lIGLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. OCTOBER 3L 1910 Bills and Petitions to be Voted on by the People. tion ; fixing the salaries of the officers thereof; and for the adjust­ ment of the finances between the two counties.____________________ X12 Ye*. 333 No. ECCLESIASTICAL 8TBALING. Methods Adopted by the Evangel ists Cause Some Discussion Amongst Church People. that it is not right to «teal* allegiance any mor.- than T be right to steal thiir ,e' “ purpose* of slavery. Casual readers of tlie«t)0Ui will note that no person, or '* A bill for an in t to create the County of Clark out of the northern por­ TO EDITOR TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. church or sect is aceuaetj ( tion cf Grant county. Oregon ; providing for its organization ; fix­ From tfie remotest times, among lyting or Ecclesiuutical ate* ing the salaries of the offi< er* thereof; and for adjuetment of finan­ We did say that the c civilized peoples and among many ce* lietween the two counties. ___ ________________ an(( of the savage tribes, there have people of .. .............. Ye*. 3.44 been laws to protect persons in the will say we believe that Hu No. Women’s taxpaying suffrage amendment, grantingto taxpayers, regard- 335 possession of property. So strong fair play and honest work of the ri^iit <4 wuflrutf . has been thia sentiment in some also that God and honest i A bill for a law providing for the permanent support and maintenance such work as is described Y cr . of the Ea*tern Oregon State Normal School at Weston, Umatilla nations that life itself has been county, Oregon, by levying an annual tax of one twenty-filth of a held cheaper than property, and the work of the devil. No. Mil That no amount of eopk mill on a dollar upon all the taxable property within the State of one who would not respect the Oregon. __________________________ property rights of others has for­ make anything else of it. no thought that anyone Yen. _________________________________ feited his life. :i36 There has been a great awakening brazen enough to deny the No. * 337 in our land in recent years along of our position on this much less did we think the., A bill for a law to annex a portion of the territory in the eastern part of these lines. The national consci­ be found one in Tillamook • An act authorizing the purchase of usité for the construction and main­ Washington county, Oregon, to Multnomah county, Oregon, and ence is awake on this question. tenance of a branch insane asylum to be located, in the discretion providing for a transcript of the records of the territory annexed No civilized people can exist ey th municipalité*, mid railroad districts, cieation of liens upon pro years. They count all gain to them ­ report to the Governor of the state on or Iretore the 1st day of Feb­ bible, the church, and the dictata petty or levying taxes for the payment of the same. selves, for, have they not got for of conscience. The difference ruary, 1911, and appropriating $1,000 for pui'(M>ses of the act. 310 Ye*. nothing something that belonged tween the Independent and 3M Yes. to some other churh. they count on churches is that it holds the 311 No. science superior to either the bi 347 No. their having now gained the moral or church. VVe appeal to the- influence that has been built up by science of men, hence a man For an amendment of Section 1 of Article IX of the Constitution of the State of Oregon, directing a uniform rule ot taxation "except on A bill for an act prohibiting the taking of fi*h from the waters of many years of life in the other believe or disbelieve in the bible» Rogue River, or of any of its tributaries, by any means, except propeity specifically taxed,” authorizing the levy und collection o- church, shall they not enter into Church so long a* he is not d with hook und line, commonly called angling. , fazes lor Stufe purpo*es und (or county and other municipal pur- of conscience. What does r the labors of others ? And *o they, ence teach? Not what the bible • poHt-s upon different claHses of property, und appropriating Male l-M Yes. like some of old, say the end church teaches. It does not folk» taxes among the neveral countie* ¡is county obligations. justifies the means. So says the lhat the cl u ell or bible teach any­ 349 Na Ye*. 3'-i thing wrong-, or differs from lit burglar. teaching of conscience. If a ma 313 No. A bill for a law to create the County of Deschutes. Oregon, out of the These same self-righeous ones, northwest portion of Crook county, Oregon, providing for the or­ because there is no civil law againat subscribe* to the worship of Godic- Curding to dictate* of comciesi ganization, the sularie* of its officers, and settlement cf tlie this species of action, go boldly he is under no obligation* to that finance* between the proposed county and Crook county. into the homes of other churches, who teach the bible or church doc­ trines. 