illa tn mili XIII. No. 19. TILLAMOOK, OREGON, OCTOBER It $r 5o per year. C. E. Lytle has been in town the OOK JOTTINGS I past week looking after the railroad p at T he S pa . la, eye specialist si Cones at T he S pa . . pwder at Mrs. Hill’s. . Hili’* home made bread. ie for one of Mrs. Hill’s interests. Highest Price paid for Hides. Furs and Sheep Pella. N. Melchior, Till­ amook. Ore. • Jetf McGinnis and son. Rowland, were in from Three Rivers Monday on business. Screen doors can be obtained at the Tillamook Lumber Mfg. Co. in this city. • Ike Hiner, of Beaver, has been », typewriter, cheap.—D. doing business in the city several days this week. in was in town Tuesday H. Sours, cheapest and beat paper hanger in town. Leave orders at reecy was in town from King- A Smith Co. • kesday. The price paid for butter fat for ■chard a was in town last August at Red Clover was 37c. and I Blaine. at Long Prairie 35c. ■oree for sale. Enquire Roy and Ollie Wood, of Blaine, rht Office. were in the city Thursday with a B. Whitehouse & Son for shipment of caacara. rance, etc. Jess Kennedy left for Cloverdale pllow was in town from with his wife Wednesday. He will fers Monday. live there in the future. tent by the sack or the. Frank Rhode« and D. L. Shrode. man have bought out leey was a business caller moving picture theater. jcity. Tuesday. The Presbyterian Church has bn ume nts in Marble or been receiving a coat of tar paint on the roof the past* week. lee D. L. Shrode. Get your doors and windows from b, the best kind, at the k Lumber Mfg. Co. « the Tillamook Lumber Mfg. Co. ’' le,—Two dairy cows. Ap- You save money by doing so. The next time you send away for : H. Ward at Beals’ office. • hour property and avoid something get a Money Order from * >F. S. Whitehouse & Son. • the Tillamook County Bank. See Mrs. Shrode for lessons . in I. J. Harrison and son A sample of her work lent Saturday visiting in painting. may be seen at Jenkins' Jewelry- Store. [and Frank Crane were in Mabie and Bessie Burns, who lurday and Sunday from have been visiting in North Yam­ hill, returned on the stage Wednes­ day. M. F. Leach is having’ a new roof put on the building occupied by Morris Schnal, next to Jenkins’ jewelry store. Coal delivered, $10.00. Shingle, $1.85 and $2.75. An almost new drop head sewing machine cheap.— D. L. S hrode . • YOU Probably dont give much thought to the way your clothes are made ; the kind of surround­ for the best Ice Cream in ariety Store, 0. UflMflR, Pre osateci in th« flMOOK HOTEL! op in and book Around." GOODS on aeh boat ings in which the the work is done, the class of workers employed, the care taken in designing the garments, the quality of the fabrics ; the chances are you dont think much about these things. That's one reason why so much cheap stuff gets on the market, and on the bodies of ho many men who dont want it ; makers count on your indifference. Hart Schaffner & Marx stand first among all makers of clothing in all the things which go to the making of best clothes. We know about these points in connection with their goods ; and we want you to know, also. The most sanitary shops, the most skillful workers, the best designing of styles, the all-wool fabrics -these are the things which make our Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes pre-eminent ; different from any others. Such fabrics and tailoring wear better, keep shape better, look better always, and all ways. These are the clothes for von ; and this is the store for them. Suits .$2(1 to $30. We Have Other Good Makes Suits, $12.50 to 18.50 ; Overcoats, $12.50 to $17.50. Team for sale, 2900 pounds. Good and *ruc. Also two new wagons for sale. Enquire of W. H. Purdin, Tillamook, Ore. . ' Mrs. Fred C. Baker returned on Wednesday after several weeks visit with her daughter in Eugene and with friend« in Portland. A. O. Jackson. of Beaver, was in town Tuesday on businesa. He re- porta road work nearly finished for thia year at Beaver. Joe Hollett brought his daughter, ' Leora, in from Blaine on Thursday 1 for dental treatment, leaving her in the city until Sunday. EXTRA SPECIAL. JUST RECEIVED Men’s Coojier Ribbed, all wool underwear. Per garment $1.25 Golf anti Negltgee Shirts USINESS le true measure of progress is service, and we recognize