ÏILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER 13. 1910 ENGELIST OLSON AN ERS SIDNEY STOREY I tremendous, monstrous lie, becau: e represent you ? And yet lie says lean show you city upon city in these institutions i represent the the State of Maine where it did pro­ American people ! I I thank God ,e Big Revival Meetings hibit and where it does, nnd there­ no beer-belly ever represented me. fore hie universal sweeping state­ (Applause), And I thank God that in this City. ment that it has not at nil prohibit­ no beer-keg ever represented the ed is another tremendous, mon­ good people of America. (Ap- ? ■vaugcli-t Olson. who i* i-uii (Voice in the plause.) Why’ men alive, that fel­ . {¡¡Bring a big revival meeting strous falsehood. ’^Biis during one of lii> audience: “Hit him again.”) It low told more lies by the square tBouixs. undertook to answ< t there is a hot place for "all liars” inch than any one 1 ever listened to as the Word says, be will get it. in thirty minutes in my lifetime. <>f the assertions made hv Mr. Storey said that in Atlanta, If I had time to go through the : ^K. Sidney Sidnev in the joint Ga., local option has been an abso­ whole thing it would surprise you • ^Kite. Mr. Olson said : lute tailure. He said that in Atlan­ to see how many he could tell, and ^Lold before me a paper contain ta there were 2U0 arrests in oue year God is certainly merciful. It is a 'j^Baonie ot the most wonderful for drunkenness. Notice. Atlanta is wonder .he didn’t strike the man t'gBbgs ever presented to the people I gHhllamook (?) the powerful and a city with 125,000 population ; and dead. then he referred to the city of Listen again : He says at the i speech of Sidney Storey (:> \ i^Kntlv delivered here. I have no Denver.with a population of 225,000, close of bis speech, “They claim 1 jj^Kiid tilings to say against Mr. and he said that Denver had only- that money is the root of all evil, 2000 arrests for drunkenness in one and yet I never saw one of them I nor against the saloon keep oue year. Now, how many more that were willingto part with any of n<‘r aKa’nf>t bootleggeis nor people in Denver than in Atlanta? the ’evil.”’ We never said a thing s^Hinst blind pig keepers not Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors. Window KlO.OOO. There are just twice as like that; money is not the root of all ; ^Kr.- tame tigers, not an unkind .y^Bg; 1 have no slur to cast at many inhabitants in Denver as hi evil; that is what he s.iid we said • Sashes, JflBn 1 have been trying tj be Atlanta, and in Atlantu where they Why didn’t he get it correct ? The have prohibition there were only Bible s.iys “ the love of money in LK go I in this respect: Hate the ’4||m but love the sinner. lam with 200 arrests for drunkenness, while the root of all evil’’—not the money ■n the other place, Denver, there itself. The devil tries to quote the 09 with the bedbug. I do not Agents for the Great Western Saw were 2000 arrested for drunkenness. Bible sometimes an I gets it awfully the ertature ; I think she liar What did Mr. Storey mean? Did he twisted. (Laughter). tMa< e in life, but I hate and ob- Listen again : He says “ The TjKt to the way she makes a living, think the people in Tillamook are such blockheads and tliick-lieads as Greater Oregon Home Rule Assoei- {^■tighter, i I do not hate the ea- The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County '■n keeper nor bar tender nor the not to see through that? In Atlanta, tion is composed of American citi- the very place he was criticizing xens engaged not nieiely for the Bh ' Why? Because the husband Good results always follow the does not want the wife and the wife this place, what io the world will use of Foley Kidney Pilla. They does not want the husband, and he do about other place» when he contain just the ingredients nor«, What Thgy Will