Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 27, 1910, Image 3

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outraged ft «lings by the happy of course the other partner tn till
Eliaabathan Slang.
thought that you secured this position Political compact expect« at the end
According to tbe latest edition of
niook Ministerial
(An aJdress given recently at the
and opportunity to plunder them aud of hi. term to be rewarded by re-oiec Webster's liictiouary, oue uicaiiliig of
Y. M. C. A. ball in Portland by
hope to continue in your present of bon You desire to convey to the peo "lobster" is "a gullible, awkward, buu-
lice by the use of resounding plati­ P> ot this state tbe false impreeatoa gling or uudvHirsble fellow." This
ake charge of all Clarence True Wilson, D. D.)
lueuulug Is suppmed by most |M>rsoiM
When two armies face each other
nd crime which
tudes and windy commonplaces and that I have sought* t> -eturu to the to tie a modern develeptnent of slang.
•nil era, the South in battle the army of aggression,
the assertion that you are a trieud of ' old system of electing United States However, "lobster" w as a favorite term
lurch,¡¡of which before it can engage the main body,
the people. How does 18th cents a Senators, «nd by the old system 1 of abuse among Englishmen of (Jueeu
lo be the minister, must drive in the skirmish lines of
square yurd tarilf on goods lu.iuuiac- refer to that method made damnable Ellxalieth a day, and Bbakespeaie may
have denounced his callboy as a
barge of all the the enemy. The woman's suffrage
Votes Four Years Ago.
tured in your cotton print mill, which by your own practices, which are well “lobster" when the boy foiled to at­
f which needs re- propaganda has thrown out certain
are used chlelly by poor people, com known to our cltlsens; which practices tend to his duties. Some students of
of Boston.” Dr. skirmish lines in the public thought
To Jonathan Bourne, Jr.: In the I pare with a duty of 25 per cent to 5u »ere instigated and contributed to by the word think It probably was applied
iale.—Prohibition and these must be driven in before
we can come to the main argument. Portland evening papers of September per cent on champagne? Did you , yourself, aud your associate«, aud yet first to mon with red faces. Aa signl
fytug a soldier the term "lobster" Is as
Then, those who claim that 30 there appeared an Interview, cred­ make this great diiterence tn order you know, aud tbe record of this state old aa Cromwell', day. Lord Claren-
nnan Logic.
tbe ballot is women’s right quote ited to you. in which you Indulged In to encourage the use of champagne by
»111 prove conclusively, that 1 have den, historian of the civil war in Rug­
how it vas. I put from the declaration of independ­
a great many generalities and mean­ your constituents and to Induce them j never at any time favored or under­ land. explains that It was applied to
,ue head, and there ence that, "Taxation without repre­
ingless platitudes, In thia phraseol- to dispense with the clothing custom­ taken such a course. You know that I tbe Rouudliend cuirassiers "because of
Then I put mine sentation ia tyranny. ” But the quo­
tbe bright Iron sheila with which they
dy and there vas tation is not in point, for that senti­ ogy you presume to iasue a command arily worn in ibis country* Probably ¡voted for you th 1907. because the were covered. Afterward British sol
[ put mine liand ment waB uttered with no possible to the people of Oregon to vote you assume they will believe in youi people of the 'district 1 represented dletsi lu tuelr red uniforms were called
id there vas not- reference to individual voters, male against many candidates In the com­ pretended friendship; pay you this ex­ gave you their votes, and that I did “lobeterH." Tbeu came another develop,
mit der demper- or female.
It was a declaration of ing election nominated by the recent orbitant duty and then sing a sweet this notwithstanding the fact that 1 meut The soldier In the red coat Iso­
retrain In honor of their alleged held you In the utmost contempt, both caine s "boiled lolwter." while the | h >-
i vas no more fain the representatives of the 13 colon­ primary.
'Ou »otiji
i as A man and as a public official. I lieeuinn In blue was, of course, nn
• fains in my body ies that unless these colonies could
"unboiled" or "raw lobster." Agalu.
Since your election to the United
; told you when you asked me whether "to Ixtll a lobster" was for n num lo
lavay. I put mine have a representative in the parlia­
Aristocratic Friends Favored.
States senate you have not taken suf­
ment and in the cabinet to protect
enlist In the army and put on a re I
So I shall stay their interests King George should ficient Interest in the State of Oregon
Instances almost without end can to do so sole'y upon the ground that coat.-d’hleago New*.
Ince.—From Petou- not ask us to pay duty.
