Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, November 10, 1910, Image 1

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SXIII. No. 23.
Pure Eastern Candy, 25c. quality, 124c. lb.
Boy’s Strong Fast Black Overalls 25c pr
Ladies’ Fancy C.olored Tailored Waists, 37c.
Cotton Blankets, ton, gray or white, 47c. pr.
Lauies' ana Cnildren s
For his services may not lie able to
get a raise in salary just at present, but
he can make mi effort to save a little
from his weekly pay.
One Dollar will open an account at
this bank and additional sums may be
deposited from time to time. This plan
has started many wage earners on the
road to a competauce. Why not you ?
e. eye specialist
Hill’s home made mince
typewriter, cheap. —D.
livered, $10.00 a ton.ID.
for Bale in Park addition^
wing wanted by Mrs.
Whitehouse A Son for
nee, etc.
ent by die sack or the
D. L. Shrode.
Itom left for Portland on
a business trip.
the best kind, at the
Lumber Mfg. Co.
garell was in town the
week on business.
rl and Henry Smith were
in Blaine Tuesday.
Monday, at Hebo, to the
arlc-s McKillip, a son.
>ur property and avoid
’. S. Whitehouse A Son.
Price paid for Hides, Fur-
Pelts. N. Melchior, Till-
doors can tie obtained
illatnook Lumber Mfg.
ilma Johnson, who has
ill for the past week, is
, cheapest and best paper
Leave orders at
lith Co.
11 is baking at night and
upply the demand for lier
e bread.
See our advertisc-
uction Sale in this paper.
S mith C o .
‘lank moved into the Walt,
ouse, across from Dave
, the past week.
, by Justice Stanley, on
the Court House, V. W.
id Bessie Byrnes.
r doors and window« from
■nook Lumber Mfg. Co.
money by doing so.
lan returned to town Sun-
ange his work in time for
ssion of Circuit Court.
nit that old summer suit?
dyed by the Tillamook
e Works for winter use. *
for Sale, at a bargain. May
t Mrs. Plank’s, forenoons,
at the Headlight office. *
at suit need pressing? If
it to the Tillamook Steam
ks and have it pressed
|r- Shrode for lessons in
|. A sample of her work
been at Jenkins' Jewelry
iWerschkul haa returned to
■ r an absence of about three
i He intends living in town
hn find a nice new line of
tt Mrs. Wade’s millinery
I just north of The New»
i Bay City.
D. UAJiflR, Pre.
o«at«d in th«
op in and book
1 GOODS on
•eh boat.
If that suit needs to be pressed
for the dance or show, phone the
Tillamook Steam Dye Works and
they will corne after it.
Owing to so much job work this
week, we are late in going to press,
and the editor could not find time to
give to the snap shots.
Joe Illingsworth, who was injured
by dynamite some time age, has
I recovered enough to take off the
bandages from his head.
Lee Willard, who arrived here
Sunday,gave a vaudeville act at the
Gem Tlieatie Tuesday night, which
was enjoyed by a large crowd.
Lost, a Airedale Terrier, answers
to the name of Clackamas. Please
inform superintendent at ^.Fish
Hatchery and receive reward.
Team for sale, 2900 pounds. Good
and true.
Also two new wagons
for sale. Enquire of W. H. Purdin
or D. L. Shrode, Tillamook, Ore. .
For sale, house 6 rooms, large
wood house, all out buildings, all
in good order, I lots 50 x 105. Price
Inquire at the Headlight
At the special city’ election on
Monday to vote on the proposed
new charter, the bill was again de­
feated, the vote standing 166' against
and 119 for.
G. W. Kiger returned to Tillamook
Thursday after a week’s absence on
business in Portland.
He came in
over the P. R. A N. road and reports
having an enjoyable trip.
Anything looks cheap is cheap
imatition Cut Glass. Buy Libbey’s,
the World’s best, for sale only by
Howard Wahlen, Leading Jeweler,
Nehalem and Tillamook.
The American Boy is positively
the best paper puplished for boys.
Send $1.00 for one years subcription
for yourself or your boy to L. P.
