4 TILLAMOOK, & s nvite You to Make This ink Your Depository. . . OREGON, OCTOBER $i-5o per year Tillamook Agents for the Dependable GOLDEN FLEECE YARNS. Stock now complete. HOME OF THE CELEBRATED MONARCH HOSE FOR LADIES, CHILDREN AND BOYS. f you have an idle hundred—or fifty iny other amouut w'hich you desire lay aside for safe keeping, bring it this bank for deposit. We issue Certificates of Deposit payable on demand, also Time Cer­ tificates bearing 4 per cent interest. 20 Main Floor, Right Aisle. CLOTHING LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. The critical eye has no prejudice when coming in contact with <2 0 Hart-Schafftier & Marx Clothes ; you’ll find your ideal in cut. pattern and style for the professional or business tpan. Take for instance in this class, the VARSITY cut, that adds strength to the personality, or for those who desire the smart ultra fashion in pleasing mixtures of fine English worsteds, the SHAPE MAKER model, smartly finished to the extreme, style in every detail. And to more thoroughly impress you that no oversights are lacking in this department, men of experience will gladlv show the different clothing for different men in all walks of life. .AMCOK COUNTY BANK ILLAMOOK, OREGON OVERCOAX5 TOO. Hart-Schaffner & Marx Good Suits are not high priced, better "'$20 to $35.00 Suit. wo°l K JOTTINGS •e specialist Hart-Schaffner &* Marx. Time to think almut the overcoat. right now, the picking is good, take a look, pricing select at - - - ......................................... Young Men’s and Boy’s Suits. A collection of high art suite, colors of fancy browns and stylish grays. Take a look nt what the well groomed voung man of to-day wears. LI A 4-«^ Cl 7 EA G? 3«. Sizes. 32 to 30. - - - Priced 10 >1<.3U oUll. Young Men’s Overcoats. The very latest novelties, suggestions from sty ledom that makes the necessary overcoat Cl A Cl C AA a fashion garment. - . - . Priced ut «plv CO >19.Vv. Chas. Ray, the Cloverdale nier- chant and dairyman, was in town the first of the week. $20 to $35.00. r at Mrs. Hill’s. . Have you seen those e home made bread. Petticoats at Patzlaf’s? In price one of Mrs. Hill’s from $4.25 to $6.75 each, The Golden Gate came in on Wed­ ewriter, cheap.—D. nesday, and working her cargo all night, left down this morning. The Tillamook Hose Co. had its regular monthly business meeting ¡was in from Blaine in the City hall, Thursday night. P iano for Sale, at a bargain. May was up from Bay- be seen at Mrs. Plank’s, forenoons, or enquire at the Headlight office. * lay. Three watchmakers are kept busy for hitehouse & Son at Howard Wahlen’s, up-to-date , etc. jeweler, Nehalem and Tillamook. . by the sack or the « Prompt attention given to all . Shrode. watch work at Howard Wahlen’s, ■ell, the Beaver land- up-to-date jeweler, Nehalem and ■n Monday. Tillamook. n. of Beaver was in Get your doors and windows from n business. the Tillamook Lumber Mfg. Co. ran in on business You save money by doing so. ’ Wednesday. Henry Crenshaw returned Tues" ! best kind, at the day from Portland, where he has iber Mfg. Co. . l>een on business for the past week. id Dee Moon were in See Mrs. Shrode for lessons in th caacara Friday. painting. A sample of her work on and J. P. Houston, may be seen at Jenkins’ Jewelry s in town Tuesday. Store. : Wear in all styles at Frank Chipman, an insurance iw line just received.’ man of St. Johns, lias been looking td, $10.00 a ton. T. Botts left Wednes- up business in town ess trip to Portland, week. ro dairy cows. Ap- Jack Latimer went to 'ard at Beals’ office. ’ Sunday to meet his wife, property and avoid been visiting for the Whitehouse A Son. ’ weeks. the past Portland who has pust two Frank and Harry Crane were Inley came in from rday, returning Sun- in town Saturday, to be present at the hearing of the case of Roy eler, of the Wheeler Smith. Gene Jenkins is having the in­ terior of his jewelry store re­ lard was in from Hein- papered and fixed up in general ooking into his inter- by H. Sours. The Board of Equalization is in :e paid for Hides, Furs session this week, and thus far Its. N. Melchior, Till- only 12 protests have been,filed but not acted upon. was in the city Wed- The monthly business and social ing left for Portland rask Tuesday to be meeting of the Epworth League was held at the home of T. H. Goyne, Tuesday night. Crane spent Saturday 15C Cords of Wood Wanted. Make rith her parent« on bids by letter by October 26th. ad­ dressed to the Tillamook Electric 'S can be obtained Light 4 Fuel Co. look Lumber Mfg. C. W. Mclnvaine, one of Bay City's progressive real estate men, eapestand best paper stopped in town Wednesday while n. Leave orders at on his way to Portland. Co. , H. S. Turner has sold his print- lerson, one of Threo^T". ing plant at Pacific City, who is waive farmers, was going to California on account of the :aday. continued illness of his wife. »y, >28 a ton and L ; Oat Hay, >29 >1.50 1001b. See we or Wm. Cortis, Man. r’s Store, LAHAR, Pre t«d in th* OOK Boy’s Knickerbocker Sults Clothing. D. HOTEL». in and book round.*’ GOODS on h boat. Team for sale. 2M»I pounds. Good and true. Aino two new wagon« for sale. Enquire of W. H. Purdin or D. I. Shrode, Tillamook, Ore. . John Bolin, Fred Alexander and Chas. Hood were up from Bayocean Saturday. They report things at about a standstill there at present. For sale, house 6 rooms, large wood house, all out buildings, all in good order. 2 kits 90 x Iflfl Price 11380; Inquire at the Headlight Office. Clay Daniels was down from Fol ey Monday. From the appearance of Clay's face there must have been a strong wind storm in hie neigh­ borhood. r Wahlen Bron, have opened op at Nehalem a jewelry store io conne* - tion with there eSore in this city, and Howard Wahlen has charge of the new store. Dr. D. G. Laughlin. V. S.. who hse been taking rare of Dr. Reedy's work during his slnttse. left by Trask stage Tuesday to be gone indefinately The pride of the store is this department, nattv suits in all the uewesf wool mixtures and plain serges, man tailored and cut in the $2.75 to $10.00 Suit. latest Fall style, pricing them from Dress Trousers. For both men and young men till wool Scotch bannockburns and English tweeds, check, stripes, mixteres, very C../rL’at I. ... latest shapes and cut. Special &£•.' New Fall Foot Wear. Take a look at the chic new shapes. and children, Dre«« shoes, walking «hoes, advance winter shapes, fitted by salesmen who know. Huy shoes now (or the whole family. revelation of $2.68 pr. LOT NO. 3. Ladies' Patent Colt with colored suede top in Clian- ticler red, gray and purple, extreme fashion last, both z-o welt and turn soles. Rerienced plumber, on your work. Will guarantee our work, having just employed an ex­ of Portland, ha* been engaged by Plaakcr Bro«., of thia city, to assist perienced plumber. them in tlieir busines*,aa they have Preaching at the Presbyterian a large amonnt ofbu*ine**on hand Church on Sunday evening by the I at Huyocean Park. • Pastor. Rev. A G. Finney, when his 1,(^1 Bob Mattoon and Charlie Dennie, subject will ba ’ Thomas the Douli | of Washington County, arrived in er.” Sunday school at 10 a.m. I town Sunday, coming in over the Snow Drift flour, $5.»» a bbl. and I Trask road, on their horae*. They $1.50 a sack. Lighthouae flour, $».