that at juntas we are of service to you. just to “extent will the union prosper. We do not hire our customers to come to us, what we do give is the value that money can secure. Hundreds of our satisfied customers will tell you the same. Boy’s Suits from Men's Hats from Men’s Top Shirts from Men’s Soxs, per pair - Men’s All Wool Under­ wear, per garment - Men's Califonia Flannel Overshirts, Water $1.00 to $2.25 Proof, from - - $1.25 Bov’s Fine Underwear, per garment - - - .35 Boy’s All Wool Sweater Coats, all colors, from $1.25 Men's W. L. Doug­ lass Shoes. Per pair - - - - - Men’s Overcoats from $5.00 to $20.00 Boy's Overcoats from $4.50 to $7.50. to $4.50. up to Men's high-cut Shoes built especially for Tillamook county. $5.00 to $8.50 from - Boy's High top Shoes from •r merchandise is high grade, only best known brands carried in our k. The most complete lines of I’s and boy'a clothing, furnishings shoes in Tillamook County. Door« North of Post Office. MORRIS . - - • $2.50 to $4.00. Boy’s Kutitier Ik sits from - • - SCHNAL, made Planker Bros, will do your plumb­ i ing in firat i lusa sty le. lx;t us figure on your work. Will guarantee our < ' work, having just employed nn ex perienced plumtier. • George Hoover left for Cloverdale , Wedneeday, after closing a ileal i Guns and Ammunition nre going these days. largest and most whereby he becomes owner ol pari fast ' varied stock of these goods west of of the Arthur Heal« place. Portland. Our prices nre nlisolute Louis Nelson returned last week ly correct.— K ino A S mith C o . from Sweden, where lie had gone on Married on Saturday evening at a visit for several months, it liemg-tSr years ago since lie left hia old home. the M E. parsonage in this city, by Rev. It. W. Salisbury, Ixiula Cheese Maker wants position in Charles Johns and Miss Eilim.i cheese factory, 10 years* experience Augusta S< holmeyer. of Nehalem. and holds diploma from the State Snow Drift flour, a bl>l. and of M icliigun. A Idrens Heailligld »I..5O a aaik. Liglithousi' flour, $5.4*1 4 >ffi< e * • bbl. and $1.40 a ■ack. Im- For sale, house II rooms, large periiil flour, $5 7ft a bbl. und »I « wood house, all out buildings, all a sack. —W m . Cl) ttTls, The Grain in good order, 2 lots ft l i 1(11 Price Man. $1350. Inquire at the Headlight W. F. t'atterlhi lias resignerl the Office. position of dairy inspector, and lina Jake Houston and IL S. Davidson, gone to Lengloia, Curry < ounty, of Beaver, were in town Wednesday. where lie will liecome again one of Mr. Davidson brought in a load of the sons of toil, pulling the |adiHcal cancers lor Jake, to lie sh»p|>ed to teat rot living wliat it is erst ked np Portland. to tie. Rrv. J. F Dunlop and family left Star brand process barley, $1.25 ou Saturday for his new location st a nark and $32Via ton ; oala, II Ml Gresham and Rev. II k Salisbury hundred, lllton; bran, flftc. aaik. filled the pulpit in lhe M E. Church $29 50 ton ; null «hop ti ll) Mi llis. nu Sunday. each. $23 ton , aborta 81 W Ml Iba. The County Court gave orders u> sack, $32 Ion. Wn CVrTIB, The the Electric Light Co. to have a Gram Man * lamp, similar to that outsiale of , I’lru li Zurllueh died on Tuesday (lough's store, placed opposite Ilia morning, al South Prairie, aged 50 Iwiuae years. He had resided in thia conn < court Employment wanted by a man ty for IV years, and leaves several imaaed middle age, long experience brothera ami airHera. The remains wttli stock an«1 ranching. Fair were buried in llie I >ddf<-llows’ cent mflti>-r 1.45 1001 I m . ; orft Hay, «29 them in Hirir business, as they have a tun and «1.50 lOOtb. tkc a large amount rd business on hand H C. Kunxe or Wrr. Curtía, at Hayocean Park. • .the Grain Man. A i new wood ¡shed, 24 x 74 feet, I — ’ ta I is being built at the Tillamook I Creamery, which will add much to' the looks ol the fa< tory. In Our New Location, Two Doors North of Postoffice Men’s Pants from alterations without charge by an expert. $1.50, $1.75 & $2.00 $9.00 to $30.00 $1.00 to $ 6.00 $2.50 to $ 5.50. $1.75 to $ 4.00. .50 to $ 2.50. 50. C ou I h , Necessary Very late patterns Reg. values, READY FOR Ludios' Tailored Suits, $1.25 t Men's Suits (rotti Overcoats $20 to $25. Copyright Hart hUiainin a. Mai $1.95 to $4.00 Popular Price Men's and Boy*« Clothier.