Arrant, Monmouth, Oregon.
Snow Drift flour, $5.90 a bbl. and
$1.50 a sack. Lighthouse flour, $5.40
a bbl. and $1.40 a Back.
perial flour, $5.75 a bbl. and $1.45 a
sack.—W m . CVRTI8,
The Grain
At the reception tendered Evan­
gelists Olson and Moss on Thurs­
day evening at the opera house, the
sum of $5,000 was subscribed for a
new Christian church, which is to
cost $20,000.
W. If. Honkins had shipped in on
the Elmore a registered O.I.C. boar
from Salem, also a registered year­
ling Jersey bull,
Mr. Hoskins kill-
ed a 2-year old O. I.C. hog which
dres«ed 606 lbs.
Ernest Tyler and wife were in
town Tuesday. Mrs. Tyler’s parents,
Wm. Saling and wife, of Beaver,
were in with them and we under­
stand that Ernest will stay with
them until court meets.
Mrs. T. E.rEpplett, who went to
Colorado in October, for her health,
is said to be feeling much better,
although the high atmosphere has
made her so weak that she is un­
able to walk without assistance.
Notice the differeoee between Lid-
by's Cut Glass and the imatition.
labbey’s is white the other is green
tint. IJbbey’s, the World’s beat, for
sale only by Howard Wahlen, I ead-
Jeweler. Nehalem and Tillamoi k.
G. II. Poland sold three acres of
land on his place north of town to
John Erickson and Carl Knudsou
for $1.9UD, tiein g one acre on the
front of the road next to the editor’s
new residence and two acres at the
A heavy rain and wind storm
came up on Wednesday mon i >g.
which developed into a gale wuh a
drenching rain. The Wilaoa and
Trask rivers overflowed, making the
travel difficult and which delayed
the mail.
Star brand procew barley. $1 25
a aack and $3X50 a ton ; oats. $1'0
hundred. $37 (1)ton ; bran. ®c. aack.
$29.50 ton; mill chop $lff> 90 Iba.
•ack, 823 ton ; shorts $1 .ft 80 lbs.
sack, $32 tonWM Ct RTI« The
Grain Man
An interesting game of Foot-ball
was played at the race track last
Tuesday, when the team «up|>oaed
to lie thé Tillamook Dramatic Club’s
team, bwt in fact a pick of the beat
professionals in town, and the Till-
<>mook High School met and pin» -
ed a forty minute game- The High
School proved too quick for the
larger men and the final score
was 2 - 0 in the student« favor.
Garments may not be ad­
vertised here that meets with
your approval, yet we can
truthfully say from pure cot­
ton to wool mixed, from pure
wool to silk and wool mixed,
there is a endless variety,
both in union suits and single
Store’s history. A monstrous power
of values offered to reduce this great
$75,000 stock to its normal size. Our
buying to fill the immense space
causes this price cutting. Same as
the butcher, the baker, and the candle
stick maker, but unlike them, goods
must not mould on our shelves.
LADIES’ Vests and Pants, Jer­
sey ribbed, medium weight,
fleeced, 38c sellers 25c each.
LADIES’ large size, stout Vests
and Pants, fleeced, 50c seller,
33c each.
LA DIES’.French cut fleeced comb­
ed cotton vests and pants, 65c
seller, 47c.
LADIES’ Union Suits, natural col­
or or white fleeced, IXJc seller,
LADIES’ wool Union Suits, white
or Australian gray, $2.85 Heller,
$2,19 suit.
Take advantage now.
Your Fall and Winter needs
are scheduled, the time, the
conditions, the place is here.
CHILDREN’S fine elastic Under­
wear, 25c to 45c seller, all sizes,
19c to 37c each.
BOY’S Shirts and Drawers, our
special heavy 35c seller, 27c ea.
, 1 •
YOUTHS,! I nt tl 1 tl 0*
Ladies, M luges. Infants, Mens, Youths, Boys
Nothing Advertised Here Sold to Deniers.
