Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 20, 1910, Image 6

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Have Your Garments
I. H. Van Winkle, of Salem has
had ex|>erience especially fitting
him for circuit judge while serving
as assistant to Attorney General
He respectfully asks
your vote. (Paid adv.)
W. T. Kimball was circulating a
petition, Saturday, to see if money
E offer garments made-1 enough could be raised to clean
to-meufure for about one- Main Street from the Allen House
half what most ladies' tailors j to Lamar's corner and from there
2nd Ave. East to the Tyler
Suits, $13.50 up— down
Building. It seems that the major-
Coats, $10.00 up—Skirts, $5.U0 j ity of the business men are willing
tip—Dresses, $12.00 up—Capes, to clean up around their own
places of business but don’t care
$7.50 up.
to donate to others.
A number of the members and
You can have your choice of, friends of the United Brethern
all the stunning styles designed | Church ran into the parsonage last
night, surprising tlieir
for fall by the American Ladies) Saturday
pastor and his wife on the occasion
Tailoring Co., Chicago.
of their fifteenth wedding anniver­
sary. They were loaded with all
kinds of fancy and staple eatables,
You can choose from their 2C8 and after having a pleasant evening
fabrics. We have samples of them and eating some of the '‘fancies,
they left the balance with a grentful
Aliout 60 of the business men met
The garments will tie made to at the Tillamook Commercial Club,
your individual measure, under the at the invitation of the entertain­
ment committee, on Monday even­
personal direction of M. Kayser—
ing, which took the form of a
the famous designer of the Ameri­ ••smoker,’’ The object of the meet­
We ing was to discuss the proposed
Ladies Tailoring Co.
guarantee you perfection in Ht. new city charter. Apart from a few
Yet features in the bill, after discussion
workmanship and materials,
and some of the provisions better
cost will be almost as little as for
understood, most all agreed that
the same grade iu ready-mades.
it was a good charter.
United Brethern Church--Bible
School 10 a. m.
Preaching 11 a.m.
and 7.30 p.m. Rev. H. C. Shaffer,of
Take Measures
Portland, the Presiding Elder of
the Oregon Conference, United
All the measurements will lie taken by a fitter in OU Brethern in Christ, will be present
store. You will get just the same service as though you went and preach both morning and eve­
to Chicago. You will have something exclusive—a perfect fit ning. There will be the Commun­
ion of the Lord’s Supper in the
just the style and the fabric you want. And the price is so
morning, also tileordinance of bap­
low that you'll be delighted to pay it.
tism will be administered. All are
Please come and see this exhibit.
welcomed.—B. E. E merick , Pastor.
Powder goes up. Ou and after
Nov. 1st the price of powder will
advance Vic per pound in all grades.
The Powder Company advise us
that Glycerin, which ia the base of
their powder, costs them double of
what it coat in 1906 They say that
held off on making the raise,
Editorial Snap Shots drink places, and close them up they
at a decent hour. Let all good, thinking that the price would go
law abiding citizens put theii down but instead the market is
shoulders to the wheel for a looking up. Price of St urn i ùnti
decent, well conducted city. 11 Powder will be $7.00 per box or $6.75
No. 2 Powder
is now plain enough sottjatany per box in ton lots.
How funny. Yet it is a fact, one can see it, flint the saloon will be $8.00 per box or $7.75 per box
that a number of prohibitionists people wouldn't obey the law in ton lots.—K ing A S mith C o .
A warrant has been issued for the
voleri the same wuy on Wednes­ when the county was “wet”
day as the whiskey element and and they won't oliey the law arrest of Sylves’T Davis, who com­
when the county is "dry.”
It mitted an assault with a dangerous
b. a >t leggera.
is time for ‘‘the people” to de­ weapon upon H. I. Sheldon-. Shel­
Talk about a non-partisan mand that it lie made tropical don was trucking from the Golden
judiciary. It's all humbug and for these lawless individuals. Gate, when Davis went up to’ him,
a scheme to humbug the dear But have "the people” of Tilla­ and without the least provocation,
Anyone can see that mook City the backbone and struck him a vicious blow across
all the non-partisan candidates the moral courage to cope with the mouth with an ax handle, in­
are amongst the biggest politi­ the rotten conditions which ex­ flicting a serious wound, which, had
cians these days.
isted under the “wet” regime it struck him in the head, might
as well as the "dry ?”
have killed him.
