ilSamook *> TILLAMOOK, OREGON, Do You Pay our Bills by Check? illamcok county bank TILLAMOOK, OREGON MOOK JOTTINGS Eugene Atkinson, of Sandlake, spent Saturday and Sunday in town with his brother Charlie. [rris, eye specialist Mabie and Grace Edmunds, of thowder at Mr«. Hill’s. rs. Hill’« home made bread, Pacific City, are visiting with friends in town this week. lone for one of Mr«. Hill’« There was a heavy white frost on Wednesday morning, with a small lie, typewriter, cheap.—D. coat of ice in some places. ue. C. B. Wiley and wife returned on [delivered, $10.00 a ton. D. Sunday after„8everal weeks visit to « L ie . their old home in the East. I sewing wanted by Mr®. Councilmau G. W. Wilt fell from nnnett. a scofiold on Saturday and threw Luymire was in town from his right shoulder out of place. k'uesday. P iano for Sale, at a bargain. May [bands of geese went over be seen at Mrs. Plank’s, forenoons, [on Monday. or enquire at the Headlight office. * L S. Whitehouse A Son for Fred Wheeler has leased the kirance, etc. * Long Saw Mill in this city and luick, of Pleasant Valley, commenced operations on Monday. pwn Tuesday. Three watchmakers are kept busy tone was a business visitor .at Howard Wahlen’s, up-to-date ftarts Monday. jeweler, Nehalem and Tillamook. . einent by the Back or the Get your doors and windows front * ee D. L. Shrode. the Tillamook Lumber Mfg. Co. • les. the best kind, at the You save money by doing so. uk Lumber Mfg. Co. W. H. Wilson, proprietor of the • I Saling and wife were in Three Rivers Hotel, was in town Wednesday, staying over till Thurs­ pm Beaver, Tuesday. I Atkinson was in from day. See Mrs. Shrode for lessons in re the last of the week, A sample of her work treeey and Clyde Brown­ painting. ie in from Blaine Suturdaj. may be seen at Jenkins’ Jewelry Store. e your property and avoid The lower set of a pair of false it» F. S. Whitehouse A Son. * teeth were found in the city on levers nee was in from Baker Tuesday, and were left at thia B week visiting bis parents. office. I Worthington,of Cloverdale, E. Hellenbuyck was in from Bay town on business Tuesday. City Saturday, having his daughter ¡Coulson and John Borba, of Helen’s eyeB treated by Dr. IL E. Neatucca, were in townMou- Morris. Prompt attention given to all Green, ¡who left this city watch work at Howard Wahlen’s, Ive years ago, is in on a up-to-date jeweler, Nehalem and' Tillamook. Stalford. of Neskowin, was Howard Wahlen, watchmaker, of »usines» with our merchant« Nehalem and Tillamook, «ells 17 jewel Waltham and Elgin 18 site [ Johnson and family, of watches at $8.00. |ale, were in town the last of 15C Cords of Wood Wanted. Make Mi. bids by letter by October 28th, ad­ ¡Bays and «on, Morri«, of dressed to the Tillamook Electric i were in town Tuesday on Light A Fuel Co. You can find a nice new line of Price paid for Hides, Fur« goods at Mr«. Wade's millinery *P Pelt«. N. Melchior, Till- parlor, just north of The News Ore. • office in Bay City. • in doors can be obtained lineo s - Married, on Monday, at the M. E. » Tillamook Lumber Mfj p; parsonage by the pastor. Rev. R.H. this city. * S; Salisbury, Wilfred Bonin and Geor­ >urs, cheapest «nd best paper gia V. Simmons. f m town. Leave ordera at C. J. Blanchard was in town Sat­ t Smith Co. • urday, looking after the needs of ion Sale. See our advertiae- hia children who are batching here f Auction Sale in thia paper. while going to achool. * 4 S mith Co. • A number of loads of poles for 27, --------— 1910. 1 > $x 5o per year Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Fall & Early Winter Clever Suits & Overcoats. And thus have a record of each and every amount expended toge her with a receipt for the amount paid ? If not, you need a checking ac­ count with thia bank. It is the safest way, the most convenient and satis­ factory method of transacting all business payments. We will be pleased to have you make thia bank your place of deposit. OCTOBER THE CHINA AND CROCKERYWARE DEPARTMENT INVITES YOUR INSPECTION. ____________ New Designs Haviland and Royal Breslau BALCONY DEPARTMENT. MAIN FLOOR. LEFT AISLE. Extraordinary Sale REAR LEFT AISLE. Ladies’, Children’s & Boy’s LADIES’ SUITS Dresses and COATS Direct from the fashion creator« by express come« these clever models, TAILORED SUITS of mannish wosteds, in plain materials, with the single breasted coat, cut in the full English back and the French semi fitted plain tailored, or richly trimmed. THE LATEST ONE PIECE MODELS lull of self confidence and character, exclusive model«, made* of .lustrous messa- lines, shimmering taffetas, and plain wosteds, trimmed in laces, fancy buttons und braids. LONG COATS the sensible Fall and early winter garment made of unfished wosteda and Scotch bannackburns, by the scarcity of trimming the customed tailored style adds to its individuality and smart construction. We have priced them at these marvelously low figures. #15.00. MAIN FLOOR, #18.50. #22.50. FALL At 25c. Ladies' fleeced VESTS, medium weight, long sleeves, high neck, pants to mutch. Special 25c. each WINTER GLOV The recognized superiority of these famous gloves, is beyond question. “KAYSER” Washable Suede, Chamoisette, Mocha, Reindeer, gloves look like leather; feel like leather: wear like leather; preferable to leather. Can be w ashed in a minute, and improve with the washing. “KAYSER” Cashmere and Wool gloves, with plain or fancy ilk novelty linings, or unlined, if you prefer, in rll desirable colors. “ KAYSER ’’ gloves are the standard in the glove world, and cost no more than the ordinary kind. 25c to $1,00. per pair. MAIN FLOOR, THE BALCONY OFFERS I At 5tk. Ladies Jerseyi ibbed VESTS iinil pants, heavy weight, new form litter. 