•liLLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER 3 .STBICTLY IN SDVÀNCK.) One year......... Six months .... Three months J” be ^illnmooh f BEALS IS ENDORSED RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION. 1.50 75 50 1910 BUSINESS MEN WANT NEW CHARTER. The Fast Steamer' I ïjenbliflbt, GOLDEN Resolution Adopted at a Special Meeting of the Tillamook Merchants’ Protective Association, Held November 1st, 1910. Weta Make Offer to Tillamook Lawyer. The following letter was sent to T. H Goyne by the “National Model License League.” It gives the pub­ lic an idea of the efforts the Wets are making and the immense sums of money they must be spending to carry things their way. Whereas, the City of Tillamook is in urgent need of immediate relief to the City Treasury, and cross­ I walks, street grading, paving, sewers and other needed improvements should at once be undertaken ; and Whereas, it is the judgment of the Tillamook I Merchants’ Protective Association that there is im- Mr. T. H. Goyne, Tillamook, Ore. A. G. BEALS, D ear SIH:On account of our need Republican Nominee for Iperative necessity for immediate action to betaken for speakers located in all parts of <>f the country, we are endeavoring Joint Repregentative for Till­ that the present deplorable condition of the city may attorney in every to secure one be remedied ; and county in your State, ...... to represent amook and Yamliill Counties. Whereas, there is now before the people of Tilla­ the League in the manner described The only Candidate for in the enclosed agreement. mook City, to be voted on at the ensuing Special City As you will readily see, the only thisoffice who has conformed Election on November 7th, 1910, a proposed new City obligations under this agreement to the to the Direct to which you will be committed, Charter for adoption or rejection ; therefore, will be to read carefully the litera­ Primary Law. Be it resolved by the Tillamook Merchants Pro­ ture with which we will supply you ami to lurnish uh w ith aucli infor­ tective Association, that, while we may not all agree as mation concerning events transpir­ A LETTER to the wisdom of some of the provisions of said pro­ ing in your county an would be of State of Oregon, Hall of Representa­ posed Charter, yet in view of the fact that there is noth- interest to us in the work which we are doing. tives. ! ing in said proposed Charter that cannot be easily amend­ For all active eervicen such hh the Salem, Ore., Oct. 27, 1910. ed if found on trial to be objectionable, and in view of the making of speeches, we will pay our Dear Sir: regu’ar fees for speakers, which urgent need of immediate action for the present wel­ I have been advised that range from twenty-five to fifty dol­ fare of the City, we hereby endorse the proposed new lars per day, according to the nat­ an effort is being made to defeat Hon. ure of the work and the extent of Arthur G. Beals for re-election as rep­ City Charter and we urge all voters of Tillamook City the serviceH rendered. resentative from the joint district con­ to lay aside petty differences of opinion and heartily You can be assured that we will sisting of Tillamook and Yamhill coun­ use every effort to make this re­ work and vote together to carry and put into effect the lationship pay you. If there, is an ties, but I trust that the effort will be proposed new City Charter. opportunity to make a speech in unsuccessful, for Mr. Beals, by reason your county along the lines embrac­ of his experience as a member of the 1 Alex. McNair. H. E. Morris. . ed by our platform, you can be Cer­ house during the past two sessions and A. J. Stillwell. Chas. I. Clough. tain that we will call upon you. If any of our members should Ilia industry, integrity and faithful per­ C. H. Woolfe. J. S, Lamar. require the services ol an attorney formance of duty, is better qualified to W. G. Dwight. E. L). Hoag. in your county, we will not only represent your district than any new recommend, but will urge the ini E. T. Haltoni. S. Atkinson, c. member, however capable or trust ­ ploynent of you. It is further our M. Schnal. J. H. Rosenberg. aim and intention to send the col* worthy that new member may be. As lections of our members to the at- a member of the last House and Speak­ Tillamook Steam Laundry. J. L. Jones torneys who represent uh hh aoon er of that laxly, I was a close observer of A. A. Pennington. Henry Rogers. as we can get your State well or­ the work of Mr. Beals, both on the ganized. Ira C. Smith- A. Williams. w. We are enclosing a pamphlet which floor and in the rooms of various com­ L. Labowitch. E. King. B. will give you a alight idea of our mittees of which he was a member, principles and hope you will rend and I feel that I am waranted in say­ Grant Mills. R. F. Zachmann. it carefully before deciding upon ing that no man in the legislature rep­ I. F. Larsen. E. A. Ball. thia proposition. Hoping that yon will favor iih resented his constituents more honor­ S. Viereck. Plasker Bros. with an answer at your earliest ably, faithfully and intelligently than M. F. Leach. Rhodes, Shortridge & Co. convenience mid that if you do not he did. He was chairman of the com­ find it possible to sign thin agree Carl A. Patzlaf. G. B. Lamb. mittee on food and dairy products, and i ment you will asnist uh by suggest All members of the association signed but two, ing the mime of some attorney in was also a member of the committee on I your county who might be inter­ Ways and Means, and Assessments and who were out of town at time of this resolution. ested, we beg to remain. Taxation. These were among the most Very truly yours, T illamook M erchants ’ P rotective A ssociation , important committees of the House, National Model License League, ind many measures of great impor­ By C has . 