TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. NOVEMBER 10. 1910 Summons. LI The Fast Steamer OLDEN I R tí « GATE I t Leaves Tillamook for Astoria and Portland HURSDAY of Each Week Freight and Passengers )R RATES—ADDRESS J. R. GLADDEN, Agent. You Use Them. We Sell Them. W. A. WILLIAMS & CO., Next Door to Tillamook County Bank. I Not Sorry for Blunder. "If tny friends hadn't blundered in thinking; I was a diximed victim of consumption, I might not liealict- now," writes D. T. Sanders, of Har­ A Tale ol New Amsterdani rodsburg, Ky.. •'but for years they saw every attempt to cure a lung­ B» HELEN INGLEHART racking cough fail. At last I tried Dr. King's New Discover}'. The Copyright. 1910. by American Press effect was wonderful. It «oou stop­ Association. ped the cough and I am now in bet­ ter health than I have had for years. This wonderful lite-saver is an un­ There II v « h I In the town of New Am rivaled remedy forcoughs, colds, la- grigge, asthma, croup, hemorrhages aterdaiu. which is uow the great city whooping cough or weak lungs. <«t New York, a Dutt btuun-lbey were 50c.. $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guar­ all Dulcbutcu there theu —uaui«*d I'etet anteed by Cbue. I. Clough. The Wedding Day In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Tillamook. United Railways Company a corporation. Plaintiff, VN. A J. Provooat and Lilah Frovoost, his wife. Defendant**. To A. J. Provoost anil Lilah Provoost. the above named defendants. In the name of the State of Oregou. You are hereby required to apjtear and annwcr the complaint filed nguin*t you in the ubove entitled action on or before the expiration of if* week« from the date of the Umt publication of thi* Summons, and it you tail to «<> appear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to said Court tor the relief demanded iu the complaint herein, which is that ajudgmeut be rendered that the following described tract of land situate in Tillamook County. Oregon, to­ wit: Beginning at the north west corner of lot 9 in J. J. McCoy's addition to the town of Bar lity, In Tillamook County. Oregon, and running thence east 50 feet; thenue south luu feet; thence west 5o feet; thence north 1U0 feet to the place of begin­ ning, be appropriated to plaintiffs use for the purpose of constructing, operating aud maintaining a railway line, and a telegraph telephone and electric power line thereon, and that the amount of compensation to be paid therefor be determined, and that upon the payment by plaintiff' into court for thr defendants of Che amount of compensation when so determined, that the plaintiff there­ upon become and be the owner of said right of way. and that plaintiff have judgment thereon appropriating suid property to it. This summons is published by order of the Hon.H. F. Goodspeed. County Judge of Tilla­ mook County, Oregon, made and dated at Tillamook County. Oregon the 1st day of September, 1910. The time prescribed iu. said order for publication is once a week for six successive weeks and the date of the first publication thereof is Thursday, September 1st, 191U. H. T. B otts , Attorney for Plaintiff. Both peedy and Effective. Thia indicates the action of Eoley Kidney Pills as S. Parson!*, Battle Creek. Mich, illustrates: "I have Leen afflicted with a severe case of kidney __ ____________ and bladder trouble for which I found no relief until I used Foley Kidney Pille. These cured me entirely of all inv ailments. I waa troubled with backaches and severe shooting pains with annoying urinary irreg­ ularities. The steady nee of Foley Kidney Pilis rid me entirely of all my former troubles. They have my highest recommendation/5 Sold by C. I. Clough.