Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 27, 1910, Image 7

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It la th. Rallglan of ths Bavagoa Wha
Practice It.
ttle Thief and Even a
an Being Thief.
Tay by «h* Thro,t ■nd
th It. Claw. Un«« •*
, Spin, of It. Victim or
I. but even more ferocious.
,as a worse character than
lion. Living maluly In
<ry nocturnal, this fierce
us beast 1» less often seen
■er animals, it is widely
the world from the Cape
l>e to the Atlas mountains
utberu China to the Black
t u sometimes met with in
■bo has frequented the zoo
e must have noticed the
i size aud color between
,m different parts of the
some the ground color Is
te. in other» a clear nut
jers are Jet black.
they live leopards are cat­
sheep thieves, dog thieves
being thieves. Though not
I d appearance, they are lm-
•ong. and It Is not unusual
i turu man eater. Both In
In Africa they have beeu
et up iu this line as dellb-
tny tiger. They have four
ig at a birth. The cubs can
He for some time and are
<s. but it Is extremely dau-
ave them about.
long an Englishman hnd a
■d. It was brought Into the
i by a coolie to be exhibit-
.wner’s guests. Excited by
f food, the leopard refused
hen one of the women, who
t bls looks, asked that It be
The coolie took hold of its
began to haul it out. It
by the neck, bit It through
liuute the coolie was dying,
itb bloodv ou the dining
tese leopard ranges a« far
he Siberian tiger Hnd. like
seems to grow larger the
rtb It Is found. The color
rthern leopards is very pale,
re large and the fur Is very
■es of all countries are unan-
eclarlng that the leopard is
prous than the lion or tiger,
uo fear of the lion, provided
)t hunting for It. for it will
; unless provoked, but a
never to be trusted,
i a number of natives were
reds along a stream. One of
my. being thirsty and hot.
wu to drink Fie was imme-
r.ed by a leopard. The boy's
Ith an admirable alm. hurled
at the leopard while tbe laiy
I Jaws Tbe [mint separated
brae of the neck, and tlie
•II stone dead But the boy
recover. Tbe leojiard's fangs
pen bls c hest and injured the
be latter were exposed to
ugb tbe cavity of tbe ribs.
urlng the liigbt.
i are essentially tree living
trnal animals.
Sleeping in
ives by day. they are seldom
« They do an incredible
of mischief among cattle,
leep aud dogs, beiug esjieciul-
? killing and eating I be latter,
like their prey by the throat
with their elawa until tbey
n breaklug the spine or In
I the victim. They have a
'ceding on putrid flesh. This
ounds inflicted by tbelr teeth
liable to blood poisouing.
in tbe way of prey come«
them, from a cuw tn tbe pas-
fowl up at roost
jreat mouutalu ranges of cen-
tbe beautiful snow leopard Is
It Is a large creature, with
lolly coat and a long tall like
i. Tbe color is white, clouded
lutlfnl gray, like that of an
tat. The edges of tbe cloud-
•pota are marked with black
T gray. The eyes are very
ulsh gray or smoke colored,
on the wild sheep. Ibex and
rantain animals. Io cajitlvlty
the tamest and gentlest of tbe
mlrora. not excepting tbe pu-
Jlke the latter. It Is s sleepy.
Imai, like a domestic,
fest African leopard skin Is
ndrnitDC than tbe Aalatlc. tbe
ng very distinct and clear. He
-tbey usually go In couples—
of bunting cantonments and
latlve towns, where tbey pick
t and now and then a baby,
gbt 1 was camped In a native
d after I bad retired tbe na-
was their custom, were sitting
treat fire asking my caravan
of questions, for tbe African
•• ’be greatest gossip in tbe
Suddenly a child's cry rang
»wed by a great clamor Rush
t" discover tbe cause of alarm,
informed that a leopard bad
rom tbe darkneea and quick an
bad giebbed a fouryceroid
d made off with It Tbe child
•«I in tbe midst of tbe gr-.wu
Tbe latter could
’betr km. They knew it
"• »•> try to
the beast
»•nJ la so 1
wander about a tow»
te »ui p cemla n
It la not
t® ffri a good abot at a
**• • bungalow ver»u-la er
'«<•<*-Ptrtnberg DhynteB.
