TILLAMOOK HRADLIGHT, OCTOBER 27, 1910. Republican Ticket. < oveinor, JAY BOWERMAN. Conureesinan, WILLIS C. HAWLEY. Supreme luntides, HENRY J. BEAN. THOMAS A. Me BRIDE. GEORGE H. BURNETT FRANK A. MOORE. Secretary of State. FRANK W. BENSON. State Treasurer, THOMAS B. KAY. School Superintendent, L. R. ALDERMAN. Stale Printer, WILLIS DI’NIWAY. Labor Commissioner, O. P. HOFF. Railroad Commissioner, I-RANK J. MILLER. State Engineer, JOHN H. LEWIS. Water Siqieriiitendent JAMES T. CHINNOCK. Circuit Judges, I. H. VAN WINKLE. PERCY R. KELLY. County Ticket. County Judge, HOMER MASON. County Clerk, J. C. HOLDEN. Sheriff, HENRY CRENSHAW. Treasurer, DAVID M ARTIN Y. Coroner, W. C. HAWK. County Commissioner, H. M. EARNER. County Surveyor, I . G. JACKSON Suckers ! Why, Tillamook < With some slick politicians county has a whole lot Who, it mid office seekers it is all n mat seems, like to tie “skinndl." We ' ter of personal ambition, who used to have a great deal of com­ would straddle either party to1 passion for those who were bun­ help them succeed. The whole coed out ot their hard earned tight with the ring Democrats money, but since we see that so ix to elect West governor mid many person fail to take heed do nothing for the rest of (lie to the warnings of the Press ami ticket, while Senator Bourne, who has been honored by the then bit at every sucker game Republican party, is doing bis that comes into the county, we have lost all compassion when ixfst to defeat Bowerman, the men will be so foolish. Take Republican nominee for gover­ for instance some of the sucker nor. How does the Republicans tricks which have been worked of this county like that kind of i in this county the past yearand a prostitution of the party to it is surprising how many per-1 bring about its defeat ? sons have bit at questionable, stock companies, lite insurance, 1 How can “the people” vote the traveling fakir and peddler, intelligently upon the 32 mea­ . etc., till intent upon getting the sures in November when there suckers’ money or note, or sell-‘ is no free open discussion of the ing them a pig in a poke or a > numerous provisions of these , gold brick. From all accounts I bills, with no opportunity to a large number ot the citizens 1 amend or strike out objection- of this county have been bun­ aide features ? “The people" coed out of their money or have ; have to swallow them just as paid three or four times more they were originally prepared for articles by trading with by one ora few persons,or reject agents and peddlers and stran­ them altogether. .And we guess gers and not with reliable home that a large number of intelli­ merchants. Barnum made the gent voters will vote “No" lo­ statement that a sucker was calise they are not well enough born every second, and it looks informed to decide whether the like it bv the manner suckers measures are good or bad. I bite in this neck of the woods. 4| We are besieged with letters in favor of or against creating new counties. Most voters will agree with us that these mat­ ters does not concern those liv­ ing outside of the immediate localities affected, and probably the best way to put a stop to slicing up the counties is to vote against doing so. There are enough public officers for RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. the taxpayers to support with­ .WTRICTI.V IN AHVANCH.) «Ine . ............................................................... 1 l.ftfl out having to create a whole lot 7.' Six months................................................. fill more places for office seekers, Three mouth».......... ............................... for every new county that is created out of existing counties ^illainooh lj cab light, increases the number of office In.Hers and the taxes to pay them. _________ Editorial Snap Shots. Bro. Effenlx'rger, by the look« i f last week's Enterprise, start­ l'd in to “make up" at the last column instead of the first. He must have been badly rat­ tled to get twisted round ii: Hint manner. As the Socialists have no can­ did ite for joint representative, we are wondering whetherthev will vote for H. C. Kunze, who deserted that party and is now ho! nobbling with the Demo­ crat. llardlv. Tillamook City will never amounts to much until the busi­ ness men take a more lively* in­ terest in city* affairs. It may take up a little of their time in getting together and talking •ver what is best for the city is a whole. 