__ Saves an Iowa Man’s Lite. The very grave eeemed to yawn l»e!ore Robert Madsen, of Went Burl­ ington. Iowa, when, after «even weeks in the hospital, four of the best physicians gave him up. Then was shown the marvelous curative powers of Electric Bitters. For, af­ ter eight months of frightful suffer­ ing from liver trouble and yellow jaundice, getting no help from other remedies or doctors, five bottles of this matchless medicine completely cured him. Its positively guaran teed for Stomach, Liver or Kidney troubles and never disappoints. Only 50c. at Chas. I. Clough’s. NOTICE FOR PUBLICAIION. Department of The Interior. U. S. Land Office at Furtland, Oregon. September 16tb. 191U. Notice is hereby given that Henrv c Kunxe, whose post office address is Yilla mook, Oregon, did, on the 1st day of July I9U9, file in this office Sworn Statement and Application, No. 02040, to purchase the \V% SE% and section 34, Township 1 North, Range 9 West, Willamette Meri­ dian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1«73. and acts amendatory, known as the “Tim­ ber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraisement, an” that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised, at $72U.UO. the timber estimated 1,200,000 board feet at $.50 ¡»er M, and the land $120.00; that said applicant will offer final proof in sup­ port of his application and sworn statement on the 28th day of November, 1910. before T. H. Goyue. United States Commissioner, at I illamook, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or initiate a contest at any time before patent issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit in this office, ulleg- ing facts which would defeat the entrv. H. F. H iuby , There is little danger from a cold or from an attack of the grip except when followed l>y pneumonia, and this never happens when Chamber- lain'» Cough Remedy is used. Thia remedy haa won ita great reputation and extenaive aale by ita remarkable cures of colds and grip and can be relied upon with implicit confidence. For aale by Larnar'a Drug Store ,Register. Summons. PVOPdtIKTOK illamook Ii'on Works eneral Machinists & Blacksmiths Boiler Work, Logger’s Work and Heary Forging Fine Machine Work a Specialty. TILLAMOOK OREGON HE ALLEN HOUSE, J. P. ALiliEN, Proprietor, eadquarters for Travelling Men. Special Attention paid to Tourists. rst Class fable. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation Chamberlain'» Stomach and Liver Tablet» do not sicken or gripe, and may be taken with perfect safety by the most delicate woman or the youngest child. The old and feeble will also find them a most suitable remedy for aiding and strengthen ing their weakened digestion and for regulating the bowels. Eor sule by Lamar's Drug Store. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Tillamook County. Department No. 2. F. R. Beal«, Plaintiff. ▼s. Lawrence E. Sanders aud Gertrude E. A. Sanders, Defendants. To Lawrence E. Sanders, above named de­ fendant : In the name of the State of Oregon : You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and nuit, on or before the last day of the time prescribed by the order for the publication of this summons heretofore made and filed herein, and if you fail so to answer, the plaintiff will, for want thereof, apply to tbe Court for tbe relief prayed for in his complaint on file herein, to-wit: For judgment against said defendants for the sum of H4-5.uu.and accrued and accruing in­ terest. as provided in said uoteand mortgage described in said complaint, and for the sum of $1UU attorney's fees herein, and for the costs and disbursements of this suit, and for a decree foreclosing said mortgage, and for the sale upon suid foreclosure, as provided by law to satisfy said judgment, and barring all equity of redemption of said defendants, and the plaintiff may become purchaser of said sale ; and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet with equity. This summons is served upon you by order of the Honorable H. F. Goodspeed as County Judge of Tillamook County, Oregon, in the absence of either of the judges ol the above entitled Court. Dated this 29th day of September, 1910. and the date of the first publication hereof being on tbe 29tb day or September. 1910, aud the date of the last publication hereof will expire on the 10th day of November. 