It had no to spend any considerable part of your be cited in which you voted to place my constituents had expressed a de
An Eyo on tha Future.
for 191(1
reference to the casting o‘ ballots, time here. You have devoted your low duty on articles which are woin •ire to have you represent them, aud
A num with a swollen linger thst
for men voted in every colony, but' time and zuch enterprise and energy by men of your aristocratic class or when I cast the vote for you I wanted
te at an Election.
it was a declaration that one gov­ as you possess to pastimes and asso­ placed upon your tables, and in which jou dlstlnct'y to understand It was had a deep abrnalou under tbe rtll;;
eullisl at a jewelry store to get th •
ivcniber 8, 1910, a ernment ought Dot to tax another
ciations more agreeable to you while you voted to place a high duty on the vote of the people of Gilliam. ring cut off Ik-fore the operation was
citizen of the United without due representation.
begun he an Id :
you were able to find in other parts of similar articles used by peop e in mod
have declared hia
not my personal choice. In 1904. when
Protection for Women.
"Can thin ring lie mended so h pswn-
this and foreign countries. You have i erate or atragbvened circumstances. I was first a candidate for the oftlce
ome one, at least
In order to make it refer to wom­
brolu r will give me the usual amount
ing- the date of elec- an's suffrage it would have to be visited this state but twice during the '
of State Senator, I promised tbe peo­ on itr
be twenty-one years proven that women are not now last four years, and then devoted very | interest to the people of the state to ple of my district mat I would vo.e
"It mu lie mended.” anl<l tbe jeweler,
He must have re­ properly represented by their hus­ little time to ascertaining tbe wishes i
for that min for United States Sena "lint I doubt If you can ever persuade
ate of Oregon for the bands, fathers or brothers ; that' ot the people of Oregon, or their needs ’
a pawnliroker to accept It afterward
bill places in your po-'ket each year tor whom I beljeved they would wish
“Then 1 I'.uesa I'll take chances on
mediately preceding the government does not protect
or requirements; but you have de- ■ and in what other way you have been
my finger getting well with tbe ring
L'nless he is regie them in tlieir property interests,
primary law was adopted or even
nsidered challenged, and that they do not get value re­ voted your time to issuing mandates , benefited by your term In the senate -drawn, Stalenieul No. , was at that on," said the Jrouug mail uml left the
io vote, trust make ceived for their money.
time unheard of. and your own un-
“Incidents like that." said the Jewel
them how they should vote. You your dictatorial instructions as to
his qualifications to
The question of voting has no re­
savory imputation was so apparent or. “show what a surprlalngly large
davit must be signed ference to the paying of taxes. We claim to be a friend of the people of whom they should cast their vote for.
' and notorious that I did not expect numls-r of I'hllndelphhins live with
How many citizens of Oregon who
Iders of the county, pay our taxes in return for the pro­ Oregon. I presume you imagine that
I that I would be compelled to vote for the pawnshop kmmlng up Just ahead
<>f them hh mi mi«!oldiilih* evil (If nil
said affidavit must be tection to life and property, by the by repeatedly telling tbe people you "earn their bread by the sweat oi
you; nevertheless, when by the use the isoplo who need their rings ent off
■e the judge of elec- laws of a civilized nation.
Some are their friend, someone will believe i
of money and artifice you did carry two-thlrils of ihein ssk Unit very ques­
'orker’a Hand Book men who have no property vote and
you. Fortunately, however, some of' quaintance? What effort have you the district 1 represented, I cast the tion. nml s large percentage of them
many who have no vote pay large 1 your sins of commission and omission | ever made to acquaint yourself with vote iutrusted to me for you. In 1908 take chances i n blood |nils<mlng rather
tor Which we Stand, taxes. Numerous young men and j are matters of public record, which the desires, hopes or requirements oi 1 was ag tin a candidate for the office thin deatmY Hie Ung's value as a
the people who make Oregon great,
(or the home, God’s women, heirs to large estates, pay
of senator, and I again promised the pawiiHlilon <sel.” -I'hllnilelphln Ledger.
you are obliged to face and cannot namely, the producers?
immense sums to the government,
people of those counties that I would
Th. Little Ward “Yaa.”
During the four yoars since you cast their vote for United States Suu
>r the cradle, the hope but have no vote. Cor|>oratione pay avoid, excuse or deny.
l-i ii simple word s|idled with
were elected Portland and the state , ator for the man chosen by them. Mr
immense sums in taxes, but have
Bourne Works With Aldrich.
three letters.
of Oregon have suffered immense Cake carried each of the three coun-
*r our boys, that they no vote.