Ip the course of his thirteen years ua
a missionary lu the FIJI Islands Hie
Rev. Joseph Nettleton leiirmal a g.sal
. deal about cuuullnillsm aud even saw
some of bis ts.lleugues killed und eaten
“It I h u common mistake to tbluk that
these meo ent humau belug» because
of buuger." lie said
"Caniiiliallsm 1»
. their religion The ovens In the teni|He
vbere tbey cook Hteir huuiau sacrin>-es
tre never used for any other pur|s»»e
1 once witnessed the capture of a
white victim.
lie waa surroimded.
bound hand mal f«»d and dragged
along to the temple, where hr was
| dashed with terrific for«-e against the
' altar. Then he vaa pushed Inside the
compound, while the chiefs arranged
ns to the division of the b-idy mid la­
gan a war dunes, Their hldeotu war
da nice—t lie •dermta’ ' they call It» makes
one's flesh creep
An American sea
captain who once visited the Isliimls
said he was not i ho much afraid of
la-lttg emeu as be «»« of thin dance
It Itaik all the courage out of him."
Mr. Nettleton bad to use extreme
tact to avoid artaiHltig suspicion mnoug
tlie savages
"My colleague. Mr. Bn
ker. was murdered, cooked and eaten
with seven others while exploring." he
"The cannibals thought he was
I never carried a revolrer
Why? Because the cannibals say at
ou<e. ‘Fie doesn't carry that to kill
himself; therefore he menus to kill UH.
and they act accordingly.”
The Rev J. (’a I vert, another of Mr
Nettleton’a colleagues, had a narrow
Re wa« surrounded by cunnl
ba Is. and It was decided that he should
be killed
Ry a miracle bls life was
spared. "My friend pleuded till he was
hoarse." said Mr. Nettleton, "but It
was of no avail. Suddenly one of the
rannltMils remembered that Mr. Calvert
bad doctored him wheu he was III
That saved my friend'» life.”—Chicago
Humorous Divoraion of th.
Emperor Commodua.
rrofeHKlotnil barbers are »aid to have
been Introduced luto Route by Menn»
from Sicily, of which udmid be was
praetor In the days of Cicero. Under
the empire their Hho|M< In Rome In
stnnceH tss Rine fnslilomible resorts at
wlilcb every luxury of the toilet was
enjoyed nnd the gossip and ucwh of
Rome and the empire were dbwlinaed.
The menus, luxury and weaknesses of
(H-rsonni adornment therein carried to
excess are amply Immortalized In tlie
IHiges of Tereuce. I’lautus. Horace
Juvenal and Martial.
Other barber »bops were mor. re
tired, a« we leuru from the »minis of
the Enqieror C o . iiiihh I um . wb<>. having
wearied at times of the wholesale irag-
Kile» of the Coliseum, wherein armies
engaged In murder at hla savage ts*
best, aud being desirous of a little
humorous diversion, used, like I lie
! caliph of ItHgdad lu the “Arabian
! Nights." to disguise himself mid sally
forth, accompanied by two or more of
■ bls favorites, nud. having hired a bar-
I her ahop «ultable for hl» pur|H»»e,
■ would place one of his men at tbe d<««r
solicit custom.
to solicit
Hu ring wcuivd • rtjMnmer. I be em­
peror barber wculd politely affix the
towel and apply the lather, all tbe time
keeping up a running lire of the latent
jests and little pieanantrtee uutll the
customer nnd himself were almost over-
(come with laughter. Then the keen
edged razor would slip, and among
regrets nnd proffers of amUtnnee rite
noseleHS victim would l>e assisted to
the rear of the simp, where between
. ibreMn and brllies be «’as kept from
making a riot until one or two more
victim« were added to the num I ter nial
Com mod un, weary of bln demoniac
ptensantry. was ready to return to the
palace or to the arena —Charlee Wln-
alow Unit to National Magazine.
The Mail*,
When doe« u crime become punlab
able? When It Is committed by mail
I Tim mall Is the moat sacred tblug
'known to the United Rtatrn govmt
' tin-ut except Itself. Nothing but tree
•mi sur|MHHen lu egregiousueas the mis­
use of the malla So far aa the federal
authorities are comemed. one may
HtrHh gamble aud murder ao long ns It
Is not done by cmreupoudeoce Ito ye
wbataoever ye will on« onto another,
but do not write It down and stick a
stamp on the upper right baud comer,
for if ye do then In truth will all th«
demons of Juntlc« b« unloosed upon
your trsll — Life.