1910, being seven insertions, including the tirst and the last insertions hereof in said time prescribed, which is for Bix consecutive weeks. HOLMES & HANDLEY. Attorneys for Plaintiff. HANDICAPPED Tlte boy or girl with any defect of vision is greatly handicapped in the pursuit of knowledge in the school room. If your boy or girl does not show a high per centage of average in the school refHirt the probabili, ties are that there ie some­ thing the matter with the eyes. To find out coats you nothing if you will bring them to me for examina- pay to tion. It doesn't gueH» about the eyesight of your child—it ia better to aee that the eyes are right. If glasse» are needed I am prepare«! to furnish k the exact thing that will meet the need» of the case. Remember that they are guarantee«! for one year, and I am here to make • them good, “ Traveling fa- kira are not." ; I I k Summons. s business training school. Endorsed by business men. ■» bool whose graduates secure positions and hold them, ig expenses low. School in continuous session. Send italogue. I STALEY, Principal Salem. Ore '.J? IPlTi Oil ' i f 'Ï 1 U ■»[ ■W; 1 Tl¡ ÍÍ * I In the Circuit Court of the State of' Oregon for tbe County of Tillamook, fib. C. L. Dye, Plaintiff, vs. L. E. Sanders, Defendant. To L. E Sanders the above named defen» ant. Io the name of the State of Oregon You are hereby required to appear and answer to tbe complaint filed against you in the above entitled action and Court, on or before tbe last day of tbe time prescribed in tbe order for publication made herein towit tbe lUtb day of November, 1910, an if you fail to answer, for wont thereof tb Saintiffwill take judgmenx against you r tbe sum of Eight Hundred Fifty-six and 8H-1OU Dollars, together with interest at tbe rate ol eight per cent per annum as follows: On S2UO.OO from April 14tb. 1910, to date of judgment. On S2U3.71 from June 25tb, 1V10, to date of judgment On $150.00 from Jan. 12th, 1910, to date of judgment. On 115000 from Feb. 21st, 1910, to date o* lodgment On $150.00 from May 25th. 1910, tsdate of judgment. for tbe further sum of H *5 on as attorney's fees herein and the costs and disbursements of this action This summons is published by order of the Honorable d. F. 6dspeed. Jndge nf tbe County Court of tbe Male of Oregon for th* County of Tillamook, dated tbe 2Mh day of September. 191U. and the date of the first publication being on tbe 29tb day of »eptemher. 1910. and the date of the last Mbncation of this summons will expire oa tbe lOth day of November. >9>ua,, , H T BOTTB AND GKfiMGK WILLETT. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Tillamook. Oregon. Dr. H. E. Morris, • EYE SPECIALIST. TILLAMOOK PACIFIC I Nones i. Ha««»» O it «»,— Th»« th. Stat. Laod Board of th. •«««» of Or.»... «Ill «11 to the hlabe.« t»l«Mrr at It. oWre In tbr Capitol Bsildlaa at Orrson on breroitwr 27. l»to at to««» .»•«■lock a m of »«Id da,, all the State*, latere.« In «he tide andoeeiiow land, hereinafter deacritied riTina howe.er 1« the owner ut owner, ol pifitinf on an, land. ab«ttin< orftontln« on »win aueh lid< the preference •«-«■ el«ht and oeerdow land, tie to pnrehase .»*<1 tide and orerdow lanai. at the hishe.t price offered proelded .»ch offer t. mnde In ffood faith, and also proTidlnir that the land will not l>e retd nor an, off»« therefor accepted for lew than 17 50 per acre the Hoard reaer.iaff the ri«ht to reject aa, and all bid. Said land, are .Heated la Tillamook Count,. Oregon, and deaertlw«S7.7 feet to low water liue N 12* 20' R. A5I.2 feet aloug tow water lios a ter fiTT.O feet along tow N 17® 59* E line water a»« 51' K. 1250 J feet to hl«h M Msie • - ar1 Datod tbts 'Mtoferr 4 Itto ( A young man stood with his hand on tbe latch of a bouse in tbe countty and admired tbe cheerful appearamW of the place, then knock»«! and waa ad- milled by an old man. “You are Deacon Merlvale. are you not?*' asked tbe vlaltor “Speak louder 1 sui bard of hear­ ing ’ "Are you Deacon Merlvale?" tbe questioner repeated, raising hla voice. Still ha was unheard and shouted the question In the man's ear. "Yes. my name's Merlvale” “You hnd a son. Edgar, who ran away and“— "Edgar? Wbat do you know about Edgary "I am Edgar'e'*— “You Edgar? Can It be that my »on haa come home to be with me during tbe Inst few years I have to live?" "1 was going to say that I am Ed­ gar's"— "My boy! My boy!" robbed the old man. falllug on the stranger's u«*ck Meanwhile tbe two hnd drifted from the ball Into tbe living room. As the visitor look«*d over the old man's shoul­ der a d«»»r o|*et«ed. and he saw tbe tu« e