lanwok i 3Icaòliijl)t TILLAMOOK, OREGON, NOVEMBER 3, 1910 Si 5o per year At a meeting of the members of Tillamook County may once more the Christian church on Sunday it feel proud to get one of the best was decided to erect a new church praeital dairymen for results. Take to cost in the neighborhood of $20,- them as a family and you will hunt 000, and it is expected that the ma­ a long time before you will get terial used will be concrete blocks. people that will hang to the right A business transaction war irinciples like they do. They have tow in their charge one of the best brought to a close the past week ii Saturday, November 5th we will auction off owe in the state. (Three lbs. of which O. Oleson became the part a high grade, 6 Drawer, WHITE ROTARZ • utter is pretty good for one day.) iier of Obe Harris in the Tillaniool Isn't is exasperating when you th SEWING MACHINE. This machine is a late Steam Dye Works. They promise This family will locate on a farm 2 .lie bill had been paid ? Had you paid to work for the good of the public. I miles West of town. Watch the model and guaranteed in every way A tnaclii'. e Harry Mitchell and Don Ellis checks from this place next year. the bill with a bank check you could that Agents would ask you $65.00 for. were arrested for leaving their nets Prof. Rutherford has been going No need to come to town to bid on this know the bill had been paid and prove stretched across the Wilson river, around with we ring adhesives on machine, in fact bids will not be accepted unless it. Every cancelled check is eventually and they pleaded guilty and each his nose the past few days from Hie they come to us by mail paid a tine of $50. Warrants are effects ot a foot ball scrimmage returned to the maker and may be re­ Saturday, November 5th. 2 o’clock p in., all out for James Wilson and Johnson. one evening last week on the high tained for future reference. bids will be opened and the party bidding the Star brand process barley, $1.25 school campus. He endeavored to ■ • "tackle” one of the opposing husk­ highest will get the machine. No matter what a sack and $32.50 a ton ; oats, $1.00 Bills paid by check remain paid- hundred, $38.U0ton ; bran, 65c. sack, ies, the latter’s knee coming inion­ amount the highest bid is, $1 (Ml or $60 00, the $29.50 ton ; mill chop $1.05 90 lbs. | tack with the professor's tiasel or- sack, $23 ton ; shorts $1.35 80 lbs. gan. It was thought at first the sack, $32 ton.—W m . CURTIS, The bridge of his nose was broken, but I Grain Man. * I proved to be just a loss of some cuticle and a right smalt jar. Tele- F R. McGregor, formerly of the I'liione Register. McGregor and Frisby barber shop, T1 115 One of the best cows in Oregon, has sold his interest to S. A. Moul­ Hillsdale Jewel Hengerweld, was ton, a brother-in-law of Otis Frisby. iMiught of F. G. Goff, Forest Grove, They have secured the help of J. II. KING ft SMITH CO., Auction Sale. See our advertise­ Hall and Walt Sears and promise by J.H. Hathaway with three others. 00K JOTTINGS ment Tillamook, Ore MY BID, $ Hillsdale Jewel, whose sire is Sire of Auction Sale in this paper. first class service. Gentlemen. - 111 case my bill on the Sewing Mui (line is the Merchthilde Jewel, No. 32732. 11. F. — K ing A S mith Co. * highest. I agree to take s iine within ten days from the time I 1, eye specialist Daniel J. Fry. the Salem druggist, H. B., and Dam Stanhope Bell util notified and pay the tuli amount in cash. Get your d«x>rs and windows from was in town the early part.of the Hengerweld. No. 64710, has j record wder at Mrs. Hill's. . NAME ...................... dill’s home made bread. the Tillamook Lumber Mfg. Co. week and made some large pur­ of 491) lbs. of milk, 22 lbs. 15 oz. of P.O. Address You'save money by doing so. chases of cascara bark. Mr. Fry is butter for the last seven days of the • for one of Mrs. Hill’s Does that suit need pressing? If a great booster for Tillamook month that she has been fresh. typewriter, cheap.