1ILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. OCTOBER 20. 1910 THE ANDORRANS. PRESENCE OF MIND. Inhabitant* of the Littl» Re­ public Are Rotated. bnbltuuts *>f Andorra. the ihtlTI M til*'11 is wi-itgial In l«el«ieen I nil F;Kllti and which has rxixi ' tbe .visir 782. are very proud i tblu<- l>l'w«l amt am-lent lineage | eyes a gai :i<-h<- «foreigner, oi ’ •ripti'in *,i uatloui-lif. is im-rr ferlor iH-ing. a acri of mush •tart in ««ini|sirl* n el ii rbctii During l.'JtMl years they have Illy married and nil- rmarrieil an extent thin ill preacid all bitiltlts are prnctknllv cousins uge to say. neither lb«lr pli.vsi ! tn! uor moral qualities serin to enti. Both sexes are strong broad shouldered, bright eyed bud long lived, retaining then ; tbefr teeth to a green old age I also keen willed and lineili Ieri mid happy hearted -oher j ua. hospitable and devout, j lluhie Andorran Ima uot a vest apietry alanti tier She Is Juai nle pure mid simple She is a botiseli Ife. a bi’lptmite to hei ! lu the most literal «eiwe ot ready mid able to trudge ofl ill'lllnlllhl mid valley la-shle him I mack of aiintgglcd goods on her j ii case ot ms-d.--Vi lde World | e. OL'OTLD THE COOK. Wallington’s Cool lnt»rvi»w Murderous Maniao. With One day aa tho Duke of Wellington am writing at Ills library table quite uloue his door was suddenly iqa-ned without a knock or uun»iiiie«Mn**iit of nn.v Hurt, nnd In stalkial a guiint mau who stood liefon- tin- isiminmider In clilcf with his hat on and n savuge VI preasion of countenance The duke was of eourae a little nn uoyed al sui-b au uncereiuonloiis In terruprion. and. looking up. he asked. "Who ure you?" "1 am Dlouyslus." was the singular answer "Well, what do you want?" “Your life.” "My life?" "Ye»; I am aetit to kill you." "Very odd." said tlie duke, sitting back and calmly gazing at the Intruder “Not nt all. for I am Dionysius." snhl the Htrauger. "mid I must put you to death ” "Are you obliged to |»-rfortii thia duty today?" asked the coinuian der 111 chief. "I am very busy Just now mid have a large uumla-r of let­ ters to write It would la- very In­ convenient today." The visitor lisiked hard during n moment's pause “Call again." continued the duke, “or write mid make mi appointment." “You'll be ready?" "Without fall." was the re Pl.v The menine, »wed doubt lens by the stern old soldier. hacked out of the room without further word« nnd half mi hour later :Waa safe in bedlmn. London Graphic, r Mads Him a Professor of History In Russia. FULL CF GRATITUDE years ago the uinil ler of edu 11 SI I’eieralilirg waa appeal'll But ths Littls On» Had • Qussr Way elegrapli tor a <-ook. to lie hur sf Expressing It. yprseow. The iqier.ltor pot -tils Mr Bnnvn'a buslntam kept him RO and dots ml .eU. but In licit (M-i-lipl«>d during the daytime that he 'until arrived and was eercni. m- hnd little iqqairtunity to enjoy the HO ci.tidiK-ted to me null er- I l eli tv nf his teasoi- ot |a l- Wistful eyes «if tils seven-year-old is. be knew nothing a bout bi daughter, roverst-d the order of things ■Blit lu liliaslnn «itLelal l.fe it Is mid Invited the little girl tu go with far to lorisa-t mi err..r Ilian him for >1 long walk. lime, so for several yems the . on| She was a shy. silent, small person. Mil Ills proteasorslllp. til illgll m, ' slid during the two hours' atnill not u pends bis lectures single word --otild Mr Brown lndu<-e ■tier laughable story conies fro'n the little tnidd to »ts-uk. but her shin- ■ ivnlky aehool for boys. A il '.r Illg ey«»« attosted thnt «lie apprwlnted I there who roll III acareely rend tils efforts to amuse her—lude«-d. she rite bad growu so untidy am fairly glow«>d with suppressed bappl mat lie wus no longer ua« fill. Im ness ■ beadmuster did uot want to sc, .lust la-fore they rench«-d home, how ■rift tie primiotml litm to a teach «•ver. the child managed, hut only aft«« list mid bad him transferred io a 11 tremendous struggle with her Inhcr |t school |]e. too. will la- a pm ent timidity, to And words ÎO FXI'.CVMH | some day. —Moscow Leu. r li. her grarttude fork World. "Paiw. what flower do you like best?" she asked. I Didn't Want It Flattened. "Why. 1 don't know, tny d<‘nr— ri in a story lx told of Jeroiue K. Jr flower». I guess " ■the humorist. Ketuiuiug troi, "Then.” erleil the little girl. l«*Htn id oue time, befell Into gm «1 «-i>m Ini- with gr-itltude. "that's what I'll »With the extreptiou <>«' Ola- i.iao plant on your grave?’