King & Smith Co Auction ! Auction ! ! Saturday, November 5th we will auction off a high grad . 6 Drawer, WHITE ROTARY 'i* SEWING MACHINE* Thia machine is a late tnctkl anti guaranteed in every way. A machine that Agents would ask you $65.00 for. to ‘ bid No need to come to town t_ — on this machine, in fact bids will not be accepted unless they come to us by mail. Saturday, November 5th, 2 o’clock p in., all bids will be opened and the party bidding the highest will get the machine. No matter what amount the highest bid is, $1.00 or $60.00, the machines will go to the highest bidder. Cut out the Coupon below, state the amount of your bid, your P.O. address, sign your name in full and mail it to us so that it will reach us not later than the time anti date mentioned. Do it to­ day. KING & SMITH CO., Tillamook, Ore. MY BID, $ Gentlemen, In case my bid on the Sewing Machine is the highest, I agree to take same within ten days from the time I am notified and pay the full amount in cash. NAME ............................................................................... P.O. Address ......................................................... era to violute the Jaw four times be­ fore they could be deprived of a license was objected to, and to al- Captain Ix-vi Snyder, formerly lowing saloons to remain open maHter of the uteiimi-r Golden Gate,) until one o'clo k. anil who wan succeeded during the Hummer by Captain II. F. Aetrup, FREE RCKAL DELIVERY. regained command of the vessel ; Tuesday previous to her departure Congressn an M»wley is the Man Who Obtained it for Tillamook. from Portland for Tillamook. Captain Astrup was on the steamer The following telegram was re­ Alliance before she was ordered out ceived on Tuesday: of commission and remained on the Salem, Ore., Oct. 25, 1910. craft for several months, resigning Hou. !-. C. linker, Tillamook, Ore. Have just been advised by Post to go ou tlie Golden Gate. master General that he baa given Powder Notice. We will receive instructions for the establishment orders for Powder in any quantity ol rural tree delivery from Tilla­ (■ ash with tlie order) up to Novem mook without further delaying, as 1 requested. ber 1st at the old price of $ti.:k) per W. C. H awley . I in or per box in half ton lots I Thia is the rural route which was or more. Il you intend to use any gone over by the inspector Home Powder this winternml want to save months ago. un i tak**4 in South Home money 011 it, semi uh your Prairie, I ong Pn ir e, F| a**W|n check lor the amount ot powderyou the Wils ti river, a ils ta uce i.f want us to save lor you. The price over a» miles, with comparatively of powder will raise *»c. per pound little buck trucking. November 1st. The powder can be I 1 he Postotlice Department has hit in our powder house until you' been holding up rural extensions get ready for it. We ureoutof pow- ilvi just now but expert to liave! all over the country, but tlie Post­ master-General nays he is allowing more Hometime this week.—KING A the Tillamook extension to slip Suit II III. throug h us the result of the personal Will. lllingHwurlh cuiite near up|ieul made by Mr. llawley. meeting with 11 fatal accident on We Ines.lay while bloating on Baptist Church Service«. the Goodapeed place, A ten at ich Next Sunday Bible Bcliool 2 blast had failed to go off and I lliiigs- Di e.idling 3 p. m. The subject will ivoitli was standing over it with the be "Stilvniion by Grace,’’ or "Tile intention ol setting it off again, Way ofSulviilion.’’ Acts 31:18. Don’t when it suddenly exploded, throw­ ini»» hearing it, for it will be the ing him thirty feet mid he landed beat effort of my life to put the truth on his shoulder. He was brought to belure you l>y Scripture and illttH- town mid Dr. Kerron attended to trutioii. Remember time and place, h h in juries. Ilia face was powder Advent church, 3 p.m. Sunday, aud Inn tied, mid with the exception of a come. John 3:21. sore shoulder he was not otherwise R. Y. Blalock, Pastor. hurt. liesideHthe slunk itguve him. Jury List for November Term. MEMORIES OF MARK TWAIN. The jury list for the November term of tbe circuit court was drawn Twa L«tUr« ti«« Humoriot Wrote to Hanry Watt «non. Th» as follows: T. S. McFall, Tillamook, farmer, kreeman Jackson, Beavisr, tanner. A. A. Imlah, Cloverdale, farmer. W. T. Newcomb, Tillamook, boat bunder. j. it. Elliaon, Tillamook, farmer. K. D. Allen, Woods, farmer, bollte Smith, Tillamook, farmer. Kasper Sclilappi, South Prairie, farmer. b. W. Robitsch, Caruaham, far mer. Krick Glad, Hoquarton, farmer. M. V. Stillwell, lillaiuook, farmer. Brad Batzner, Nehaliuan, black­ smith. Marcus Curl, Blaine, farmer. George W. Kiger, Hoquarten, re-1 e»tate agent. C. C. JeiiHcn, Helxj, farmer, Arttiur Provoost, Bay, farmer. U in. Armstrong. Nehalem, farmer. I Geo. R. McKimens, Nehalem, fanner. j I'. Hall, Hemlock, farmer. B. A. Edgar, South Prairie, farmer. Chas. A. Johnson, Garibaldi, farmer. F. Lewallen, Helio, farmer. Jacob Jordi, South Prairie, farmer, h. E. Cross, Hebo, farmer. I I-rank Paul, Tillamook, farmer. A. J. Huston, Beaver, farmer. Win. Thun, Beaver, farmer. A. W. Alienburg, Tillamook, farmer. P. J. Brown, Tillamook, farmer. M. W. Harrison, Hoquarton, banker. H. E. Weston, l-airview, farmer. The November term of the circuit court will convene in this city, on Monday, tlie 8th, with Judge Geo. R. Burnett on the bench. “Mark Twain An Intimate Mem ory." I h the title uf Henry Wariersoti's article alwint bls risisln as It apiietir» In tbe American Magnr.tne. Mr Wat ti-rxoti rei lles tbe following Im idem as being typical of Murk Twain » wbtni steal |Hiluf of view: "Illa mind turued ever to the droll Owe In Umdon I was living with my family at 1<« Moaut »(reel Between 11« and 1<»2 there was the parochial workhouse—quite a long and imposing building One evening. U|s>n coming in from an outing. 1 found a letter be Imd written on tbe sitting room table anil left with his card He »poke of riie'shoi k he had received upiu find Ing that next to 102-presumably 103- wuh the workhouse. He bad loved me. but bad always feared that I would eud by disgracing tbe family-be­ ing bungl'd, or sotnethlng-but the •work'us.' that was beyond him: be bad not thought It would come to that And ho on through psge» of horseplay, his relief ou us«-ertatnlng tbe truth and learning bls mistuke. bls regret at not tJudlng me al home, closing with a dinner Invitation Orn-e at Ge­ neva. In Switzerland. 1 received a long, overflowing letter, full of buoyant arid Itles. written from London. '1 wo or three hours later came a telegram: •Burn letter. Blot II from your mem­ ory Susie Is dead.' ’* Susie was Mrs. Clemens. Our kuowhHtgp nf New Guinea sb,,«» • re nouiadli-. ground, but d.-ia-ud^ entirely on ilu-lr »klU i„, J fisbiug. Tbelr < hW , W bow. their arrow. poisoned either witb 1L7,J or some other similar raJS in some cases a sp* They nlao make use ((i au iugeulous form uf J which Is common to iu,2j forest tribes This ting n flatteneil lunni.^^ J to a bent Bitpllng. wlikb Jj a trigger lu gUi h a wlr leased by rhe passert,, J against un Invisible SIr(' I across a game track. Tts»,J really set for game, »wj t,J ated they nre obvloua eoem J presence is aiwajt |ridi,^j Tillamook Jottings. A public meeting of the business men of the city was held ut the Tillamook Commercial Club on Wednesday evening, when there was a good attendance of the lend ing citizens. The object of the meeting was to amend some of tlie provisions of the pro|x>aed city charter, when a numlier of changes were suggested, such ns making the bonded itulel tedtiens f2tll,tl«l, requiring a residence of three months before a person cun vote, payment of extension of water maina to be paid by abutting pro- petty, a clause to license, control or prohibit tue sale of liquor, etc. Ttiere was a differente of opinion as to giving the mayor ao mudi power, some of the buaineaa men contri! ling that the commina iona should