TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. NOVEMBER 3. Editorial Snap Shots Vote her straight we mean the Republican ticket —from top to bottom. __ That short weight butter deal on the part of Kunze has Is-en looked upon as a greasy trans­ action. 'The snap shot man has not had much inn out of this elec­ tion, for the reason that our J Jemocratic friendsdid not have enough ginger left in them to put up a local ticket. Bowerman ! Bowerman Bowerman ! ! ! That's man you ought to vote for for governor, for he was the choice of the people fit the primary nominating election. All loyal, true blue Republicans, who tire working for party success, are for Bowerman. Republicans who took part in the primary election should j support the ticket from top to bottom. Republicans who will not do this show conclusively tnut they will not abide by the result of tin- primary election if they cannot dictate who should be nominated. If Henry Kunze could not resist the temptation to im- his neighbors by pose on selling short-weight butter, sid­ ling it at from 80c. to DOc. | er roll, the highest price in the history of the country, could he be expected to frown upon the lobbyist with the long stick representing the special inter­ ests ? That is the wav voters size up a man running for office. Ro^a! BAKING POWDER Crullers, p All Cakes Biscuits, Hot Breads ì sistVj fcíConomica.1, Absolutely Healthful 1910 Obituary. Pattad Her on the Bed, column, then imikc it too tropi- Tennysou ou on,. o.,Mbj < Mrs. Mianda Tillotson was born | Ctll for bootleggers to remtiin the ruyal yacht, at the in Courtland County, New York, i here. It is now up to the people then Princess of Wahs November 3fth, lMft She was mar­ GruiKlmothi r." -| i,,,,] to decide. ;_________ 1 ried to Charles Hewitt in IM'4«.' To The voters of this county this union were born two sons, Ar­ liysun, “in a cabin on ecaa sat « lose to me ,,n J?3 ' should be enreful to vote for thur I.., who resides in Portland, young lady whom i ** j two circuit judges ¡it the elec­ Oregon, and Charles C., who dia- the other. The wind tion to l>e held next Tue«dny. apfieared very mysteriously in New an ojien window, and n,e Zj Percv R. Kelly ami I. H. Van Zealand in 1904, and has never since whispered, ‘l’ut on vour J Winkle ¡ire the two Republican if to iiakJ been heard from. Mrs. Geo. Wil­ "‘.‘I1 nominees, ¡md their names liams of this place is a step-daughter self balder than ever ¡appear on the ballot ¡is the last royalties. I” of deceased. on!’ so 1 dil, who i wiih in the I,«, Icjr.^J I able lawyer» and well qualified to Oregon in 1888. residing here six fool, really kept a court foo¡T fool), „ J i to discharge the duties of this years, then removed to Florida, 1 important office. They are where they lived until June, 1900, •He may lie laureate, but be ¡¿J ’ men of high standing and un- returning at that time to Tillamook, learned court niaumrs.' WbmlJ done the ladies i rais d me. »1,4 J and I impeachable integrity, here they continued to make their ted the unknown one mi tbe basj | every voter should make it a home until, four months prior to way of reply, and 1 resently |3 point to vote for both of them. her death, owing to failing health, out »lie was the einpmm of ligj It is important to every person “Had you uliy talk with the,^3 Mrs. Tillotson made her home with that this office be properly til­ “Hardly any. lie said be »J her son Arthur at Portland, where led, because no one know» when she died on October 20, 1910. 1 he speak English. I’erhap. he w5S J he may be compelled to be a gusted at my patting bls wife „j remains were brought to this city, back. His bend was up in t^ J party in a law suit, and he will ami the service held here on Oct- celling as he walked about beijd then be interested in having I his suit properly settled. If tober 28th, 1910, at the M. E. Church. London Gentlewomau. Deceased was a woman of deep I the judge is not qualified to culture and refinement, with a kind Hydrocyanic Acid. I till the position, and is con- The distilled essential oil of alaJ ' stantlv blundering and making and loving disposition, which won which when diluted suppiie, tlJj many warm friends wherever she errors iti the trial of a case, an went. She was ever thoughtful and lar flavoring for sweets and cuufetS appeal will frequently be taken er.v known as "rutafln." contain□ to the Supreme Court, the case considerate of others, ami many strongest form it siittlcient p«rtn3 watt here mourn her loss, as she reversed and sent back for a of hydrocyanic acid to make it |3 new trial, thus adding greatly held in high esteem by ail who dangerous. A young man wboiJ eenting an order by pouring It fjj to the expense, not only of tbe knew her.