* TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER 10- 1910- RATE'S op SUBSCRIPTION. .»TUICTLV IN AllVANCR.) »bn- »ear..............................-.................. Six months.............................................. Three month»......................................... filiamook 1 75 -'n Mjeabligbt, Commissioners’ Court. The Commissioners’ Court met in regular session Wednesday, Nov­ ember the 2nd, and did the following business, with County Judge H. F. Cotnmiaaioners Goodspeed and H. V. Alley ami G. W. Bodyfelt pre- Clifford IJogan.............................. C. Curl,... 5....................................... Work in R. D. No. 1. Chas. EasOm ................................. Fred Zaddach............................... John Larson.................... Alex Me Donald......... Ale* Anderson ........... Fred Kebba .................... 8 I. H. Deacon.................... E. J. Bartrow ............... E. Rhodes .................. Guy Thompson ......... Wm. Schollmeyer .... Fred Snyder ........... August Ä'lmllmeyer.. George Ludtke ............. A. Gerry............................. Joe Lensinger.................. W. S. Linkliart......... .. G. W. Wilks ................ Wm. Sales........................ M. Bartrow........... ... C. L. Alley ...................... August Davidson..... T. H. Pitts ...................... Gordon Pitts.................... Lester Pitts...................... Work in R. D. No. 2. State of Oregon va. H. Gould. 4.00 7.30 12.50 K. W. Stanley, Justice................ 8.00 D. E. Dawson, constable......... 7.70 Stichler, witness........... 25. CO Frank 8.501 Frank Foster jr., witness. .. 22.50 8.50 6.25 L. Whitman, witness.................. 1.70 6.’25 Dr. R. T. Boals, witness........... 8.50 25. 50 I. C. Dunn, witness.................. 7.90 ' 20.00 James A. Johnson, witness.. 7.90 ! 5.75 Elbridge Lane, witness........... 7.90 8.75 Garret Cook, witness 7.90 i 15.00 Thus. Wilson, witness ........... 7.91) I 1.25 Harry Beckwith, witness........... State of Oregon vs. Roy Smith 43.75 33.12 W. H. Hoskins, witness........... 5.60 H.I« Pete Cassidy, witness 3.90 ........... 4.60 20.00 M. J. Johnson, witness ............ 43.(1) John Alleg, witness--------------- 4.80 85.50 Hiram Crane, witness ............. 5.00 12.00 Frank Crane, witness .............. 5.00 38.,5 J. M. Harrison, witness ......... 4.40 20.00 Francis Buckles, witness .... 4.60 7.50 Mrs. Clara Buckles, witness. 4.00 57.50 Clark Smith, witness................ 5.30 », 40.50 Pete Ilogan, witness................ 3,00 21.25 21.25 21.25 Revival Meetings Close. 1 HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES. We carry a Laive Stock of © 3 Hardware, Tinware, Glass eent. Tile claim of Beall & Co for $270.75 for supplies for road Dist. No. I was ordered continued. Upon the acceptance of the res­ ignation of W. S. Randall as Road Supervisor of Dist. No. 3Cyrus Ran­ / dall was ap|M>inted to fill that vac­ 27.50 Sunday evening the great revival S. Barber............................................ ancy. 20.00 at the big tent came to a close amid Herb Thompson.......................... fe 54.25 In the matter of the petition of Andy Hayden............................... stirring and dramatic scenes. At 47.50 George Loerpabel and others to Pete Cassidy................................... 35.00 the close of the sermon in the even­ have a county road Imilt from the Lou Smith ............................. 10.25 ing, responding to the appeal of Walter Smith................................... West Batik of the Nehalem where W. 11. Hoskins............................... 8.75 Evangelist Olson eight strong men the present bridge crosses said riv­ Ion Smith............................ 18.73 6.25 and women came down tlie aisle er to the Northerly corner of Block E. J . Bartrow................................. 5.0) during the singing of the invitation Harry Crane ... ............. .... One in the town of Wheeler, the 5.00 hymn. Then the evangelist request­ Chester. ................. ........................ court authorized O. If. Schrader, 18.80 Ed Tomlinson............................ ed that the singing cease, and while f Fred Zaddach and F. M. Wakeily Lou Smith, gravel............. 3.25 IJ) V / the audience stood with bowed Mrs. Martin Ripley, gravel. . 33.45 as viewers of said road. heads while he continued pleading 15.75 In the matter of the support of Ed Lee.................................................. 15.75 for men and women to surrender Oscar Smith...................................... Francis Xavier Moreau, the Judge B. K. Coppman............................... 15.75 themselves to Christ. Tears were was authorized to secure a deed of John Hickey........................ ......... 20.00 I in the eyes of many while one after his place and pay off mortgages Work in R. D. No. 3. another men and women came for­ on said place. The court was also Wm. Jolly .......................................... 23.00 ward until a total of seventeen had authorized to pay out the sum of Walter Severance ........................ 2.00 stepped out for Christ at that one 4.00 Oren Lucas.......................................... $200.00 for his benefit. 10.00 service. Twenty otie were added In the mutter of the petition of the R. H. Leach ................................. 5.00 during that day. W. H. Purdin................................... Oregon and California R. R. Co. for 1.50 J. Langley. ................................... From every point of view thia is cancellation of taxes, the County I. R. 'iompkins............................... 13.00 6.25 the greatest revival ever held in C lerk was authorized by the Court J. Tompkins................................... .95 Tillamook. The attendance and to cancel said taxes and delinquen­ Claude Ackley, gravel............... 2.05 interest has been the largest, the A. Zuerker, gravel........................ cies. N. J. Dye ............................................ 30.00 preaching and singing have been In the matter of advertising for Wm. Jolly ............................ ............. 7.50 bills on what ia known as the Rock IL Christensen................................ 26.25 the best, the results have been the 27.50 greatest, and the influence the farth­ Road, running from < Iretown School L. Jones................................... ......... 22.50 est reaching of any revival ever J. If. Jones......................................... House to the Commons’ place, the Kelly Coffman............................ .. 27.50 County Clerk was ordered to adver­ W. A. Broughton ........................ 10. UO held here. Sunday was a great day A. Anderson ............................... . 17.50 at the big tent. The program began tise same. 17.50 with a big Bible School Rally at The following claims were also John Anderson............................... 8.25 10.00 at which the attendance reach­ Wm. Bodyfelt............................... . continued: B. A. Leuch....................................... 55.00 ed over 125. At the 11.00 o’clock Beall Ac Co., for machinery 0582.00 Frank Dye.......................................... 60.00 Mr. Olson preached on 26.30 W. Purdin........................................... 5.00 service Beall A Co., for machinery 7.50 C. Dye .............................................. Bay City News, printing... 47.50 "Heaven,’’ one of the finest sermons 32.01. C. Christensen .............................. Surveyors Report .... 52.50 he has yet delivered. In keeping M. I). Winter, damages............. 1000.03 W. H. Leach..................................... 20.00 with this subject The M osh Family L. M. Sutton, damages ........... 1000.00 Adolph Tinnerstet ...................... 32.50 Claims of Judges and Clerks of spe­ Joseph Dürrer................................. 23.50 sang a trio "Bright Land” and Mr. 11.25 Moss sang "The Holy City” with cial election held in Bay City were Joseph Baumgardner....... 