Is- elected msteiiil of appoin­ ted. 1 he mutter of doing uwuy with seats, games, screens, etc., in sn loon» w is vote«! down as these mutters would la- under the con trol of the licensing commission. matter of ulti wing aaham keep. Temperance Rally at Fairview Grange Hall. to the food The food is thereby made more tasty and digestible PERCY R. KELLY, Of Albany, Ore., Republican Candidate for Circuit Judge. Mr. Kelly is 40 years old and has resided in Albany, Oregon, S tyears. lie is a graduate of Albany College, has practiced law more than eigh­ teen years, set ved as State Senator from Linn county in the ses­ sions of 189K, 1899 and 11X11 ; wus chairman of the Judiciary Commit­ tee during the Hesaion of 1901 and is at this time, City Attorney of Al­ bany. All voters should remember that there are two Circuit Judges to 1 be elected in the third Judicial 1 Dis- trict. Vote for two. Fine Dairy Farm Notice, All persons knowing themselves to be indebted to the Tillamook Lumber Manufacturing Company w ill please call and settle by Nov. 1, 1910. After that date interest at the rate of 8 per cent |»er annum will lie added to all overdue accounts. TlLLAMtXIK Ll’NUKR M fg . C o . THE TOTDID HOTEL, New Furnishings—Modern Fixtures. Centrally Located. Hot and Cold Water on Each Floor. Meals 35 and 50c. Beds 35 cents and up according to Room. Large C “ — ■ - — timer. Dining R.ami smt Iuidir« Parlor Itrst equipped Hotel Tillamook ------- - ------ Count P W Todd. Prop. B. H. Todd, Mgr Baking Powder Absolutely Pure On Saturday evening, October -Mb, R. Y. Blalock, F. K. Norton and Mr. Morgen will apeak at the Fairview Grange hall on the temp, erance question. Meeting will be­ gin ut 8 p.m. Another meeting will lie held by Rev. Blalock nt the school house A Reliable Medicine -Not a Nar­ cotic. near the Red Clover Cheese Fectory Get the genuine Foley’s IJonev on Sunday morning at 11 a. m. anil Tar ill the yellow package. It ih ante and effective. Contains no Stray Calf. opiute». Refuse substitutes. C. A stray Jersey heifer calf, ultout 1. Clmigh. six months old, has been on H II. Huyes* place on the Sandhike roud Notice of Sale of Tide Land». for about n month, and the owner is N otic « i> H«s«»v G iv « h — That the Stute Land Bearti ol the State of Gregna hereby notified to claim the same. will «eli lu the highest bidder at Its oAev in the Capitol Building at Salem. Oregon on I. IL Van Winkle, of Salem has Ilecembee Ï7. I»til nt 10:00 o'clock a m. hud experience eaiieciaily tilting of said dsy. all the State's Interest In the tide nndoeeiflow lands heevlnaftcr descritteti him for circuit judge while serving [ giving, howevee to the ownee oe ownees of aa assistant to Attorney General ’n, lands .butting or fronting on such tide « rawford. He respectfully aaka »nd oeerflow lamie, the preference right to pnrehaae said iM< and oeerlluw land’ at your vote, f Paid adv.) «he hiebest pnev olir—d r(,el,let1 su-h öfter I made a g«>od fat . ft d alm pro ding I For Circuit Judge. vote for 1.1'. «hat uie land «illn... b. «gd nor a . olfkr Van Winkle, of Salem Quuhtiei. therefor accepted for leas than »?.<■> iVr I by practice and experience. Two acre, the Board reserving the right t-> reiset ane anti all bids Said lamls are sitnatetl to elect. »Paid adv.) la lillauiottk Count,. Oregon, and described a« Follow«. Tide lands feonting end abutting on Lot No 5 ot Section T. Il N K lu W «X •< • poiat wberr the «rvtioa Hoc Iwt ween sections 4 and UT2N M to W . intersect« the high waler of Nehnkm Rne, located » Up w <754 «I feet from the corner com mon to Section« 3, 4 h and l<> ami rwncin« thence Be---------- --- IWM *rt to low water N Mt-3 fret al'Hig low water TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Important properties of the Grape are transmitted N l: ■.. • 7T.U feet «lout low water B. 1330 3 fret to water W . 