________________ _ parties to the suit, but to the large bottle to a smaller one gad Wis., Mr. Otto Paul, Milwaukee, taxpayers at large as well, says Foley’s Honey ami Tar is still that he had not put the label J where no appeal would be more than the best. He writes us, - straight on the smaller bottlenad J “All those that bought it think it it off again. Before replacing ui| taken if the case was properly is the best for coughs and colds tried in the circuit court. This they ever had and 1 think it is still bel lie licked it to make Ruredl applies particularly to citses more than the best. Our baby had ■ticking properly. Hut while i»gM tried by jury, ¡is the expense a bad cold and it cured him in one he hud inadvertently let a drop «J there is usually much greater day, Please accept thanks, Sold trickle on the outside of tbe W by C. I. Clough. where he had affixed the labeL t J for the taxpayers than in cases when he touclusl the label wltlii tried without a jury. Under “I am pleased to recommend tongue lie felt ns if something ■ the law the circuit judge who Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as along that member and alsogjasj has held his position the long­ the best thing I know of and safest his heart. So lie rushed to i J remedy for coughs, colds and bron­ est tries the jury cases, so that chial trouble.” writes Mrs. I.. B. which was fortunately dore at lad if one of the present judges Arnold of Denver, Colo. “We have and put his tongue under tbe nitJ should be re-elected that part of used it repeatedly and it has never water. Never ns long as lie llrg■ the work of the court would failed to give relief.” For sale by said, would be forget that pMa sensation.—Chambers' Journal. I hill to him. Neither Mr. Kelly Lamar’s Drug Store. or Mr. Van Winkle is a judge Singer Sewing Machine. A Way Man Hu I for re-election, but either one A man who will sit up all nifltJ of them would l>e fully compet­ Now is your opportunity to get ent to handle in a proper man­ a machine that will last you a life display marvelous agility of tbe ■ gers in operating a pack of oardiM ner either the jury business or time, on easy monthly, payments that he has hands like an elepboi that you will scarcely --------- '.......... :.......... and miss the equity side of the court. no interest. feet when he is asked to hook opa This much cannot be said of I personally guarantee every tna- button up his wife’s gown. TtsM some other candidates. Ow­ chine and will keep it in repair free Is observed time and again and ■■ ing to the importance of this of charge. of the popular bits of pliilosopbyt»fl old machine will be taken served in connection withadronra office we feel justified under as Your part payment. ers’ convention desiring public ittlj the circumstances in specially Machines delivered at your home, tlon. That it is a more difficult«ra urging the voters of this county on free demonstration trial. Call in and see the New Singer (Ki. taking to shullle the deck ami Ml to support Mr. Kelly and Mr. poker hand— merely as a test of Van Winkle, as we believe B urdett S hifman , Tillamook, Ore. cleverness without taking Into Whalein's Jewelry Stole that the interests of the public eration the more important ii«»l ¡ire so much at stake that ¡1 is little danger from a cold dealing a satisfactory hand-thiN very serious mistake will lie or There from an attack of the grip except hook np a gown even when tbeM imide if they shotihl not both be when followed by pneumonia, and are hidden in the lace niustleaiij elected. So vote for two this never hap|>ene when Chamber­ ted. That a man will iindertik»l| judges, ami we think the two lain’s Cough Remedy is used. This one cheerfully and the other cbsM remedy has won its great reputation ly must be nserilxsl to the suninl® named are tbe proper ones to and extensive sale by its remarkable the Old Nick in most male buiuaj lie elected. cures of colds and grip and can be was summoned to Washington son that it would injure the ¡is ¡i witness find he drew double local option movement, which pay and mileage, one from the was then making many coun­ government and the other from ties “dry." We have lived long the taxpayers of Oregon. The enough to know that you can­ To Congressman Hawley be­ federal authorities getting next not force prohibition oti Oregon longs the honor of having the to West's double play, squealled with so few registered prohibi­ first rural mail route establish-i on him, when he returned the tionists. We still think that the ed in Tillamook county, for it money he received from the principal light should have been was bis influence at Washing­ federal government to the ! along local option lines, and ton which brought it about. : state, with the exception of $50. Iietter results would have been We hope the congressman will We hardly think that the voters I accomplished, instead of rush­ lie kept ill his present position and taxpayers of Tillamook ing headlong into defeat, for so that other parts of the coun­ 'county will vote for such a man I this is what will suddenly dawn ty may participate in rural mail to become the governor of this . upon them next Tuesday. The delivery. !»