Davis skipped
The floating population, as
the country immediately and is still
usual, was rounded up ugiiin by
The proposed new city char­ at large. There appears to have
the joints to vote against the ter whs defeated on Wednesday been some trouble between the men
new city charter. So whataixiut by the small majority of seven- in Yamhill county.
the sovereign will of "the peo­ ten votes, anil the reason that it
Jack Latimer and Chas, Murrey
ple ? The joints and the float­ failed to curry was on account have been making some
ing population must lie "the of the united efforts of the boot­ improvements in their barber shop
people” in Tillamook City.
leggers, thus showing that the which speaks well for them. They
city is still dominated by that have hud the front painted having
The I’ncilic City Outlook, it lawless element.
And in con­ their business name |>rinted , at
seems, Ims gone the same road sequence they have created a
the top, and have also placed mod­
us Turner's Leaflet. They are strong public sentiment against
ern glass fittings in their shop,
Imtli dead.
They were Ixitli themselves, for all fair minded 1
making it one of the moat up-to-
high sting organs, with social­ citizens, who want to see the I
date l>art>er shops in town. Last
istic and imarcliistie tendencies. city well governed and its repu­
week Jack left a can of wood stain
It is a good riddance to bad rub­ tation upheld, will now stand 1
near the atone when he left and
bish, any way.
But the snap together to bring about better)
shot man, who was given n good results. It is true that quite a I upon returning an hour or so later
deal <>l notoriety ill those sheets, few voted against the charter t he fouud it emmiting a flame of
is still plugging along mid is because they objected to a few about two feet in height. If it
doing business at the old stand. features, and with these amend­ had not been for his returning when
he did the fire company would
ed, it will not lie difficult for have had work to do.
the law abiding citizens to carry I
P. S. Brumby, representing the
the charter nt another election,
which will be held right away, Hlodget Co., waa in the city this
for all will admit that the city week looking after the timber inter­
needs, and needs it badly, a ests of that company. Mr. Brumby
charter that is able to cope with ia in favor of the county employing
lawlessness and the changed an engineer to look after the road
conditions which are taking work, paying a good salary to a
if I'inchot* I place. The city bus been dom­ competent man. He estimates that
seeing that inated too long by the whiskey 25 per cent of the road money is
pay 75 per | element, and the result of the wasted in most of the counties on
election on Wednesday have i account of the lose, unsystematic
! made ti good many voters, who methods of road building. He came
Wouldn't it jar u lot of us in previously lined up with them, in over the Wilson river road, and
Tillamook if the water wagon I hostile. Now is the time for had there tieen some practical head
advis'utes carry the state for I the business men to get together to have planned out the road work
prohibition, not that we con­ i and decided on a few changes there it would have resulted in some
sider that there is much danger, I in the bill and then work to good road work being done, hut as
tor sizing uppublic «eutimenMt pass the charter. It may re it is the road is in worse shape for
looks altogether too premature quire a little moral courage on travel.
to attempt to force prohibition the purt of the buaineaa men to
H. H. Have«, who fell dead
u|mn the state before there is u come out flat footed that the this city last week, waa 7* years of
healthy anil strong sentiment dignity anti reputation of the
age and waa born in West Virginia,
in favor of it. But the point we city ia to be maintained in the
lie was a soldier in the war of the
want to cull attenttah to in the future, but no buainraa man
He ora» married in H67
bill is that if prohibition curries ever lost a dollar's worth
____ __
of to Mary Skipton. in Livingston Co.,
it will be unlawful to trufllc in i trade in endeavoring to make a
Five children cams of this
or have possesauai of liquor, or, i respectable, well governed city
union, via., Nellie Newberg of Hem
us the bill intends, it is a strict ¡where people could come and
lock. Ore. ; Annie Sprngtt«. of Sil­
prohibitive measure.
trade. It may I m * a good thing, verton, Ore.; (Mia Hayes, of Kelso.
after ail, thnt Hie charter waa
Amend the propotteil new city I defeated, for the conservative Wash. ; EdwardHayea. of Sandlake.
charter so that there ahull be is-ople of this city can see that Ore. ; Gene Tohl. of Hemlock. Ore.
no screens, no seats, no games, the saloon element does not Mr. Hayes waa a member of the
He waa a
no siile or twick nsnns and no propone to be controlled and Univereahst Church
looting arouutl aaloous or soft want a wide open towu again. model husband end father, ■ good
neighbor and a splendid citiaeu.
The bereaved family, and especially
the aged wife, liuve the sympathy of
all their many friends.
I. II. Van Winkle, of Salem, for
circuit judge will give equal justice
to all and special favors to none.
Qualifications baaed on experience
and preparation. (Paid adv.)
Card of ThankB.
We desire to express our many
thanks to our kiud neighbors and
friends, who so kindly sympathised
with us on account of the sad death
of our beloved husband and father.
M rs . H enry H ayes and F amily .