13.25 great power. I’ete Scranz......... continued. •• 15.00 WilJ Hanenkratt The Basket dinner at 12.30 was The following bills were allowed: Theo. Gaechter . 5.25 4.00 another most enjoyable occasion. King A Smith Co., mdse......... 35.85 Geo. Tinnerstet 13.50 Ocer 100 partook of the bouuties 250.«» M. Abplanalp... Wm. Newcomb, gravel 3.25 Tohl A Anderson, uidae............ 481.83 Verner Holden , provided by the women and friends Springfield Lbr. Co., lumber. 12.81) Work in Road Diet. No. 4. of the church. At 3.00 Mr. Olson Reddnway A Bell, labor........... 12.50 give his great lecture on "America Wesley Rush, board.................... 12.16 C. S. Weljs ... ........... ................. 4.80 Ike Stein non .............. .•................ King & Smith Co., mdse......... Past, Present and Future,” in which Mrs. Jennie Reeher, board.... 31.00 Chas. Me Devitt............................. he pointed out clearly that the Pa­ IL Schields ....................................... 6.5b Mrs. Jennie Reeher, board. . . cific Ocean and the Western coast lames Christensen, Piling . 281.01 3 H. B. Johnson................................. Wheeler Lumber Co., lumber 144.29 L. O. Leach..................................... of the I'. S. will soon become the Ed Blum, labor............................... It 1). i» i Jim Leach ......... ......... ................ commercial center of the world. John Sanders ..................................... D. W. Gilbert A Sons, mdse... 26.97 At 6.30 the Christian Endeavor (). W. Kiniuiman, timber.... 5.80 I’oin Lyster....................................... Society which was organized on Fri­ W. II. Powell, damages........... 2U00 Norman Olds ................................... day evening held its first regular 14.60 fl. Edgar.............................................. Clements mid Parish, labor. . Geo. Bodyfelt, commissioner 22.1k) H. Leach ............................................ meeting. The society now has Oil II. V. Alley, commissioner. . 211.60 Chas. Kennedy............................... active members and eight associate <». II. Schrader, surveyor.... 10.700 John|Blu'ii (notallowed) .... members. This membership makes J. M. Baker, labor ............... 26.50 B. A. Leach....................................... t ............................... I . J. Ayer, supervisor............... Mill Jas. Shaw. it one of the large societies of the bred Zaddach, supervisor 45.00 I’oin Pearaon.................................. state. The following are the officers: C. Randall, supervisor,........... 7.75 W, 11. Leach..................................... l’res., Mrs. Irwin Harrison, Vice King A Smith Co., mdse......... 6.90 Work on Carl Poaaeti Roa«' Pres. Helen Beals, Secretnty Benton F. II. Goodapeed, salary........... 100.11) 4.01) Olvin Blum ...................................... I nez V. Bozarth............................ Stanley, Treasurer Arthur Wallace, Elmer Hull ...................... ............. for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularitid W. II. Christensen .................... 4.20 Chorister A. F. Schofield, Leader of 8.9) < leo. Dorr........... ................... Frank A. Rowe ............................ Foley's Kidney Pills purify the blood, restore lost vitality and vigor. Re fuse substitute Orchestra Chester McGhee, Organist Walter T. .Brown.......................... 5.10 Ed Blum.............................................. Faye Todd. The young people had E. W. Stanley, Election 13.60 I Ralph Blum....................................... Sold by Chas. I. Clough. ■' J C. Bewley, truant officer.. 7.62 Amhy Brown ................................. a remarkably tine meeting Sunday j. P. Allen, board........................ 1.50 Walter Anderaon .......................... evening, over twenty taking an act­ I. C. Holden .............................. 7.11) Work in Road Dist. No. C. ive part. W. S. Buell, ex|ienses............... 2.20 Orley Kellow..................................... 25.01) W. F. Baker, stamps 10.62 J. G. At 7.740 Mf. Olson gave the final Brink ................................ 