—D. so take it to the Tillamook Steam county anil well known to a number Her bull calf sold for$100 two weeks 1 Dye Works and have it pressed of our citizens. old. Two other 2-year old heifers right. * Whit Lamb left for Portlaml last are averaging 40 lbs. each per day, which is Mainthon No. 8!) are! obtain assurance from threi-fo rhs ivered, $10.00 a ton. 1). making great preparations for tlie of the lu2 fmiilies to be served by Prompt attention given to all Saturday by the Elmore and expects not tested. The other is not fresh. event and will extent themselves to this route, that they will put in watch work at Howard Wahlen’s, to remain there in the employ of A bafl accident happened to ■wing wanted by Mrs. up-to-date jeweler, Nehalem and the Whitney Co. during the winter Lloyd Kays, step-son of Jeff Harris, make it an red letter occasion. It rural mail boxes. kett. The |>oatiiiaster went over purt of | Tillamook. months. llis sister Elsie accom­ while playing foot-ball at recess, on is not often that a lodge so far L Whitehouse i Son for panied him,but she will return after the school grounds. The foot-balj removed us Seaside makes a Tills rout ' on thursday .11 those A. W. Bunn and daughter Lena * Slice, etc. | had been kicked by one of the boys ■nook lodge a visit and our Tills whom lie called on ugreed tornatali j were in town Saturday. Lena will a short visit. itiook Knights are going to make j mail boxes lie will complete the in w as seen on our streets visit here a few weeks before re- I will challenge any minister i,n<' upon its hitting the ground their visit the occasion for spe< isl canvass oil Ftidtiy and then send tlie week. i Lloyd ami Harry Smith both run I turning home. in the State of Oregon, without re-, ceremonies and the best kind of his report to Wnshingtor. connected Bros, are now Howard Walilen, watchmaker, of gard to sec t or creed, to show by ; j for the ball, Harry falling on top entertainment. of Lloyd as he fell on tlie ball, llltual phone. Nehalem anil Tillamook, sells 17 the bible or any other means, either j A very enjoyable time was spent lent by the sack or the jewel Waltham and Elgin 18 size on paper or before a public amli- j breaking both bones of the left leg D. L. Shrode. mice, that the bible is the Word of just below the knee. W. J. Ste- by the members of the Dramatic watches at $0.00. phbns was driving past in his Club and their friends Saturday 1, tlie best kind, at the R. A. Koonce, of Portland, repre­ God. J. C. G ove . After the piny they went to auto nt the time of the accident arai night. . 1.umber Mfg. Co. senting the American Reality Co. As large a potato as lias lieen took the injured lad to the office of Mrs. Mnrtiny’s, where nn elegant four property and avoid in that place, ia doing business in raised in this section tor some timej Dr. Kerron for surgical aid. supper was served. Nothing was was raised in this year's crop by F. S. Whitehouse A Son, town for awhile. neglected that would have added to The Swastika Club held a meet K. D. Snodgrass and famity left A. M. Ginn on a lot of ground in las. Wooley and son Emil ing at the home of Mrs. Jas. Walton the success and pleasure of the oc )»n from Hemlock Friday. for Texas last week, where he will Sunnymead. The potato weighed I on Monday afternoon with nine cnsion. Then on Sunday afternoon 4 lbs. mid 11 oxa. and is ns perfec't Dung and wife were up visit his mother, whom he has not members present. By unanimous a trip down the bay in the launch a speciman ns we have ever seen. seen for 20 years. tyocean the last of the vote the membership was increased “Dolphin" completed n gisxl lime, O. C. Carson, who has been em­ Elder Blalock will preach next to fifteen members and some which everylsxly thoroughly enjoy­ ! ployed at Bay Ocean, left for Sail Sunday, 3 p. m. on "Missions, ” changes were made in the by-laws. ed. On Friday and Saturday, Nov lone and Gus Nelson were lltli and 12th, the Chili will present iay City Saturday doing Francisco last week, and expixts to After next Sunday there will only It was decided to purchase the return