TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER 13. 1910. n I Malphus Johnson........... ... 70.75 »I wards... 26 (II H. Mitchell................................... aux) J Finagan ... 12.141 Andy Hayden......... ..................... 27.50 Otis Edwards.... 55. (X) Wm. Hoskins............................... . 1625 Harry Brown .... 37.25 [This was crowded out last week for • Y •* Jim Woodward .................... . 8050 J. R. Thompson. 40 l III want of space. | Amos Vaughn............................... 25.00 K. ¡i. Huys 3(125 Mark Hobson................................. 55.75 Jay Hoyt.................. 25.50 The mail quartet made its first Geo. Hobson................................... 55.75 U. Edwards........... . 111.00 appearance of this term at the so­ P. Cassidy........................................ 53.25 Harold Ladd......... . 8.75 73.37 Ed Carter................. 20.75 ciety and showed that with a little of County Coni- Geo. Eichinger............................. Clark Smith................................... 29.75 practice they will be able to render Work in R. D. No. 6 mposed of Judge i Bob Kennedy........... .................. «7.50 O. Mattoon................................. 26 25 good music in a way which should 1 Commissioners Mose Gilliam................................. 45.00 Chas. Ray .... .................. 183.25 plftise anyone. ........................ 25.00 Coy Bailey................................. tlley, whs in se»- A. Schwinger 21.25 F. Illingsworth .................... ... 22.70 t and allowed a Guy Mattoon................. .......... One thing of importance needed 54.50 Harry Reeher ............................... 14.1X1 E. D. Landingham............. .25 for the High School, ami that is a if bills for road Chris Kohn ..................................... 14.00 Orley Kellow .... ............... 32 SO and other pur- Gun Glieen ...................................... gymnasium with liot ami cold water 4. (XI E. J. Kellow ........................ 68.50 John Hickey .............. 24 00 Geo. Kellow.......................... .. 61 50 shower and plunge baths, where Work in R. D. No. 3. of the S. Barber Tom Kellow.............................. 20.1» the lioye may clean up after a game. id was ordered Leslie Jones................................... 25.75 Everything of that nature that we 25.00 W'ard Sappington........ I. H. Jones ...................................... 48.75 Isaac Hill ............................... 18 00^ have ,lw*c ever rias nxu o oy paia ever riser had has had » to by paid 58.50 Ernest Baker ........................ idlake by the Sea P. Scranz.......................................... 21.751 for by the student, plays and if some Thomas Olsen ........................ S. V. Anderson............................. «1.00 23.001 benevolent person does not donate 62.50 H. I.. Huffman...................... ted: Cloverdale Mer- Will Hanenkratt........................... M. Middaugh . .............. M. Abpanalp ................................. 92.50 •' little we shall have to build one (21.65 ; I eall A Co., 1.00 25.00 1 A Co.. for $ ' 6 30 ; I T. Gaecliter..................................... on the same conditions. Phil Messenger...................... 1.00 . Martin ............................................ 40.00 for$7.50, surveyor’s 1.50 . Tagman ...................................... 13.00 Joe Price..................................... lard road ; claims of One tiling being talked of at pre- t .75 6(0 Dave Imlah............................ I s of eliC ion at Bay 40.00 sent by some of the faculty is the 12.15 Martin Jenck............................ . Baumgardner........................... 18.75 j installing of a bath room, for the 45.50 H. Foster................................... G. Hanenkratt ........................... 85.00 Win. work............. 20.00 ball teams to bathe after agame, in 106.00 P. Frice..................................... 2 50 Ren 43 75 I irk ................ 15.00 E. F. Frice ............................... SOPÌ (be basement. Such a room could 18.25 irk .................. Dale Taylor ............................ 48.75 N. Hansen........................................ 22.06 Wm. Redburg............................. salary......... 18.75 ,je fixed up at little ex|iense, and it 101.50 E. Giletta..................................... 32.60 Oren Lucas .................................... ary................. 42.50 would make the laiys feel like some 54.25 B. E. Randall ........ 