All persons knowing themselves
to be indeb'ed to the Tillamook
I umber Manufacturing Company
will please call ami settle by Nov. 1,
191(1 After that date interest at the
rate of 8 per cent per annum will be
added to all overdue accounts.
T illamook L umber M fg . C o .
Baptist Church Notes.
The Baptist Church I iub secured
the use of the Adventist house for
Sunday afternoons.
We have Sunday-school, 2 p. m.
J. T. Garristi, supt.
Preaching, 3 p.m. Kid. R. Y.
Blalock, pastor ; J. A. Dawson,
assistant pastor
Next Sunday Elder Blalock will
give a 15 minutes sermon on “Why
the Camphellites repudiate their
historical name and insist on being
called the Christian Church, or
Church of Christ.” —Isa. iv., 1.
Everybody given a welcome to
our S.S. and church services. R.
Y. Blalock, pastor.
Also Rolls and Muffins
Crusts and Cakes
13S William St
New York
Sand for Royal
** Ten Nights in a Bar-Room.”
Opera House, two nights, Friday
and Saturday, Oct. 23th and 29th.
The people of Tillamrsik will have
a chance to witness a performance
by the Dramatic Club, of this
famous play. Coming as it does,
immediately before the elections.
This play presents the much dis­
puted question in a manner that
may be understood by everybody.
See for yourself, a play that has
looked upon as the means of decid­
ing a remedy for the evil of intem­
perance. See the play and tell if
you can suggest a remedy. “ Ten
Mights In a Bar-Room” presents
both sides of the story. You see
both, depicted in a manner, that
impresses you with the situation.
No sermon is more forceably im­
pressed upon the minds of young
and old, alike. No seeker for a
remedy could find the exact con­
ditions more forceably told. Don’t
miss seeing it when you can.
The Revival Meetings.
The most inspiring event of the
revival thus far took place Tues­
day evening, when at the invitation
eleven young people stepjied down
the aisle and took tbeir stand for
Christ. The large audience was
deeply stirred, and many gave ex­
pression to their feelings in tears.
The largest audiences of the
meeting have been in attendance
last week. Interest in the meeting
is increasing remarkably. Evang­
elists Olson and Moss and their
assistants have thoroughly gained
the confidence and good will of
the entire community.
Ou all
hands is heard praise unqualified
for the preaching of Mr. Olson and
the singing of the Moss Family.
On Monday evening Evangelist
Olson gave his popular lecture on
"How to be happy though mar­
ried.” The lecture was t ull of wit
and wholesome uil vice, sound sense,
wisdom and pathetic incidents.
The crowning thought of the lecture
was the counsel to take Christ Jesus
and his religion into the home and
set up liis altar there. With Jesus
ruling in every liome there could be
nothing else present buthappiness.
With Christ with one in the hearts
of father and mother and children
there would be constant joy and
peace and love.
Already iu the meetings forty-five
have stepped out for Christ. Of
these thirty-seven have come by
confession und baptism and eight
by statement or letter. Judging by
the results, the meeting is already
one of the greatest ever held in
Singer Sewing Machine*.
The Stoddard Entertainment.
The benefits of travel—who can
doubt them." What is the whole
world but an open book, whose
author is AlmightvGod, and on the
pages of which have bean written,
more or less distinctly, stories ol
the various races of humanity?
Whatever be their language, nation­
ality or faith, all students of the
past are heirs together in tlie heri­
tage of history.
A tourist may return from travel
penniless, yet be a mental million­
aire ; while some illiterate Croesus,
who has never visited the shrines
of Nature, Art and History, is, in
the realms of memory, a bankrupt.
If this be true, may not each and
every one of us be milionaires, and
as the long winter evenings ate
closing in upon us, and little Till­
amook is shut off from the rest of
the world, with John L. Stoddard,
the world’s greatest traveler as our
companion and guide, visit every
part of this wonderful world and its
many people, see how they live and
the structures they erect, as though
we liad been among- them?
The opportunity to obtain the
Stoddard Entertainment has never
presented itself to the good people
of Tillamook until now and we sin
cerely hope a large number will
avail themselves of this chance, as
Benjamin Wheeler says "to make
good their Joss of wide-range travel
through the world by enjoying the
readable pages and wonderful illus­
trations of these books."
Judge Richards, of the Superior
Court, says, "I wish to commend
unreservedly the lecture of John L
Stoddard as they appear in the lat­
est editions.
To my mind there is
nothing in the way of descriptive
eloquence in English which equals
Mr. Stoddard’s portrayal of sights
and scenes on both sides of the At­
His lectures upon France,
the Rhine and Florence are alone
worth the price of the entire series.
To students especially, these lec­
tures form a delightful supplement
to history. They should be in every
library and especially upon the
shelves of every school library,
where history, literature and art are
the subjects of instruction.”