Persons residing in for­
It haa < a used mere happiness nnd
It la a matter ot public record that loss in commercial ways on account of I ties I represent, and in fulfillment of more unhappiness than any other word
etter chance than their eign lands or who have lived in
this country only a few yearB pay you, at the apecial session ot con- your neglect of official duties. With­ j that promise. In 1909. 1 voted lor Mr III the language.
■r our girls, that the taxes, but have no vote.
In fact gross in 1909, In a harrangue, by in the last tew months you stood by H. M. Cake.
It lias lost more money for easy lend­
er» than nil the boles lu all the pock­
Traffic” may be dea- voting has reference whatever to courtesy called a speech, delire, ed by and without protest permitted the re­
I wish to call your attention to the ets In the world.
(Pd. adv.)
you, when the tariff bill was under clamation acta to be so amended that further fact that In the recent pri­
Il lisa started more dipsomaniacs on
for manhood and
consideration, referred to that other this state lost over 85,000.000 which mary 1 did not ouiy receive more their careen than nil the atroug liquor
that it may not be
A Plea for Majority Rule.
was due It. and should have been In­ votes than you did when you were a
on earth.
"friend" of the people. Senator Aid­
I avarice and lust.
vested In Irrigation projects In Ore , candidate for United States Senator.
Il has is used more lights than all the
E. E. Fisher, ex-mayor of Beaver­
Tor "A Stainless Flag,”
gon. This loss is only a small per I but that tbe plurality given to me was “you're liars" that ever were spoken.
lence may always mean ton ; T. E. Hills, ex-state com­ ialation. It Is a well known fact that cent of the actual damage we have In­
It ii is pns urisl kisses nnd provoked
mander G. A. R. ; Hon. J. A. C. during your term in tbe senate you curred by reason of your dereliction nearly four times as large as yours. blows.
d safety ; and
It lias defented landhlate« nnd elect*
for righteousness, that Thompson, of Tualatin, Theo. bave labored in complete harmony in duty. By reason of your careless­
I 1906 you cried for party harmony aud •si scoundrel*.
tn inay be exalted and Pointer, George Stitt and SOO other with Senator Aldrich. In this BO- ness In this particular our desert
the support of the united party I not
It Ims been us-d In inure lien limn
Hand legal voter« and residents of the called speech you elated that you lands will continue to be Inhabited by
only gave you my vote In 19*7, but nny other expression
l>ortion of Washington county pro­
of tbe tariff. but that tbe coyotes, jackrabbits and other bowed to the will of the people as to
It 1« not meant half the time It la
posed to be annexed to Multnomah knew nothing
Iwert’ Endless Chain,
friend, familiar and creatures of the desert, when by the your ejection and successfully sup­ an id
have signed a remonstrance and
exercise of any reasonable diligence
tna chain of the liquorde-
Will It continue lo make such a
ask that the boundary line« he not boon companion, Senator Aldrich, wan on your part those deserts would have ported the man for president of the
roureau is seen in the fol-
record ?
Ix-'ss than 300 voters
Yes IJfe.
been reclaimed and happy families
n from Kansas. There
within the strip signed the petition be content to abide by his decisions ; would be inhabiting these lands, pro ed that unless your candidate for
tw blind piggers, lioot leg­
and the remainder of the county is
You voted against Senator Bristow's during large crops which would have I president of the senate was elected,
Wouldn’t Deliver.
liquor law-breakers left
the will ot the people would be
practically a unit against it. I.et proposed amendment, which would
He was Ixirn In Dublin nml lived In
supplied the needs o. other portions thwarted and you would be defeaCM.
“but,” notes Our Mes-
Irelnnd until nlsmt two months ago,
the majority rule. All county di- bave taken tbe ''joker” out of the
of the state. Even when the Board Since your election I have waked you when !•• emu« to t'levelnnd Then ho
ichita, in its issue for
visions should be decided by the sugar schedule. By this vote 860,000.-1
of Army Englneera was here last for nothing and do not ever expect to Is-gan to kw>k around for n job The
"they are financed by the
wishes of the people affected, By 000 a year la wrung from the people
liquor houses and the
month to examine the Umatilla pro­ ask or receive at your hand any favoi manager of n furniture house prom
not voting at all you give half a of this country aud given to the sugar |
ie identical people who
ject with a view Of correcting some or courtesy, official or otherwise Even h«s| to give Mm a trial.
vote for the measure. Multnomah, trust. You further outraged the peo- .
