue H. Elmore”
Fill th« sailor’s mind with murmurtnn
And speaa to him ot wracks.
Tillamook & Portland.
B uilding .
Sail Every Tuesday and Saturday.
Couch St. Wharf, Portland.
“ That’s Hll.”
ver J. A. Todd & Co..
Tillamook, Ore.
F inancial A gent ,
illainook, Oregon.
New Furnishings—Modern Fixtures.
Centrally Located.
Hot and Cold Water on Each Floor.
Meals 35 and 50o.
Beds 35 cents and up according to
Large Office, Dining Room and Ladies' Parlor.
Heat equipped Hotel in Tillamook County.
P. W. Todd, Prop.
R. H. Todd, Mgr.
Compare Our Prices
kross the street fron* th«
Court House.
Wise’s office.
The Fashionable Tailor.
g, Pressing and Repair
iug a Specialty.
iu Heins Photographic
Our fresh, high grade
drugs will help to make
these remedies more effec­
tive than ever.
The valued family re­
cipes for cough and cold
cure, liniments, tonics and
other remedies have as
careful attention here as
the most intricate prescrip­
Right prices
sre also
Both Phones.
p>ct BvaixtM
• fbcialty .
Reliable Druggist.
W ing
4 cowinc
lawyers .
icaoTBa SviLoan.
a saa Uss arsawn
at to the U S. Lead !>«<».
Nx S3, meets oo
I dujr
of each
month in
Hall, at 7 M? p. m.
M vbkamcb .
W M.
M okkm .
What They wm Ds for Yau
They will cure your backache,
strengthen your kidney*. cor.
Did You Ever Try
HARRIS’* MKW FEED AMD rect urinary irregularities, build
up the worn ent tisswes. and
eliminate the excess uric acid
If not, give him a call.
that causes rheumatism. Pte*
Everything first-claw. Second »ent Bright’s Disease snd Dis-
bates, snd restore health snd
block South of P U.
Strength. * Refuse substitutes.
w. g . H arris , piop
Sold by Ch*»- 1. Glougbe
Literacy First» snd S»c»nd».
Force la I a was discovered by aa al-
The youlhful oewa(>aper report«»
ch»tulst whp waa seeking a mixture of who baa vlsjons of Itelttg a fatuous au-
eurtha that would make tbe most dura- tbor Is «till wocderlug over the epi­
bl» cruclblea.
grain utiide by a *u< <-em>ful i-oiifeer«
when the latter iHrted his disappoint­
ment over the return of a manuscript,
The Tsath.
One of the commonest censes of bad
"I thought sure." ssld the reporter;
teeth la that of taking very hot food with s sigh, “that that confounded »to.
If you take a cup ot very hot tea or ry would »tell. It's good stuff. If I did
Coffee tbe enamel ou the teeth ex|>aiids write It. and I sm certainly surprised
and brealhlug the cold air afterward tbat II came hack.“
The suveesHful writer grinned and
causes It to contract
Thia alternate
expansion and sbrinktug of the enauiei then placed bla hand on tbe other
work havoc with II. and when It man's shoulder.
"My dear boy." b» said, semewh -t
cracks, an It s < n > u d<«-s. tne Inner part
of tbe tooth crumbles away Io oo time grimly, "tber» ar» only two stages in
tbe Ufe of a writer On» is when ha
la kurprlaed at getting hie etorlee bm-k
Hume Mid ttinl Tarline ms the aud tbe eecoud wben he la »urprl»"<l
You're in
a blent writer that ever lived and huu at not getting them Uai’k
self tried to model Ids style uu that of tbe first; I'm In tbe second And there
you are."
the Ituuiau historian.
But tbe reporter is still wooderlug -
Pbiladelpbla Times.
To Color Mahogany.
The nHtnral color ot mahognnv when
Escorted Her Anyway.
