•lILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER 20, 1910 Summon*. masonic Insuring Dairy Products. failed to make the goal, but when LO&ç RATTLESNAKE BITES. In the Circuit Court of the Stnte of Oregon «•TM1ÜTLY IN ADVANUB.) . No. 57, metti When the scales and tester are | time was called they had again for the County of Tillumook. °« s. Ruilwuy» Company! hit* veai.......... ............................................ 1 came within two feet of the goal first used on many herds the results Simpl» R u I m For Tr«atm«nt if You United a corporation. d “ y of each ¿ix months.......................... ............. Have th« Narva to Uaa Them. Plaintiff, 1 line. Only once in the last half did I will be such as to discourage the | rhrrr months.................................... vs > _____ f-O.O.F. Half,- atî:J I tlie “Ernies” reach a point which ! dairyman and cause him to lose 1 I The treat meat of a rattlesnake A, J. Provoost and Lilah | ! ’round resolves Itself Into the appll- Provoost, his wife. I could l>e called close ’o the goal. 1 interest and confidence in better rank S everance , \ v jf I Defendants«. J (^illamoob ïjeabliqbt. The final score was 5 to 5. The line | methods. He will believe that be is j ' cation of a few very simple rules. In Io A. J. Provoost and Lilah Provooat. the the first place, h jierson woundi-d by a above named, defendants. I making a good profit, while the test I lip was ae follows: In the name ofthe State of Oregon. «ti«ke UKiinlly does tile very thing be You are hereby required to appear ) shows that some of his cows are i Emersonian» I Ciceronian» sbotild not do— that is. goes tearing off and answer the complaint filed aguinst TT T. BOiTi, IClent King H'gh School Notes F B Floyd Ebeiinan being kept at a positive loss. It is st tup spued for tbe neurewt litimau you in the above entitled action on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date x • A ttorney - at - l ^ ! John Ebinger RII Frank Schofield oitett true that the weeding out of Habitation, thereby Iticreiislug tbe ctr- of the first publication of this Summons, amT Friday, the iklth of September, . H. Sappington L H Verle Stanley you fail to so appear and answer, for want one-half a dairy herd will cause the < riilHtloii mid dlssrmlnattng ffi« virus if thereof the plaintw will apply to saiil Court e Emersonian Literary Society W. Anderson QB Harvey Ebinger actual net profit to increase. I This through the ».v«teni more rapidly. The for the relief demanded in the complaint Complete set of Abstract L herein, which is that a judgment be rendered gave Hie first regular meeting- Howard Harris C Everet Kuntz tn hu should «It calmly down mid bind that the following described tract of land, in office. Taxes paid f * ehculd be done systematically. in this year's contest. The main I Lyle Smith in Tillamook County, Oregon, to- RG E. Goldetroni First, know the actual production I | bls timidkerebief «round ibe limb df situate wit; Beginning at the north west corner Residents. features of the meeting were, first, Oscar Aschini LG Percy Dunatan of each animal by the use of the Il 1« « llmbt. break off a «lout twig of lot 9 in J. J. Met oy’s addition to the the crowded condition of the as­ L. Harrison town of Bav City, in Tillamook County. R V Perry De Lilly scales and tester the year around. »nd Insert tH-nesth tbe baudkerchief. Oregon, Office opposite Post 0«^ anti running thence east 50 feet; sembly room, which m ide it very C. Kaufman south 100 feet; thence west fio feet; LT Henly Stam Testing for a few weeks or months prodlk-lug s rtiile tourniquet, and twist thence Both pho«eg a thence north 1OO feet to the place of begin­ i iconvenient for the rendering ol Ralph Moore RE Elbert Ginn will not do, the facts must be known until ibe circulation is effectually abut ning, be appropriated to plaintiff's use for s one parts, oue scat having to be Arthur Wallace ■ LE Kai ph Harris the purpose of constructing, operating and off. for the full year. a railway line, and a