"<'onie around In the morning nnd go
■ sands of dollars in news-
of your errors and omissions, you did the courtesy of a letter thanking m<
all powerful, does not need one- pie of Oregon and of this country on I
I magazines to educate
not have »Ulflclent Interest tn the wel­ for the assistance rendered In bring to work.” he said, "nnd If you ran de­
fourth of Washington county to this occasion by assisting In placing
liver llie gmsla we'll prolsihly keep
of other states that the
further increase her power in the a duty of 15 per cent ad valorem on i fare and development of this state to Ing about your election was not forth you f I’nnaneiitly "
ohibitory law is a fail-
state. The loss of the territory will iron ore Of course you knew the accompany the party or to urge upon coming
Tlie Imlilln native went over to tell
practically ruin Washington, which steel trust owned tbe iron ore In the I the members tbe merits of our only
I entered the contest under the prl his cousin nlaxit It lie confided to
ideal plan to manufac-
ie already small in erea. We ask United States and that by your vote
mary law In good faith I publicly an him that he didn't believe he'd go bark
!argument against Prohibi-
you to vote 339 X No. — W. D. Wood, you were taking this money from tbe have devoted your time to tennis, nounced that I would aupport the auc- to lake the Job, after all
:h may be desired. Hire
"They wnnt me to deliver ths
Chairman Anti-Annexatiou Com­ people of this country and from your golf and other pastimes, while our eoaaful candidate and expected my
r-breaker and pay him
tie said, "Think of going
mittee, Hillelioro, Oregon.
own constituents and giving it to the sonable portion of contracts for gov­ friend, and aupportnra to do llkewlae around delivering big. heavy furniture.
public sentiment a day
That's wlinl horse« and wagon» are
many millionaires who control this, ernment supplies Yet you presume
I then hire your editorial
write it up in all the col- Capt. Bogardus Again Hits the the greatest trust tn tbe world No to dictate to the people of Oregon as of your Influence, official and per­ for In uiy country."—<3eveland Plain
Bull’a Eye.
e rainbow for the paid liq-
doubt you expect the householder, to whether or not they shall support sonal. to defeat me After a fair, Denier
Thia world famous rifle shot who
open contest In which no Improper
¡rtisement in any one or hold« championship ot 100 pigeons when he purchases a cook stove and me
Harvard University.
method, were resorted to by any can
I ten thousand prohibition in 100 consecutive ehots is living pays this unnecessary tribute to your
Harvard university derives Its namn
Man ef Many Partlee.
dldate, to my knowledge, | was sue
throughout the country.— at Lincoln, Ill. Recently inter­ oolleagues to be blinded to your neg
from Iter John Harvard. Its earliest
viewed, he says:—‘T suffered a lect of duty by the platitudes you
ion Year Book for 1910.
tble Interview you aay. “All ad ceaaful. and I aubmlt that any man lH*nefa>'tur. Wls> In I'VW t»equearhed
long time with kidney and bladder
and the mire the oourage of the man who torn who haa any element of falrneaa In one half of tils estate, amounting to
[eraoH’a One Temperance trouble and used several well known Indulge In concerning myself
favored down to defeat fighting tor the priori hla makeup, or any dealre to do that (*<l. for the endowment of the ■ ollege.
me no relief until I started taking with your sapport, or with the sc pies In which be believes, bat spurn which la right, will, if he haa been Harvard hall was hull! In l7dT>. Ilol
(cent letter to an Indiana Foley Kidney Pills. Before I used
worthy hall of brt> k In INI'.* ami llollls
of your with contempt the man who changes defeated In an open political ronteat.
Colonel Robert G. I geraoll Foley Kidney Pills I had severe qualntances and associations
aupport tbe aucceauful candidate A I hall, also <>f brick. In 17'H Htoughlon
at the only temperance backaches and pains in my kidneys
man who haa no regard for the ohllgt hall. Iirltig of the »an**- dimension» nnd
with suppression and a cloudy
ie ever made was in what voiding. On arising in the morn­ the beneficiaries of your misrepre­ lory," and "Chameleons and trucklers Uooa he owes hla party, who la not msterlnl a» Hollín, was built in 1*SH,
■ as the Munn trial in Chi­ ing 1 would get dull headaches. sentation of this state In the senate. change tbelr colors, but men of con acquainted with the rudiment, of fair and a writer of MHT stabs that "its
• ppeorancs la »nurwlut In the ueslcrii
vlctloa fight for their principles to
tin he made a few (remarks Now I have taken three bottles of
play and fransgreaaea all tba element, style "
hnown aa manllneaa by bolting a tie*-
per cent tietter. I am never both­
You voted to admit to tbla country statements, there la no better author
Mlieve. gentlemen, that alco- ered with my kidneys or bladder
What Ha Adnored.
at aolely for aelfiah reason., ia a trai­
B a certain degree, demoralizes I and again feel like my own self.”