—Excbaugw gas wliat lx kuouu ax "a w.ilki'. » ■upistia." Tins mini p'-ixl .leit u Tennyson’s Tactlessness. I ail sorts of lofiiruiatlou. nui> r Several stori««« are tol«1 of Tenny­ I unuoyaiiee of Mr .)<«rnme am. son’s thoiightlesa spee«-bes "What >. Due morning, us the traveler« fish la this?" he once aakeiJ bl« hostess I over tbe rail, admlilng lb>- r<- where be waa dlullig "Wbftlng." she B. lhe man with tbe iiilimiuitk.i replied. "Tbe meanest fiali there Is." I to them and said almost w.l be remarked, quite unconscious that be iktlemeii. If tbe earth were flat lout the sea would la- two lulle.- Bver the wb«>le world." »Jerome turn,«! around, aia-mliig iBued. Then lie grew ludlguam. Walking over to fhe otlii-r inau. fcl. sbaklug blx linger iiieiia, lugiy : 10k here. mau. if you vutcb auy I trying to flatten out tbe eitrili i bliii on the afait 1 cuu't swim, lad« Ipbiu limes. London’» T.wn Hall. ulldbull Is au Important pulii'.« lu laindou. wbicb Uiuy I m - re­ us tbe town bull, uud te rhe asxruihly of severa I colina, aa t of commoo couucil. ibe court 'tneu. thè cl¡auil>erl:iin'i> court dice court presided over by ••ire Iderineu. Tbe construct lu«> ot begun lu 1411. It could have wounded auy one’s feel Ings Yet his kindness of besrt was «urli that when his partridge was afterward given bini almost raw binate stradlly through It for fear bls hostess might I a? vexed. Ou one ix-caslou Tennyson waa very rude to Mrs. Brotherton, n n«dghbor at Freshwater. The next day he came to her house with a great cahbage utwler each arm “I beard you like these. «0 I brought them." be said genlaly. It was hla Idea of a prece offering. I V/omsn’s Tima Schedules. Few women speak of a train «tartina ■lightly off tbe even hour, ua the 31/2 trulu. for esample. or tbe3:!2. "Three" will do It botbera a man a heap to g» bunting for a 3 o'clock train by femlnlue directions when It la a 3:12 train For some women “3" wtll do for tbe 2A* train; It's near euough Then tbe man following femlnlue dl- ns-tlons. unless be I m on tila guard Idlug wa» against these pit falls, la lost. I’rub rtlally ilesrrored Iti tlie greui ably if It weren't for hie business train­ 5»S»l. but was noou renlnred. mid ing. whk-h teuchea a man that 3:iK! 1» It wna nllered lo Ita prmmi uot 3. not Jlul. not 3111 Vy. not 3U1%. l'Iie hall pro|a-r la 153 feci lu but SOI bed be tart ter oatured about M 4M In breudtb mal .'A In brighi, womru's time wbedules»— Bouton Poet la la-eti famoua for ceulurlea for ■ugniti« eme of ita etile fonata Tho Soft Anowor. prst rime tt «a«, uaed for tbla Two men were occupying double In 1500. wlieti Kir John n has tbe al field last of succeeded In aiuk- Eblt ere with tbe the lord audience mayor'a feaal. ■los t aceui rn like my whlatlfngY’aald ■rvite—So? How d«iea he d«> it? the tiotay one after a Ove inimité won "No. I dost." ■ Comedian —You know tie has tluuoiia iw-rformanc» wa» tbe frank reply. "Well. we,s “ ronllO; fa played villain roles. i>-d tbr other, "maybe you think yod ■ret t««— Ye*. I Coniedian-Well. In tbe lost art are man enough to stop ItY' "No. I brn play tbe author allows him don't think I am." rejoined the <«brr. ■rut and nay. “I've be^u ■ iuls«-r 'but 1 b-qa- you ara." And tbe wping tu tbe able of tlie r-sid aud safety In ulne cuaea out of ten »be runs along ulieml lu hysterical ex clteiuent. doing what site slamhl have done In the first place only when corn pletely exhmistisl ami then only liy nc cldeiit apparently O i I ht diuneatle »ulnuils have the aanie aonoytiig ha bit. Bud ns It ofteti causes their wholly tieedlesa death, the iiaunl expbuiallon of It is their stupidity Tluil Is mi uu- falr crItlclain. for neither birds uor animals are ever stupid uever are. that ls.