telegraph, With « slisrp knife make an X in- maintaining t iken up in order to make room arl haberlach telephone and electric power line thereon, Second, the conditions that sur ­ cNIon over the wound, taking care The following week will be spent and that the amount of compensation to be the mu». f ir tile piano. Second, paid therefor be determined, and that upon round the cow must be made favor ­ to iienctrste deeper than tbe fangs ic d program which was good ; in trying out the fir«t|teani, which is I the payment by plaintiff into court for the able. Lighting, ventilation and have done. If he ba« good teeth and defendants of the amount of compensation attorney - at - law , third. the short talk which Prof, expected to meet the Dramatic Club when so determined, that the plaintiff there­ cleanliness must be practiced be­ no canker iu bls mouth, -be may now upon become and be the owner of said right Biker gave the students at the team on election day. fore the best results can be secured. mick vigorously upon tbe wound. It or way, and that plaintiff have Judgment IPeuUchcv ^bvokat, cl >se of the meeting oil earning appropriating said propertv to it. The Nth grade class is intending , The feeding must becarefuilylook- doe« uo good to suck tbe original thereon This summons is published bv order of tbe It was appreciated wliat you gel. Hon.H. F. Goodspeed,County Judge ofTllla- Office across the street and north», to give a program and basket social ed to, and economical rations, wound It Is quite difficult to get any mook County. Oregon, made and dated tit by all. the Post Office. in (lie near future, the net, receipts which will produce good milk flow, virus hack through an opening not Tillamook County. Oregon the 1st day of September, 191(1. The time prescribed in greater In caliber tlisu a fine needle. Since our last column was edited to go to the Gilford Stillwell Park. aie necessary before the best of | said order for publication is once a week for the faculty has given the students cows can become profitable ani- j If nil ibis Is done without delay tbe six successive weeks, and the date ofthe first Q-EORGE WILLETT, On account of the large attendance mala. Finally, if the cows are of no j I >-hmi< HH are that the patient will suf- publication thereof is Thursday, September tneir usual mouthy treat in the waj 1st, 1910. H. T. B ott «. of one of those soul inspiilllg tests in the 4th and 5tli grade rooms, the special breeding, a plan of improve-1 (ter no greater ln<-«*nvenlem-e from bis Attorney for Plaintiff. ) ex|»-rlen«-e. If be i-liam-es to have A ttorney - at -L aw . which cause I a number ol the Board of Directors and the Principal merit shouid be started. Get a bull, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. sludeuts to vow that they would I took up the matter of obtaining uf your favorite dairy breed, of • handy a «tick of silver nitrate be < an Department of The Interior, I «aiiii-rlze tbe wotiud thorotlgbly. Fall- Next to Tillamook County U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon. put to. til a must strenuous effort to some nearby house or room into known excellence. Commence to ling that, a braud from the tire will September 16th. 1910. re vive better grades in the future. ; which they might move the 5tW rajse well-bred dairy heifers and ■'«erve. After a time be ma.v release Bank, Notice is hergby given that Henry c Kunze, whose post office address in Tilla­ Tne students also found that none i grade. W. C. King thought he had develop them into profit-making I lil>^ouruIqnet somewhat and permit mook. Oregon, did, on the 1st day of July. T illamook - O reg ® j of tile faculty have a tender con- : secured the upper part uf the Page; cows from the start. There is more I a l«>rtlou of tbe retained blood to en- lgO9. file in this office Sworn Statement and Application. No. 02040. to purchase the cience in regard to the severity ol i store, having paid the rent in ad­ and SWfc, section 34, Township in training cows to tie good milkers : ter the clrcnlmlott. Tbe system Is ca- SEtf 1 North. Range 9 * est, Willamette Meri­ tests. ■ vance, but when ready to move the than is generally supposed, but be- | luilile of inking rare of a great deal of dian. H. GOYNE, and the timber thereon, under the stat» into the room Saturday, the I isilson if It Is allowed to flow Imo the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and Elva Austin lias been absent I j hind the training must be the blood acts amendatory, known a9 the “Tim­ owners decided that they didn’t blood gradually.