TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER 13 Summons. the liquor laws and receive the revenue, while those liviutf in1 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Tillamook. 1.50 Otieyeai ............................................. Railway« Company | 75 rural districts will have no voice Uuited Six months......................................... a corporation. 50 in the matter and will have to Plaintiff. Three month» .................................. ▼«. bear their share of the taxes re A J. proeooet and Dilah -ultiiqi from the crime caused Provoont, hi« wife. Defendants*. 0¡b* Çillamoob I» ruòli a Id, by the saloons in cities. W ith 'Io A J. Provooxt and Lilnh Provooxt, the above named defendant». the liquor interests taking an In the name of the State of Oregon. You are hereby required to appear active part in politics with the I answer the complaint tiled againut Editorial Snap Shots object of controlling cities, if an you in the above entitled action on or before l»ossible, this have «lone much the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this bummoni. and to stimulate and revive the if you fail to •<» appear aud answer for want the plaintiff will apply to »aid Court local option sentiment and will thereof for the relief demanded in the complaint herein, which is that a judgment be rendered induce a tiunila-r of people to that tlie following described tract of land, vote for prohibition because, as I situate in Tillamook County. Oregon, to- wit: Beginning at the north west corner have lieen repeatedly shown, of lot P in J. J. Mc< oy's addition to the town Bay City, in Tillamook County. they art* opposed to ttie manner Oregon, of and running thence east 50 feet; in which saloons have lieen run. thence south 1OO feet; thence west 5o feet; thence north 100 feet to the place of begin­ Take Tillamook county for an ning be appropriated tn plaintiff’s use for example. A tew months ago it the purpose of constructing, operating and maintaining a railway line, and a telegraph, was freely predicted that the telephone and electric power line thereon, and that the amount of compenxation to be county would go wet” by a paid therefor l»c determined, and that upon large majority. Public senti­ the payment by plaintiff into court for the defendants of the amount of compensation ment have undergone a won­ when so determined, that the plaintiff there­ upon become and be the owner of said right derful change since then, and of way, and that plaintiff have judgment thereon appropriating said property to it. the same persons predict quite This summons is published by order of the a different result. The fact of Hon.H. F. Goodspeed, County Judge of Tilla­ mook County. Oregon, made and dated at the matter is, on account of the Tillamook County. Oregon the 1st day of activity the liquor interests are September, 1910. The time prescribed in said order for publication is once a week for again taken in politics it is I six successive weeks, and the date of the first publication thereof is Thursday, beptember arousing the people to take note 1st, 1910. H. T. B otts , of what it is up to. As to state Attorney for Plaintiff. I wide prohibition, with so few­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Henry Knnze has announced registering as Prohibitiouists, Department of The Interior, U. 8. Land Oflice at Portland, Oregon. we cannot see how that party himself as a candidate for joint Mepteintier 16th. 1910. Notice is hereby given that Henry c ie,»re entative for Yamhill and can hope to carry the state in Kunze, whose post office address is Tilla­ T.llamohk counties. His card,to ' Noveinlier, which, as we look mook. Oregon, did, on the 1st day of July, ] 9< >9, tile in this office Sworn Statement and at the situation, shows that the catch the publicclamor, says he Application, N q . 