Do for You they are trying to get rid of each ia 2000 miles away? 1 would not aary to tone, strengthen and regu­ late the kidneys and bladder, and other. And thatia why local option take that man's word on oath, how They will cure your backache. RflM (Stave tojeure backache. Chas. I. Clough. *aa not a • access in the place I could I? Strengthen your kidnoy«, cor­ mention, because a whole lot of Listen agbin : He aayu here, You are not experimenting on t rect urinary irregularities, build people didn’t want it. but where “ In Texas local option ia dis­ Ì’ourself when you take Chamler i 5.00 Rat* R*4B«M mw they want to enjoy decency they astrous and a failure from ever/ ain’a Cough Remedy lor a cold a* tip the worn out tissues, snd tto«« . ’:U that preparation lisa won its great can have it, you are right they can! standpoint, and has brought econo­ reputation and extensive aule l>y its I eliminate the escess uric acid M ■ fi Pgfofo«» trtZtMn M « m Mt*»»Ofl« Tell a», ia it an absolute failure? mic disaster all over the country.” . remarkable cures of colds, and can 1 that causes rheumatism. Pre­ A M mmr* fwMf 9*9 pflNMt 11 is vent Bright's Disease and Dia­ It ia a success in every case and in Mr. Storey forgets that be isn't the always be deueoded upon equally valuable for adults and every place where people want it only fellow that has been around children and maybe given toyoung bates, and restore health and Paini«»* Dentista and when you put that to a vote, some. 1 am glad that some one children with implicit < onfadenc e ras ri un «at Strength. Refuse substitutes. iawi'siei.sitwws and the majority nays so by vote, else in the world ba» been over the as it contains no harmful drug »w T.. , •* a • • li lui that «aya they want it. doesn't it? country and ha» traveled some too. Sold by Lamar’a Drug Store Sold by Ches. 1. Clough. And what the majority nays settles How many will testify that this 1» Did You Ever Try It’s the World's Beat it and then they ought to stand by soother tremendous lie-that it HAKKIN’N NEW EF.ED AM» No one has ever made a salve, what they want and enforce tlie laws hasn't brought financial disaster ointment or larlm to compare with LI VIRI HARM. they vote for. ail over the country, and can testify Hiwklen'» Arnica Solve It’s the m CUR* LUNOS Thia'other extract says, “Dries; by personxl experience of places one perfect healer of Cuts. Corns. If not, give him a call. prohibition prohibit? Not at all.''I where it lia» I ten a glori x»s suc- Hums, Hrrriaea. .tores. Scabls. Hurls, I Vleers. Salt Rheum Foe tor Eyes, Speaking of a certain »»ate where erss, financially, morally, socially Cold Sores, Chapfied Hanlestr«y advice lor prudent men and women, fMCsrer* < j S¿ tions of the State of Marne, and 1 i the Industrie» create-1 by free ft may be vital in rinse of a child. I Lame buck is one of tbs most com know some cities in Maine where 1 America F* asks Mr. SSurvy. Now. The** is nothing fwtter ttisn t'hsm- iw u I [waost A»« tow TMvmi morí torni» <.t mirar ulsr rtreiininliam prohibition does not protobit. and , how many of you ever built a A f* w appio aliona of < li.irul —risina OVABA WTXKD BAmrACrrOBl local option has wot done its w .-rfc, N Arv you the ywople of ■Ulf brewery ? Umilimi will give relief For sale OM movxt BBFUXDKO. •i America ? Do thu^ institutiuns ^',re but when anyone any» it rl: by lanar i Ibug Store prohibit at all he is telling an ther I HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRYMEN'S SUPPLIES AND STEEL STOVES & RANCES We carry a Lar«e Stock of Hardware, Tinware and China ALEX McNAIR CO FAMILY RECIPES ! ! CLOUGH Steamer Settle It Now Settle It Right Sue H. Elmore” Tillamook & Portland TOWERS FISH BRAND Sail Every Tuesday and Saturday, Couch St. Wharf. Portland. ” That’s All.” Kidney Pills Wlse Dentai Co.,»-« KILL™« COUCH New Discovery w CLOTHING