—Outing. ber and Stone Law,” at such value as might from school during this week on A ttorney - at -L aw . care to let it go. But as something! which is only secured in good dairy be fixed by appraisement, and that, pursunnt account ol ill health. to such application, the land ana timber had to be done Mr. King secured a sires.—Agricultural Epitomist. thereon have been appraised, at $720.00, Office : Opposite Court Ho® SET HIM THINKING. the timber estimated 1,200,000 board feet The evening of October, the Sth, number of carpenters,whom he put at $.50 per M, and the land $120.00; that the Hophomore claaa gave the first to work tearing out the partition on Th« Raaaor His Wits Gave For Dia- said applicant will offer final proof in sup­ T illamook , O regon , port of his application aud sworn statement liking Poitponamanta. pmty i>f the year in Todd’s Hall. the east of the Library making it on the 28th dy the president Circuit Judge 3rd judicial "It might be a good deal worse. Our terest, as provided in said note and mortgage was to the point in every iiistimce, voters nml population mid one-half PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, little one Is likely to get along all described in said complaint, and for.the sum District. of $10U attorney’s fees herein, and for the nml the society as a whole is proud of our railroad mileage. 500 voters right The doctur says the case Isn't costs and disbursements of this suit, and for Office over J. A. Todd & Candidate for Re-Election. decree foreclosing said mortgage, and for ol him Irom the fact that he has ol this strip have signed a remon­ uti unusually severe one. ami when 1 a the sale upon suid foreclosure, as provided Tillamook, Ore. In speaking of Judge Win. Gallo­ telephoned lilni this afternoon he said bylaw showed hiinsi'lf to be a lender and strance against annexation—a clear to satisfy said judgment, and barring equity of redemption of said defendants, not a boss mid to have the power ol majority, as less than 300 signed way, Judge W. M. Ramsey says: he thought It might la* safe for you to ail and the plaintiff may become purchaser of the petition and about 900 votes were leading right. "A judge should love justice anil start away by the end of the week." said sale ; and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet with “I know. lie told me the same thing. equity. cast ut the general election. In ad­ luite iniquity and possesk a robust hawk The Ciceroniana have made no Hut I feel tlait we ’ ll never go. I never This summons is served upon you by order dition many who first favored an­ integrity, and be able tip hold the of the Honorable H. F. Goodspeed as County boasts of what they are going to do nexation now oppose it and say the scales of justice firmly and evenly. |H>Htponed uuytblug yet that didn't Judge of Tillamook County, Oregon, in the thin year, but are keeping still and absence of either of the judges oi the above cut was too deep, We usk you to ' He should be no respecter of per­ turn out sadly. 1 once postponed a entitled Court. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, digging instead of making big Dated this 29th day of September, 1910, vote No tin Washington Multhomah sons, deciding foror against parties wedding, and the marriage never took place.” promise of wliat they shall do. and the date of the first publication hereof division.—W. D. Wood, Chairman as their rights appear to him ac­ Half an hour later William Ackroyd being on the 29tb day of September. 