02040, to purchase the \VJ$ is for Statement No. 1 and state is not ready for state wide SE\< anti NE*4 SWfc, section 34. Township 1 North. Range 9 est, Willamette Meri­ against boss rule. But he fails prohibition. However, a battle dian. and the timber thereon, under the of the act of June 3, I878, and Io let the people know if he is royal is on with these extreme provisions acts amendatory, known as the “Tim­ riding in the band wagon of the forces, and it is up to the peo­ ber and Stone Law," at such value a» might I ple to decide in favor of the one be fixed by appraisement, an'’ that,pursuant G.O.P..iitwi ti ig the tail of the to such application, the land and timlier I thereon have been appraised, at $720.00. Democratic mule, is mounted or the other or against both the timber estimated 1,200.000 board feet at $.50 per M, and the land $120.00; that on the Prohibitionists water said applicant will offer final proof in sup­ wagon, or is waving the red flag Bowerman Makes Statement. port of his application and sworn statement on the 28th day of November, 1910, before of Socialism. Which, Henry ? T. II. Goyne. United States Commissioner, at RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. .STBICTLY IN AI1VANCS.) Now Ready for Your Inspection!! The most Probably a ureal many of ottr readers will have noticed it that quite a few persons who aspire to public office commence tulk- ing about gratt, political bosses, etc., for the purpose, no doubt, of getting votes and reilecting upon the honesty and integrity ol their opponents. We have idl seen anil heard that kind of political clap trap in the recent primary election and there will lie the same tactics used by others in the coming election by a whole lot of self-righteous office seekers. Watch ’em talk about ring rule, bosses, etc., for no other purpose than an effort to get into the other fellow’s shoes. There is one thing which the proposed city charter is lack in. It should require a residence of three months in the city and a registration before a person is allowed to vote. It is a well know fact that at most every city election a large number of |M*rsons the floating popula­ tion have la-en railroaded to the [»oils and told to vote ill one ward for the purpose of defeat­ ing certain candidates. The last city election wus a disgrace in that res|H*ct, and now is the time to put some safeguards in the proposed charter which will prevent the taxpayers and bona tide residents in this city Is ing outvoted by the transients who haven't a dollar's worth of in­ terest in the citv. I ' to say: Statement No. 1 is a part answer, the plaintiff will, for want thereof, apply to the Court for the relief prayed for of the Direct Primary law, and I in his complaint on tile herein, to-wit: For judgment against said defendants for the have heretofore publicly stated, and sum of $445.00, and accrued and accruing in­ terest, as provided in said note and mortgage now state again, that I will oppose described in said complaint, ami for the sum by every means within my power, ot $1OO attorney's fees herein, and for the costs and disbursements of this suit, and for any effort to amend, mollify or re-, a decree foreclosing said mortgage, and for the sale upon said foreclosure, as provided peal, or in any other manner render by law to satisfy said judgment, and barring leas useful or less satisfactory, any all equity of redemption of said defendants, and the plaintiff may become purchaser of pa i t of the direct primary law, said sale ; and for such other aud further relief as to the Court may seem meet with including Statement No. 1, or any equity. other law written on the statute I This summons is served upon you by order of the Honorable H. F. Goodspeed as County books l>y the people of this state, Judge of Tillamook County, Oregon, in th*e absence of either of the judges of the above under the initiative and referendum. _______ entitled Court. “As a member of the Senate and ' nn.i >>>>t«l this 29th September. 1910. .C * the I. _ day zi_ . of publication . and the . /to»« date . of first hereof President of that body, I have being on the 29th day of September. 