TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. OCTOBER 6 Reply of Rev. Ebinger’s Counsel. TO EDITOR TILLAMO >K HEADLIGHT. of the Classis, but to shield Mr. Ebinger against injustice. In this I miserably failed, for an incredible wrong has been done him. The counsel of Classis declared in the meeting: “Just wait. I'll fix him. Well he kept his word. To the cost of Mr. Ebinger, he did fix me But my communication is becom­ ing too long. Let me add my ans­ wer tothecounsel’s statement, “that Mr. Ebinger has been preaching doctrines opposed to those of the Reformed church, in fact to all fundamental Christian doctrine, as evidence proved”—This is my ans­ wer as given in my ground« for the appeal: “This is against the ninth com- mundinent of the decalogue, and the interpretation thereof in the catechism.” I want to thank tlie Headlight for the opportunity of de­ lending a wronged man before his own neighbors. Signed, A. G. G ekeler . [,Xs both sides have been given plenty of space to discuss this mat­ ter, and as nothing can lie gained by continuing *it, this correspon­ dence must now stop. — Kl>. J movements of the planets in their orbits without the duration of a second shows mighty thinking. This undeniably proves the thinker lack of it and only a consumate fool would doubt it. Sixth, because he denies the fact that there could be no law without a law giver. Everything in the world is governed by laws of gravity, rieat, cold. etc. Who made The these laws? Man did not. only reasonable, sane cone! usion is that God made them. A man who can persistently’ deny these great facts deserves nothing but tlie terrible name which the Bi­ ble gives him. “The fool hath said in his heart, there is no Cod.” There have been eleven additions since thé meeting began, eight by baptism and three by statement and letter. Many more are prom- ished to come. The big tent which has been so long delayed arrived last week and has been put in place. It is being heated and dried out and it is hoped that the meetings may be held there beginning with next Sunday. ___________ The case against Rev. P. Ebin- was a case of the Reformed cXPORT BEER Church in the U.S. against the same. The church has a two fold KAISER BLUME, duty anil interest. First she istoiare that pule, wholesome doctrine in Unsurpassed. Non-int taught by her pastors, Hence if a in lodged plausible complaint MALT TEA. agaist a teacher of t < digion, the church steps in UH a • diner and prosecutor. T.ie chur-h in thia* cis-. Portland Orego 1 Cl.,6 4 Iba AZORRS aud do* against the pastor. pleased does not half t discussion of «piestions iqion which ■Beetle Ho«’kgar*nowrxdy. Marly Portland Home Telephone Stock, Corner Stillwell Ave. an1 First From other evidence it appeals there is much disagreement. ordace etvcuro «eleot rtaei rations. feelings. It beats all the Cascadia Mining and Develop­ He St. West, and both Phones. I ever used. I contractu ASK FOR C ATA LOS NO. St that this w it n< as either never caught never abuses anybody. He presents ment. and was tinea on to the pastor’s meaning or hud the truth with mighty clearness and PORTLAND SEED CO. cold It will only cost a 2-cent stamp pneumonia. The first AWJBTLA.N1». OBKQON forgotten it. lint on the word of these force, but he gives anyone who dis­ for any information you wish. SPECIALTY IN ALL KIND OF OAKES great relief and one I»* witnesses, Mr. Ebinger did say that agrees with him tlie credit of being Please Try l’s. pletely cured me.” ALL KIND OF BREAD. opiates. Chas. I. Clone» Jtsus did appear to those disciples. honest and sincere. Now, the chddten of Tillamook can One of the Evangelists best ser- see that if Mr. Ebinger spoke of moils the past week was "The Big­ Jesus appe iring to those dis iples, gest . Fool in Tillamook.” His text then he could not have denied the . was Pen. 14:1—“The fool hath said leal or lustily resurrection of Jesus. in , his heart, there is no God.” For it He were not risen, how could Mr. Olson suit! in part: Jesus lie appear? said if any man cull his brother a Thia is the entire testimony for fool, is in «lunger of hell fire. I the plaintiff. That’s all. uin not in danger of this condem­ Happily tins testimony is in my nation here, however, because it is hands, with the official seal oi the Bible mid not I that is naming Portland. Oregon Classis, This is the fool, mid the Bible always tells no misstatement, nor mistake ■ nor the truth. falsehood, nothing of that I kind, The fool of the trust is a fool. Here it is. black on w hite, a stun- i First, tiecause he denies the fact that born fact. from nothing. n«>thing comes. He Toe testimony of the third elder says the earth and the universe We earnestly invito you to niako your SUMMER OUTING «t was simple, hu i< . straightforward sprung into being of its own accord. NKSKOWDI PARK, for w. predict tUt JOO wiU „ “r L mid harmonised so completely with Denies a great creating |«>wer. Sec­ the testimony of Mr. Ebinger that ond, because he denies that out of caw» to regret that yen cbose thi. ideal „pot. Of C„„1M) T„„ wi;1 I mu fully warranted in saying confusion order is impossible with­ the evidence f.>r Mr. Ebinger was out intelligence. He says the uni­ ke your annual vacation! Tbon. by all weans CO MF TO NESKOWIN AND ENJOY LIFE ’ 10 overwhelming, und it was all given verse came into order by blind before the judicial body that found firve. He admits order in the Mr. Ebinger guilty. The testimony world but denies the intelligence against him was selt destructive, which brought it about. Third, be­ sell annulling. It was an inexcus­ cause he denies the fact that there NK8K0WTN represents much that Is beautiful to the’ere of the lover of olli W. atson able fault in the Classis to tiring mi can tie no design without s de­ nature. The surroundings aro ideal, the location the most perfect of anv BEACH KE8OBT on the whole OREGON COAST. In ma^ng the foXgn’nJ grave a charge without being cer­ signer He sdniita that all things Tillamook City, Oregon. tain of its ground. about us.show design but refuses Motion we knowthat this may be questioned, but we extend to yon our invJ On their conacienfff they find to believe that a designer planned tation to come. vteL and behold a* w; have seen. NE3K0WIN baa the mo- him guilty; and an hour after, on them all. Pleine mail their conscience, they declare their it^eh“? P"k “• throw” from the finest No greater fool than he ever NESKOWIN. readiness to dismiss the cane and lived. Mrvteh of beach anywhere. ITout flabu^tuume hantL deep fishing on the wijie out the sentence u(deiMMition. Fourth, because he denies tlie PI ntv V’f ? “ heart of a prosperous dairy and farmin» community. It does seem that the remark I fact that a purpose can not exist I lenty of fresh milk, thecae, vegetable« and nea food right at hind. Thia in made relative to the laymen in the without an intelligence to formulate the place that INVITES YOTT C iimr ■ court might hawe lieen made wttii- that purimse. We can see s pur- nut that limitation, |K>se in everything in creation. I want to repeat u remark of Mr. Fifth, because he denies the fact Ebinger. “I would rather lose with that there can lie no thought with­ If you want to visit NESKOWIN—if honor than win dishonorably.” It out a thinker. Everything in the pon ami m»il TODAY—NOW was my duty, not to act as teacher universe shows thought ^ aki N6 POWDER Columbia Bottling Astoria, Oregon Steamer “ Sue H. Elmori Tillamook & Portia SE^O w Sail Every Tuesday and Sa Couch St. Wharf, Portland. “ That’s All FALL SOWINf Do Not Delay Your Fall Planting PORTLAND SEED CO s. VIERECK Tillamook Bakery Neskowin” THE OLD SALEM CAMP GROUND R ® W