It la too Hulu may I«* dceiH-ued liv ap­
While Roliert* Browning and bit* «on
plying a mixture coui | h >« h < i of a bull
gallon of waler, tour ounces ot madder Barrett were living alone In Florence
and two ouuces ot fustic. Bull and up- tbe «on gate oue afieruoou an exblhl-
ply while hot
While it 1» wet «1 reals tlon of his new lailntings In tbe fumlly
the grain with black Thia will give drawiug room To Mr. Browning wan
new uiuboguuy quite tile culuriug ut assigned Ibe task of meellug the
guests. Lute In tlie afternoon, when
the room was w ell tilled, there appeared
at the drawing room door a womau
Yet Mr.
Itl<-e ban been lite «tuff of life for whuas face p-«» familiar
Browning cguld not recall her name,
more than halt the |e>pulatloii of tilt*
aud he Judged from ber appeuruu.e
world eiii>.* lieyund the liegiuuuig of
that she waa not an Invited guest
recorded lime.
There was embarrassment on both
sides for a moment, and thim the wo­
The Town of Mothers.
man said eagerly: "Oh. please. Mr
The town of Leonberg. In Wurttem
Browning. I'm the cook
Mr Barrett
berg. Is known io* the "town of inoili
aald a» I was to come and see bl» pret­
ere.” for I here the Hint her« of Shlller
ty plctur'a”
aud Kepler lived Ou the walk of the
Whereupon Mr Browning, offering
old ensile where the Mugiia Clinrtn of
bls arm. showed her alwul tbe natta
Württemberg lllx-rile« was signed by
with all tbe »ttentlon tbat he could
Clrtr b. tbe well beloved, tablets have
have bestowed u|>ou a relgulug queen
been plin-ed In bouor uf tbe mothers
of the |met nud the astronomer.
Ths Rat and ths Bulbs.
According to tbe French natnrallat
Ths Tsrrapin.
De I’arvllle. a gardener planted one
The terrapin live« largely upon crabs afternoou 250 tulip bulbs on a terrace,
He never eats his food. but bolts It
and ueit luorulug he noticed that tha
Ills favorite tidbit Is the crabs claw, ground had. iieen dieturlied and that
which be swallows whole with I Lie tbe bulbs tied ull been taken away.
greatest relish.
He was coiifldeut that rata had done
the work and. taking a spade, be be­
Dismal 8wamp.
gan to dig In the hope of discovering
The Dismal swamp la u bird»' para
their neat. Soon he unearthed a large
dlse. 11 houae« eiery cooi-elvable kind, female rat. which he killed and after
and they all alng. pf|»e or whistle all digging a few more mlnntea lte dis­
tbe time at the top of their lungs. In covered an underground < hoinlier lined
mini place« vou are only on*a«looally with hay and leave« and i-ounected by
aware of tbe uiultlludluoiia life going a corridor with two holes whl< b were
oo In the tree»
lo ttie ewuuip you evidently used as alorrhouaea. for In
never forget It.
them he found the 260 tulip bulbs
Thia was remarkable, but more re­
Breton and Welsh.
markable was the fact that thev were
Armorican, the old Inogiiace of Brit
neatly arranged In two rows and that
tuny, tbe nin-leut Cornish and Welsh — not one of I hem had been gnawed or
sod. for that matter. Erar and Gaelic— otherwise Injured.
are all clone I y allied languages. meni
hers of tbe Celtic group
Hi »too and
Tha Rhodum Sldua.
Welsh are vey much alike.
Ati amusing story told by Hood de
A story la told of a brigantine which
nuinltert-d several extremely supersti­
tious meu among ber crew One nlgltt
wlteu there was no moon and a slight
grouud swell whs running tbe wutcti.
who bup|a*ned to be tbe must suiter
slltious of tbetn all. heard an ttueurtb
ly wallhig coming apparently from tbe
very surface of the sea. The mute mid
the beltnsntuu also heurd It. but tbe
former lacked Imagination, and. al­
though be was certainly Interested, he
nearly blew the watch's head off when
he ventured to suggest mermnlds. The
helmsman did nut feel quite bttppy. but
he had to stick to the wheel. The
watclt was pale with terror, hut be
kept silence owing to the mmr’s com­
plimentary reference« to his courage
and nbllltles. Slowly the sound l>egnn
to move nlong the ship’s side, bisoiu
Ing more and more agonised as It ap­
proached Till« annoyed th« mate. and.