next spring. lie preaching the first nnd third Sun­ Stoddard Library for use in the the great play “The Convict's You can find a nice new line of days of each month, R. V. Blalock club, and other interesting features Daughter.” ^Kt Price paid for Hides. Flir- effort is Kp Pelts. N. Melchior, Till- gixxls at Mrs. Wade’s millinery preaching the first Bund, y, J. H. were suggested for club work. One worth going tlie best being made Dawson the third Sunday, Every ­ new member, Mrs. li. Bales, was purlor, just north of The News ■)re- the date body is given a welcome to our ser­ added to the club by unanimous play of all. • ■ I rune and Will Hoskins office in Bay City. of this great vices. vote. The meeting then adjourned, Ed. Shillings and wife, and O. C. town from Foley Friday Rev. S. G. Finney, of the Presby­ and all members present went to Carson were in town from Bay ^nrday. RURAL FREE DELIVERY terian Church, will preach at Bay the home of Mr». Bales to extend doors can be obtained Ocean the last of the week visiting City next Sunday morning and in their hearty welcome. FROM TILLAMOOK CITV M Tillamook Lumber Mfg. their many friends. this city in the evening. All arc The Swastika Club met at the Route Establish by the Inspector If that suit needs to be pressed ^nis city. cordially invited to these services. I l home of Mrs. B. D. Lamar last CONGRESSMAN HAWLEY, phone the for the dance or show, —Three Fourths of Families Murs. cheapest and best paper The subject for the evening will tie Thursday with Mrs. Jas. Walton, Who m receded in getting the flrat Tillamook Steam Dye Works and Must Provide Boxea ■ in town. Leave orders at the “Value of the Soul.” Sunday Pres., Mrs. Fred Christenson, Vice rutti mail route in Tiilamtok they will come after it. HSinith Co. * Postmaster W. F. Baker has re School at 10 a.m. Pres., Mrs. B. D. Lamar, Sec. and County, Lost, a Airedale Terrier, answers ceived official notilii ation of the KeorgeWilliams, of Bay City, The Elmore left on Saturday with Tress., Mrs. D. I..Shrode, Mrs. Geo. to the name of Clackamas. Please establishment of rural free de ■ ng business with our liter- the following passengers: Fred I ji mb, Mrs. K. T. Haltotn. Mrs. inform superintendent at Fish livery from Tillamook City, with Dressed in ' Black and Yellow ' MSaturday. Hogue, C. Malagamba, E. D. Sev­ Fred Poorman, Mrs. Irwin Harrison, Not “Football • olora” but the Hatchery and receive reward. file route designated included. Hoard of County Commission- erance, Whit Lamb, Elsie Lamb, Mrs. W. F. Baker and Mrs. Ira color of the «.ntoon contain! y Fo Team for sale, 2900 pounds. Good Smith were present. Mrs. Webster ley*« Ifoney sud Tur the best and N. Fredrick. O. C. Larsen, H. Hn session this week attend- and true. Also two new wagons Smith, II. C. Kunze, Mrs. Kunze, Holmes. Mrs. Fred C. Baker, Mrs suie«! cough remedy for all coughs ■county business. and colds. Do not sci flit a substi­ for sale. Enquire of W. H. Purdin A. Hoven, (). Hoven. Miss M. B< as, W. B. Aiderman and Mrs. I„ II tute but see that y on get the genu* ■ Hadley started for the East or D. L. Shrode, Tillamook, Ore. . A. L. Hewett, Ed. Snodgrass, Mrs. Reifentierg were invited guests and Mile« inc Foley’s Honey and lar in a e part of the week to visit his yellow carton with black letters. Rev. R.Y. Blalock, who leased Ed. Sn«jdgnias and Gladys Snodgrass. joined with the club in sewing Svenran’a me and relatives. S >id by < I < lough. I1« and having a gixsl racial time. Donaldson’s place, has given it up Mrs. S. J. Sturgeon has moved to pecial city election will be to as Ed. will return to this county. Eatacada, Ore., to lie there perma­ All left saying they had spent a 2'« tit Monday to vote again on Good Resulta Always Follow Mr. Blalock has returned to Beaver. nently. Herdaugliter, Mrs. George most pleasant afternoon. tlo- < enn- »posed city charter. I lir use of Full v Kidney Pilla. El Hubliard, formerly employed George JDevine returned on the Kiger is with her at present and They are iipliiuldirig, strengthening