1910 •1ILLAM00K HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER 3 THE MITTEN CODE THE OPIUM HABIT. THE STEEPLE JACK. » HEADQUARTERS FOR Ho Must Conquer Many Difficulties In His Dangerous Work. The successful steeple Jack must possess determination. |ierseieranlence Gives the Lady a many miotlier task that would Chance to Change Her Mind. dltiii'iilt enough ou the solid earth. There are many ways of getting In> redlble as It may seem, protstsais on n steeple, aud when all others fail ot marriage are sometimes refused, the mmi will tie a rope around It and usiislly because tlie lady thinks she then, with a coll on bis back, walk know» ts-ner round ami round It until llie entire To i'rt tine's self fittingly when steeple Is covered with rope, and In rejected Is no easy matter. The young such case he has probably been round Paint, Varnish, Doors, tieglmier Is advised to give some It fllll.l ¡list times. Ihtiilght to tils next move III tile event But n steeple Is not the most diffi­ cult height to climb Straight, tall of his proposal being declined To chliiiiie.vs are the liardest of all There stand stnrliig in reproachful silence a man has Io work with might mid uisplays it lack of savior fulre and main to lift himself Inch by Inch from ItK'lilemally give« the Indy a ebnuee tc the ground to the top. Somerlniea the Agents for Great Western chmige her mind tup Is 31») feet high. When It Is rem it- Tlie really nice young man when re­ etl n hook Is phi' ed over the edge, a jected luclines to glisim The svertigt- pulley is made fast, the swinging chair yotttiK man takes up nn mthiide of Is hauled up mid work begins sprlgliillticss To dlspluy relief when Merchants in Tillamook County When tile chair is near I he top It Is rejected llllty not seem III the best easier to work, beta use the ro|K*s are taste. Inti It a girl Ims refused you K A S - > ( ’ ■- \ short, but when they leniti hen uh the Hint Is siitlb lent evidence Hint she has ground Is approached there Is a ten­ - Un taste st nil dency to swing, mid tile wind gives let iis consider the method of the « ittLtW 'imi > Kt' lm|ietlls really nice young man He I i I iiih al it The steeple Jack’s safety depends broken heart a picturesque but Im upon the hook, mid until he bus raised probable happening lie asks If there himself almost to the top It Is impos­ 1» no hope Always lie «fs-nks In "low sible for him to see whether or not the tone" There Is tlie authority of the I hook lias been properly adjusted. I B dB »U». 'IB B. HE; ■ B « BE last fiction for tills Apparently lie More than once a steeple clluilter neiet shouts ids query from the door seen when within teu feel of the EXPORT BEER steps as lie Is de|nirtliig lie melt The valued family re- that corrosion of the Iron mid the tluns suicide In a uoncomnilliil way ci es lor cough and cold lection of soot have so thickened KAISER BLUME. and eventinilly Hikes his leave “Willi null that the book Is merely balancing cure, liniments, tonics and tine last fund, lingering look m her” OU tile top. so that the slightest pull Unsurpassed, Non Intoxicating. other remedies have as I One cun only tnqie he does not spoil the wrong direction would drag It III the drmnmlc value of his exit by trip caieful attention here as I off Again, the bricks are often loose MALT TEA. plug tiler Hie disirimil tlie most intricate prescrip-Ì lit the tup. mid the hook is likely to So niiieh tor llie renllv nice young tear them n way tions. man llie average yuuns man Inis n tine of the natural difficulties to con­ nirletv ot niethoils for keeping his end Our fresh, high grade I quer I h tlie Hwnylng of nil high atee- up tn llie event of being rejected lie ples and chimney*. In n gale a steeple dtugs will help to make | liiipnrts mi nlr of levity to the pru III the event of mi einplrith- ri-fiiHiil his honor undertook to bring out the Caesar traveled with the retinue of a von can nlivays ask smilingly: proper reapoMM. Leunlng over, he mau of rank. and on his way tu "How did iou pui-alt | «ns Jollying?