•( the whole farm state. Don’t do it, gentlemen, snap shot Mian when he gets ing community of the county lor it is tricks find schemes like into a political tight don’t aim show their appreciation next this which help to make taxes to come out the under dog, and Tuesday by voting for Mr. Haw­ come high. that is the reason that he has ley, for having been successful been holding his whist, allow­ ill securing one route, it will 1 An effort is bein<-; mad ■ to ing the state wide prohibition­ not be long before other sec­ deprive Yamhill ¡.ml Tilla ists to carry on their light in tions of the county will need mook Counties of a Republican their own way. Mr. Hawley’s influence in Joint Representative, but it is getting other routes estab­ hoped that Republicans will not The people of Tillamook lished. i I forget that A. G. Beals is the county are called upon to vote only candidate for that office Henry Kunze, who is solicit­ again for against the establish­ ing votes for joint representa­ who complied with the direct ment of saloons. This is the tive for Tillamook mid Yamhill primary law. Considering that fourth time that they have been comities, claimed on his elec­ H. C. Kunze, the Democratic called upon to vote upon this tion enrd that he wan opposed nominee, was so closely allied question, the three previous Chicago Tribune. I to boss rule. That sounds line, j with the Socialist party, and in elections being in favor of keep­ relied upon with implicit confidence. For Sale. For sale by Lamar’s Drug Store don’t it, tofool the voters ? But I'.MH was that party’s candidate ing saloons out of the county. A Nice Distinction. how did it work out in actual for county clerk, one can hardlv A large number voters, in tak­ Werner Grand Piano in a hand­ He was hurrylug fur the of Chnmberlain’sStomacli and Liver practice ? Kunze was the boss imagine that Republicans, or ing a retrospective view of the some oak finish. This instrument Tablets do not sicken or gripe, and somewhat Impeded by a clwsjd of the short weight butter im- 1 I Democrats or Socialists for that situation, if they are unbiased, is practically new and can be bad may be taken witli perfect safety by containing a large live turkey Hi posed on the people. Oh, yes; matter, will vote for a candidate will have to agree with the at low cost. Stool an J scarf includ- tile most delicate woman or the approached the gate the guanliW youngest child. The old and feeble we, too, are opposed to bosses who has Ireen flopping so often Headlight that the saloon keep­ ed. Call and see it at will also find them a most suitable him with a gesture. Anil another “You can't take that ilirourt* oftheshort weight butter class. in recent years. J oe T heroich ' s , ers openly defied the law when remedy for aiding and strengthen­ thing against Mr. Kunze is the After imposing short weight The Pop Corn Palace. ing their weakened digestion and he said. "That'll have to be dd the county was "wet, ” and _,-M butter upon the people, mid fact that 111- pleaded guilty and some of the same individuals, for regulating the bowels. Eor sale or go by express." “Rut I enn't stop." declM"1 by Lamar's Drug Store. especially upon the working was titled $25 for selling short with others, notwithstanding Stray Calf. passenger. “I've got to get this tag classes, who timl it difficult to I I weight butter the first of the that the sovereign will of the A stray Jersey heifer calf, about And he tried to push through apb Acts of that character buy butter while living costs year. ' people have demanded that the six months old, has been on H. H. The guard held him back, W so much, surely they are not should deprive any person from county l>e "dry,” have openly Hayes’ place on the Sandlake road baggage," he said firmly, '‘audit- i tilling public office, ami as Mr. going to send Kunze to the leg HANDICAPPED go In the baggage car.’’ Kunze is alone to blame for the violated the local option law, for about a month, and the owner is islature. “Oh, no," replied the other. *— and since the city licensed the hereby notified to claim the same. short w eight butter foised upon charming and confident «ai-J rii<- Primary Law prescribes "the people," surelv “the peo­ lMiol rooms to sell neur beer | The boy or girl with any luggage. Don't you see I n ■■ Hexamet hylenetetramine. ail holiest, open method that ple" are not going to semi him conditions have grown worse. defect of vision is greatly It?” And he had slipped*! b*H Is the name of a German chem- W ith this state of affairs con ­ ¡m aspirant for office should lie to the state legislature fordoing icul. one of the many valuable in­ I 1 handicapped in the pursuit astonished guard had « fronting the people, will the gredients of Foley's Kidney Rem­ | of knowledge in the school governed by in securing ilia that kind of business. breath.