TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. OCTOBER 24 ICTOR HUGO. ' Thought N«‘Honor For Himoolf. Ie Gautier who said . affect that If he lue of the great mas- was bad he would It to himself If he e bottom of a dark M- occasion Gautier igo as "a new Moses charged to deliver e law." Decidedly, a man who knew ill upon those about ,. look at the follow- In tba "Souvenir «ur Hugo’s admirers as- drawing room, were pine another In the jus. and the Idea was I the street In which bear hts name. Some kt tbe »treet was too |y of so great a poet, if bearfug his name feed to some more 1m- [are. Then they pro­ fete the most popular | b . I d an ascending man exclaimed with t would be au honor nrto Itself to be re­ Ian of genius. Hugo. ie mantelpiece. Ilsten- i> these flatterers out- f. Then, with au air In deep thought, he ig man and said to Ityle. ‘Even that will ds—even that will ANIMALS THAT WEEP. Th* Eskimo Take« Advantage of the Animal's Curiosity. Dugong Tear« Pr«««rv«d by the Ml- •«re •• a Lowe Charm. In hl» frail akiuboat It to a difficult and dangerous task for tbe Eskimo to go out to sea forty to sixty miles and intercept tbe walrua as be passe» on his migration into tbe Arctic. Oue csrcusM will till bia boat, for it weighs from 1.000 to 3.000 pounds, lie hunts the walrus wheu they are l.vlug asleep on tbe Ice floe* in herds from ten to aevenil hundred. Death must la* Inatantaneous. elw with a few rolls or the peculiar lumbering, hump­ ing tnovemeut txeeu of tbe seal when asborei. he make» the few feet to the water aud itien Is lost aa be baa Dot ’ sufficient blublier and air to float He has much natural curkulty. and if not scared by shots will come up close to your l»iat or the Ice floe on which you are sitting, »purtlug. snorting and roll­ ing hl» eyes; with hl» gleaming tusks and bristled snout he ha» an uneauuy. goblin, monster-llke ap|«‘»rnn In Portugal They lineal descentlania of jbltanfs of the land, from a small place lEstarrejai. not far the termination Indi- is are tbe women of tng. for even young employed, are ex nd energetic. They wearing a peculiar Ing huge basket» of i their head» They a day aud penetrate of the city, crying id. unmusical shnuL to the sixth floors buyers. They go h»e of their poverty, tossesnlng cx|>enKlve fur because they can »ver the ma nV mile» the day. Attempts o do away with this flsb. but they have Istomer» like to deal ’Is aud eau purchase imall amounts. la «rd by weight, but I of flab. The price 6 cents per pouud. than 2.000 ocarinas g fish In Lisbon.— I Hdn’t Stutter. Itterer went into a rt a few casual ac- at once commenced I unmercifully re­ men t In bls speech, n. a pert little frl- n making himself I by bls remarks, in. I’ll bet suppers order them with I "D-d-d done.” says je astonishment of be discomfort of bls rhom were unaware often tbe case with class slngeri. be r end «ang the or- ghtest hitch, then, to tormentor, said, ou c-c-c-can p-p-p- an Author, ire Island" had ap­ 'd public attention eveason; two gen­ ing up to London of them wa» rend- L” Preaently. bav- tk. he dropped It bag. remarking: old myself write ’ than that." The ■y. was bls brotb- Rix weeks aft- handed to the lat- 1n manuscript It *• Ml or«." the first reputation for Mr. HUNTING THE WALRUS. “The people who don’t have to do things can always do them better than the people who are obliged to do them." suld-the cynical bachelor "If you waut to know bow to Invest money, ask n fellow who has never bad any to Invest. 