going to tbe side of the vesael. be wait­
ed until be had loented tbe sound and
then emptied n bucket of water over
The Art of Dyeing.
tbe rail. There waa a gasp, then dead
Dyeing was practh-ed In F.gynt ne
sllem-e. nnd nothing mor» was heard tar bnck ■■ issai Il C-. anti H may in*
tbat night
asan med flint II wiin practiced In mill
When the watch went off duty be of more remote times among the Indino»,
course gave a detailed and lurid ac­ tbe 1‘ersiaun nud proltabljr tbe Chinese
count of the lucldeut to tils shipmates,
who listened, aa he thought, lu awed
A Fearful Poison.
silence and th»-n culled on one of the
A single drop of hydrocyanic add
audience for bls version of tbe matter
placed on I he longue of n big dog
This man. a Tym*-sider. who dearly caused lustaul dcaili A half tea«|M«'U
loved a Joke nnd had no re»|a*ct at fnl lakeu lly a mau will cause him to
all for hoary superstition», had con
drop as If strut k by lightning There
»plred with bls fellows to play a trick la no antidote.
uu tbe watch. On Ibe night In quea-
tlou be bad crept over tbe bows with­
The Chinese King.
out a sound, carrying wHh him th«
The king 1« the favorite musical In
ship's cat secured in a bug
Cruwb- atrument In Chinese templea
In Its
Ing under tbe stays, tbe Joker let tbe most (lerfect form It consists of a num
cat's beud out of tbe Img. which be tied ber ot large flat Slones of different
round tbe animal's neck so that It sbai«*« sod tooe« The sound 1« that
could not esca|>e. He then applied bls of a chime of bells and is singularly
teeth to Ibe unfortuunte enlOMl's tall. clear and munirai Tbe stun«» are said
Everybody knows tbe fearsome sounds to be a iws-ullar variety of laiealt found
an angry ••at Is capable of preductug. In Ibe mouuialua to tbe north uf China
and (hose to wbl< b a cat whose tall Is
being bitten gives vent are among tbe
must balr raising
The auuud was
The produetlveuenn ut Formoea I» an
more or less regulated by aqueexlug greet that II I« believed that the pre«
tbe luckless beast's body. Tlw mate » ent population of 2.f»<).<»»> nxild be
bucket of waler waa as un»el<«>me as rained to lO.lltAUMll without agbauattug
unexpected and cans,«! lb» lype-alder the fertility ut the toll
lo beat a hurried retreat. ■
Not only la the origin of many sea
Infant Marriages.
auperstltloua “vrrupt In mystery." tun
Turkey perliai* offers more facili
also any logical explanation of cans» ties t«<e the marriage of luíanla Ilian
and effect. It would pttxxle any on» to any other European country. Ottoman
say why It »bould be tintoMkj for the requirements are met If bride sud
ship's boy to whistle on tbe weather bridegroom are old enough to mddle
bow. except tbat It 1» geuerully nn- from tha cradle to tbe altar and to
pleasnnt from a music lover's polul uf understand fb* mean lug of the cere-
view for a boy lo wblatl* uo any l~w mooy of marriage.
at all.