350 Ye*. unuuullv to the Judge of the Eighth Judicial I listrii t, by Baker county, in uddition to the A bill for an act providing for the creation of new town*, counties, and jieople of these homes to leave the do not try to impose their doctri municipal districts (excepting drainage and irrigation districts of church to which they belong, the upon one. If it affords them col- annual sulury ol $3IMiU.liO received by him from the State. solation well and good. If I az leas than one county) or changing the boundaries of exi*ting count­ 311 Ye*. ies, by a majority vote of the legal voters of the territory within the church of father and mother, and justified or condemned it is by the boundaries of the proposed municipality, and providing that “come with us.” Why? For the light of conscience. 315 No. The numerical strength of 30 per cent of the number of legal voters within such territory may­ same reason that the pickpocket Independant Church will never petition for the creation of a new municipal corporation, and takes your money, because he known, a* there is no inicialor d< providing for the appointment of officers and adjustment of the finances of the new corporation, and the method of procedure to wants it and can get it by foui if gree or ceremony. It is naturJ for “birds of a feather to flock tc- create the Hume. not by fair means. The person who respectB hie gether.” I like to associate «nth A bill for an m t to create the County of Nesmith out of a portion of the 3M Ye*. men who exercise the function d northern part ol Houitla* county and the southern pari of Lune neighbors property right*, de- conscience, instead of living rin­ No. county; providing for its organization, fixing the salaries of the 353 tests both the religious sheep­ ged by either the church or bible. officers thereof, und for adjusting finances between the three J. C. G ovl stealer and the pickpocket, he may counties. An amendment Of Sec tion 10 of Article XI of the Constitution of the have some admiration for the bold State of Oregon, permiting countie* to incur indebtedness beyond 310 Ye*. “Fear of Democratic victory i« $5,000 to build peruisn«ut roads, and providing that debts for per­ highwayman who takes his life in 317 No. manent roads may be incurred on approval of a majority of those his hand, but lie has nothing but November halts all chances for»« voting on the question. contempt for such petty, cowardly advance on the Stock Exchange, A lull for U law to provide for the permanent aup|*ort and maintenance 354 Yes. thievery, and no amount of sophis­ says a New York financial jonrml of Oiegon Norinul School at Monmouth, Polk county, Oregon, by try can make the honest man or If the victory comes the moveuml levying an untumi tax ot one twenty tilth of a mill on the dolls rup 355 No. woman respect the religious thief ; on the exchange as well an in p* on all the taxable property within the Stute ot Oregon. A bill for a law to amend the direct primary law by extending its pro that is the reason why but few can industry will be downward. Tta 3IS Ye*. visions to presidential nominations, allowing voters to designate tie found to do such work and is what Democratic victory alw’t 319 No. their choice for their party candidate for President and Vice-Presi­ Christian people in all churches brings. dent; for direct MMHination of party candidates for presidential despise such work. It’s the World's Best. electors , for election by parly voters of delegates to their party A lull for a law criating the county of Otis, Oiruon, out of territory But some few do such work and No one lias ever made a national nominating conventions, each voter voting for one dele now un Imled in ihe countie* of Harney, M.rilieur uud Gram gate , lor payment of delegates' actual traveling expense« not the church does not throw them ointment or balm to compare providing tor ils organization und lor the adjustment <>1 finances ex< ceding two hundred dollars for each delegate, and extending out aa they ought and so many Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. It’s"» und Irunnleiting ot tecoid* between the aeverul countie* atlected by the proposed law. the publicy rights of candidates in the State nominating and good men, men who would lie a one perfect healer of Cuts, Co™*- Burns, Bruises, Sores. Scald*. tk*» general election campaign books. great help to the cause, and would Ulcers, Salt Rheum. For Sore »7* 33) Yea. 35« Ye*. be saved *tay away from thechurch. Cold Sores, Chapped Hand«. * No. .321 Men in or out of the church feel ■ Sprains, it’s supreme. Inf.illibleM 357 No. Piles. Only 25c at C.JI. Clough'». that a greater wrong has been -done i A lidi for a Inw lo uiiuex a portion of thè northern pari of Cluckama» A Generous and Charitatde WiA when some Christians ’ religious ! A bill for a law creating a I ward of people's inspectors of government county, Oregon, lo Multnomali county. Oregon, and providing for “I wish ail might know of if* trunscrihing und tisnsferi ing tlie recurde of thè territorv proiiosed providing for publication of an official state magazine, and board life has been unsettled, for we have yourrow* to lie the editors and puldiahera thereof, the printing to be done come to believe that humanity is benefit tu he unnexed, und for udjuutment of fin*nere betweén thè t,wo S.e”eBt I 1 received rece,'e r ‘ -” from ••r’.L* £ rountieii. by the State Printer; all books of public officials subject to ex amination bv the board of inspectors and reports thereof pub worth more than human posses-: gan. Farmer, Mo. Hi* kidney« \ e*. 