9.75 A. Shearer, deputy ................. 3.10 George Kellow .................. . 15.0) sermon of the revival, preaching on bill. Electric L. A F. Co. 31.W .Albert Getchell............................... 8.25 Till. Steuiu Laundry.................... 7.75 II. L Huffman........................ .. 25.(11 “Why I Believe the Bible To Be the Pacific Tel. A Tel. Co........... .... Word of God.” At this service Mr. 10.80 Will Frederickson........... ............. 6.50 W. I). Bodyfelt.board ........... 41.30 Ernest Baker ................................. ttlll Moss sang by request three splen­ \\ D. Bodyfelt, janitor.. 39.11) N. P. Hanson ................................. 5.75 did solos, “Christ Is King,” "My \\ S. Buell, salary........... ......... 83.33 Lucious Lane................................... :t5o Heavenly Father Watches Over Me,” J. IL Johnson, salary ............. 50 00 Lee Lane............................................ 1.73 A M. lime, salary no. oo Tom t )lson.......................................... and "There Will Be No Tears In 2.50 Pearl Phelps, salary.................. .H III) All were sung in a I. F. Stichler...................................... 42.50 Paradise.” K. Mills, aulary . ... 3010 Wm Glick .................................... 18.50 masterly way. J. C. Holden, salary ............. 133.33 Ed Knoblock..................................... 21.00 I’p to date there have been 131 John Aachiiti, salary ............. 30.00 Jell Fleck ................................... 31.75 II. Crenshaw, salary ......... 133.33 Wm Lawrence........... ............. 9.(1) additions. 1(H by confession and W. ■». Randall supervisor.... 57.00 Wm Hudson........................ ............. 1.170 28 by letter or statement. John Hickey, sup.......................... .«nt> (. uatom Tailored Suits made to special order according to your individual menaiiren*«* * Thomas Edwards ...................... 3.25 This week, on Monday, Tuesday W. II. Hoskins, sup.................... 01.50 Elmer Calkins................................. 33.01) your own choice of materials and aylea. »nd Wednesday evenings, Mr. Olson C. 11. Wuymire, sup...,.......... 41 40 John Fleck.......................................... 29.0« Orley Kellow, work..................... 3&(D Ralph Werschkul ... ............. gave his three pay lectures. This 2.00 H.B. Johnson, sup...................... 42.00 David Weracbkul............................ evening a reception will t»e held ai 50 W. H. lausch, »up ...................... 67.60 8.00 the tent to all who have come in t ulumbia Bridge Co................... 886. (I) John Imlah ............................... . A. Imlah................................. ......... 4.(1) .. Rc‘“,y «o wrar Suita $10.00 and up. Dresses $13.30 and up. Coats $7.50 and up. Skirts $5.® ’*** Glass A Prudhomme,mdse during the meeting. Everylxxly is 162.09 Martin tin Jenck......... 16.(1) urs. Waists, Petticoats, Sweaters. Muslin Underwear, Kimonos, Knit Underwear, Hosiery.1 Work in R. D. No. 3. Civil. ile Hudson .. 4.U) invited to this service and it will he Neckwear, etc- alao Misses’ Suita and Skirts and Children’s Dreaaen at correapondinglyD^??- Chan. Jennings............................... 44.42 A. Hill .................. 6(1) one of the most enjoyable occasions Albert Darby........................ ... 311.37 W F. Russel......... 2.(1) of the whole revival. »‘»-KASE CALL AND SEE THE BEAUTIFUL FASHION PI_ATES AND SAMW*^ Marten Darin 25.25 38.87 P. Gynn ................ The evangelists will remain __ in I I Amos Vangnn .............................. 7H.n v«. J. J. H tiriliert. Warren Vaughn ........................ 7.« 9.20 The Sunday sermons will be ' Bay City Lbr. Co. .. ............... 125 «I K. W. Stanley. Justice .... Fred Wheeler,Lumber 1U(V 11:00 o’clock, ‘’After the Revival, 33. IM I. C. Miller, witness ........... la oo A. Sherman, hauling lbr......... Mill» Mrs. U C. Miller, witnea* tt |. Dunn, witness ........... 10.