and figure ot a young girl ou tbe The altuattou was awk- threshold ward Tbe deacon did uut «ee the girl or hear her. Site lixiUcd at the uew- comer for un explannllou "He thinks I'm Edgar.'' be nil Id A quick Intelligence passed over the girl's face. "Dou't try to disabuse his mind.' he said. "He has been talking of my brother continually ot late His tula- ttikt* may turn out a fortunate one" This was n great relief to the tup- pneed »««it New that the responsibili­ ty was on another he resigned himself to play his part "Father, forgive me.'' he said, with feigned emotion The old man raised hla head and saw his daughter. "Emily." he cried. “Edgsr. your brother, has return»«! to us!" Here was a new einlmrrasxment. Any brother returning from a long ale «•me would naturally take 111» »later In hla arms for an atfecflonate em­ brace. All.v «later would naturally fly Yet the«« to the arms of her brother two »tixai apart. "Daughter." said ly. "I have finglveu Edgar II is my wish that you welenme him home” The spurious Edgar advanced peni­ tently a ud. gently putting ble nrma alxnit tbe girl, who bluehwd r<-d as a rose, kissed her. That night after tbr old nmn had gone tn bed. thankfulness ,lu hl« heart at the return nt hla ana. the atrangfr told Emily Merlvale the story he hnd trle«l to tell her father Edgar Men- vale and Frank Tucker were Johit pn>s|>«-«’tor» In t'olonido. Having ai' <]Ulnit a valuable mine. II was decided that Tucker should go east and orggn- lz. e a «•oltipiltiy to work II .Inal be­ fore Tinker left Merlvale died, having charged tils puituer to bear tbe news to hla father and sister Emily dared not at pre»ent announce It to her fa­ ther. Hite «letermlm-d to advise Iter tirlgbbor» of the deception and for l|te presettl keep It up. Tin ker wna aucn-aafnl In his tio»l- ue»» effort« and ana making pie|uira­ tions to leave for the west, line eielt- Ing Dencott Merlvale entered Ute llvipg room amldenly to find Emily In I ’lek era arms "it l«euta all." h» said st n churt h so­ ciable tbe n»vt evening. ' wh.it hrofti- •rly and >’!ner!y love there Is la-twevll tny hoy and girl I gist lllgbt they were slltln« on the »«In hugging ami kIse- Ing as If they'd been a pair ot treatny hatched lover»." This s|»ee< h wna not l»nv In urnlna » ht I • ml» to the ears of tbe pair be done? After long dellberath» they decided to I* prltately married ami. telllug the old man that Edgar ilnlrvtl hla slater to g>> »eat with him take their deimrture together. It was not au easy matter to |>erpe- trate au act that must he known to all the world seve one |>«rm>u and he ot the neareat relationship, hut the plaeo wss small, and every one thotiabl It would tie a I'lty to break the news <mg famously and «■ "-cn «« Its »u««e«« wan «snored they woohl lirlna him out Mis to )oln them or return to him neighbors were ruth b Interré» wl in bearing fhe <>M '»■«• ••••* «•»•"♦ *••• children's affectloo for each other «o great, lu fact, aa to reuder them Ittaup arable But as time pasaed and they neither retnrw-d oor «ent for him he » brunlf I the old mao'a heorl. In a few weeks I, was aon'mm-ed that he h«d return ad The flrst psrson to meet him »'• tbs dornime - . •Well. 4aa«ou ashed the latter, "have yoN vtstted the ruuswsya'*' old men • •• ’bs! »» "Ti>sss Th* felt te und I” •" tl* fassnl sermon bore *ip«d doing u*U daschter ta hare her rva we, s. VIERECK. Tillamook Bakery. TELKPROXB TBUXittAPH » Notice of Sale of Tide Landa. TN preparing for a journey the tele- phone performs a great variety of services. Reservations are made, last directions are given, good-byes are said over the wire. The Long Distnnre Service of the Bell System in of apectul value to the traveller. Sometimes the Bell Tele hone makes a tri p unnecessary; sometimes it convinces him that a tri would be ro Stable, Wherever he goes, he feels the need of univernal service, and that is Bell Service. OREGON. Vau Gaaabmk. Peter bad a daughter. Katrina, whose eye» were a» blue as the vault of heaven, whose «tieek» were like two rime» t1««atliig In a pan of milk and whose hair hung down her back like a lovely woven Uni ro|»-. Now, there were a |»*ople not far to the east of New Amsterdam who were of English