“ For constitutional amendment said in a kindly and fatherly manner: ft In des he fell In with au adventure i All effective «ay tn prevent a hldj giving to cities and towni “Young woman, why is It that you which may tie something more thin pr-1ll11st ii a to lie a sister Io yell Is to Í b insist lu refusing to understand the li-geiid exclusive power to license, When he was crossing the pet there first hv p'roinlslng to be n son questions of counsel? You are a per­ Aegemi. Ills vessel Is said to have been regulate, control, suppress, to tier, mid you cun follow ll up by son of charm, grace, beauty and more taken by pirates. They carried him sniIng: (CAPT P. SCHRADER) or prohibit the sale of intox­ than average Intelligence and"— to I'hiirniaeusn. nil Island off the Un- "Uh. well. I must be getting along icating liquors within the "Thank you. your honor." interrupt­ flan coast, which was then hi their Tie gut nmiHier cull to make.” ed the young woman, “If It were not IMMHeHsloii. and there he was detained municipality. I lie re Is n subtlety alaiut tills remark for the fact. Judge, that 1 am under «Illi-Il enables you to take jour leave oath I would return the compliment." for six weeks with three of bls attend- 328 X Yes aula, while the rest of his servants quite easily —National Monthly. «ere sent to the nearest Homan sta­ Always try, however, to lie ready to ENDORSED BY tion to raise Ills ransom rm MHiietlilnu m once If after her (CAP. T. LATHAM). The “Sting” of Death. The pirates treated him with polite ­ 40,000 OREGON CITIZEN* "No" von think von have I h «- ii silent The sting of death physically Is noth ness lie Joined In their sports, played oierluiiK. assume a puxxlisi lis-k and GREATER OREGON HUAn lug; a tuuu who lias lost consciousness games wllh them, looked Into their RULE ASSOCIATION. say: iu the water, a tuau who has been uu- habits mid amused himself with them (It ELECTRIC BUILDING, "l.et me •<«• what were ive talking der an anaesthetic, a man stunned iu as well as lie could, frankly telling PORTLAND. ORE. • Isiut?** an accident—these have been lu effect them at I tie same time that they would Should the girl give reasons for re dead, aud yet they kuow nothing of be hanged fttsliig volt ri-iniirk: death In speaking of It the most l ite ransom, a very large one. about "Yea. Hint's lust «lint .lane Jones glaring contradictions pass quite nut (1iU«»i. was brought and |mld. Caesar said last uemtli «lien I pnqsised to urally for axioms, It Is the “gentle mis set upon the mainland, near Mi­ tier.“ . hand." but It Is also the "grisly ter letus. when*, without a moment's II nmy biip|H-ii Him the lady answers ror.” It Is “beautiful’’ and "wonder delay, he colhs-tetl some armed vessels, your pnifswal lints: ful.” but It Is also “terrible.”—London returned to the Island, seised the "No. Ilamlil. I ran never lie yours Spectator. whole crew while they were dividing I mn nffimieed to musher" And give yon full valna ia their plunder and took them away to the Is-st Hung to ilu to avoid ex- comfort and long wear A Cargo Hard to Handle. f'ergaiinia. the seat of government lu pwiirr ot your disappointment is to ex Asphalt Is said to be the most did) the Asiatic province, where they were i-imio: 8UARANTGD WATWAOtf •Acs. I knew llial when I »«kid cult cargo for a vessel to unload. ’The convicted and crucified. Clemency was asphalt is taken out of the asphalt uot a Itoman characteristic. It was yell " Bold by first-clan Botallers ths country lakes lu Trinidad lu a semifluid state then-fore noted with some surprise Another fornitila « bon n*jt«-fi-d Ilea over. Send for our Tros Catalogs« aud by the time the vessel reaches a that Caesar Interceded to mitigate the lu Inking