TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. OCTOBER 27 OFFICIAL Proposed by Petition. REPRESENTATIVE. Fourteenth Representative a lid Yamhill Counties. District, Tillamook IQol k ahd BALLOT. 59 Republican Shall Stock be Permitted to Ruh at I-arge in Hebo Precincn Vote for running at large— YES, or for running at |ar, Democratic YES. ------------------ For running at large. !-8 A. G. HEA .US. Qf Tillamook County; H. C. KUNZE, of Tillamook County First Congressional District. For running at large. Vote lor One REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS. 12 W. 1'. Elmore, of Linn County Prohibition 13 W. C. Hawley, of Marion County Republican 14 C. W. Sherman, of Jackson County 15 R. G. Smith, of Josephine County County for county judge . Socialist Democratic 0! C. J. Blanchard, of Tillamook County 62 Homer Mason, of Tillamook County State. FOR Vote for One 16 Jay Bowerman, of Gillium Countv Republican 17 A. E. Eaton, ol Union County Prohibition . S. Richard», <4 l.inn County 19 Ofwald West, ot ( lalsop County 20 F. W. Benzoli, of Douglas County 21 N. A. Davis, of Umatilla County 22 Alien McDonald, i.f Multuoinah County Turner Oliver, ot Union County Socialist 91 For running at large. 63 Henry Crenahaw, of Tillamook County (A S. Scovell, of Tifiamo* k Cjunty YES. For Prohibition. Against Prohibition. Republican ------------—— Socialist1 Biliousness is due to a disordered condition of the stomach. Cham­ berlain’s Tablets are essentially a Vote for Gue stomach medicine, intended espe­ Republican cially to act on tliatorgan; to. leanse it. strengthen it, tone and in vigorate Socialist it, to regulate the liver and to banish biliousness positively and effectual­ ly. For sale by Lamar’s Drug Store. Vote for One 23 For running at large. Vote for One Socialist FOR COUNTY CLERK. Démocratie J. C. Holden, of Tillamook County 65 ____________________ • H. B. Karr, of Tillamook County 66 FOR SECRETARY OF STATE. Vote for One yQ Republican Vote for or against Prohibition of the Sale of Intoxicating Li Beverage purposes. Entire County of Tillamook. Mark X between number and answer voted for. FOR SHERIFF GOVERNOR. 18 Shall stix k be permitted to run at large in Carnahan Precinct Vote for running at large—YES, or fur running at larje^ The Gratitude of Elderty people Republican 1 I FOR TREASURER. - - Prohibition 107 Frank Allender, of Tillamook County Socialist David Martiny, of Tillamook County 68 Democratic Goes out to whatever helps give them ease, comfort and strength. Socialist Foley Kidney Fills cure kidney and Bladder diseases promptly, and Republican give comfort and relief to elderly people. C. I. Clough. Vote for One Forced to Leave Home. Every year a large number of poor Vote for One sufferers whose lungs are sore and Republican racked with coughs are urged to go to another climate. But this is cost­ There’s a Democratic ly and not always sure. better way. Let Dr. King’s New Discovery cure you at home. “It cured me of lung trouble,” writes W. R. Nelson, of Calamine, Ark., Vote for One “when all else failed and I gained 47 pounds in weight. Its surely the Republican King of all cough and lung cures.” Thousands owetheirlives and heslth to it. Its positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds, LaGrippe, Asthma, Vote for One Croup-all Throat and Lung trou­ bles. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle Socialist free at Chas. I. Clough’s. FOR CORONER. FOR STATE Vote for One TREASURER. 24 Leslie Butler, uf Hood River County Prohibition 25 Thomas B. Kny, of Marion County Republican 26 Clins. H. Otten, of Multnomuli County 69 W. C. Hawk, of Tillamook County 70 Roy Henkle. of Tillamook County Socialist FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. 7! H. M. Farmer, of Tillamook County FOR JUSTICE OF SUPREME COURT. (Four year term). Vote for Two llenry J. Bean, ol Umatilla County Republican 28 C. J. Bright, ot Wasco County Prohibition FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR. 29 TUuiuas A. McBride, ot Clackamas County 72 Republican—Democratic—Nou Political Judiciary 73 Socialist J. D. Myers, of Coos County 27 30 George E. Davis Republican For More Than Three Decades. Foley's Honey and Tar has been a household favorite for coughs, colds and ailments of the throat, chest and lungs. Contains no opi­ ates. C. I. Clough. U. G. Jackson Socialist 31 R. R. Ryan, of Marion County 32 Woodson T. Sluter, uf Marion County