1910 the date of the last publication hereof never endeavored in any way or and will expire on the loth day ofNovemlier. form to induce any other member 1910, Ixing seven insertions, including the first and the last insertions hereof in said to violate his obligation or pledge tune prescribed, which is for six consecutive weeks. under Statement No. i, and if I am HOLMES & HANDLEY. elected Governor I shall pursue the Attorneys for Plaintiff. same course and shall not in any manner or by any means interfere with the conduct of any member in this particular or induce him to violate his ¡.ledge. “I do not anticipate that Senator Bourne has any fear whatever that Statement No. 1 will be repealed or changed, or that I will violate any of tlie moral or legal obligations I would owe to the people as Gover­ nor of thia state; but I do believe he is simply indulging in a few cheap heroics for the two-fold pur- |s>ae: First, of endeavoring to in. duct- the people to forget his own shortcomings in the recent past as Senator; and. Second, in the furth­ er hope that he may create a false issue under which he might be re­ turned to this high office. He evi­ dently feels that he will need the office of Governor to assist him in primary campaign two years hence, and perhaps lias many doubts as to his ability to coerce, or his Women's MiSses- An oppor. tunity to make your selection from the complete variety of the Season's favored styles as shown only by CHAS. A. STEVENS & BROS., CHICAGO. Custom Tailored Suits made to special order according to your individual measurements fro> your own choice of materials and ayles. PERFECT HT AND SATISFACTION ASSURED. Ready to-wear Suits final and up, Dresses f 13.50 and up, Coats $7.50 and up, Ski its «.00 and Furs Waists, Petticoats, Sweaters. Muslin Underwear, Kimonos, Knit I nderwear, Hosiery, (_Or Neckwear, etc., also Misses’ Suitsjind Skirts and Children’s Dresses at correapondingly |OW PLEASE CALL AND SEE THE ICAUTIFUI FASHION PLATES AND SAMPLES? | I cheerfully offer you anv assistance I can render you in making your selections, taking meaBu^ nients, making alterations and delivering the goods to you at the same low prices you would pay[w the same goods in their store or ordered through their catalogues. MRS. MARTHA E. WALLACE, P. 908, Tillamook, Oregon. REPRESENTING CHAS. A. STEVENS & BROS., CHICAGO CAPT. DAN MORCAN SMITH Former Assistant Corporation Counsel, of Chicago, and one of the most brilliant speakers of the day, whose services are in demand from one end of the country to the other, will speak in Tillamook, Monday Evening, October 24, at the Opera House, on “ Prohibition is Morally Wrong Capt. S mi h’s address on this subject has been de livered scores of times and has gained him the plaudits of tens of thousands of his listeners. It is an interesting facination and eloquent discussion on a subject that effects every home Admission Free Summons. the Circuit Court ol tl.e State of Oregon for the Count j of Tillamook. Ss I I., bye, Plaintiff. va. I.. K Sanders, Defendant. ant° K S“"‘ier’ **’* I,boT' named defen- I | In the name of the State of Oregon You are hereby required to appear and anawer to the complaint tiled againat j ou in the abort entitled action and Court/on or before the last day of the time e • p.escribe.l in the order for publication ma lade la-rein. to-wit the loth day ofAovembcr, ‘ 1 910. and it you tail to answer, for want wan. thereol thereof the r*r .nh1nl. n'n ,,U,,Ure,‘ ‘•''O «i» — .. ami 1 lllnmook Lumber Manufacturing Compy follow“ Ci*ht "" — - 0"* Apr" '*“>• »•!”- ‘»Inte ' orp^ní of iudgL„w..w. On 92O5.T: f.. J“« «th. t»iO, to date ofJudgment Oo $150.00 from Jnu. 12th, loio, to _ judgment. _ _ da of ’ ü".Judïmëm \ O,U _ Fcb ’*•*• »• ofiudgment. ’ ’ On $150.00 fr< O,n M*T ,>l?udHm«r ’«*’• of judgment, for the further sum of I1H5 OO as al •• «ttonuy« Jfthh «"fom “* ■UM| •ItsburK ments Thia aummona ia published by order of the Honorable.I ft. Go.al.,Ked/ j . h TL, t- bounty Court of the Stale uiurJw lor fr tyumyof riUamooh, dated ui a“ of September. l»lo. and q.L Jr d F Hr»« puhlication twt..g on the ittttlJ i*** ot September. 