Io for Sale, at a bargain. May the Cheese North Yamhill stage last Friday will visit for soqie time with rela­ by the Tillamrxtk sawmill, wus and soothing. Tonti 111 hi turn, h n at Mrs. Plank's, forenoons, quirk in results Sold by ( I, severely injured in Astoria by after spending some time in Port- tives there. G. W. Kiger went as pure at the Headlight office. * < lutigli 1 land and othercities visiting friends. far as Portland with the-n but was coming in contact with a live elec­ le watchmakers are kept busy wire, which burned a hole “I «lo not licite-e there is any otti­ For sale, house 6 room», large detained there an account of busi- tric 2‘i »ward Wahlen's. upto-ilute ci molli me a 1 giM-d for whooping clear through his skull. Tlie in ness. i wckx I house, all out buildings, nil cough sa Clii'.tiil.crlatii's < oogh ir, Nehalem an.l Tillamook. . jury. which is a dangerous anil I i in good order, 2 lots 5.) x 1U5. Price Remedy,” wiitea Mrs. I t am is 11 r- Messrs. W. M. Ileaston and T. IIIOMt unusual one will probably TMa rem » about that old summer suit? $1350. pin, Junction City, Ot Inquire at the Headlight H. Goyne will apeak ut the River not lie fatal, yet Hublxird is in a »1 for r oldt» edi is alai, tinsiirpnsi it dyed by the Tillamook i Office. 3 dale Sclioolhouae on Novemlier tith, precarious condition. He is well and croup For ale li T.amar’a 1 Dye Works for winter use. * 2 The following marriage licenses 1910, at 2:3) o’clock p.m., and at known here where lie has man Mrs. Shrode for lessons in were issued: Julius . Erickson, t f Bay City in tlie evening at 7:30 friends, ms he was a very likeable Hu ay Calf ing. A sample of her work Tillamook, to Effie Vander|KMil, ol o'clock, on several ini|iortant bills fellow. He ia a member of the .If. red an I «liiti A -tray c i be seen at Jenkins’ Jewelry ! Tillamook; G. A. Cook.of Tillamook to be voted upon at the next gen­ I Knights of Pythias of Tillamook, six tn».nth« old has beeil Total length of route L eral election. All are cordially in­ who are doing all they can to make j to Elsie Riley of Tillamtxik. tie estai» /.urtinoli'* I place nt Pleasant Before the route can hear these his suffering us light »» |ioasible. Snow Drift flour, $5.90 a bbl. and vited to come ami call for same lished the postmaster will have to Owner please $1.50 a sack. Ijghthouse flour, $5.40 matters discussed. One of the nicest imx i »1 features a bill, and $1.40 a sack, Im Henry Gotlld Gotihi had a bearing lie- of the week was the cobweb hi tul y perial flour, $5.75 a bbl. and $1.45 ! fore Justice Stanley on a charge of given by Mrs. Alex. Mi Nair to tlie a sack.—WM. CURTIS, The Grain assault with intent to kill Jess meiniiers an«i fiienda ot the Pres­ j Man. * Craven,a deaf mute, who was struck byterian C liurcii lust Friday night, I lie Thirty three years residence in over the head with an oar. on the at their home in this city. Oregon and more than eighteen Little Nestucca. As Craven is in social took on a Halloween effect, a dangVroua condition and < oul guests were dismissed the Case for want of served to a dainty lim«h which Mrs for Circuit Judge. Vote for him. B Ö. URMAR, Pro. evi|M-.l !l<»i«-l in Tillamook • ounly. found to have passed through tlie didate for Circuit Judge. He hna brothers from Reaaida and Nehalem, I practiced in all the court» and has bmk. hitting ll«e liver ami kidney, j the occ asion being a lraternal vieit hint seven years judicial experience coining out Between the short rib an I official t»uMneM. The officers He is repented as nicely 1 as Assistant to Attorney General J and menders of tlie kxal lodge C awforrL ¡Paid sdv.) * at present. _u Get Mad When You Forced to Pay a Bill Second Time ? King & Smith Co. Auction ! Auction ! ! LAMCOK COUNTY BANK TILLAMOOK, OREGON mar’s Variety I Store, ecu GOODS on each boat THE I TILLAMOOK, OREGON. New Furnishings—Model n Fixtuies. Central I v Located. Hot and Cold Water on tach Floor. Meals 35 and 50c. Beds 35 cents and up accoi (ling to Room. P W Todd. Prop F. H Ted I. 51