(1) then what ;” 3:00 o'clock. "How Work on R. D. Na 3 Jesse Craven, witness .... bl 60 going to Heaven ia Like Riding a R tk Richards 33.77 Chas Ray, witness................ !k(I)| Bicycle;" 7:3U I Inna Jenson ......... 11 50 Frank Chipman, witness 'MHO Mr. Moss and family will have. E K. Rowland .... 13.30 Dr Brown, witness ... 8.(1) special music for all theae services. 1 Olhe Wisnls 1550 Frank Taylor, witness .... 8.(1) < Ed Huiley................... 8 50 James Walton Jr., witness i.m. Everybody invited. At the conclu- j Alluni Lipin 2 62 tii-o. Willett, witness 8. A) •ion of the evening sermon a fare- : J. m ' o I i Gruien ......... l«i W. G. Harris, interpreter 1.70 well service to the evangelists will Ted Lynter............... iu Ou D. K. Daws» m ........................ l.Vll) R G. Anderson B ukiiett S hip ’•.AS íl|e*«* Good Results Always Follow Singer Sewing Machine. 28.00 H. Crrn«haw'ei|H'naes.... 19.73 t»e held. AK Grieet 5(1) The use of Folev Kulnev Pilis. Whirlon • r~ , State of Chwgon vs. C. Possetti. Kmil Wooley 51.73 , They are upbuilding, strengthening Now is your opportunity to get Hexamet hylenetetramine A. Curl 13.30 C. 1. Crook, witness ......... Tonic in action, a machine that will last you a |jfe 4..1) la the name of a German chem »nd soothing. ? B«*15 S 1. Davin ............ 31 25 Ed Blum, witness.................... Will Proi t°*e 3W ical. one of the many valuable in «juick in results. Sold by C. I. time, on easy monthly, payments C. Wooley 15. m Henry Sihield. witness ... (.lough.____________ that you will scarcely miss and a 10 gradients of Foley ’ s Kidney Rem- Women R Met lav 5 (Jl> Mrs. Geo. Dorr,witness.... no interest. ilerful help AMI edy. Hexamethylenetertrsmine ia •Ip from ;{‘‘a Arthur Jackson "I do not believe there ia any oth- 1.25 I personally guarantee every ma ­ State of Oregon vs. Jas, Smith. -_. I recognixed by medical text books S u M m by medical text books w. I It ‘ _ er .., medicine an good for Whoopi whooping 4 25 xx «« kiuc «IJPMM1 nr chine and will keep it in repair free salve. « sores W Stanley, Justice ... 2.38 am’ authoritiea as a unc acid aol- SSL, eruptions, sores ■°a , Mernl Devi» 1.30 E. State -W —- — --«. vxriiMii of ch a rjjr. of Oregon va W. Chinholm '| *?.a-'* , ’ îr K ‘ a , ' ,r ,l **\ »>nne. makes the ,km H Nordstrom Remedy, writes Mrs. Francis Tur 2.00 T-ke • ' K^-y " Re\u^y Your old machine will be taken It glonfies the t‘«ee , H Tohl A 'N K. A. Worthington, rig i pin. Junction City. Ore. Thia rem- , J!, promptly the first sign of kidney as part payment. Irs Diamond.,,,, ¡•Oew. cold si.n--^ •dy ie al«o unaurpaBMKl for cold« 4 00 B Hataner, constable Machines delivered at your home, • ped bands. I*» -’' _ ” trouble and avoid a serious \ u tor Hogan 13U Il W. Kline, witness ... * * For »ale by Lamar'« sold by C. I. Clough. ' I Drug Store. on tree demonstration trial »»• 'lever sores. cJ,t9’.. Cali in and see the New Singer I (Mk J 25x. at Chas- 1- and China, Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors. Window Sashes, Agents for the Great WesternSaw. ALEX McNAIR CO The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County. Tillamook Lumber Manufacturing Compy, KILN DRY FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISHED LUMBER. ALL KINDS OF MOULDINGS, We Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook County’s Most Famous Cheese. The Best Equipped Saw Mill in the County. New Machinery, Experienced Workmen and Eirst Class Lumber of the Best Quality. LET US FIGURE ON YOUR LUMBER BILL. KIDNEY PIW Now Ready for Your Inspection!! The most wonderful values ever offered in Women’s Misses' ni Childrens High Grade Wearing Apparel at Popular Prices. An opp°r tunity to make your selection from the complete variety of the »Season’s nwf favored styles as shown only by CHAS. A. STEVENS & BROS., CHICAGO. PERFECT FIT AND SATISFACTION ASSURED. MRS. MARTHA E. WALLACE, P. 908, Tillamook, Oregon. --------------- —----------- representing —------------- —---- CHAS. A. STEVENS & BROS., CHICAGO