a U hi of tinnì*-** troni viriir A. J. TOWER CO. northern |«>rt lias hardened, so that severity of tile punishment. The poor |su kel. ■sinstiitlng It mid n-iiinrklnu B oston . U. S. A. to unload It It Is necessary for tlie men wretches were strangled before they 'Aott're Ml«s Busan Niinili. aren't to go Into the hold and dig It out with were stretched on the crosses end TOWEt CAKADURCO.,ia you T T oronto , C anaoa pick aud shovel. This takes time, and with *ho«■ WB have been iB th« habit of mt I bb . I lien yiat put s tick against the a vessel carrying such cargo always were spared the prolongation of their •nd jon will «m* that w- offer «on a uti'wtantlaf bos Ing on all work an-l sniK-annnt get better rain let» Hsioe sigh n-lli-vclli mid lake your has to arrange for a considerable stay torture.—James Autbony Froude. work EDjwhere, no matter how mnch you pa/. trove We ffnkh plat* an l In port Making It Plain. nri life work for out- It yim have mute prluusl tn «ay of town patrona in “ I*op|s*r." said little Willie Billups, one day if deal red. “Tlmuk .vim Harriet; you hair made lainhwn extraction Hippocratic Face. “what does the paper menu when It lite the Il»p|>li-S| iimii In all llie world Tree when piatoa or The hlppoe-rutb- face Is a condition I •a.v* that when It comes to Retting For Stomach Trouble, Sluggish brineiits nklimed a mile. •aetBeffftehUr bowels—the only way that tloe^je of average in the • |ll,--l|oiw v»rti nlsuit ll mid then «Miy R**aa ---- 7.50 so named from having tieeu accurately ct 3 oo 1 report the probabiii- "There are t**<*|ile In thia world for chronic constipation can be Paiakaa (xtf'ttoa .50 Wllh ev erv nim|Htiii «t J lad nllrf deacrllieil hy lllp|H«-rati*a. the father whom the English language Is not -fes are that there is sotne- •CWT aaCTHODB •itti Hist letiet wna fmiu you, « »« cured. Especiallyrecommended of medicine. New York American. ■r» fully (imrxntmM for Hfteeo yeor*. thing the matter with the good enough when they come to the Iti I I catliln I quite make out tlie «I k out coet.« you for women and children. eyes. To fimi ________ expression of what few Ideas they tinnire siiti mid I ihotight t hulls lit li it wus troia o im 'I bring nothing if you will Ona Thing Unbroken. have In their mental garages." — Har- Clears blotched complexions. ■ uhm , otte eia,* un a «Imitar metter ” examina- Painless Dentists them to me for standing over the shatti-ml remains |*er'a Weekly. Pleasant to take. Refuse subsbtutes. '“Jy,**« T**lble pay t° tioti. It doesn’t 0 trie a Soar« • A W ta • PM R«a4a' I of their last Dresden china statuette, •one-tliHee w lieti otte la refiiwd wllh the eyeaiilM guess about the exasperated mlatrrea said to the Sold bv Ches. I. Clough. Highly Efficacious. loti, <1MII*SI|H of your child- it is better awkward servant •lleurrr- Is not naturally a hasty the eye» are to see that "Thm « all rtaht. ohi giri Traiti la Did You Eve 1 are needed “Is there anything you haven't man. mi*l aa his position require« great right. If 1, glasses h ■ rt «’--—— — — I ,mit «-»ked run hoeaiise I wsa feeling hahkisn new feed and broken since you have been with me?" I'Mtlemr and caiHtcIty for waiting, be I am prepared to furniau , « — «1« a bit «,*r> tot yen" the __ t " thing that will the lUffft "Yrs. muni." replied the servant -| H»-k a regular training course In LIVEr< HAHN, ì he fiutiti latini 1» lo he rendi wttttsl meet the needs of the ca«^, have yet to break me record for de­ both ** ano thc •*«i<> I h kta-p min Ital ami «il,k m Remember that they ere If nr- g’ve him a call. al root |venesa “ - Ila It Imore A tuer lea n •llnw 4M he (to ItT l,wit ha mi Ih, ma Itai ve lite taillse guaranteed for one yenr.. “lie alwaya went with hts «rifa «bop «Uditila. t li* sigli II |>rvvent« rial and I am here to make EveFkb‘nK first-class. Secund, A Cattish Suggestion. pitta h> match thing«.