1910, I hey amt the Eiiiersoiiians have BAY CITY, OREGON. Anti-Annexation Committee, Hills­ cording to the measure of the law. was still sitting In a corner alone and the date ofthe last publication hereof will expire on the 10th day of November, hail a hard contest each year to boro, Oregon. Advt. He should be no ‘trimmer.’ I have thinking It over.—Chicago Record-Her­ 1910, being seven insertions, including the nee which should have the pennant first and the last insertions hereof in said known Judge Galloway for many ald. time prescribed, which is for six consecutive for the best work, mid it promises weeks. yeark, and I believe he possesses R. BEALS, Reaching the Top to be ns close as usual this year. HOLMES & HANDLEY, Carrying a Bundle. He has in ____________________ Attorneys for Plaintiff. • In any calling of life, demands a these judicial qualities. A stylish looking wutnau who looked The Juniors mid Freshmen held vigorous body and a keen brain. more than one instance in the past Summons. as If she had rut her die thau carry a REAL ESTATE, their annual meeting lor the pur- \\ ithout health there is no success. shown that he has the courage to bundle that wouldn't go Into a band In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon But Electric Bitters is the greatest the County of Tillamook, SS. pose of electing class officers. Health Builder the world has ever stand by his convictions of duty in Img weut Into the women's suit depart­ C- L. for F inancial A gkxt , bye. Wednesday the Juniors elected the known. Plaintiff, It compels perfect action difficult positions, and if re-elected ment of a Idg store lugging a puste- V«. following officers:—Eva Wheeler, of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, 1 believe he will maintain his high Iwnrd hox half as big as herself. Otlit-r L. E. Sanders, Tillamook, Oregon- Defendant. pres.; Floyd El>erm.m, vice pres.; purities and enriches the bloud, record for honesty and courage.” i ustouiers preseDt woi^ered at her un- To L. n. Sander» the above named defen- tones ami invigorates the whole • (Paid Adv.) Myron Blanchard, sec. mid tress. dlgultled action, but the saleswoman ant. system and enables you to stand In the name of the State of Oregon. R. P. J. SHARP, did not wonder. The Freshmen officers are as the wear and tear of your daily work. You are hereby required to upnear and “There la one time when the proud­ answer to the complaint filed agUii.t you follows: Stella Goyne, pres. ; Jes­ Aller months of suffering from in the above entitled action and Court, on est woman on earth will carry a bun­ ? sie Riefenberg, vice pres; Ralph Kidney Trouble,’'pvrites W. M. Sher­ r !^for''h'I“*1 day of the time prccribed RESIDENT DENTIST, man, of Cushing, Me., "three bot ­ dle." she said. "Thut la when some "J”* "rle.r.fSi «,uW>’’tion ma<>' herein, Harris, sec.; Leslie Harrison, tles ol Electric Bitters made me teel to-wit the loth day of November. 1910, and gnrmeut has been sent home finished tress. ; mid Leslie Smith Sargeant- like a new man.” 50c. at Chas. I m f°r want thereof the Office across the street frortkt off badly and has to be brought back plaintiff Will take judgment against you OPPOSITE THE ALLEN HOUSE. al arms. I he Freshmen have a Clough's. «" ‘ V, Oft * h ‘ ,lundr '<1 «’Ifty-aix and for a 11 erat Iona. If the customer Would ?h^V?i.D,’,,“?Kto,etl*rr with Court House. Istereat at strong class this year mid promise Capt. Bogardua Again Hits the Corner Stillwell Ave. and Firat ouly telephone to the store we would foUowr * ' gh fWr “nt PCr annunl aa to do things in a lively waj. Bull’s Eye. Dr. Wise’s office. St. West, and both Phones. ►end for the gsnneut. bat that would On »200.0° from April l*th. 1910. to date Thia world famous rifle shot who of judgment. take time. StlW wauta it Ontsbed with­ ° oAXmeni0" Ju°' 3Mh’1M0'to d““ The average daily attendance for holds championship of 100 pigeons out delay, and rather tbau wait she archet flit* pa«t month Ims been very good, in 100 consecutive «hots is living SPECIALTY IN ALL KINO OF CAKES brings It dum berseli.”