1. C lough , Chirman. J. M. G ilmore , Pres. tance were constantly referred to them. G eorge W illett , Secretary. Not Sorry for Blunder. “If my friends hadn’t blundered in thinking I was a doomed victim of consumption, I might lint beulive now.“ writes l>. T. Sniidera, of Hur- rodsburg, K_v., “but for years they s iw every attempt to cure n lung- incking cough fail. At last I trim Dr. King's New Discovery, The effect was wonderful. It soon stop ped the cough and I am now in bet l< i health than I have hud for years. This wonderful life-saver is an un­ rivaled remedy forcoughs, colds, hi g- igge, asthma, croup, hemorrhages whooping cough or weak lungs. Stic., $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guar­ anteed liy Chas. 1. Clough. Both peedv and Effective, This indicates the action of Foley Kidney ***•*- “ I, .......... Buttle Creek, "1 lluvi been severe case < Illuditi11 trouble for which I found no relie until 1 used l-'oley Kidney Pills. These cured me entirely of all i*** ailments. I was troubled wi... ritti backaches and severe shooting pains with annoying urinary irreg uL-rilies. The steady use of Foley Kidney Pills nd me entirely of all my foiincr troubles. They huveiny liiglieat lecuiiimendation. Sold by C. I. Clough. Fine Dairy Farm Saves an Iowa Man'« Lit«. For Circuit Judge, vole ft r III. \ an W inkle, of Salem Qualified by practice ami e\|«erien- at local nulls in logs at (5.00 per , thousand. This 210 acres after it is ithe progress of your campaign, and the logged, will lie worth Jim per ai r, voters of your legislative district are tor pHHturv mid tipple 1 Freeh water trout stream runs to be congratulated for their excellent through the tract Fine building | judgment in again nominating you as site, hut no building. Only 3b their representative. It is not in the minutes by motor boat to bank at spirit of flattery when 1 say that your Portland Ixoat landing. Good school, etiurvh. stores, creamery, record as a legislator stsnds out pre­ mill, etc., near building site. Total eminently for the intelligent support present value, $7U,7 at i han I Clougun. Leaves Tillamook fou This issuane« of stock was a steal, and ths currency bill, permiting the I banks to practically duplicate the stock and bond issues, is a duplication of the other steal in its entirety. But that is’i’t all. Under the pro­ visions of the law, new stocks and bonds may be issued, and these may be cashed out by the banks, so that it is ! impossible to tell how many billion dollars are involved in the new steal. This law expires in 1914. in th« mean­ time it will be possible for a eompara- I tirely few people to acquire possession preparing for a journey the tde- phone jxerforms a great variety of services, Reservations are made, list directions are given, good-byes are said over the wire. t N PERCY R. KELLY, to be full weight as a legislator. Your Of Albany, Or«., experience is a valuable asset and should count for much in your election. Republican Candidate for of •» ti* w«aith o7~tw It would indeed be unfortunate tor Circuit Ind a e «-«miry within a vary «hort time. m k n I? J of th,, paper i. .Irewiy in c.r- your district and the state at large if Mr. Kelly is 40 jram old and haa culation, tome bearing a date kmr be- you are not retained in legislative work rre.ul«l in Allmixy. Oregon, 33 yearn, fore th« •naetment of th« law author when in the senith of your power. There «re great ixlucatwnak social II« is a graiiuate of Albany College, ¡«in, thair being placed in circulation and economic problems confronting the ban practiced law more than eigh W. do not know what «acurity i. b«k welfare of thia state and men of abili­ eeo yearn, nerved an Stnt« Senator „f them.. bet her “U. 8 Boni or oLr ty and legislative experience are de- from Linn county in the nen Mcurttie.", but w. do know thl[ manded to deal correctly with these Hio iih of l^ai. I?«i and 1901; wan whih» rwvt > i^ar«! • i , chairmaa of the Judiciary Commit ___ . e er to pay th« problems. 1 sincerely hope the voters personal and mortgage notes in Tilh»- > tee duringr the nenaion of IM>| and ■ of your district will show ua the «-urn mook County, which call for gold mg etes tion the appreciation of your . in at thia time. City Attorney of Al- ' coin, they can be used in getting splendid work and signal abihty by . bany. whiskey out of bond in --—‘••■tn. giving you the largest majority ever1 All voters should remember thst! and to pay the Government lieenae to given to a Isgulatire candidate tn your I i there are two Circuit Judges to be ! sell the same district. | j elect»«! in the third Judicial Dis-1 J trict. Vote fur two. The Ix»ng Distance Service of the Bell System is of special value to the traveller. Sometimes the Bell Telephone makes a trip unnecessary’; sometimes it convinces him that a trip would be profitable, Wherever he goes, he feels the need of universal service, and that is Bell Service, THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TEI.EGirAPH COMPANY. Every Hell Telephone is the Center r>f the System. Caul advL 4