'This is how* most •f the live towns in the valley made a start, and the business men of this city will have to do the same thing before this city can hope to make much pro­ gress. For instance, suppose the business men were united in an effort to uphold the dig­ nity and reputation of the city, the present lawlessness would soon cease. It will take united effort, though. Now Ready for Your Inspection! The mo« wonderful value, ever offered in Women'. children'. High ««de Wearing Apparel a, Popular Pricu. tin'ity to make your .election from the complete variety of the favored a'y'C’c^'“""’srEVEW » BROS.. CHICAGO. .,«« enoloe ot rnnm.l. -J PERFECT FIT AND SATISFACTION ASSCRED , ' Ready-to-wear Suits $10.00 and up. Dresses $13.50 and Kimonos, up. Coats Knit $7.50 Undem and up ■ cu- l,ts Furs, Waists. Petticoats, Sweaters. Muslin Underwear, Neckwear, etc., also Misses’ Suits and Skirts and Children’s Dresses at correanc FASHION PLATES AND THE BEAUTIFUL PLEASE CALI. . AND SEE __ ________________ I cheerfuhv offer you anv assistance 1 can render you in making your selectioimTuki^ meats making alterations and delivering the goods to you at the same low prices you the same goods in their store or ordered through their catalogues. MRS. MARTHA E. WALLACE, P. 908, Tillamook, Oregon. _______ _____—____ REPRESENTING --------------- ------_ CHAS. A. STEVENS & BROS., CHICA As was expected, the Demo­ crats are endeavoring, with the aid of the Portland Journal, to cause factional strife in the Re­ publican party, but they will not succeed, for, on the whole, the Republicans are well satis­ fied with the candidates nomi­ nated at the primary election by the people. Even Senator Bourne, who can thank the loyal Republicans for the posi­ tion he now holds, is endeavor­ ing to defeat the Republican ticket, and is sending out circu­ lar letter with that object in view, thus showing that he is not willing to abide by a ticket nominated by the people if the candidates don’t meet with his approval. A large number of Republicans, although it was bitter medicine to vote for and swallow Bourne in preference to voting for a Democrat for United States senator, did so on account ol their loyalty to the Republican party. Instead of showing the same loyalty to the party as the Republicans did when Bourne was the nominee of the primary nominating election four years ago, he will not abide by tile primary elec­ tion held last month, but is now endeavoring to defeat the bead of the Republican ticket and elect again another Demo­ cratic governor. No wonder, when Republicans see how the party in Oregon has been made a shuttlecock for the benefit of a lew wealthy politicians, that R 'publicans will accept and vote for the ticket nominated by the people. If you are in doubt and do not thoroughly understand the mea­ sures to he voted on at the state election in November, the tx*st way out of the perplexity is to vote “No.” On general prin­ ciples, a system of legislation that does not permit of discus­ sion or amendments to lx* made All persons knowing themselves to bills, no mutter how vicious to lx* indebted to the Tillamook Lumber Manufacturing Company the measure may be, the system is too nrbitary for us, ns well as will please call and settle by Nov. J, 1910. After that date interest at the a number of voters to coincide rate of 8 per cent per annum will be with. A goixi bill may have a added to all overdue accoimts. few bail features, and the onlv T illamook L umber M fg . C o . way to get ride of them is to de­ feat the bill or vote for th«* bill Fine Dairy Farm with the bail features. But, :wo acres, lying 3 miles from perhaps, we are infringing on the rights of the |ieople, or to Florence, the banking and «hipping | lx* more correct, the few inter­ center of the district, with regular ested persons who drew up the host to Portland. 