1 ttuppotw It's tbe same with raising children. Neverthe­ less. I am fond of children, and never bavlug bad au o|qx>rtunlty of ralslug any of my own. I am critical »bout tbe way other iieople. more fortunate than I, raise theirs. "My brother has a youuipirer. a boy about six years old. aud everything that kid wants be cries for. Tbe mln ute he begin» to cry he gets it. which, according to my reasoning, to all wrong "Why not make him laugh for it? It's just as easy for a child ta laugh as to cry. and It's far more healthful, be­ sides being much more cheerful for the surrounding populace. “I've tried tbe experiment with hint, and it works like a charm. If I bap peu to have anything be wuuts, and be cries for IL I make fun of him. ’That Isn’t the way to get it.' I «ay. ’Don’t cry for It. Igiugb for It.’ "It took only about two lesson» for him to understand this, and you bnve no Idea what a wonderful difference It has mude lu tbe disposition of that kid. Still. Km only an old bachelor, and I'm not supposed to know anything about aueb things.’’—Philadelphia I-edger. Took an Unfair Advantage. Mrs. Dorkins — Yesterday I called Mrs. Grundage's attention to tbe fact that abe had left the gate between our back yards open aDd that her chickens bad come through and scratched up our flower beds. and she looked as If she would bare liked to bite my bead off. How foolish It Is for peuple to get angry when you remind them that they have been careleaa about some- tblug they bad do buttisene to over- look! Mr. Dorkins—1 any that Maria, mention that when I came home last night I found that you'd left both tbe back doors unlocked. Mr«. Dorkln» — Yes: you're always watching to see If you esn't catch me In some little fault and It makes you perfectly happy when you dol—New York Tribune. Something to Live For. I l DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES izz IL u We carry a Large Stock of ; Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window Sashes, a r Agents for the Great Western Saw ALEX McNAIR CO The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County MO. 4 ¿XPORT BEER, by Marquise du Barry. wlto«e lovely head fell luto the basket beneath the guillotine In expiation of her levity, extravagance and folly, hud in her pos session a »tone of tvblcb the I'arls jew elers were unHble to tell the preclue nature There appeared upon It below the surfHce and as If under water an out line of a picture containing human tig urea Strange to relate, when flrat the gem was given 'u It» afterward uufur tunate iMMHess^r this outline was not clear, but after it bad been some month» In her i>oH»eHMli>u It grew mur<> vivid One day the negro »errant boy. I.a- ntor. who whs afterward lustrutnetitul from revenge In tile .downfall of the Du Burry, declared. ItMiklug at the lew el. that he tumid decipher the figure of a woman with disheveled batr leaning liefore a »caffold mid surrounded by a crowd, while liealde her stood the exe­ cutioner A strange but authenticated clrcum- Htauce Is that the uegro servant boy pretlMely deacrilied tbe guillotine l>r Gulllotlue bad not tbeu luvented Illa celetirHled Instrument of death, nor bad thekirror» of the revolution begun Suatchtug tbe Jewel from tbe baud of tbe »ervaut. Mme du Barry exam iued It. Mtw tbe kueellug Woman. the nngry crowd, the demb knife fulling and. with a cry of agony, fell aeuae- leas to the floor. KAISER BLUME. Unsurpassed. Non Intoxicating MALT TEA BREWERY STAR Hop G-old Beer, Special Br«w. Columbia Bottling Co., Astoria, Oregon- Sods Waters. Sipthmis, Bartlett Mineral Our fieslt, high giade drugs will help to make these temediea more efFec«- tive than ever. Right prices assured. CLOUGH, Steamer For constitutional amendment giving to cities and towns exclusive power to license, regulate, control, suppress, or prohibit the sale of intox* tcating liquors within the municipality. 32» X Yes Sue H. Elmore” «.APT P. SCHRADER) 4 A DV K R TI SEM K N T. Settle It Now Settle It Right - a are also Reliable Druggist. Waler. MOTOR STEAMER OSHKOSH (CAP. T. LATHAM). Tillamook & Portland. FOR OUT DOOR WORK IN THE WETTEST WEATHER NOTHINS EQUALS Sail Every Tuesday and Saturday. Couch St. Wharf, Portland. Z/JWBRM«> «A/A-rr o»L>r~> WATtppwoor That’s All.” OILED GARMENTS m look wtu- wwweu . AND WILL NOT ILAK A Silk Producing Caterpillar. Compare Our Prices LONC OATS-»3«-♦3» SUITS *3«* Mio fwerwuete net cmum Orino lstes the liver and regulates the bowels—the only way that chronic constipation can be cured. Especially recommended for women and children. Clears blotched complexions. Pleasant to take. Refuse substitutes. HANDICAPPED (.