Ou oue orf’nwlon BUfienifitioti «nd ■
guilty <-oo»cl«rK-» caused a prarltoal
Joke to have fatal conae<|Uenccs The
IncMcnt ana* through one of tbe aall
ora. a Nnrwegtan. boxing tb» ears of
the ship's t«»y f«r the afurewnikmed
crime of whistling <»n the weather bow
,X»rt unnaturally the bny wag saooycl
and determli«-J to pay the Norwegian
Akled by two other sailor» a
white ablrv and aom» string, a very
presentable ' ghost" *•» arranged lu
the fur ale •« the night th» Norseman
wan «m wab b. H» ••• to be sllu.ed
only • gHtni««» of the •spirit" oo «titer­
ing th» foc'ste and It was thro to ran
|>h from view, beinr Jerked by meaua
of a atrinx ai.deroe.tb tbe trank of .me
ttoe Jabers
gr cry thing was ready,
and the three crastHrstor» lay tb 'b»tr
tranks «waiting 'heir vtoflm
«»f *
tanatrty they all tell a«l»rp 1« be »nd
4,„|, a.akeoed by a k>ud cry fro«
tbe No»» rtf*«»
«•«'“« •*
tbe -gboat ' tbe dim light ab«d by tb»
lamp fatting on bla gbs«'ly
»»oct to call »»' '• b«™
„fcjn be spake "Na. no." be cried. "I
did ■« meet» ••
F* Mnr»ao'
■jrrf ««»cyr Aud be n.strad »»sdly
ft.,« tb« meal»
TeertBed bK ship
mates fbltowed him. hat «« they reach
•d tbe deck -bey saw th« Nocw^a
tbrww hltaaetf l»U the ««a-Leedoa
Tha Coffee Plant.
Abyaalola la Ibe original borne of rof
far. and tbe filant la alili grown ibera
In If« native Insortane» and primitive
abundan* e
J »pansas Beaks.
Japanese b*«>bs all begin al what we
should mil tbe «od and flol»li up
Where one would esfiect tbe liti» page
to t*
Footmrt««. If any. err placed
at the top of 'be page, and the reader
Inserts bls b.s*Km»rkrr al th» bottom
fft range.! >*f •» ■ '«rg»
•'««’ la
placed al th« l«>glnulug of each para
___________ _____
Tha Stag» aa a Bch»»t
Th. elder lift liked ghake«t«rar». Imi
«,« fi» tabue »f reading playa
enpried bearing item end urne said,
tirai I« bad learned m..re F.ii«ll-h hta
•ury al th» theater iban at ih» univa»
acribss bow a country ouraerymstl
msde " liirge sum out of sal»» of a
almpl» little flower which he «old US
der the ng me of the Hbndum aldna
Tbl» charming name proved quite an
attraction Io tbe Indi»» and the flower
became th» rage of the aenaoti It wan
one of tboae freak» of fashion for
which there la no accounting
length a botanist who found that th*
plant waa not an uncommon weed re­
quested to know where the nursery­
man got the name from
lie elicited
tbe following reply: "I found thia flow,
er In th» road tieside us. so chrlaiened
It th» Rboo *m »Idu» "
The Fur 1st Lest a Sale.
“I*»e Juat happened lo remembet
that my wife told me lo get a tin pan
tbat will go under tbe Icebua
you any?”
"No. sir. but we hav» some that can
b» ebov»d under tbo Icebox
tbat do Just aa well?"
"I think oot. young man
Uy wife
to ■ Ml particular about my getting
tbo exact thing tbat abe tell» me to
I presume I can find It at soma
other atora Good day. air
Tri bone.
■ ■ •—
Hara» Sense.
During a heavy downpour of rain an
Irish farmer eenl ble boy to a distant
Held to bring borne a horse Some time
elapsed, and tbe messenger returned
witbout th» boras
Esther—Didn't Ot send ye for tbe
boroe. ye gauiuch? Is your brad In
your brogues?
Little Boy (drenched to the sklni —
Bure, be was etaudln lo shelter as dry
as ye lolke. liednd. bo knows mure
than tbo two ut us.
Ta# Vnpty.
Buona; (morning ot tha aacood day
ant)—Com», old boy. let's •» ,n" •>“
Breakfast won t b» served f«r
half an hour yet. and a brisk walk uo
aa amply atoms. b will do y*ra gu<«l
■ Mbl-er (fr»bly trying to amila» -
Taka a walk on yours. It you Hka.
Mln» I»-*» aotirtrly tuu
amply - Chkago Tribuna
In Ari Cirsio»
"That pto ture to* by an old master.“
tbe owner «tated fwumdiy
“C'mpb ■-!mirti, »«nnmenied the crit­
ical vMlue
-Wtal wee be master
efr-l’bllad«l|rtiia ledger
________________ .