69.00 W'alter Severance........................ supervisor 18. ¿5 ' ’ one had an interest in their work. 42.50 Merrill Morris...................... supervisor, 69.75 46.75 ; 33.75 James Tnilah .................... N. Dye .............................................. Now would be a good time to get a 36.00 Wm. Bodyfelt ............................... upervisor... 5.00 9.25 Chas. Edwards . 13.25 P. Jacobs.......................................... id work......... 51.(10 little fixing up done on the Stillwell 10.00 A. Imlah..................................... id work ... 08.95 B. Jacobs.......................................... 5625 Park. There is no place for the boyn ................. 5.00 Ed Knobloch 88.80 FOJi RATES— ADDRESS J. R. GLADDEN, Agent. supervisor, 50.00 to play football or baseball without 1200 Webb Hudson.... .... .. George W’illiaine........................... 72.00 aiqiervisor.. 73.150 200 Will Hudson............................ John Heagney............................... oad work... 88.00 Wm. Hughey................................. 49.50 going to a great deal of expense. 55.00 Elmer Calkins...................... 60.00 Egbert Goods peed...................... oad work . 89.50 If things were arranger! suitably 11.25 John Fleck................................. 75.00 Wm. Latimer................................. road work.. 38.75 the boys would undoubtedly be will­ 17.10 Will Gleck ............................... 6.66 Chas. Svenson............................. 29.(0 ing to help put the gridiron and .. 75.25 C. L Butts........................ 250.00 Chas. Jennings....................... .. xt 21.25 73.(11 A. C. Calkins ........................ iddach bridge 3948. (X) Albert Darby................................. 29.50 diamond in shape. 73.00 Clyde Lane................................. 04.43 i, mrch 17.50 Marion Darby........................... .. 100.00 J. J. Hudson............................ Debating is a subject which is be­ 1.10 Amos Vaughn............................. rch...... 35.25 .55.00 Clyde Hudson...................... ing talked of to some extent, at pre­ 10(0 A. Sherman..................................... work... 15.00 7.00 Doi war Brooten...................... 50.00 Warren Vaughr ......................... We have some alary.... 22.25 sent, in school. 250 D. T. W'erschkul................. 50.00 D. B. Darby......................... .. 33.75 good old material on hand and 10.00 Ralph Werscbkul.................. alary.................... 133.33 H. R. Hasselburg...................... 33.00 some new people who may make a 10.00 John Imlah............................... Jary...................... 100.00 Jack Jensen ................................... 57.50 129.50 Thos. Edwards...................... alary.................... 5600 Amos Vaughn............................. 45.30 good showing in the tryout. The 6(X) Wm. Lawrence...................... 17.50 I public should take more inter-st in salary................ 133.33 Jim Williams................................. 2.(1) James Lane............................... llary .................... «3.34 G. F. Dick ...................................... 18.75 this line of work. Glen White................................. 45.83 ilary...................... 1250 Bridge Lane............................. Work in R. D. No. 4. 32.00 Undoubtedly the school will use , board of pria (X).(X) 1.75 Mark Bays................................. 33.50 Tom Pearson .................................. 39.(0 ,, janiter............. 250 the same means for raising funds A. B. Scott......... ■...................... overpaid on tax 2.01 S. E. Barclay................................. 28.(1) that they did last year, i.e., High Chas Waymire.. ..■................ fel Co.................... 2150 Oscar Smith................................... 2.(1) Elmer Davis............................ School plays. W’e will be able to 39.25 Jeff Fleck................................... Co., mrch......... 9.45 A. Anderson................................... 2.50 Next Io < <>untv BMnk 18.50 work out some fine material in Illis «mime, mrch.. 99.00 Geo. Washington...................... 1.30 A. Arstill................................... 1150 B. McRoberts ............................. ospital, county line and will promise the public the of - election. Judges and clerks cle.L------ J 22.75 20.00 Harley Large................................. 