«««• .Na<«. I-«« '........... 1Í n' 4 00 n ■ as __ 1 OC An S 00 7.6 r,«u.< t .«w Wise Dental Co.,i«« Painless Dentists rm..« as.»rswww«m»t>»» rssruM.su o«C. ,«<■ I » a wok « m «,,, « «• i Sold by Chas. I. Clough. Did You Ever Try HABHIM'N WKW FEBD ANO L1VEB1 HA KM, If not, give him a call. Everything first-daw. Second block Snath of I* (J. W. i always (reve* IN ’flic valued family re­ ’cij.es tor cough ami cold cure, liuitiieniii, tonics mid as other remedies have careful attention here as i I the most intricate pnsetip- ! tions. P AID In Aaemn. where tbe native» call It “ert.” a »ilk prvduclug caterpillar ba» b«en used fur silk spinning ft* ceo turieg. but. strange to nay. It« employ tueut for tbe |>uni<»«' ha» been restrict- a a ed a I most exclusively to tbm region. One of Ita advantage« 1» that Its ro­ coons are not »»»led like tb«««e of the common silk worm One end of tlte cv For Stomach Trouble, Sluggiah coon to closed only with cvtiverglng Liver and Habitual Coiutipation. loop» of silk This render» It uoneeew It cures by aiding alt of the aary to kill tbe Insect when Ita ailk 1» used digestive oresns—gently stimu* ! i I FAMILY RECIPES. A PROPHETIC JEWEL Ring That Wa« Owned Marquis« du Barry. Hardware, Tinware, Glass 0 and China, I Fly Trap« of Spider«’ N««t«. Spider»’ ue»t» are u»<-d In. Mexico «« fly trafie During the rulny -.eaeoti the village« are Invaded hy ntltnlter» of tile« «nd other luacta To rid a house of theee fleet a the native, hang the branch of a tree bearing a spider'» neat to a hull In the celling. The surface of the neat enlarges cootvotrically after each capture of an insect. and It ex err 1er» an Irrealatlble attraction ou Alea. When a spider'» n<*t le tqa-ned It la fon nd to he filled with lunecta. Experimenta made with paper n<*t» an manufnrttired a. to lie exact copie» of the '.wl neat» ahow that fllee will not enfer them. Though very «meli and apparently ln»lrnlfl» through dowurlght nostalgia Dogs also are held to be lachrymose, and the »mile hold» In the ease of certain monkey» Sparrtiian state» the de lihmil »beds tears when wounded or when It perceive» that It cannot es­ cape. Aquatic nniinals. too. it appears, are able to weep Thus, many authorities agree, dolphin» at the moment of death draw deep High» and »bed tear» Hhuiblmitly. A young female »eal was observed to weep when teased by a sailor St. Hilaire and Cuvier re count, on the authority of the Malaya, that when a young dugong 1» captured the mother 1» sure to tie taken also The little ones then cry out mid »bed l en ra. These leurs are colleeietl with great cure by the Malays anti are pre­ served as ti charm tbm Is certain to render , a lover'» affection lasting.— • New York Pre»». Peculiar 1010. G. Thr Ixiy or girl with any defect ol vision is greatlv liantlicappctl in the pur»uit of knowledge in the m b«« I room. If your boy or girl doe» not »how » high per rentage of average in thr school rejiort the prolmliill tie» are thut therr is some­ thing Hie matter with tbe eye». To — find out costs you nothing if you will bring them to rne (or examina lion. It doesn't psy to guess shout thr c) ealglil of your child it ig Ixtter to we that t the eve» ere right. II glnneea ar«- needed prepared to furnioli I uni thing that will ttie exact meet tile nerd* ol the enw WememlH-r that 1 they Mie gnarunlerrt lor one tr.tr, and I am here to niukc them good ” Traveling la bira are not.” HARRIS. Prop. 1^,111«- li»< k isonrirf the nx**t • >»«n I mon bwnaof r»UM uLir rtieun.»t»*ni ¡ A i»>-w »|it>l»'. tM