50c. each. At $1.25 Ladies’ Swiss wool, natural or white VESTS and punts neatly trimmed. Special $1.25 each At 75c. Ladies' I NlONSl'ITS, medium heavy fleeced, long «Jeeves, high neck. Special 75c. suit. At $2.25 Ladies' Australian wool UNIONSUITS, natural color, close fitting waist, high neck, long sleeves. Special $2.25 a suit. At 81k. Misses’ VESTS mid PANTS, fine ribbed wool, neatly ti »mined net k, our special value. 85c. each. At tIOe. Infanis' fine cashmere WRAPPERS, carefully constructed, sanitary make. 69c each. At 35c. Boys' heavy fleeced SHIRTS AND DRAW - ERS, sturdily made. Special 35c. each. LEFT AISLE. MAIN FLOOR, LEFT REAR AISLE. DRY GOODS Specials. COAT SWEATER Bargain ’ UNDERWEAR. The best selected stock, the most perfect fitting garment«, priced the same a« ordinary makss. Every conceivable weight (or any sort of weather. f ! LADIES’, CHILDRENS, BOYS HOSIERY. Items of interest taken from here and there, when added to the other attractions advertised this week will certainly attract Conservative Ladies’, Misses anil Infants, we took the bargain hunters. Table Damask. — Beautiful mercerixeed mills entire sample line, which gives you the cloth, full flfiin. wide, c opportunity to buy at the much lesser price woven, neat designs. U5e, and secure a dependable high grade garment. Broadcloth.—The seasons popular dress ami The assortment is so monstrous its impossible cout materiul, 54 inches wide, spotless ruin Very special to describe. We will mention them tjiis way. proof weave. Fancy Collars. -Also plain washnble tailored Ladle«’ Coat Sweaters of pure German styles, while, or daintily trimmed with *>*>_ finished wool, long knit or walking styles, colors with or without tabs. Priced at JJC. colors of gray, white, red and blue, some with Ladies' Belts. Silk, leather, or elastic belts banded collors and fronts, ordinarily would or combination of patent leather and Dresden silk, buckles of every imaginable shape, size, sell from $3.0) to $7.00 OF f fl CA Priced from «pG.Gj IO ^.JV. Si 49c. yd. $1.25 yd. .......... 25c. to $1.50. Childrens’ Bonnets made of mottled plush, A large variety of plain velvets and ti lt. Cute little fashions colors, fancy and plain kpit, pure wool gar­ constructed forevery day ami dress wear. Priced from ments. Priced from Dress Trimmings. If for no other reason you should inspect this showing to become Infant«’ 8weater«. -A gTcat variety of style«, posted with the latest dress aci essories best color combinations anil weaves. All Rich broch’e bands, inetal allovera with U inimings to match, gilt and ailvei insertions, ■ppligue tassels ami Priced from q set pieces. Priced from Misses Coat Sweaters. $1.50 to $2.50. 49C> [ $1.25. Try Shopping with us by mail or phone your orders. We take great care of you in this department, the astound- results shows trading here saves money. 44c. tO $4.75.$5.00 yd. Tlie best equipped department anil the pride of the store. From every day hose of the aturdy make to the delicate pure silk em­ broidered marvels. No two stores ill Till»!- iniHik has such a assemblage ami we are out with the prices. Ladiea’ Hoac. Fast black, cot­ ton hose full fashion, extra heavy Ladies' split fast sanitary hose double Sole 33c. value. Ladies’ sample hose, fancy un a ton ; oat». 1» schedule reinuins the «aim . Office. Lioeated in th« I Chicago, spoke on Monday night hundred, gp.lllton; bran. toi. eacfc. to find it« ami left with the editor The ateamer hlitmie left here on I ! al the Opera llouio- lo .i I k use lull Housekeeping roomia the Watch -.on ; mill chop #1
  • iil, A. H Met 1*1 •lieakrr, l>qt »bows tliai ••* tloeam t Club will present the famoiia piny bsrnla. ■ nd Carl Knwlxm len. Tout Jenknis and wile, J W. in five acta. "Ten Night» in a Ba». , ■ Cbaa K>inxe bril««» »» he thinks, ill* tap- Around.'* The case against J. J. Hurlbert, ior Seattle on Tuesday to l»*»k Dunn, R H. Mpeoeer, J. F Smith. lain'» argument waa an»» , red on Room, the piny that present» both left I who had a preliminary hearing steamer Oak the |»»»aenger H. Wennern and W. A Cobb. aide» of the «lory see it ami toe over < Tuesday night to# R*' •• < MiaL before Justice Stanley lost week, ->any in th»» convinced See for yourself and I Is ml, which a new romps The lnvin