extraction and of an entire ly dllfereul makeup from the Dutch ■|'he»e «ere the Yankee» Whenever the two |»»>ple» met tor trade they never met for anything else except to tight—tbe Dutchman Invariably weut home with nothing, while the Yankee had twice •» mm h as he had before It 1» not to tie wondered that the tor- nter hnti-d the latter. Pardon Langdon, the Yankee who had won Katrina'» young heart, wa.» a long. lean, hungry l<»>kiug youth who walked with a alou< by gait, drawled bl» words and did uol apiiear to know enough to go und«*r «over when It rained. Never!beleea he was not lo be »bakeu troiu til» purpose to marry Katrlnu de»|>lte the refusal ot Iter fa­ ther »nd mother and the principal clll- ■etiM of New Amsterdam. These prin­ cipal cltlxeuH. Including her tatb«*r. met to take mea»ure» to prevent the robbery of oue of the most beauteous of their lassies by a Yankee and iter transfer to the cubliage fields of Con nectlcut. A great deal of x< bnapps was eoiiMiimed. snd many pouud» of tobHtvo were snioktsl fora Dot« I iiiihii <«>uld not delll»>n«tewltboiit l»>th when the council came to the e<>nclu»loii that the best way to prevent Katrina's mar r.vlng a Yankee wa» to marry her to a Dutchman. No »«miter was till« decision reached than every unmarried ■nun prenant put forward a claim for the imshlon ot Katrlua's husband, shereupou her father announct-d ttial she should be wedded to the man among them who could show the largest numl»-r of |*ell rl«*»—for that whs the »ole fiiislm*»» of the town-and old Dietrich Vau Crln cle. »»me »lity year» old. bitldlieaded and with the palsy. having shown thill he owned more skins than Htiy other, wa» selected lo save Katrina to the community. This was too much for Katrina's mother, who from this tint«* aided with her daughter. But Katrina's mother wps the atupIdeHl woman In New Am atyrdam. Katrina told Pardon Lang don all that had ba|>|u>ned and that she was to lie forced to marry old Van Crlncle on the tlfus-nth day ot June coming. I Pardon told Katrina to tier « uh de her father to promt»«- her that If «he was not married to Dh'trh k Van Crtwle on the 15th of June. UM*, »be «bon Id uot I»* ton ed to marry him at m H. but should I h * permltlcd lo ninrry whomsoever Vhe llk<«l Kalrlua. Hided by her mother. m | h - u I « week per«l«l ently entreating the old mutt to grunt till« requvtit. and he. worn out by tlielr lm|H>rtunltlea. dually gave In But he told Van frill« le what he bud done and waru«>d Itlrn to aurely be on hand <>u the appulut««! day to vlalm bl» bride. When Katrina re|x>ru-d lbs «ucce«« of her and her mother'» work d<«se upon her father be told her to tell her mother to m»*et him that ulglit al the bam* of the lower wherein wa« the town clock. The mol her did an. «nd Pardon, ofienlng the d««>r for her. told her to go up and set the cl«» k lan k twenty four hour». Thia was done, and Pardon loMrocted her that on lli<* l.'tb of June abe «hould tell her huvlmnd wbat »be bad done The reaull of all thia wa» that no the morning of the ap|«>lnted wedding Peter Van Oaa«t«a< k call«-d the count'll together, told them of hl* promlxe to hl» daughter, of bls wife « turning the clock back twenty-four buttra. »nd th»t Katrina now claimed that the day for the wedding had passed Wbat should be do? Anthony Ten Hr««eo IHlx-f» rodea «orad tonel the matter right htll met with no la-tler mx«»m» than Tro Rrre-rk Then the hrMoKrnoni el pm I ant attempted 1» «bow that tbe dar appointed for the nnptlal» had arrlrml fait l»e "Ol, sue-eerdml III proeltlg 111»' a do, had Ire» •<*' <»? "•* "•nilfeg M« k of the rlmk »od If •«» '•»•' l«2h of June An the ■» btiopp* •!<«! tot»»«'»« at»««ke itioeitHed to lite liralua nt tbe r>tlt< boieo tbe .»>nfu«l.-i» »* cante greater, and the delntre lasted an Iona «b»t aome «rf litem »ml to -l—p while '»bere went b"Oie to dlao-r After di otter the dl«ti“l'«" robtlooed Itti H began to grow dark and all Wefel ftnnte to au|»pre an-l lo The nett nx-rnlng K «trio» »eoi i« tier father and rialto»«! that the ’ tb ,.t »be mon'h hnd pn-~-«l while Hie «•outwit were debatió» »’«'i »he w »♦ H»w etitltkd to otare, «hoto aha A KIND DECEPTION COMPANY. Every Bell Telephone ia the Center of th- System. { a