>1 lILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER 13, 1910 I , a « Summary of Assessment of[ Reaeliing th. j Tbc Revival Meetings. i In any railing of w. “The Poor Married Man,” for two Tax Roll for 1910. R night*, next Friday and Saturday, vigorous body i’ The third week of the big revival ' Without health thete « jl ; at the Opera Hr use. Never before meeting at the tent conducted by | Acres of tillable lauds, I But Eh ctric Bitten l(, | iiave the members of the Dramatic Evangelists Olson anil Moss shows f greatness he stands above Wes- Gross value $13,926,578 • ATTORN EV-tf. the faulty and inconsistent detects iey, Knox or Calvin and is the equal the necessary amount now. You Dave Curtis uus given the contract i f the Home Rule measure, and if Luther. Complete set of Absttg He was the only man To Voters. for the erection of a one story buid can leave it in our Powder house the applause was frequent and vtio dared to meet the great infidel in office. Taxes paa Attend to enthusiastic, He said that the so- i (g to be erected ml Ins place on and get it as needed. Don't wait until it is called Home Rule Bill was nothing Robert Owen in public debate. That Less than 3(X) voters in the' the Trask river, which ie this matter. Residents. * more or less than a measure drafted lebate silenced forever tire public district affected signed the to l>e built of concrete block furn­ all gone.—K ing it. K ing A SMITH C o . the Post Otta. I it any time has ever called itself a j - -------------- ___ ' ‘. Voters of the state j The Church , powerful. There will he preaching both 21st, and become acquainted with wide open towns clothed in the garb Camphellite Church. of hell anil destruction. Mr. Eddy’s morning and evening at the 1 res- the ways. I of Christ has been called the Camp- outside of the counties affected , Q_EORGE WILLET! After the regular meeting of the address win much enjoyed, and an I bellite Church in derision, but it has can know but little of these byteriini L liurch next Sunday by tin- pastor, Rev. S. G. Finney, to Invincible l.iterary Friday night its effort will probably be made to per­ I never Accepted the nickname and county division measures. We A ttorn ey - at -L ai i of Washington kuow nothing which all are heartily invited. Mrs. members went in a body to the home suade him to stump the county in I has never worn it. Berry, a talented vocalist from Mich­ of Jonas Olson for the purpose of opposition to the bill against which I I am not a Camphellite, tiecause 1 j of the merits of those not affect­ Next to Tillamook Ci igan, will sing at the evening ser­ bidding furewell to Miss Rose Bryan, he spoke last evening.—Umpqua las the text says we are to do all ing us, and believe such ques­ who, with her father, leave on the Valley News. Bank, vice. tions should be left to the coun- I things in the name of the Lord The young i affected. Washington The Sue H. Elmore left on Satur- Elmore for Portland. I Jesus, not in some human name. i ties T illamook - Ot A Fatal Mistake. d ly with the following passengers: people played games until late in I I Acts 11:26 tells us that Christ’s fol- county cannot afford to lose the evening, when refreshments I Rev. J. F. Dunlop and family, Miss I lowers were first called Christians this territory and Multnomah A H. GOYNE, While giving her 3-tuonth I at Antioch. The Greek word for does not need it. We ask you i Della Fox, F. M. Simeral, Rev. Sun­ were served, after which they tiled bourne and family, Sister Mary out one by one, bidding Rose good old baby what she thought to be I called in this passage means divine- to vote ¡139 X No.—W. I). Wood, I Anti - Annexation j Barlda, O- B. Helt, C. B. Me- l>ye and wishing her success and sweet oil, Mrs. Pangboru, being I ly called. A ttornf . y - at Ln. The followers of Christ Chairman Cuteham, II. A. Philips, Flunk happiness in her new home, where- mistaken in the bottle, poured I were never called by any human Committee, Hillsboro, Oregon. Office : Opposite Coniti out a teaspoonful of carbolit ()rr, George Hobson anil Mrs. ever it may he. I names in the days of the Apostles, The deal has been closed whereby acid. The unfortunate accident I but were called Christiane. There- btewnrd. Notice. T illamook , O i occurred about 8.30 on Wednes­ Attorney Percy R Kelly, who is Frank Rhodes and Burdett Ship­ I tore if I live by the Book 1 must be i day evening, and realizing the called Christian and not Campbell-1 Notice is hereby given that on ■ >■<■ of the nominees on the Repub­ man take posession of the Geiu Monday, October 17, 1910, the Coun­ mistake she had made after ad­ lican tii ket tor circuit judge, was in Theatre formerly onwedand run by I ite or any other human name.” T. B<>ALS,iJ), ty Board of Equalization will meet Mr. Shipman ministering the dose, a doctoi at the Court ¡louse of Tillamook t.ie county this week, uiukiiig the Charles Reynolds. 