—N»w York 0?dji5gm7niOn,Jan 12th' 19W’ ‘° da,e it l>< fug ninety seven and seven at Lincoln, 111. Recently inter­ L . The Fashionable Tail* Mun. viewed, he says:- "1 suffered u O"lJudgm«rtO" F • LrPtel5!jr I'Hlamook, r ’ . l!U ” and th * • ‘ «I» <>f the tile High S.-I kki I coach, Prof. Ralph voiding, t In arising in the morn­ i feet per acre. Sitka spruce farming tirst publication being on the JQth dnv Gallery. Moore, met on the gridiron in a ing I would get dull headaches. Quality" RE-CLEANED ¡about 'Aljier cent of the stand and ^¿tl Iu k of tuterv»t failed «u ered with my kidneys or bladder have a complete line up anil liud to and again feel like my own «.-If ” Alfalfa and Grains for ' dime »■ large individual tree» na tbe INSURANCE, FIRE' j spruce or westeru red cedar, llie for­ Biliousness is due to a disordered liorrow one of lhetr op|>oiienl’» men C. 1. ('lough. MARINE, ACCIDENT, Cham- mer occMHluually sbowlug a diameter condition of the stomach. und an itlivr Inmi the crowd. The i (mod results always follow the BONDS, Etc. I of «lx feel with a height uf ISO feet berlain s Tablets are essentially a game started nt ILilU p.m., with the i use of Foley Kidney Pills. They ■md the cedar diameter» nt tn>u> three stomach medicine, intended espe­ T illamook • O r ^0* Ciceronian’» ki< k off. tu.tli sides contain just the ingredients neces­ We hare Special Mixtures for ' tu fuur feet. cially to act on that organ; to cleanse fought hard, but with aVlll| lln|(| sary to tone, strengthen and regu SjH'eial }*iiqs>sea— Both Phones.____._- it, strengthen it, tone and invigorate .ate the kidneys mid bladder, and It. to regulate the liver and to banish Within live minute» ut the end of logi urv backache. Chan. 1. Clough Dry Land Future Mixtu»». Wrt These Questions. biliousness positively and effectual L and Orrica Bviixui ■ the first half. Verle Stnnlev. the land Pa,tar» Mi.lur., Special Wadwwortb tat the telephone»—HH- For "ale by Lamar’s Drug Store. Miatur« for Burned-over Land. You arc not experimenting- on Emersonian left end. broke’ away a • TBC,atT¥ —n-r >»t Is this Malo SW7? Voice at the Cevor Crepe for Orchards. OWING & COW* The Gratitude of Elderly people Irom his interference and dashed yourn. ll when you take Chamber- Other End — Yes. Wbu do von want io lain « lougli Remedy lor a cold as (»oes out to whatever helps give TH1 as tka aatv* »f y young yon I push««| the ’•Eiiiies" I m < k until John children with implicit confidence “It Beata All •' Adi ftr Catalog Ha ( Keeping His Ward. Ebinger. tl e right half f„r the Ci, »» it contains no harmful drug. from ■,wter of m . 'Mr INmtin Stax said be was going Stockwell. Hannibal. Mo. “I re­ Jç£RS. ALICIA PHEL* e onians. broke down the line tor H Sold by I^imar'a Drug Store. •o r-tlre -with a fortune V cently used Foley's Honey and Tar touchdown, but was tackled when Stray Calf. "orruNo. oasooN He ban kept bis word Whenever for the first time. To sav I am within ten feet of the goal. But it A stray Jersey heifer calf, about he goes to sleep be pota bl« wallet pleased does not half express my GRADUATE nurse wu. only a matt r <4 time, tor when six months A piece of fl.n. I •nd hie f-kerk book under bts pBlow." feelings. It beats all the remedied has liess on H. H. „ J’T „ , ---------- net dampened with ChnmheHaia's < lent King, their lull Is., k ncviwd 1 e.^er 1 eontracted a bad — Washington Star. Have» place on the Sandlake road cold and was threatened with uudb"i",J 'ti.'.‘V ,he '•"’•¡fur about a month, and the ..wnerTa MRS. PAGE’S HOUSE. rtr"* ’"1*^(0» piaster pneumonia. The first doses gave made the touchdown. They ' hereby „o,.^ c).in, ,hr " F Mana Inhumanity to man -nake« «Treat relief and one bottle com­ . 00- cor sale by Lamar • Drug Store. ’ couuOeaa ibouanda do likewHr,- Mfr. pletely cured me.” Cuntaina no TILLAMOOK, opiates. Chas. L Clough. KATES dp SUBSCRIPTION. , C ^2^7’ c- , s. VIERECK, Tillamook Bakery, , FALL SOWING C . PORTLAND SEED CO .