34«.9 fret aloaf h li*3* 1 •*««« high water I . •PP‘*»«1«» s«4 bid. >L»M b, »4,| w ’ mh I lU'J’ 11 ,’•"»V, Clerk State Land Hoard. Mk«i ()re 111 SEKB ^OW for Mmples of our “Diamond Quality” RE-CLEANED Farm and Field Seed«, Graasea, Clover«, Vetches, Alfalfa and Grains for FALL SOWING We have Sjirciid Mixtures for Special rurjioHe«— water • » V M’lf«. 38« acres, lying 3 miles from Florence, the banking and shipping center of the district, with regular boat to Portland. 1AI'acres is dyked tide marsh, all in grass and worth ^3110 per acre, 41 a res tide marsh in grass and not dyked, worth $lt»l per acre. 216 acres rolling bench entries4 million ieet of virgin timber, worth iOUUO— at local nulls in logs at $5.(10 per thousan«'. This 219 acres affer it is logged, will be worth JHxi per acre for pasture and apple raising. Fresh water trout stream runs through the tract. Fine building site, but no building. Only 3U minutes by motor boat to bank at Portlaml boat landing. Good school, church, stores, creamery, mill, etc., near building site. Total present value. $7ti,7(I>. 1 want to sell and will take $3>,r ig j ure extremely imderalopd, J them being able to espre»,, numerical idea than three. servers who have met tbe«> saying that they urea nwrr;« pie. with great lihua ,,f when their coutldeui-e ban I m and provided they hate not j, vlously III treated They it», n I till Is and are generally ium —London Times. LIGHTNING FLASH! Many Things Concerairg Th»l Science Cannot Fithm I A young girl lu charge of tJ dri-u. sheltering uuder a tree«fl hurst common, was «trad M nlng and killed one of tluwffl instances of the sort of |ersoM with which lightning seeing *■ its vk-ihn. for. 1 bough vile cUM ported to have been thrown tiler apparently was iujunt. a are many Instances, of uhmi M strange selection, due I d iu >«J probably to some accident »Ida There Is a well reineinberedrwa happened some years »go ill bridge, when three young ohi walking across an o|>et> H the sugar. |s>ured It back into tbe cup "Ry tickling." explained Ba** and «aid. "Two eeuta.'* had to tkkle them almoto *• To a customer wbo expressed sur­ though, before they agreed to W prise at bls wllllngneiu to sell grocer­ ies In stu b small quantities be said: Quaint R«m«di* "Have to lu tills neighborhood. Most Among tbe member» of of these iieople live from meal to meal, church In MncedoDl» ft* which means that they buy things by recipe« are regarded a» kit**” measure Instead of weight. Beckoned To pacify ooe's enemies by the cupful, the spoouful or tbe pail­ psalm "Known In Jnilra. ful. they know just bow much or any­ tj water ami give your thing they need In order to satisfy thereof, and be will I* both customers nud tbe inspector of •tanled and frightened weights and measures we measure v>y chestnut» and »o’ ' first to suit tbe trade, then weigh after­ three glasses uf old wloe * , ward.”—New York Sun. drink thereof early also “In tbe beclnulng v.»s Hi» Trick. and let him carry it. A pearl belonging to her brooch h'.d got fastened In the Ince of ber collar. Plump Oird'W He offered to disentangle It. She (after tbe aenk-e-W* "Thafs a great trick of mine." be fellow! Why dkl yu «uil'-*" Mid as be wrestled with It "SepunM- offertory? Hr - 1 nmB»‘ Itur pearls tram“-. There was Miss Add* Peoplry she Interrupted hi ■ frlghl “Had I tbe wing« of n “No." said be; “from iaces.”-New mental picture uf a AM P***" York Press. to Uy with a pair »t I”* was too much for me. K iww What Ha Waa Doing. R«mky rrnm whom old gent has jwst In Bahamia. re«-elvw! ft aoverelgna at 4 to |,_ “How did yon enjoy »* ' K»w. then. Rsnta Claw., what are hiring 'em for’ f>, voo tbltik I'd give evening?" “It wasn't mn< b Ro1* •** yvm wraog nun’ Old Hent-Nna. |n<1 and tbe «audwkbes “*•• dy. ft« nw that; I'm lust making .lire Washington Herald »bat I Inven t gut that one back wblcb I paased off uu tbeel-lAiodua Punch Ov«r 30 yearw* expsr'. enc« right k.r. la tbe P*ri1 things where I lay ibeni 1.1 polo CMC*. PORTLANB SEEItr rORTUANO. ORISON t «w one who can stand larvwiieefiv • bere are t bundled that «III vani ad »entity Cariylc