«> I intend to be here for a while look* Im a bbl. and $!.*> a »«ck. ing after buainess interest». perial flour. $5 75 « bld. and $1 45 a aack.—W m . CLttria, The Grain I S. Vierick receive«I a large boga i brad of mince meat from the Man. Heinze Company on the last KI*, Casper and Rudolpli Zwcifel were I C. I. Clough baa tieen having the more and promisee to put out the front of hie store repainted the beat piea in the town, and if taste operated on by Dr. R T. Bonis Isst past week. He ha« alao had a fine week Casper was given «urgical ■ can tie relied upon they are auch. glass front case put in his show treatment Wednesday and Rudolph Ixvui* and Walter Smith, who window, ao as to have nrnre alielf was operated on for rupture Sator ' have tieen serving a term in the ror.m. day. They are larth improving I county jail tor larceny, were relraa- Found, a puree, »»ear the editor * nicely. i ed by Sheriff ( renahaw, Tuesday new residence, north of town, con­ J. J Hurlliert, agent of Ibe Inter ! morning, their father tiring notified taining a »mail amount of silver. It by the stir rift to take them home nt national Life Insurance Co., who wm found by James Christensen did a land office briaineaa roping j once • nd left with the editor to find its in people to take out (»obcra in that J Jmlgr thdfoway and wife were in | owner. *>• < om|iaay, ia having a preliminary Tli^ bearing today charged with the The («ssengers sho went out on 1 town the first of the week came in by Ute («rand Ron«tr roa«l lorgery of a note from I- C. Miller. Ibe Swe H. Elmore la«t we« k were Mr*. Spemer. W. L Br,*n and dau Saturday try private conveyance Mra. Plank, who has just return ghter. M. R Haonenkrat and wife, and returned to their home in Mr- rd from an extended trip to the Nellte Hannenkrat. Frank Haneen j Minnville, by the Trask route Titea "outal'ie ' wotld where ahe has baei» brat and wife. Web Mug and family. I day. The judge aeema to be enjoy viailing. t.a»h her old hoarder* bach ing hte judging tiom the smile cn and rr»uo>e.| her duties aa landlady jss Johi»a«m. <». H hr. I G Dedlo*. Thoms. Hr.wie» H Cren- his (•« Monday. Iler aon Albert, who works •ahaw and («tient. I w with McNnir A Co., and wife have liad charge of Mr«. Plank’s home during her absence. Bear in mind that at Patzlaf’e they have a full line of Ladle«’ Tail­ or made Suit* in «11 sizes ami styles. Also they are agent« for the Amer­ ican laidtea’ Tailoring Co., of Chi­ cago, anti take orders (or Hulls, coat« and skirts made to measure and guarantee u fierfect fit. • Scores of Tillamook Cheese ex- bibite«! at State Fair, Salem, are: 40 30 lo 10 10 Fl. Bod. Sit. C ol. Fi. T. J. Ballantine 'JI 29 10 10 IO Clover Leaf Cry. 36 'JU 10 III 10 A. J R«iger« .. V> JU 10 10 IO A. Schmelzer *4(» JU 10 10 IO Three RiveraCry 34 2»Lfc 10 10 10 Mrs. T E Epplet,accompanied by tier hu«l>ond and Mrs. ( has. Bogert, started for Monte Vista, Colorado, where she will s|M-nd the winter with her brother, Dr. Polks k of that place, It is hoped that the change will improvs Mrs. Epplet'a health, she being afflicted with bronchitic. Mr, Epplet «nd Mr». Bogert will only go as fur us Put land. - V In the case of Rev. T Etudger, appeiled to the My nod of the North, west, which was tried in Chia city, «nd a decision re n. I«-red against him. the Synod has revaraed lh>s I«,- it majority ot 7» yae« ami 13 nays. As som as Rev. F El>.eger receives <>ffi< isl notice hr wi 1 re* sum« I is di tie« > s pastor of the German Reformed < hureti —*■