^ a taint meet Ing exlgen-tea which their auceatur» were tu tlie halt tt of uit-etlng It Is lhe lesson of luiiiieiiuirlal ex|a- rieuce for nil llu-ae creatures that from tbe pursuit of nu enemy that 1-11111101 tie fought there Is safety If auywhere in straight!! wnv flight at topmost WILL R. KING »|H-ed Motion In any other dlrecilmi Judge of the Supreme Court would give the pursuer a fatal nd inn Candidate for Re-Election, six tage by enabling him to "cut coruera" and cover a shorter distance than his years, wltose place is Bought by Geo. H. Burnett, assembly selected prey Tin* hen's mistake Is Nominee. hot tn running ahmg tile road. Inn In aaauinlng tlial tbe automobile wants Judge Will k. King waa born to i-qtch her mid will do mi If II u It exactly aa which time he has been u continu­ ■be doe».—New York 'lliue». ous resilient of this state. His college education waa acquired in the State Agricultural College, GOLD LEAF, alter which he graduated from a Made Now Practically as I* Was Mads law school in Danville, Indiana. Nine Centuries Ago. He commenced the practice of law­ In nn article ou gold leaf lu the Mug in 1892, served six y ears in Oregon azine of Commerce Jubu Mastin save legislature, two years in the House i that Just as tile date of the dlsii'i err and four in the Senate, and waa of gold Is tia» remote even Io la- guess­ ed nt so la tbe origin of gold leaf lost recognize«! as one of the leading member» of that hotly. He haw lu antiquity Ou some of the moat ancient mum served four years on the Supreme mles discovered gold leaf baa la»en used Bench, two years us coinmiwHiouei, ou the akin, tougue. teetih etc., and and two as associate justice, and lu Home lustuucea on tbe collina also is a candidate to succeed himself It ulao uppears nn tombs, monuments for the six year term. Thnt and the like. Hud. strange to say. decisions rank high among though gilding with ‘thill sheets of Next Door to Tillamook County Bank. bnmmered gold" aud "skins of go'd"- bar is evident from the fact he is supported, along with otburwlae gold leaf—waa knoUn to be practiced at least In the eighth eon three other qientbers of the Bench II C., the pna-eaa of bringing the who are candidates (Judges Moore, Into these tine sheets or "aklus' McBride and Slater,) by the Non- was. at auy ra|e In tbe eleventh ecu- Political Indiciury movement, ■■WOI-XIHTOK tirry A I».. suhAtsnttatty tbe same a* which was authorized by the Ore (but used today, no advance whatever gon State Bar AssiK-iutlon, and has buvtug Is-eti mude In the lutervenlug for its object the complete re­ nlue «eururles moval «>f the judiciary frotr polit­ Further, on nome of the Grecian prêt tery of the tifiti century the gold leaf ical obligations and indeences. used Is uh thlu aa’thut used today, no In referring to Judge King the Holler Work, l.ogger’a Work and Henry Forging that In results obtained also we bare Oregon Daily Journal of Portland, not advanced lu the l«*ast. but »till keep recently said: "One of the ablest Fltie Machine Work a Npcrialtjr. practically to the name average thick juris!» in Oregon is Supr.me Jus­ nean us that used on the Egyptian 'of tice Will R. King. He !