When 1.1 lluiig t'hung imide his tour
If the world his voiuiulssiirtai «•nr
rled with It a supply of Chinese pre-
nerved egg» for the vem-rahle aml»is
»adorn s|H-clal u«e
Some of ihene
egg» were exhibited In New tork
while be wa« -laying here. and a few
exjiertH bad the temerity to -ample
“Tliey were n»l ho laid after
all." was the verdict of oue AuieHcnn
cuouolaHeiir “altluaik-h by f li-li look-
vou would think they would , ome utt
der the tain of the pure tood law"
The eggs were III--list'd III day nnd
when uii|>ai'ked hsikt-d like piece» of
pumice »lone They are preserved tn
this way by the ('hlrn-se for a een
fury or more, and LI Hung t’hsnv ><d
mined thnt the lien will, b laid ifi.
egg« foi Ills morning tmnl might tiav-
tn-en d,. Hpltuifsl anywhere from >•
quarter to half a i-eutury la-fore h-
was horn
Th*- pro e«« of keeping I
very primitive. Ian as ••ff««-t|ie a» It 1»
simple The eggs are firsi tsi|l< d hard
aud then while they are hot they are
wrapped In soft clay mid pa< ke«'
In thia condition the Chlm-se ehtltn
they will keep forever nnd noi lo-,
their davor or wholesoiis-m—« Indeed
they consider that age Improve* rp.
flavor 1.1 Rung Chang'» <-oninil»»arliii
brought the pggx for bln |*er*«»tiiil tis»*
In bags pHt k«^ In r1<v hu*<kx. bin hs
the day wks U h rd Ihere wiix not iinvh
danger of biVNl.Ing them
o|H*ned the “white” wn» found to 1»
almost black mid the volks gr-en
Tile flavor, however, wan preserved
The Chinese chop these preserved
tallied egg» nnd decorate most of tla-lt
viands with them
They nlwo enter
largely Into all their sam-es
Duck eggs nre also preserved hr rhe
Chinese In a somewhat similar fashion
There Is a •«insld>,riilde tr»d- nt dit- k
eggs of tfie I'eklng nnd Moscow
breeds, ami tuaur Chill***- lit tills eotlli
rrv lni|s,n them from Chinn lit tlte
The dm k egg«
preserved condition
nre l»ill<>d mid preserved In ii pjlHtP <lf
charcoal Instead of day. Hur per »
A 8p«cisl Psttsrn Must Bo Used or
ths Susa Canal
Every war vessel cHrrle» from olir lo
tweut.v seHn lilight». «mi evrr» «i-ssei
of aoy descrtptloii wlimever |Hi»«mp
througli thè Suez catini UálM lu
one of a »lisciai paltern
A sisin-hlfght i-oiiHtHta es-enttatly of
nn are lainp of special form, h |Hir:i
Ialite mlrror and a enne lo bolli thè tot
thè case I h -I iik UMMliited —■ hh lo Ih-
ea|Hilile of moveuienl In two direi-
timi» vtz. verilially and hoiizoiilnl
The tlissi, a» tilt» case I» cnlled
I h inaile of alieel xhvl h I mhi I 3 3V
The turn»bin. trutint«»m<
Inch iliirk
<»te„ h re <HMt In irun «notiti
arma wbh*h Mii|>|MH*i tli*» I kmk I nre «»I
The iHiiip I m » x ih furti»
«a si Hteol
The mir
ed aa pari of thè tanal
<»u npringM vln tin*
ror I h carri
Hf the front of ili«*
back covir.
hiari I» n “fi
und Hie dlHperMi«»ii
gnu metal ri
i»d I h lihu.,,ad < mi In
lena when <
front of rbls
hy nienti» of h worui and woeni «rh*«*i
or b.r a rack and iilnlmi
Slewlng I»
rffrctrd by ■ ii - hii » nf a pillimi whk I,
gesra imo a evuwn wlu-et mi ine un
derslde «f tfir tarmatile, «a- else II I»
dime directly by band
The Nuca canal regulmlmia vtspilre
Ihat file pnijeclne «hall te- < spillile <if
glvlng thè tigli! re«|iilri'«l iilidet live
dlfferenf is H m IUI'HI« I h thè tir»! case a
brtsid. Mal I s - hiii of llghl llliimlmitlnu
botti liaiika and ito- > amil niriiitcrriipt
•sily. tilt» I h -I iik ll»<-<l wh- Il mi oiliet
ship I» tipprmieliltif : In Ile* othet <-n«v
tbey re-inlre a Is-ani liaving file «urne
angle of dlvergencr and ■•mi«-«|U--mil
thè Hame wldili hh thè tlr«i l-m dlvul
ed Imo two |s-rtloua. wllli h dark In
tervsl iH-tweeii tini» glvlng llglit al
bmb «Iden. hut ma dim tty hi frmit
and ho noi liiterfsrlnK trilli ili» navi
gntloo of tbe uppniai King t essei —J
M Ilmlop lu CuHHlrr's klagnzlm-
A Fartuna I" Snoffbosa».