4.40 best line of short plays ever put tie- 10.25 S. W. Elliott. Bay.................. »rch........................ 20.00 Geo. Washington...................... 100 fore the patrons of the High School. 07.50 E. B. Jacoby............................ inting .................. 61.8? Jas. Shaw ........................................ 3.00 49.25 W. B. Elliott............................ i, mrch............... .75 B. A. Leach................................. .... 3.00 i «5.00 J. S. Craig................................. express............... 7.25 L. D. Krake..................................... It seems thut church is hindering 3.00 <. 35.00 J. Hicks....................................... ' water.................. 5.00 Wm. Lousignot............................ 3.00 to some extent the proper amount 3600 F. E. Borneman................. ieg. electors....... 1600 Leslie Barber................................. 3.00 of study required to get good 460) Otto Walther, Beaver.... 610 W. H. Leach................................... reg. elect, re.. 100 grades. 30.(1) J. O. Jackson.......................... When students attend ch. . ................ 33.05 Mrs. Oscar Smith........................ 3.(0 A good achoo better, established repu tut ion. 27.50 W. N. Bays ............................. 25.04 L. L. Stillwell................................. on, meh............... 3.(0 church regular, staying out late of E. K. Gilliert .......................... 17.50 Successful graduates. Skillful, painstaking teachers. Living ’sh, work ......... 1650 Frank Fitzpatrick........................ nights, it causes them to loss 3.(0 A. W. Bunn ............................ 120.00 id work ............. 27.07 Joe Blaser ..................................... Many other advantages, Let us tell you 6.00 interest in their books and » h we expenses low. .......................... 66 25 I. W'. Hiner , ipcli. 6.10 P. Marolf.......................................... about them. Write for catalogue. 7.80 have already heared some say W. D. Gludwell, Blaine 89.50 tluil A Son, inch. .. 4.15 H. B. Johnson............................. 3.00 12600 J. C. Creecy............................... 6.91 II. Schlappt..................................... umber.................... 3.(0 they feel-like quiting because tlie H. L Jensen ............................ 59.50 >erCo., lumber. 137.08 Fred Blum....................................... 3.(0 course is too stiff. 50.6) R. O. Richards........................ 6.84 Norman Christenson................ lumber ............. 3.(0 F ...................... 44.(D F. J. Welch oudwork............... 35.00 J. Proctor ...................................... ÌH Our magnzine department 3 (X) E. E. Rowland........................ trees........................ 100.00 I-, W'. Berger................................. 115.00 rfl- A 100 fairly well stocked up this year, 90.(1) John A. Biggs, Barnegat rncli.......................... 600 C. E. Pearson................................. 3.(0 S. W. Grabel .......................... ft 51.50 although we could handle a few 11.00 Z. W'ells.............................................. ■n Works, meh. 4.00 5125 Geo. H. Higgins.................... oadwork ........... 1.40 Ike Stein non................................... more first class mugazines. How ­ 3.00 6100 John A. Biggs, jr................. FitOPRIItTON Mfg. Co., lumber 22.80 Rus« Johnson ........................... 3.(0 ever, we are thunkful for what we F. D. Mitchell ........................ <, taiard ................ 15.15 L. Goldsworthy.............. .......... 13600 100 have. A. C. Robinson ...................... 51. ’ 2 5 ty. Trask trestle. 27.(0 Riley Simmons............................. 5.(0 21.25 I. H. Moore, Carnahan... I Works, culverts 130.00 A. Proctor................................... . 3.(0 Elmer Hall ............................. The Sopltormore class met nt 32.00 J. Zurtluh ........... ......................... meals........................ 7.50 3.00 noon Monday and elected the fol James Christensen 32.60 J. Zurtluh Jr. ................................... Mfg. Co. .lumber 37.78 3.(0 , Chas. Desmond ...................... 51.75 ;at Co. meh.......... 50.74 Earl Pearson ........................ 3.(0 lowing officers for the ensuing year: 15.00 G. B. Crane............................... meh............................ 4615 ! S. Smith ............................................ 3.001 Benly Stain, president; Fay Todd, Alvin Blum .............................. 