“—Baltimore Trnvcliag - («1. ,a tosi, etlilbliiim an annimd «utile w Iteli them good, Fthel-My pour head aches fright­ Amertcan kirs are m.t.” «D, |n-r|N al imi frulli lu-hltMl thè block South of P U. fully Clair»—Why don't you take troni rm*m eurtaln« B B » ® rour hair off and rest it my dear?— The Rolling Ocean. Wllh fu* k and |>r«cHre ynu wlll he w. g arris Prop. Lippincott's. Sh.- Khali I ham your tuoch brought •Me Hi take a refusai **t marvage roRCW* .jiffs. up to y. ii here, dear? He (feeblyt-No. fluite well O hi t |>rn|«Me filereiv tur For pains m the side or chert ’Tbs poorest wwy tn toe* life Is to hne; hare It thrown straight over ‘dampen a |>;e-e if flannel with !*»•- '*-» htiwevee lotti tu* k may imi fl ANO At I THROAT ANN LUNT "»OUffttA. EYE SPECI.\LI«T. fi» e It with a sneer ‘ -Theodore Room*, board h will eave time and trauhle- • ’ hatnlierlnin ’-« Liniment and I,it d •viti uat -London Optatoti relt l.oudon Sketch Ot ARANTHXn-ATIBFACTOBY ,t I o er the seat of |.»in TILLAMOOK - OREGON- I here in OB RKFUNDKD u< i nothing better. For sale by Lamar’s I Drug Store. Its Effects as Dsscribsd by Bill Nys In His Memoir«. I have always had n horror of opi­ ates of h II kinds They are ao seductive and so still lu their operations, They steal through the blood like a wolf on the trail and they seize on the heart with their white fuugs till It is still forever. Up the Iairamie there is a cluster of ran« ties at the base of the Medicine Bow. near the north end of Sheep mountain. Well, a young man whom we will call Curtis lived at one of these ranches years ago. and. though a quiet, mind your-own business fel­ low who had absolutely no enemies among bis companions, be hud the misfortune to Incur the wrath of a tramp sheeplierder. who waylaid Cur­ tis one afternoon and shot him dead as be sat iu his buggy. Curtis wasn’t armed. A rancher came Into town and tele- graphed to Curtis’ father, anil then half a dozen citizens went out to help capture the herder, who bad tied to the foothills. They didn’t get back till toward dii.v- break, but they brought the herder with them. I saw him In the gray of the morning, lying In a coarse gray blanket on the floor of the engine bouse. lie was dead. I asked, as a reporter, how he came to his death and they told uie. ‘opium." The murderer bad taken poison when be found that escape WHS Impossible. I was present at the Inquest so that t could report the case. There was very little testimony, but all the evl- dcnce seemed to point to the fact t ha t life was extinct, and a verdict of death by bls own hand was rendered. It was the first opium work I had ever seen, and It aroused my curiosity. Death by opium, it seems, leaves a dark ring around the neck. I did not know this before. People who die by opium also tie their hands together before they die. This is one of the eccentricities of opium poisoning that I have never seen laid down in the books. I bequeath it to medical scieuee. Whenever I ruu up against a new scientific discovery I Just baud It right over to the public without cost Ever since the above Incident I have been very apprehensive about people who seem to be likely to form the opium habit. It Is one of the most deadly narcotics, especially in a new country. DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES. We carry a Large Stock of Hardware Tinware, Glass China, i Window Oils, Sashes, Saw. the ALEX McNAIR CO The Most Reliable ! Hm Columbia Bottling Co Astoria, Oregon e w FAMILY RECIPES. CLOUGH, Settle It Now Settle It Right Steamer Sue H, Elmore MOTOR STEAMER OSHKOSH Tillamook & Portland On Rainy Days A Fish Brand Slicker will keep you dry Sail Every Tuesday and Saturday. Couch St. Wharf, Portland. That’s fill 83.00 Orino Laxative I’ : I' HANCICAPPF I ■ ■ w Wise Dental C ., KILL COUCH CURE LUNC8 w™ Dr. King’s New Discovery . H . Ï ( ■3 'S I I I II 1 J ! I I I Dr H. E Mori is.