Conni Nessrlnale. thè Kuaalmt «Intra
m»n of the la«i . eiitury. whs h fniboil»
cot lector «f snufflsura
Ile .«.llr. I.al
Hirai M a dlplotiiHtlHl. rrrvlvhig -nie «u
tau for rm-ti treaty tw «Igmd «ttd
when hr hud got »ItWi.«»»' a <wH< of
them ntrn.-d them Into .-»«n «nd
cania a capitalist
HI» <-B|dltit he tn
vralrd <"> |ndlchHi»ly thnt hl» daarrhd
anta arr miilHnilltkHwilrr»
The tia*
al of Count ,Xe>»srtr<Hlr'» M|rrtM*» I«
that a autifflHJl I h mH Iw la- «in-rz»d
Teaching ths TwcMr
A village pari-li ■ i-rk »ho rinptoyed
a grnmmamin •« '•-»■ h ht» itaimliter
beard film with mm h surprise di fille
the one of the artlrls» “«.* "»«•" »••'1
"tiw ”
“Ton estima pt»«-» '•.’ Hm ringoiar
■rrirta-, twfmv t-mrsl mmn«
N<- •••*
san aty. -A mai— a m-r—« •
“RoM thern-r « h M ihr f»«rl-h ctaTt
"f nrn«« --ontr«d»t ymt tn that
tnt étant«-« rrrvy ttnmlr, any ‘ Amen K “
— Izas hai Ms II
Fgc» That. Hava Bean Praserved Pae
a Century ar Mora.
Te the «truste' Within Vs»' Gstss.
la .Vs Ens IS rnl W hat d- y-ri
knout ?
|n X-« Tarh-il-'W aim b
In the *mfh « »»• are r-m'»
la the W eat-H «al esa y«e *>’-
i '
K««p Them Apart From Whites.
Even among tlie Five Civilized Tribes
there still rema I d many communities
wholly full bhs*d. These ¡ample drift
together, following their own ideas <>f
life. n|ieaking their owu lauguage und
retiring la-fore the whites with the
name strange reserve mid pride that
Characterized them In their wild suite
Although claiming the nmt'.e of Her
eral Chrlstliin dvtmuilnntloiis mid fol
lowing certain Is-llef» wltli devoin
ueaa. their ways of thinking, their di»
like of lumtvnHon mid their aversion
to work have mude (hern wlthdni w
to the mountain dlstrh-fH.
W bet her
thia ho called renrrve hiudim from pride
nr a dlafnint of the while muti or t|
mldlty or merelr a 'Uiililwirn < <»nservn
tlam. It pnaiu« ph rhe name result, the
h:i<kw?ird and mmprogrpssivp Indian
There I m . too. a '•»•rtaln myntfc quallt v
that huida the Indian Hhaif. nnya the
Southern Workman a quality that we
do not utidvrHinnd and wltli which
there la little nymptithy In our every
day life. He Is no om< b of a pillion
npher thnt tie l<H»kH upon our «treiiu
mm life with Mime contempt, dismiss
Ing our efforts for personal comfort
and material advancement with the
remark that “ttie white man I m heap
trouble to himself ” Wlille |a>ople < nll
him lar.y lierause he does not cure to
exert himself for those things which
RCt'Ul ImjHirtant t.o whites, yet to
s< ie religious ceremonial or some ar-
tlfitic expression his application Is |>er
«latent, and the “patience of an lu
dian" bHs pttsHed into a proverb.
Leaves Tillamook for
Astoria and Portland
THURSDAY of Each Week
Freight and Passengers.
Bhe Joined a Card Club In Order to
Forgot Hor Work.
An Atchison woman who found the
monotony of dlshwasblug. cooking nnd
laundry work proving too much for
suulty nits urged to Join u card club.
“It will take your mlud off your
work." she was told, and ho she joined.