—Youth s Companion. room. If your boy or girl voters cast their ballots for the edy. Hexamethylenetertramine is uomimition. This law was saloons or for a "dry” county ? recognized by medical text Ixxiks i ' does not show a 'high per strictly observed by A. G. ... Circumstantial Evidence ventage of average in the W e have lieen asked why we We do know this, that if a vote and authorities as a uric acid sol­ Beals. It was the privilege of Even the clearest ami nsat P* school report the prolmbili- are not making an aggressive could be taken for a vigorous vent and anti-ceptic for the urine. ties are that there is some- 1 auy Republican in the district clreunwtrntkil evidence is Ilk**? Foley's Kidney’ Remedy tight in favor of local option in prosecution of the bixitleggers Take thing the matter with the , promptly the first sign of kidney t<> have entered the race against at fault, after all. and : this election. We bore the brunt and for the closing up of the trouble and avoid a serious malady. « eyes. To timl out costs you to be received with iWt " , him. .None entered, therefore I nothing if you will bring I Take Sold by C. I. Clough. | of the tight in three local option the case of any pviicH »W* he had a right to consider him­ 'elections, ami the Headlight near b<*er joints, it would tie a them to me for exainina- I I surprise what a large vote it by any woman. If yon h»" tion. If doesn't self the choice of his party and A Household Medicine. pay to you will find she did It wW • guess about the .... eyesight I if the “square ileal" is to be , was an important factor, but I would get. But what is best to To lie really valuable must show seeing that theextreme element I h ‘ done under the circum­ equally of your child—it is better I but if you take simply ,be g good results from each observed in this instance, and to see that the eyes are temperance people are stance the pencil you will aav she da Vote to make the ttiember of the family using it. we are sure it will lie, the vot­ I i amongst right. If glasses are needed not content to let well enough county wet," and uHow those Ftdey's Honey and Tar does just her teeth -Mark Twain. ers of this district will rally to I am prepared to furnish thia. Whether for children or grown and allow the local option law who violated the law under the the exact thing that will the support of Beals, whose Foley’s Honey and Tar is Ultra Practical. work out desirable reforms, saloon regime and the local op­ persona meet the needs of the case. legislative record, clean char I j to l>est and safest for all coughs and they have forced stat«- wide pm- Remember that they are "I notice." said a I iot I*" tion to get into the saloon busi­ colds. Sold by C. I. Clough. ucter mid open methods entitle guara nteed for one year, reading a lengthy letter .hibition into the light before ness, for that is what they will him to their support. and I am here to make wife bad written and I thy re is a public sentiment in do, r»r vote the county "dry" them good, “ Traveling fa- him for perusal, "that )«• ** | favor of it. When nske«l two again and demand that it be kept kirs are not. The trouble with the propos a stupid mistake You ba** I years ago in l'ortluml w hether dry and th«- will of the people ed new city charter is that it ‘mirage’ instead of g need!« editing, not by n dozen nt would lie wise to inject state respected. Other countieshave “Either will do.” nplW i wiile prohibition into this elec- made it too tropical for those or more persons, but by one Dr. H. E. Morris, | “They both signify an HI«** person. There art* some good f tion, we were frank to confess who have openly violated the features in the charter and there 1 that we thought it would lie un- will of the people, and if this for »ample« of our “Diamond EYE SPECIALIST. Surs ; wise to do so, giving as our rea- county remains in the "dry" ' Quality" RE-CLEANED * “So Jack ami Tom 1**^ are some which should l»e TILLAMOOK - OREGON. I night. Which did you ' . amended. All seems to agree Farm and Field Seeds, “Why, my dear. I —* to that, yet it is going to be im- Gratae«, Clover«, Vetches, can’t remember Rat poraible, with so much differ­ tonight must lie the <•■*• Alfalfa and Grains for ence of opinion, to please every- Will Promote Beauty. Spokesman Revie» one. Turn the charter over to d 7" rin S *«n- some level-headed, conserva­ derful help from Bucklen's Arnica briends desiring to contribute Painfully r I tive person, und instruct him to salve. It banishes pimple», «kin Mirai Oldgirl H.r» for the promotion of the cauae of eruptions, sores and boils It edit it. having in view only the We have Special Mixtures for uikvii . ■ Mt — 'Lf [«■ "kL" ro,t and velvety. pictures I bad I taken. city's interest und that of a well I rohibition anti the tiefeat of the Special Purjioaea— IvJ “*<««• Cures sore feet frights. Th,. l''“''*****,¿3 governeti. progressive busine«» 'Z”’col ‘1 9Ore*- ‘•racked lips, chap- to is no flatterer MW Dry Land Mntur». Wat Home Rule Bill may send or « enter No matter, however. I tied hands. Best for burns, »cnida he la coMclenttQiis Ils«»* 'J Uad P m M x Mntar«. Spacial what charter is submitted tn the c’,t%,,niises and piles. lean. hand their contribution to any of «c. at C H hm . I. Cloujfh’rt. |M-op|e, the extremes on either the follow ing- ; side are sure to "knock." Takiafl Me- „ Shall Women Vote? F. E. Norton. Mrs. Plymouth rw » yasr«'•xp«r<- J. C. Bewley. very proud of ,lie fllrt right Bara If *h“v dirt, millions would vote Dr West, the Democratic nomi­ Alex. McNair. Erwin Harrison \ la tha Faci*« Ku g* , New Life Pill«41,,. true rem­ restors came over la « nee for governor, is placed in edy I >r women For Imnirhing Financial Committee. Iw-i the "grafter'a" class by the dml. .agg«l feeling». Inu-kaclm^? lira. Many Rock» flrat cabin?—Cleveland I1“ Presa of On-gon. |( haa been hemtacl», constipation, e||ing cundusively shown that Weal “Pl"’»'te