1910. andI the d».. d"’r Pnfo^ttou of thia summon, till if, 1 l“,‘ Un <>f ’•■'«inlier, lulu’* 4 e •I T BOT*TS AN1. GKONOB »'LLKTT TI lamook. <1reKor'‘'“rnr” *" Onint.ff. ’ On the iw hand the Ittfuor interestM arc endeavoring to in iluce the |H*o|>le to vote for n otherwise induce me to favor him [»eriiieiotiH inensnrv which is to over other Candidates in that pri give iiicor|M>riitcrt ion of the |>eo|>le I I liousands owe their lives and hei-lth Foley Kidnev PF rt 8trength. tare ready to gn to either ex-- to it. Its positively guaranteed for Bladder di see u* cure kidney and itrcmea, although we arc inclin-1 < oughs, < olds. LuGrqqa-. Asthma. give comfort promptly, and rcl,ef to elderly to think with the aaloon Croup all lliroat anti Lung trwu- l>eople. C ' I- t lough. ’’"' . ♦’ rn“> »x'ltle ,J-lem<-ut and a large uumla-r of ll free at thug. I, t lough's. tlhe floating population lined up* Th.s Stock- "’’‘T1 ‘ro™ « letter of M. I >n election day, ia liable tt» poll A Generous and Charitable Wish. cen* .X1L. No. “I re- ’ i big vote for the home rule bill. I I Wish all might know of the fo t he ey ’ ™»ey and Tar It ia reasonable to bupivohc that benefit I received from your Folev a t ■ me tint time. To sav I »»> J-asril < does not half express my 'he rural districts will vote' Kidnrx K?v»i»rt|y ** 1*11 vm I \ o . ’ ‘ ••x'iiHetl van Kirmer Mo ff .a k.dm, a an j J I ever" us. **1"” ’H ,hr «tolitl against the home rule bill bhidd.-r gave him no mu. h ,, J >f the liquor interest« ht-caoael misery amt iinvc • - 1 vol.l .mt hev art- well infonned that the work, nor sleep. He save F.a- Kidney completely o ¿Ji '***' 'ities will have all to sav about him. C. I. Clough ’ *rctl pletety I in Childrcn’s High Grade Wearing Apparel at Popular Prices. tn reply to charges that he is un­ lillamook, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this From all quarters come the friendly to the Direct Primary law purchase before entry, or initiate a contest any time before patent issues, by tiling nnnouncement.no matter which and other measures written upon at a corroborated affidavit in this office, alleg­ I side cat di lales were lined up the statute books by the people ing facts which would defeat the entry. H. F. lllGBY, £ Gov- Gov­ with in the primary election, I under the Initiative, Acting Register. Republicans are going to sup­ ernor Bowerman made the follow - Summons. port 1 he candidates nominated ing statement: the Poitland evening by that [ art,-, Harmony is now I “In ------- ---------------------- ----- - papers In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Tillamook Couuty. the w >rd, with the object of of Sept. 30th there appeared ati in- i Department No. 2. terview credited to Senator Bourne, F. K. Beals, elec ing the entire ticket. Of Plaintiff. course, the Democrats will try in which he endeavers to deceive vs. E. Sanders to split up the Republican party ttie people into the belief that I ! Lawrence and Gertrude E. A. Sanders, anil divide the vote, for that is am a reactionary and am not in Defendants. their only hope of success. With iavor of progressive législature ami , To Lawrence E. Sanders above named de­ fendant : favor returning to the old system the Republicans satisfied with I In the name of the State of Oregon : You nominations made at the pri­ of electing United States Senators. are hereby required to appear and answer complaint tiled against you in the above “in answer to this communica­ the mary election, the indications entitled court and suit, on or before the last day of the time prescribed by the order for tion and other luise and misleading ..re they will come out on top the publication of this summons heretofore articles recently published, I wish made and tiled herein, and if you fail so to next month. wonderful values ever offered ,«« ¿XtS ’js* Si • - A H emlock LUMBER KILN DRY FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISHED LUMBER. ALI KINDS OF MOULDINGS We Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook County’s. Most Famous Cheese. The Best Equipped Saw Mil] in the County. New Machinery, Experienced Workmen and First Class Lumber of the Best Quality. LET US FIGLIRE ON VOIJR LUMBER BILL- ■■■■ kidney FJ “ pels kidney ** bladder trouble- ■** urinary irregul.ritie*. Oley’s Kittoe.»Pills punfy the blood, restore lost vitality and vigor. Refuse substitute*. Sold by Chas. I. Clough.