■ known flu» of tbe third century A. D and throughout the state na an ind<- tnoat of tbr Greek vases of the fifth pemlent thinker of profound pow­ ers of analysis. He has V c repu­ Brougham and Mull«d Port. tation among laymen as well as Ix»rd Brougham who a« a member of the bouse of «ximuuina wns s.nioat the members of the bar of applying abstemious mao. U|wti bla promotion a great deal of common aense ¡1» well as briwut intelligence in con to the peerage acquired I«-«« commend able habit«. During bis long and Im slruing the hiw. Judge King ia passioned apprel to tbe lords to re ofipoweil by George If. Burnett, who J. P. ALtUBN, Proprietor». fralu from rej««ctlng tbe reform bill was nominate«! I>y the Assembly, of 1832 “flve tumbler« of mulled port, who accepted the nomination from wfth a dash o| Tandy. were brought the assembly ami who stands on to him at Intel Ml»." When be came tbe plutfoiin of the assembly” — Special Attention paid to Tourists. to his last sentence <' '1 warn yon. I against tlie custom of selecting the Implore you—yre. on my bended kuee A Birst Class 1 able. Comfortable Beds end Accommodation. Supreme Court according to the I «applicate y00—reject not this MITi be knelt on tbe woolsack, wbeuce be politics of the candidates, the Non­ sllppt-d to the Biair. I^s re«-ordrd tn Political Judiciary executive com­ the "Lives of tbe Ix>ra Clistwellora" mittee advance«, among others, that “be remained nome time If In the following arguments: prayer, but his friends, alarmed lest A non-fiolitiealj supreme court he should be suffering from the effect» mean« a supreme bench with no of mulled pick««! him up and party debts to pay. The judges of plac«-d him safaig on tbe woolsack." tbe anpreme cotirf are «Irictly non- political : the supreme court, then A Preud Moment. should lie on a non-politlca! basis. A live busincM training school. Endorsed by business men. "The proudest day of her life, thia It ia only polifictal hacks that want The school whose graduates secure positions and hold them. la.” said the woman who watrbed tbe School in continuous session. Send third floor bride go dreneed In her Io make the Bench a reward lor |»o- Living expenses low. litical service. prettlewt frock for catalogue. No inquiry is made into the po­ "How do you make that out?" said another woman enviously. "I thought litical opinions of a juror ; the poli­ la at Thu red ay waa her proudeat day. tics of a judge ha« just aa little to She got married then " do with his quiiliflcation». “Ab. yea. but today abe goee calling There is no good reason why gtxal for tbe flrat rime aud leave» one of her judges «hould be put off the bench boataind'a carda wttb her own. Any married woman who can remember on account of politics and other back that far wtll tell you that tbe judge« put on the bench in t tre * r flrat time abe dlsirlbut.-d tbe calling stead on account of politic«. carda of nome man who belonged to Remember the four candidates re­ her waa tbe day »tie truly felt her Im commended by the Non Political portance.”— New York Run Judiciary movement are Judges King. Slater, McBride and Moore, all present members of the Supreme Court. Paid advertisement. HARNESS, COLLARS, etc. You Use Them. We Sell Them. w. A. WILLIAMS & CO., 1 Tillamook Iron Works J General Machinists & Blacksmiths 5 HLLAMOOK THE ALLEN HOUSE, Headquarters for Travelling Men. 5V. I STALEY, Principal. Forced to Leave Home Every year a large numtier of poor ■ufferrr» wloiee lung» ure aorr anil r*cker. King*» New Di» overy cure yoti at home, it cured me of lung trouble.” write» W R Ndaon. of Calamhie. Ark , "when all eiae failed and I gained 4< fiounda in weight. Itaaurrly the King of all cough anil lung curea.’’ Thouaandaowe their live» anil hrcltli to it. Its |m»Hively guárante«-«! for Cough«. < olda. f.»Grippe. Acthma. Croup- all [hroat and l.ung trou blew. fiUr and II.• grwxl ■ 4ri< e for prudent men sny Lamer’» ature. The Long INatntic«* Service of the (fell System is of »prcinl vnlue to tbe tnivuller. Sometime» the I is-11 Telephotie milk«-» u trip minrcewaary; sometimes it convitile» him thnt ii trip woo 1<1 lie pro titillile Wherever he gora, he freía the need of univrrwHl •erv ice, nnd that is Ih-ll Service. PACIFIC TKLKPHONK TKLhGkAPU COMPANY Ferry Iteli Trh-fitione it the Center of th«- System