Thanksgiving is drawing near, we
urge upon you the importance of buy­
ing your outfit here, different stylish
cuts, different materials, different—
because all that's here is in style and
all that's in style is here.
It's the
different store with nobby differences,
you’ll like them and these different
A tnessoge of vast importance, for
the shoe problem of to-day is n mystery
to many. Look over this great stock,
note the different widths and forms «t
carry mid the problem is solved, in it
any wonder we coup the shoe trade,
tint its reduction we talk of to-day
get busy.
MEN’S SUITS of wool cheviots and
mixed wosted«, a suit built d*Q OC Oi-tif
for satisfaction. $15 values ^w»O«J Ollll
MEN’S SUITS of tweeds, fancy English
wosted popular shades of gray, tan. black
$12.65 suit
MEN’S OVERCOATS the prevailing popu­
lar models, full length, beat tailoring,
imported fancy wosted«, $15.00
BOY’S SUITS, long pants, latest cut
coats, material of wool cheviots, serges and
>1 A QE
$6.75 Suit
"“‘SI. I,,.»...«...
BOY’S OVERCOATS, clever debonair
styles to suit the stylish little gent, d* 4 '7E
|6.50 values,
Conyrtckt «•" KluIrtH-r *
FREE.—Let n« send yo*! by mail--
Ladies’ Home Journal style sheet for
December, Illustrated souvenier book
of Tillamook Co., Catalogue sheet of
our colossal Reduction Sale.
The word IJbbey’s is engraved
on all jfood Cut Giusi*. Don’t I m ?
fooled on the cheap imatition cut
glass. IJbbey’s, World beet, is only
for sale by Howard Wahlen Lead­
ing Jeweler, Nehalem and Tilla­
W. C. King is building an addit­
ion on to the rear of the Jenkins’
Jewelry Store, to lie occupied by the
Monk Studio. This will put this Stu
dio on the ground floor and Dr.
Monk proposes to have the treat
equipped Stuido West of Portland.
Mrs. F. S. Whitehouse and dau­
ghter» returned to ibecity on Satur­
day from the East, where »lie had
visited relatives and friend« in New
Hampshire and Massachusetts. Mr.
Whitehouse met them in Portland,
and Frank Easter drove them in
from Willamina.
The steamers Sue H. Elmore and
Golden Gate left out on Wednesday
morning, after which a big storm
came up which laated all day nnd
night and on that account some an-
xiety was feared for the vesaels.
They, however, reached Astoria on
Thursday afternoon.
Hot Coffee and Biscuit« made
right before your eyes. * r
ing to demonstrate Quick Meal
Ranges ami Universal (offer Per
roisters Seturdav Nov. I9<h.
cuits and coffee will be served to all
who come between IO a. m and 5
p-m. - KIMO * SMUT« Ca
John Harter and wife returned to
the city last week after a tripof sev­
eral week« to the Middle U eat state»,
and meeting Henry Kunze in Yam
; hill county John
undertook to
take an active part in Henry’■ cam-
I paign, tint before they reached thia
city, and while in a jubilant and
’ hot>eful mood. they ran across the
hoodoo which queered Henry •
—□ of election Hone.1 John
< hancea
“ aeriixi« and the »mile, we are
■ told. vanished on Henry’s face.
Walt. Purdin, formerly em
by the Tillamook Lumber Co
sold his big brown team, wagon«,
and harne«« to Press Lucus A Eon,
the consideration being $460.
Purdin had Elmer Lucas move his
household furniHhin^» to the Je»»
Kennedy place at Cloverdale the
past week.
He intend» to milk
cows the coming year at that place, j
The following caae» have been
tried by District Deputy Attorney
Geo. Willett the past week. Jim
Wilson and O. A. Johnson wen-
each tried on two charge« for the
violât on of the «et net law. The
case« were dismissed and new
charges filed ngamst them. I>on
Ellis and Henry Mitchell were tried
and fined
» piece for violation
of the <i«h law.
Every one is interested in lalxir
»Hving and money saving device«
We are going to demonstrate to
labor and money saver« Saturday.