Democratic— Nou- Political Judiciary First Justice District Vote for One FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACEi 74 FOR JUSTICE OF SUPREME COUR I’. (Six year term). George H. Buruetl, ut Marion County T. J. Junes, uf Wheeler County Republican Jus. Ellenberger, of Tillamook County ■ Vote fur Two Republican FOR CONSTABLE. Vote for One bo< lullst Will R. King, ot Malheur County ____________ ____________ Demo. i.tin Nun-Political judiciary Frank A. Moore, of Columbia County _ _______ _ Kepubln an Democratic— Nun-Political Judiciary li. F. Ramp, of Nailon County Social,at FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE 75 Peter Asp, of Tillamook County Second Justice District. FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL. 38 C. C. Brix, of Crook County 36 A. M. Crawford, of Douglas County Don’t trifle with a cold is good advice for prudent men and women. It may be vital in case of a child. There is nothing better than Cham- berlain’s Cough Remedy for coughs and colds in children, it is safe and sure. For sale by Lamar’s Drug Store. __ ______ ____ The best plaster. A piece of flan­ nel dampened with Chamberlain’s Liniment and bound on over the affected parts is superior to a plaster and costs only one teiiXXl as much. For sale by Lamar’s Drug Store. Vote for One 76 John Sheets, of Tillamook County Vote for I. H. Van Winkle, of Salem, republican candidate for Socialist circuit judge. Two to elect. (Paid Democratic adv.) 77 E. W. STANLEY, of Tillamook County Republican s. VIERECK, Tillamook Bakery, Vote for One Socialist FOR CONSTABLE. Republican 78 I). E. Dawson, of Tillamook County Vote for One 1 OPPOSITE THE ALLEN HOUSE. Republican 1 Corner Stillwell Ave. and First St. West, and both Phones. FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. 49 !.. R, Alderman, of Lane county 41 Geo. A. Hinsdale, ot Multnomah County 42 J. B. Horner, of Benton County 43 Robert R. Steel, of Multnomah County Vote for One Third Justice District Republican SPECIALTY IN ALL KIND OF CAKES Socialist FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Democratic TO Prohibition I. W. Hiner, of Tillamook County Republican I ■ ■ FOR CONSTABLE. FOR STATE PRINTER. Vote for One Do Not Delay Your Fall Planting •21 AUTUMN C1TALC3 tuft In Jtsttmtar Vote for One <■* Geo. Bylander, ot Multnomah County 4# Willis b. Diiniwa), ol Multnomali < iniiit) Republican JuinrN 1%. Godfrey, of Marion County Democratic « i • ÿ ALL KIND OF BREAD. Vote for One Socialist Fourth Justice District FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. MJ OR COMMISSIONER oF LABOR STATISTICS AND INSPECTOR OF FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS. S. I« Curry, ol Coos County Miles Warreu, of Tillamook County Vote for One Republican Vote lor One Socialist FOR CONSTABLE. <>. P Hoff, of Multnomah County Republican 81 D. !.. Houston, ol Washington County Democratic John J. Luugcur, of Tillamook County Vote for One Republican 1 I» s ; • • t 1 FOR SO 51 COMMISSIONER OF THE RAILROAD COMMISSION OF OREGON. Port of Tillamook Vote for One FOR COMMISSIONER. Huirh Mt Lain, of Coon County Democratic blank J. Miller, ot l.iim < ounty Republican 82 S3 H. T. Rotts, of Tillamook County D. Fitxpatrick. of Tillamook County STRAWBERRY PLANTS Vote for Two Republican Democratic ♦ V ? < 4 ' 1 < 1 1 « Ow annuai hnporlatloo* have ar- Fired from FRANC*. ROLLAND, JAPAN and D h > AZORKJ *>d »*•- ■»•atic »toe hs ar« n<»< ready. Karly ordara arcura aclaet reaar vutivua. ANN FCR CATALOG WC. Cl PORTLAND SEED CO FOR STATE ENGINEER 52 John koob, of Ja< kaon County ¿3 John 11. 1 »«i», of Murton County I*MHUAUB. OKKCON Vote for One Notice of Final Account. Sociulist Port of Bay City Republican run c un.iissiti,\r.K. FOR II • VISION SUPERINTENDENT OF DIVISION NUMBER ONE. 54 WATER Vote for One 84 <1 Republican Guet Nelson, of Tillamook County Republican Republican 1 FOR JU Dt.h Ob t lHt l.1T COURT, of Thml Judicial Vote for Two District, Linn, Marios* Itllamook. Polk and Yauihtll Counties. 55 John HaynÀ of Marion County Port of Nehalem. Democratic 98 W in. Gallowuy, of Yamhill County Democratic FOR COMMISSIONER. 97 He»» \ R heii> of 1 mn County Republican 86 Republican 87 I. II. \ an V ink le. of Marion County Vote for Two W. C. Hawk, of Tillamook County H. V. Alley, of Tillamook Countv C. H Wheeler, of Tillamook County Executor s Notice Vote for Two j Republican . Republican 1 ... • H krrby G ivrm —That the un svryrrL jY,jnl’?