32'2 much P»* bladder gave him so nu hulled in said magazine ; a!) enpenaea of the board for printing and sions. .nil, 11 unwjlaw, he c publication of magazine, salaries, etc., not to exceed one dollar Men believe that God is honest, ' ,,lisery fnd annoyance, 3-3 No. for each registered voter in the State ; the magazine shall be and that he demands integrity in I ■ work, nor sleep. He says ” " Kidney Remedy completely C«W» expen«*ry tW° mon,h* to each reK'»tered voter at public his followers. The community A bill for an act til ervatr the County of Williams out ot a petition of him. C. I. Clough. rightly demands that its religious ! lame and Douglas cuiniliea. Oregon; providing for its organiza­ 358 1 Yea. Kills a Murderer. _x tion , living th- salaiiea ol the officers thereof , and for adjustment leaders should lie honest and re­ A merciless murderer is Ari**"’ ol tinances In-tween tin- three coimtiea. > Ña ~ “ — ----------------- ------ 35V gard the rights of others. - citia with many victim* but *■ 324 \ es What Tillamook needs is the unit- j King's New Life j’ills kdl it by For an amendment of Article IV, Constitution of Oregon, increasing ed efforts of all rightous people. vention. They gently stimulate** 325 No. referendum and re call |mwera of the people ;" Cg What Tillamook does not need is , much, liver and bowel*. pretjm^B uae of emergency clause and veto »oarer on state and municipa* I that clogging that inv it« * ;'l*l**?l bur constitutional amendment providing for the iwople of each county IrKUlHlion . requiring |>rm tort kin«] election of nieuit>ers of Leg any further developement of the un­ citj», curingConstipation. He»“*** to regulate tuxution mid exemption* within the county, regardless •lative Aaaemb y from the state at large, annual ae.etons and Christ like spirit of selfishness, that Biliousness, Chills. 25c. st I"**’ ot constitutional restrictions or Mate statutes, and abolishing uoll increasing memlwra' salaries and terms of office nrovidinrr fo? would destroy others to build itself I. Clough's.__________ _ or head tax. ele« turn of Speaker of House and President of Senate W Ml Yea. er to license, regulate, contrui, «uppreua. oe prohibit the sale o in are now engaged in the nefarious Health Builder the world Ml Nu. It compel* perfect tuxicuting liquoia wohin the iuunici|>alitr. business may see the error of their ' known. of stomach, liver, kidney». SM ways t> fore it is too late for repent- purifies and enriches the “JJP Yes. For amendment to the Constitution of the State of ( Hevwn . . tones and invigorates the • for verdict by three fourth, of jury in cirri ca^^ ..’.I? K ■nce. 3 Al No. Our purpose in publishing the system and enables - you grand juries to be summoned separate from the torn ' * milting judicial system by I statute, prohibiting Striai above in last week’s Hersld was to the wear and tear of yourdairv* — change — of -- J A bill for s l*w^ requiring protection for peraoM engage«! in hazardoua where any eviden. e to snoex.rt verdut; providing ___ trial * fur .ffiniam^ bring to the minds of the people of "After months of snffrnng (“T rmiiloy nMut. defining Mild extruding the liability of emplovrr* Kidney Trouble." |writes W ”• of judgment i on •IT Spiwwl' not wit ’ ’ ’ ** notwithstanding error committed in sud proviutiig that rontril.uloey negligence aliali not be a deten*e lower court, directing ------------- Court to enter «ucli judgment a* Tillamook (and iou «rill have to go man. of Cushing, Me.. Three directing Sir Supreme ehoultl have t„_ been entered . in lower court ; fixing terms of*Supreme far 1« find a better, more upright ties of Electric t illeni made XI) Ye*. like.a new man.” !Wr. at th* C ourt ; providing nidgVs"of ve.™ of all Mil courts cmirt- be »— eirv'ted torri» 4___ . people than Tillamook ha«), sone 331 Nu. ___ *«H~reari ng |uri*di. tion of Supreme Court. ’ year*, and Clough's. __ tt iaga that a very few are doing, 38! Yes. Vote for f. H. Van inimical to the lest intereat of tor A bill lor an act to errate the County of Orchard out of the northeastern _ liomea and our social life, and the Salem, republican cand’drw puriiuu of l lustrila couatjr, Oregon . providing forila organiza 383 Na lr‘ .thought .till sticks .n oar mind. circuit judge. Two to «1 » ndv.» “ I Proposed by Initiative Petition. Referred to the People by the Legis lative Assembly. Referendum Ordered by Petition of the People. Proposed by Initiative Petition. IMI ■