Nov. 19. Hot biscuits like mother
used to make, baked here in the
«tore, right tiefore your eye«, on
«Quick Meal Range. The coffee will
tie made in Universal Coffee Per
< ulator«.
Biscuit« and coffee free
to all K im « * S mith Co.
* .
’’The Convict’e Daughter” at the |
Opera H.mae. two nighta, Friday I
«nd Saturday. Nov. llth and 12th
Never hefore have the member» of
the Dramatic Club appeared to bet
ter advantage than they do in this
beautiful play. Seldom do the thea
tre going people of Tillamook have
a Chance Io see a play that contain«
«0 much heart interest;«« is cont«in
ed in 'The Convict’« D» light er.
No matter what your «talion in life
may be. you will find something Io
please and entertain you in this
.4«y Mark the date, Friday end
«»attirdsv Novemtei llth. and 12lh
Seel» I s'* wowwtHng at lamari
I Secure them early. Usual peue
gray, white and tan. firming
borders, 72c value, 47c pair.
COTTON BLANKETS,full weight,
colors of tan and gray, rain­
bow borders, full bed size, $1.25
now 83c.
size, henry twilled, fluffy nap.
$1.75 value, $1.23 pair.
size, colors of white and gray,
great $8.(Ml value, now $”,35 pr.
W >1)1. BLANKETS, extra 11-4
size, natural color or white,
ottr tegular $5.50 seller, now
$4.25 pair.
Silkoline BED CO.'lEORTS, large
size, snow flake batting, $2.tiO
value«, 31.69.
Fine Silkoline BED COMFORTS,
72x84, snow flake butting, vert
similar to Eiderdown, $.'.W>
value at $2.49.
Fine Sateen Beil COMFORTS,
snow flake batting 62<84, simi­
lar to Eiderdown, $8.50 values,
at $2 98-
Colossal Shoe Sale
models of
fashion to suit the most fastidion , d*O ft
nobby materials.
$10.00 values «PO»V«*
Our showing is unsurpass­
ed, we bought them in large
quantities, making it poesi-
ble forvou to buy at the low­
est possible price, now they
are priced still lower nt the
Reduction Sale.
MEN’S high cut Ifiin. tan Gotzian shoes,
full double »ole, solid counter, plain or
buckle top, $11.<10 value, $4.85
MEN'S high cut black Gotzian shoes, full
double sole solid Counter, plain or buckle
viscolized top 40 ill values, 34.65 pair.
MEN'S strong comfortable work shoes,
best stock double sole, $2.50 Heller, 31.95 pt.
MEN'S rub dub. «tnnd«rd screw, double
sole work shoe, $3.00 value, 32 30
HOY 8 high cut «hoes, black only, stoutly
made, value to Jf.tXI at >2 45
YOUTHS high class medium swing, full
«t, dress phot**, Mize« 10 tu 12^a, $2.73
value $1.83 pair.
YOUT1I8 dress «twee blnch«r cut, sizes IO
to 2, $2.50 seller $1.85. »i«es 2', to 0, $2.75
sellers, 32 15 pair.
LADIES’shoes strong Vici leather, patent
tips, welt soles, our good ;2.25 seller 31
per pair.
Larges* showing of holiday goods
ever »een in Til’amook, be sure and
bring the children - »hop with ub by
King & Smith Co.
Auction! Auction !!
Saturday, November 12th, we will auction
off a high grade, 6 Drawer, WHITE ROTAHV
SEWING MACHINE. This nuichitie is 11
late model and guaranteed in every way. A
inachin: that Agents would as‘< you
No need to come to town to bid on this
machine, in fact bids wifi not be accepted
unless they come to us by mail.
Fatufday, November I', th, 2o clock p ••• • all
bids will I* opened and the party (ridding tl r
highest will get the machine N<> matter what
amount the highest bid is, $’.•■> or i **.'* . the
nia< bines will go to the highest bidder
Cut out the Coupon la-low, state the
amount of your bid, your f’.O.nd dress. sign
your name in full and mail it to *•» **• tluit it
will ns not later than the tjmv and dat •
mentioned. Do it to-day.