1 v ingeliat Olson still continues was immediately sent for, but County, Oregon, and publicly ex­ ucqusiiituiic« of the voters. 1 his is returned from Portland, where he his services were of no avail, I to demonstrate his ability to hold amine the assessment rolls for PHYSICIAN & SUHfl the flrat time that he has visited has been making arrangements to I uis auditors. Every night he prea- said jear, and correct all errors in lor it was only a question ol this county, and he is gieatly ini- secure films from one of the best I dies from fifty minutes to over an valuations, descriptions of lands TILLAMOOK how long the child would live houses on the coast, They have pleased with the future possibilities I hour and yet his hearers sit in rapt and other pioperty. Said board after he arrived, which was Office- (Ilion BuiMinf. inside and been remodeling the of 1 illamook. I attention, not showing the least will continue in session from day putting electric effects into the thea­ about two hours. Mr. Pang to day, until the examination, cor ­ Residence: Mrs. Weiss' how,( At u «pedal meeting of the City tre anil intend to give the first show born lives on the Eberrnan place I sign of uneasiness. Mr. Olson is a rection and equalization of the Mis. WeHwr'i. I wonderfully rapid speaker. Nearly assessment rolls for said county Council on Friday evening, the Thursday night. A three piece or­ and delivers milk in the city. tail of his sermons contain upwards shall be completed. pioposition of tile Electric Light chestra will furnish music. of 10,(XX) words and they pour forth I Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, M. KER RON, j t o. to do away with all the arc Roy Smith, a son of L. L. Smith, Sudden Death of H. H. Hayes. I in such torrents that his hearers September 17, 1910. light« with the exception ot three A. M H are , was arrested mid brought to this must keep ever outlie alert to catch null install more small lights, pro­ County Assass or PHYSICIAN & SURC-I Death suddenly claimed H. I all be says. The music this week vided the company was paid J uki city, where he was locked up in the county jail with his two brothers, H. Hayes, a cespected citizen of lhas been superb. The Moss Kami- C oncrete B dium » for the expenses they had gone to Singer Sewing Machines. who were sentenced tosix months on Sandlake, in this city on Wed­ I ly has made an enviable reputation hi putting them in, was rejected. a charge of larceny. It appears that nesday morning soon after 8 I in this community as singers of fine Tillamcok, Now is your opportunity to get The passengers who came in on Roy used threatening ¡mil disgust­ o’clock. He had come to the Tlie solos by Mr. Moss on a machine that will last you a life the >ue II. Elmore on \\ edueaduy ing language, and nourished a gun. city the previous day, and hav­ I ability. I Sunday evening, "My Heavenly time, on easy monthly, payments were J. W. Ferguson and wife, C. in the school grounds of the district ing done his trading, was pre­ I Father Watches Over Me,” and on that you will scarcely miss and j~^R. I. M. SMITH, Bartholomew, Dorn Ferguson, Chris in which be resides. A most seri­ paring to return home Wednes­ no interest. I Tuesday evening, “His Eye Is On I personally guarantee every nia- Wyss, M. H. Iloven, Mrs. Hoven, ous charge could have been prefer­ day morning, and while in chine and will keep it in repair free PHYSICIAN 4 SURGI Miss Iloven, W. II. Moore and wile, red against the Isiy, hut this was Roseniberg Bros, store he fell I the Sparrow,” were splendidly sung. of charge. I In addition to his ability as a solo- biater Gabriel, Tliomus Kaya, Hor­ modified so that if, on a preliminary to the floor and expired. The Your old machine will be taken Office orer J. A. Todd 4 I ace Kays, Mrs. Fred C. Baker, Mrs. I hearing County Judge Goodspeed body was removed to the under­ I ist, Mr. Moss is a fine chorus direct-' as part payment. Tillamook. Of». lor. He has the knack of getting Machines delivered at your home, 11. Sclliukel, Raymond Sclliukel. I finding the charge proven, he can lie taker’s, and the relatives of the I every body to sing and enjoy it- on f.ee demonstration trial. Tlieie are u number oi improve- ' sent to the reform school. The case deceased and Coroner Hawk Cail in and see the New Singer 66. I Thia makes the song service one of incuts living made m the kk I cwh IR h is set for this afternoon. were immediately notified of I the attractive features of the meet- j B urdett S hipman , Tillamook, Ore. Whalem’s Jewelry Store iil years with his wife ami fam­ ly every meeting. UptoWednea- OPPOSITE THE ALLEN HOUSE. Tuesday night the members of moved by a certain date, and u tew ily, who survive him. He was I day night twenty one had come into K. BE A l ?, t ic Methodist Church met at the j months liefore the expiration of the a man highly respected, I the church, sixteen by confession Corner Stillwell Ave. and First ! date the company entered into a