In order to attend she had to get up
that morning an hour earlier to get
her work done; a neighbor girl was
hired to stay with the baby, and when,
flustered, uervous au<l tired, she left
the house flfteen mluutes late she was
followed by the scream» of her three
children because tbey couldn't be
taken along. But she bad her mind
taken off tier work at the card party.
Of that there 1» no doubt, for when
«he made a misplay her partner, a
l»erfect Indy, walked right over her,
then picked her up and shook her. and
then chewed on her for fifteen mln
uteH. She la-cii me so frightened that
the little wits she hud under her hair
fled, and she made another misplay
«.Ilh another partner, nnd thl» woman,
also a perfect Indy, tnlked to her In a
way the woman should have been
nslimued to talk to a dog. It was more
thou she could endure, and. weeping
like a sprinkling cart, she got up uud
went borne.
“It did even more than it promised.'
she told her husband. "Nothing has
ever bapjieucd to me In all my life thnt
HO effectively took my mind off my
work. Why. there were Ilmen when I
even forgot I bad you and all the chil­
dren.’*—Atchison Globe.
Athletics snd the Unfit.
Those who ure unfit should not In­
dulge In athletic games 1» a warning
by Dr Wmsla Hutchinson Io Outing
A boy. for tatarauce. Is a little weak
after a mll.l attack of Infectious fever,
pneumonia. Influenza or tonsllltle. aud
I i I h heart is Iteming faster and more
violently than It should ou ejection.
But Hie team »’11111» him or be wants a
re-ord <>r Isitb. mid away he goes Imo
“Suddenly one day the heart can no
lunger drive mi Its overload of blmal.
ami down g>a«s the ruum-r or oarauim
lu uo attack of bean failure." sod sth
letlcs get all the discredit.
The «»me danger Iles wtim there 1»
uu training, the »port being purely In
formal. It Iles also where the girl jnat
cotiraleacem peralsts lu taking part l:i
a long auticlpal«-d dance
Only that
phase of common scuse which 1» manl
festt-d In common prudence 1» beers
sary to avoid »Wb perils.
Yon Use Them.
We Sell Them.
Next Door to Tilltttiiook t’ountv llttnk.
Tillamook Iron Works »
4hilfW' Work, Loggt-r'a IVtirk mid
Fitte Machine Work a Npeelalijr.
4 General Machinists & Blacksmiths.
II chvj '
The Best Hotel
J. P. ALiUEN, Proprietor
Headquarters for Travelling Men.
Special Attention paid to Touria's.
A First Class Table.
Comfortable Beds anti Accommodation
A live butineM (ruining
Iby btifiiiH’«« men.
1'lie school whose gniduateM Hectiir poMitioti»* tm<l hold them.
Living expenses low. S< hooi in continuoun hcmmhui . Send
for catalogue.
W. I STALEY. Principal.
Salem, Ore
Hi« Othar Nam«.
Tlie candidate for Hie pl»r* of roach
mui hnd «leen weighed and was not
wanting. Hisotdlng to hl» m-w ml»
tre»»' lights. Then the question of Ills
name. Whk h was Fatrli k. esine up
Tlie mistress objected to It In her heart.
M. .he eiplmued tliul It was her
min always to call her conehmsn by
hl. family name
Had be any vbjec
fions Ï
-Not the Hllghtest. ma’am "
“IVhst I h your tarnt usuie. Patrick T
"Fltxjislri- k. un'itu”
Anc h.rad.
A Ititi. .Imi. fis», year. «<
with iba mísf.-rtm». lo ha** «•«• u‘*
|>lo*a luto the river Wtien he rea. bed
hi» father said lo bini
• If. a »..oder y«u daim H««w <•»«
la>.rd luu"
-I rnuWu't.** ••• ' •** ‘l««'* raspóos»
»I waa fHstatosi I« my ferir
Camille •'tareu.r «•"’« *“ dlTdent
• ben tw laifcH •"
lbfnuk,• ,hr
píeme. Is hey Estelle l-hllH' Fleti
thr.Higb th* |d»-we I < an be.r hl. hem*
Butler - Hxetaunge
Harry forever,
h»|«> B*a J»»f
Xlo-r for a day
the Ou«'«»"»
Father l’aro d from
hate yaoT Well. i«-v
well n-a
«re «■ *'
« two MF».
fi«-Il Telephone la the Center
of the Syalen».