Now is ynur opportunity to ■
it machine that will last you t|
time, on easy monthly, papal
that you will scarcely miss a
no interest.
I personally guarantee every«
chine and will keep it in repair!
of charge.
Your old machine will be td
as part payment.
Machines delivered at yourhua
on free demonstration trial.
Call in and see the Netv Sinptl
B urdett S hipman . Tillamook,ft
Whalem’s JewelrvSIt
Fine Dairy Farm
386 acres, lying 3 mile«
Florence, the banking and shippa
center of the district, with rtfti
boat to Portland.
130 acres is dyked tide mart! I
in grass and worth $300 per h
*1 a.-res tide marsh in gram *
not dyked, worth $100 per acre. I
acres rolling bench earnest milk
feet of virgin timber, worth W
at local mills in log« at $5.(0 |
thousand. This 216 acre» after it
logged, will be worth $1(0 per «
for pasture anil npple raw
Fresh water trout stream n
through the tract. Fine buiU
site, but no building. Osft
minutes by motor boat to bant
boat landing. &
school, church, store«, cn-ast
mill, etc., near building nite. Tt
present value, $70.700. I »ait
sell and will take $2O,O0ft »'d
OQU cash and balance longtime’
6 per cent interest.
G eo M elvin M ill “
Box 35, Eugene, (I
It’s the World’s Best J
Noone has ever made a
ointment or balm to comjiareM
Btic.klen’s Arnica Salve. It/JJ
one perfect healer of Cuts. Caj|
Burns, Bruises, Sores. Scald.-.
Ulcers, Salt Rheum. For Sort M
Cold Sores, Chapped Uan^J
Sprains, it’s supreme. JnfallibteW
Piles. Only 25c at C. I. Cloufh'« j
A Generous and Charitable WB
"I Wish all might know «if
benefit I received from vourFolffl
Kidney Remedy,” says I- 5. ■
gan, Farmer. Mo. His ki<lnr'*d
bladder gave him «o much poj
misery and annoyance, be’c°l™j
work, nor sleejn He sart Edg
Kidney Remedy completely ta
him. C. L Clough.
Kills a Murderer.
A mercileas murderer is Appendi­
citis with inuny victims. But Dr.
King's New Life Pills kill it by pre­
vention. They gently stimulate sto­
mach, liver and bowels, preventing
that clogging that invites appendi­
citis, curing Constipation, Headache
Biliousness, Chills. 25c. at Chas.
It ia conceded by the beat author­ L Clough’s._________ ____
ity, that men in other professions,
Vote for I. H. Van W*
For Circuit Judge, vote for I.H.
of the same intelligence as the pop­
republican can«
ular minister who receives from
by practice and experience.
Two circuit judge. Two to erect
$660. Ü0 to $1000.(0 a year, get from to elect. (Paid adv.)
$2500.(0 to $*000.00.
If only those
who are confirmed total abstainers
contributed tn the support of the
ministry they would receive less,
yet no matter how conscientious,
sober and industrious a man is, if
he does not uphold prohibition he
is classed with tnc damned.
Of Chidago,
J. C. G ovb .
Capt. Dan Morgan Smith.
Notice of Final Account.
X otki
H ubby Grvaa.—That the un
SeratneS. admintetrator of the eatate of
SABAH KKIFONG. deceased, ha» «led hl a
Snal accoaat aa aaeh ail «unfair a tor In the
offlee of the County Clark of Tillamook
County. State of Oregon, and thnt the
County Juda« of aald Tiflam aoh County kaa
appointed Monday. December Sth. 1S1O, at
the hour of 10 «'clock am. at the oMee of
the County Judge. In the Ounrt Houar. 1«
Tillamook Oty Tillamook Cc.aatr Or»»o«.
a« the time and piner for the bearing of aafci
Swat acconal and the eettlenM nt thereof
Dated thia October 3Oth. IS tn.
Admlnlat rator or the E atate of Sarah
K niton«. demiaed
A Reliable Medicioe--Not a Nar­
Get the genuine Foley’s Howey
and Tar in the yellow package. It
is safe and effective. Contains no
Refuse anbelitutes.
I. Clough___________ _____
I. H. VanWinkle, republican can­
didate for Circuit Judge.
He baa
practiced in all the court« and has
had seven year« judicial ixjerifiKe
a« Assistant io Attorney General
Crawford. 'Paid adv.)
Monday Evening, Oct. 24th.
on the
is one of the greatest orators in the
liquor side.
Every intelligent
turn out and see how little can be ’
Mr. Smith
votes for our
J. P. N ewell .
State Chairman Prohibition