48.00 Hailer Work, Logger's Work and Henry Forging M. Painter........................................ removing trees., 1.00 ft 40 i vice-president; Verle Stanley, sec­ 39.00 Orley Kellow, Dolph roadwork............. 84.45 . Atkins................................... 3.(0' F. D. Bester. Fairview . Fine Machine Work a Specialty. 6 75 retary and treasurer, and |ohn hb- ful, roadwork. . 26(1) Homes... ............................. 3.00 57.(1» Wm. Tinnerstet...................... inger, sergeant at arms. They also Meh......................... 125 A. W. Atkins................................... 3.(0 ........................ TiLLAMOOK. OREGON 84.50 I uke Wolfe botham. hauling 7.50 Bill Corth.......................................... 3.(0 decided to open the social season 1125 I). Tinnerstet ........................ I. hauling....... 10.35 J. Blum................................... .... 3.00 by giving a party Sulurdtiy night. 3100 M. Abpanalp............................. a, lumber............. 7.72 Chas. McDivit............................... 3.(0 ....... 3X.60 W. K. Noyes ........................ n, meh....................... 4.20 Fred Robitsch 7. (0 W. H. Hoskins, Foley.... It has leen decided to have a try 17.50 Iaidd Quick ..................................... mb, gasoline ... 115.83 3.(0 W. H. Sales............................... 7.00 j H. Schilds ........................................ ab, gravel............. 115.00 3.(0 out game of foot ball tietween the 19.50 i John Hickey plank...................... 6.40 Jim Simmons................................. 100 ( two lilerury societies in the near 12 50 Clav Daniel. B. K. Turner ................................. ier, work on Wil- 3.(0 future. 1230’S. * Batterson ---------- ... Tlie Ciceronian society- 245.20 B. W. Turner................................. 3(0 have their line up complete ami 11.50 H. L Rittenhouse ros., meh........... 50.81 C. Desmond..................................... 3.20 25.60 Tbos. Coates. Hoquarton have had two nights practice. ros., meh.......... 13605 Oscar Johnson.. ......................... 3(0 1250 F. S. Whitehouse ............. I, meh................... 11.«) W. E. Anderson........................... 3.(0 Their line up is »* follows: Cient Alex Watt . ........................ 1125 J. P. ALtLiEN, Proprietor Co., meh. ... 155.00 Jacob Blum...................................... 3.(0 King, F. B.; Horace Sappington, 10.(JO T. B. Handley...................... 308.80 Alvin Blum..................................... gravel.................... 3.00 R. H.| John Ebinger, 1- It.; Will 7.25 S. A. Brodhead -------------- 85.47 Geo. Dorr............................................ nah.......................... 100 20.00 ; C. B. Vantrees................................. Desmond ............................. 23.25 Wm. Turner... work.................... 3(0 Anderson, I. B.; Howard Harris, (0.00 J. J. McGinnis, Helio.................. Blum.......... Chas. Special Attention paid to Tourists. 7.401 Center; Oacar Aschim, R. G.; I.ysle t in R. D. No. 1. Alex Nelson ....................................... 1.50 Alvin Turner... 100 Smith, L G.; Chas. Kaufmun.L. E.; 15.00 B. W. Johnson.. 7.30 Frank Worthington ................ KO Ellicrt Ginn, R. K.; Arthur Wallace; A Hirst ClaaaTable. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation 15.00 Oscar Anderson 72.00 Geo. Worthington ...................... 100 131.00 W. E. Robitsch. 10.00 J. R. Lowrance........................ ■- L. T. ; and either Moore or Boquist 1(0 2250 Chas. 25.00 Oscar Bodyfelt................................. 5.40 for R. T. There may be changes 127.00 2175 N. McMillan, Garibaldi ........... acob Blum .................................... 3.(0 but thia is ss played at present. A. S. Bent ............................................ 11.75 24.(1) 1. Parson ...................................... 3.(1) We were unable to get the Emer­ 34.50 Win. Turner.................................... 48.50 J. M. Harrison................................. 3.(0 ... 34.25 n affairs High School Flashes nt of Money on Road ements. The Fast Steamer GOLDEN GATE Leaves Tillamook for i Astoria and Portland THURSDAY of ä Eash Week Freight and Passengers HARNESS, COLLARS, etc. You Use Them. We Sell Them. w. A. WILLIAMS ft CO., W. I STALEY, Principal. « Salem, Ora A. K. CASE, Tillamook Iron Works General Machinists A Blacksmiths The Best Hotel. THE ALLEN HOUSE, Headquarters for Travelling Men. { IN TOUCH wrm FRIENDS and RELATIVES A !