*’tra,or °f tbc <* SARAH KNIFONG. deceased has filed hi« final account as such administrator in the <4»ce of the County Clerk of Tillamook County. State of Oregon and that the County Judge of Mid Tillamook Countv has appointed Mondav. December 5th. 1910. al the hour of |o o'clock am. at thr offire th 1910 C.KOKGK W BnOYFKLT, Administrator ot the Bat at'of Sarah K aifong. dcccaaed J Nortcs n H«»»»r Gars*, —That th. Coast; Coart oTih. Mat' of Oregon. for the T ot^Ttllamo,.., ha. appotat.4 thr aiMminol. the eaecnt >r of the l.«t win an* Watamsat oTHKNSV HAYES deceas'd. •“ •JT ■** pereone haeiag tlaim. MTaln.t .aid eat ate are herehv rsqntrr'l to '**"> to the andtrrignol at Ma TWamook CttT. Oregon .(th the ¡>o>per roarlwr. within ahi month, town the date of thf. aorta* I bated thia 3?th daw of Ortober. lstti | _ T H GOYKR ■annitor of the Law Will and reata- o’*at of Henry Hayea, deceased I Sum moni. In the Circuit Court of the for the County <,f United Railway» Company1 a corporation. Plaintiff, v». A J. Provoo.t and Lilah Provooat, his wife. ... . . „ UeiendantM. In A. J. Provoost and l.ii«k above named defendants In the name of the State ofOtw. You are hereby required to" and answer the complaint 8w you tn the above entitled action™ the expiration of six week, fro. ot the first publication of thi. ) if you fait to so ap ear and . thereof the plaintiff will app|.t„?J for the relief demanded iitta1* herein, which is that a judgment el that the following described trm situate in Tillamook County wit: Beginning at the north of lot 9 in J. J. Met oy , add, town of Bay City, in rillame Oregon, and running thence -a thence south 100 feet; thence »« ehynce north 100 feet to the ilace J ning. be appropriated to plaintiff, the purpose of constructing o«t maintaining a railway line, and» telephone and electric power line and that the amount of coinuenntin.« paid therefor be determined and th»' the payment by plaintiff into coca defendants of the amount of when so determined, that tl upon become and be the ow of way, and that plaintiff thereon appropriating said This summons is publisheu ojont Hon.H. F. Goodspeed. County Jud» mook County. Oregon, made and < Tillamook Countv, Oregon the 1« September, 1916. The time n said order for publication is once. m six successive weeks, and the date oft» publication thereof is Thursdar 1st, 1910. H. T B otts , Attorney for PW NOTICE FOR PUBLIC A [IOS. Department of The Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Porllnnd, September 16th, Notice is hereby given that Hon Kunze, whose post office address h mook. Oregon, did, on the 1st day of f I9O9, file in this office Sworn Btatemwt Application, No. 02040. to purchased* SE% and Nh?4 Section 34, '!o ‘ 1 North, Range 9 »'est. Willamette dian. and the timber thereon, undei provision* Of the act of June 3, I878; acts amendatory, known as the her and Stone Law.” at such value m be fixed by appraisement, and that, to such application, the land a thereon have been appraised, at t th. timber estimated 1,200,000 board at $.50 per M, and the land $12U. weeks. HOLMES a HANDLER. Attorneys for I Summons. In tlie Circuit Court of thr State of for tbe County of Tiilatuook. W C. L. Dye. Plaintiff. ▼a. L. K. Sanders, Defendant. To L. E Sander» the above nnnwa — ant. . _ In the name of the State of <’rcfi^T You are hereby required to spf*** answer to the complaint fih'l ’kam* ■ in the above entitleit action and ’ or befote the laat day of the lime »***—_ in the order for publkation m”“* “"J to-wit the loth day of Ro vent be it you fail to answer, for want taetv« plaintiff w ill take judgment •’k"™*' for the sum of Eight Hundred I ’’I’ M ss-loo Dollars together with — the rate ot right per cent per foliowa: _ . On tN»M from April 1 »th 19l<*- of judguient. Aa« On 4205 71 from June SSth. 1W0 •• of Judgment . , o». On 415u IM) from Jan. 12th. »»«««• «• ot iudgmrnt. On li.UMMlfrom Feb il»t. !»»<>• “ Ou Ato oo from May kSth. l»tn> «*4,— of iwdirmetit. .»«r^» fur the furtbev »um of DO *• «er* herein ,md the co*t* «nd d»»*'«« of thi» action Thi« aumtnon* i* tmbli»t'C»l by orw* Hunovable d. F Good •pee’1. Const; Cowrt of the s>une ot < Co«aty of TillaaiDok. dated the of XRtfwib*r. 1#1»» and the first pnbtkAt'un bein* o« m A of *rptemhrr. 1910. nad the date ‘" J” gt publication of this •«■»»•»••»»« *’*' .<*1**’ the lOth day of November t r-vf. II T BOTlffi AND MOBGIi Atturac. • io« TUlam.Yok. Oregon.