parsonage at eight o'clock to give especially amongst the early land baptism and five by letter or St. West, and lioth Phones. t ieir new pastor, Rev. H. J.Salisbury |contract with Wheeler to haul the settlers of the county. The body statement. REAL ESTATE Baptismal services are i a reception in the way of u surprise i logs into the river with his donkey was removed to Sandlake in the held every evening at the church at1 SPECIALTY IN ALL KINO OF CAKES F inancial A gd X engine. Not having removed the afternoon._____________ a id donations of good things. seven o’clock. They spent u moat enjoyable even lugs, Anderson enjoined the com­ A great program has lieen arrang­ Fine Dairy Farm ALL KIND OF BREAD. Tillamook, Oreg» ing at the I'm soilage and hope to pany from removing any more logs. ' ed for Sunday, Oct. 16. At lu o'clock have made the pastor feel welcome. which was sustaineil by the circuit' 386 acres, lying 3 miles from « great Bible School rally will be i court, but is now pending in the Florence, the banking and shipping I held. R. P. J. SHARP. At 11 o’clock Evangelist Ol,- ‘ The past week a deal hua I k - cii supreme court. Wheeler is wanting ceuter of the district, with regular son will speak on “The Monuments j dosed whereby W. E. Noyes und I his pay for logging and now sues tioat to Portland. Arthur Heals exchange _ of the Church.” At 12 noon a big ; property. resident dentist . tlie Kim puny for $3,(MX) and for t lie 131 acres i« dy ked tide inurah, all I basket dinner will be held. Tins' Mr. Non s has moved onto his new further sum of $Tiil)s|>eciat damages. in grass and worth fdtXI |>er acre. Office across the street fr** ly purchased pl.ire and will build a 41 a res tide marsh in grass and has been a most delightful occasion Il, C. Kunze has announced him­ not dyked, wortli $100 p«r acre. 216 I the last two Sundays, over a hun­ home on it as he Ims sold nearly Court House. two thuds per acre I serv e hot coffee and tea. place. p-l-A SARCHET, primary nominating election, but for pasture and apple raising. I At 2 o clock memorial services at Last Saturday the little liluck J the word was passed out amongst Fresh water taint stream rum I- . The Fashio««®’ team driven to the deliver)' wagon through the tract. Fine building the unveiling of a great monument caused a great ileal I of excitement I the Democrats to write his name on site, but no building Only 30 will be held At 3 o'clock a "String C æa-jing, Pressing a»d W* mi Main street »lien tliey ran up the ballots for joint representative, miniites by motor boat to bank at and Candle " sen ice bv the children boat landing. Good the lull anil were not stopped until wluch they did, and which gave him Portland , | ‘ K m d * r ^ ,ed hT Mr " O**»» ing a Specialty school, church, stores, creamery, ”■ a T!*’’ w,u '* a »«ntqwe in trout nt I'liGhifa, They liecame I the nomiuatioii on the Democratic mill. etc., near building site. Total FRUIT. tNj ¡ticket. This is not the first time -erviee never to be forgotten bv liightencil lit the noise of the present value. >70,7ttl I want to those who Ice it At 7.3U the Evan'- Store in Heins Bb whistle mi the Elmore, amt a* 1 that Mr. Kunze lias aspired to poli­ sell and will take $30.'OI. with $5- gelist will »peak oa fhe Greatest In IMM he was the 000 cash and balance long time with U ontroversy Settled Right ” Rv ” I tiler were lett standing loose tical honors. Gallery« 6 l>er cent interest. [ is invited. J it was no easy in.liter to get away, Socialists candidate for - ounty clerk , Gzo. M elvin M illbk . in oppoaition to Thon. Coates, Dem- S WHITES^ There was no damage dune except Box XL Eugene. Ore. K'l’.« ■ Murderer STRAWBERRY ocnit. and G. H laiuili, Reputilican. 1 Plat the tongue was broken. A mcrvilcss murderer is Appendi­ « SON, fflWSRU PLANTS the latter winning out with a small Stray Calf. citis with many victims. Rut Dr. INiwder I* Here. Our Powder | plurality over Coates. The Dem INSURANCE. FIJJf King's >«w !.. 1« Fills kill it by pre A stray Jeisejr heiier calf, about ventin i. 1 hey gently atimutaie sto­ came Salurila) and can Is* had any ' ocruta claimed after the etai-tion, MARINE. ACCIO« time now. As it is getting the time hail there ts-en no Socialiat candi­ six months i kL has lieen on IL H« mach. liver and bivweln. preventing BONDS, Etc. ot year when tian*|«iitation is nn- . date. they would havs elected ’heir H.i)e«' place on the Samllake road that clogging that invites appendi­ citi«. curing Constipation. Headache li t about a month, and the owner is certain, we would suggest that any candidate furcount) clerk. T illamook Riho» Bea», Chills. iChc. al Chas. hereby notified to claim the same. I. Clough'«. Both P>** We Keep.............. for Record You. I h 0 0 O’ H » « TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK I 1 1 I s. 1 < < u * I I 1 i I 4 I t I 1 I I % I I ) t I i < < i I t I f > 1 i » t I • W.c-HAWI1 s. VIERECK, Tillamook Bakery. ■ IROS K