“What did father nay when you nsfc-
tor to the tatereata ot tbe people, an
■Who make it. those who well C. I. Clough.
ed him for my hand?"
have b«e«i a Democrat. a Republican, enemy of the direct primary law and
“Oh," replied Augustu», "he tie did
■ those whodrink it. 1 believe
Good results always follow the
a Populist, a non-partisan and all the la devoid of any cbararierlaUca of bln bead to be piensan! He said there
■mn the time it issues from
real leadership The difference be was something about me that he real
use of Foley Kidney Pills. They
time a demagogue
■led and poisoned worm of the contain just the ingredients neces­
tween tfce venality of youraelf aud ly admired '*
B*ry ’til it empties into tlie hell sary to lone, strengthen and regu­
I It is manifestly apparent to all thst the conduct of the honorable gentle­
"Did he »ay what?“
■»«-, dishonor and death, it de late the kidneys and bladder, and
you are no more a republican today men who oppoaed me In tbe primary
“Yas, wy liupudem e "
■*«•• everybody that touches it
than you were In 1(M. when you un elec (ion, la moat marked Thia con
lit- source to its end. I do not
dertoos by treachery to use the office »eat between oiraelf and rhe other op
A Feinter ta Othare.
You are not ex|>eriinenting on
Be that anybody can contem-
of secretary of the Republican State
He Going to marry the rb-b Ja* k
youraelf when you take Chamber­
Ithe subject without tiecoming lain’s Cough Remedy for ■ cold as
IlauMnorsl I Why. I tlssight be had
Central Committee to assist in elect
•onatitiee or other unpleasant fen
■diced against that liquid crime. that preparation has won its great
lag Mr Bryan president of the United lures, and these gentlemen are to tbrowa all bls money to Ibe dogs Mbs
•-No ba did. but they turn«A out lo be
■ have to do. gentlemen, ia to reputation and extensive sale by its
States It Is also manifestly true
I that y<m are la league. and for some day k> yslly •upportlng tbe mxlra rvlrierers Dindon M A I*
lot the wrecks upon the either remarks tile cures of colds, and can
always he depended upon
It is
lot thia •tream of death of the equally valuat.de for adults and
time have been working la complete
Hie Ben.
I belle »e you am no* sincere 1«
f the insanity—of the children and may la* given looming
harmony, politically and otherwise,
Mrs Kuggliin Before we were nar
r?-of Ute ignorance of the children with implicit < onndem <
with your Democratic coileagus, Hen
j rled y<m used tn any | was Iti* "Uli
as it contains no harmfnl drug
ft you are 1 oek you la an­ ' shine of your life Mr. Hoggin« W« I',
lotion—of the little children Sold by latnart Drug Store.
ator Chamberlain, and his protege law
In* at the faded dress of weep -
sad legsIee. the Democratic nominee nounce publicly whether or not you I I admit that yon still do your ’e»< 'u,
»nd despairing wives asking for
"It Beats AH”
for governor of this state While yoa will by every moans within your I make tblugn hot for me
p -of the men of genius it has
This is noted from a letter of M.
prate about reform sad tbe good of yower oppt ee tbe a men «men t. change
Tha Cewvaoiaol Caaes«.
be!-of the millions struggling Stockwell. llaMilsl. Mo. “I re­
the people, you ezpeet to use the of nr repeal at tba primary taw aad
fiard ln«k In generally the name po ­
imaginary serpents prieiucr-l < ently used Foley's Honey and Tar
flee of gevera-w of this state. W it
the first time. To way 1
ple giva to tbe ihltqr that ho|>|wua
Its devilish thing, and when for
can be placed la the has** of Mr w at any time hereafter may be wife wlwti they have been acting I »dhbly
■■leased does no* halt expr*ee
think of the jails, of the a'ms fee h ng a It heats »11 the remedies
Wes«, for tbe purpose of refurulag ten < a 'be rtatats tesabi by the peopta —dHcago Ito-ord Herald
re. of the asylums, of the |>. i- I ever used I eontrn* ted a bed
you to the senate of the t'sited iHalss Taura u<Fy,
of scaffolds upon e ther I* in*, cold and was threatened with
lAUghlng < beer fa Im-»- Ihr* • » eon
and is perpetrate a further outrage
pneumonia Tbe Br.| draws gave
not wonder tbst rrr*~ t’w> t d t- great relief and one tsdlie com
Ughi on sil tba paths af life III bier.
rotttaa-l. Oregon Out *. 1*1*
upon tbs people of the country, an!
han is prejndi ed "O' st •1,e ¡»leteiy cured me. ' C ontains no
n»ed stuff, called alcohol.
;opmtea. Hua. 1- ikrugk.