13) acres is dyked tide marsh, nil T'he people of this county are i bills. in gruss and worth $300 |»*r ucre, ind‘tiled to Congressman W One of our subscribers, who 41 u res tide marsh in grass and C. Hawley for the tirst free mriil delivery which is to I m * has made a success in his busi­ not dj ked, wortii $100 per acre. 216 vstablisheil in Tillamook cuun- ness und a conservative citizen, acres rolling bench carries'* million tv, for it was by his continual in discussing the saloon ques­ feet of virgin timber, worth $6000— with the editor, believes at kx'al mills in logs at $5.00 per pe i.tence in advocating that 1 tion that Tillamook City should go thousand. This 216 acres after it is me route I m * established that he logged, will la* worth $100 per acre succeeded in getting favorable into the saloon business. He for pasture and apple raising. argued this way : Place a sober, Fresh water trout stream runs mid immediate action. respectable person in charge of through the tract. Fine building site, but no building. Only 30 This darn gone office is get­ the saloou, which need not be minutes by motor boat to bank at ting to lie the dumping ground an expensively lifted up build­ Portland boat landing; Good for things lost und found. The ing on the comer of any of the school, church, stores, creamery, latest addition to the mixeel main streets, and pay him a mill, etc., near building site. Total a present value, $70,700. I want to laneous articles this week was gtxxl salary of $I.NM) to sell und will take $20,000, with $5- ' year. In this way the loafing the lower set of a pair ot store UOD rush anked after that the people would soon lie- H uroktt S hipman , Tillamook. Ore Whnlctn'a Jewelry Store the city's interest us they should come suspicious of those who have. Every uow mid again had the control and handling of -Not a Nar­ the city’s Kid reputation is the business. Public Ixxlies, as A Reliable Medicine cotic. imide public in tile daily uews- a rule, don't make a success of Get the genuine Foley’s Honev |Hi|H*r», but no effort is made to public utilities in small towns, and Tar in the yellow package. It ia safe and effective, Contain« no get nt the bottom of what is unless it is that they are suc­ opiate*. Refuse substitutes. C. wrong. cessful in iucrvasiug taxation. 1. Clough. ___________________________ Tillamook Lumber Manufacturing Compì Manufacturers of FIR, SPRUCE and H emlock LUMBEf KILN DRY FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISHED LUMBER. ALL KINDS OF MOULDINGS, We Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook County’s Most Famous Cheese. The Best Equipped Saw Mill in the County New Machinery, Experienced Workmen and Kirst Class Lumber of the Best Quality. LET US FIGURE ON YOUR LUMBER BIL. for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary i Foley’s Kidney PiUs purify the blood, restore lost vitality s nd vigor. Refuse Sold by Chas. I. Clough. g T. BO'iT-», A ttorney - at -L aw . & C oncrete SURGEON, Oregon. Store in Heins Pb Galkty- p^R. I. M. SMITH, phones. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, CARL C.eauing, Pressing and iug a Specialty. B uilding . Tillamcok, Office opposite Post Office. ''U S ARCHET, L . The Fashionable M. KER RON, PHYSICIAN Complete set of Abstract Booki in office. Taxes paid for non Residents. Hot h ________ t S. WHITEHO i Office over J. A. Todd & Co.. haberlach , Tillamook. Ore. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, £>rut«chcr ^bvokcxt, ^^7" 0. HAWK, T illamook . . Both Phones. Office acroM the »treet and north tron the Post Office. i Ç^EORGE WILLETT, SURGEON, PHYSICIAN & • SON, INSURANCE, FIRE­ MARINE, ACC1DE) BONDS, Etc. L and Orric« Biaix» A SrSCIALTT. OWING BAY CITY, OREGON. T illamook - O regon . 334 WoacK.T«« M»1 3l«n A.«l> OAK STBKKS m Next to the U S. LW <** R. BEALS, KP' • IAIRILAML REAL ESTATE, F inancial A gent , r h . GOYNE, RS. ALICH m Tillamook, Oregon A ttornky - at L aw . Office : Opposite Court House, T illamook , O regon . GRADUATE Nil )R. P. J. SHARP, MRS. RESIDENT TILLAMOOK mason * PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, TILI a AM u OK, OflL-e Olwis BuiMing. Mis. Aalkev'*. PAGE'S H DENTIST, Oilier across the street iron* the Court House. Dr. Wise's office. T. B«»ALS, M D, Revxkace : Mr*. W«« m * A <0» LAWYER' A ttorney - at -L aw . Next to Tillamook County Bank, «•— t. H Van Winkle, of Salem, for circuit judge will give equal justice to all and special favors to none, «»st of Qualifications based on expeneme and preparation. (Paid adv.) J .n F F raxk S cvbkam B. w.n w ’* I hf