Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 06, 1910, Image 2

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    Notice of Sheriff. a_.
Bryan does not way
Many U»e» of Sand.
that lie will openly support any
Thr sauila of rhv mm urv singularly
One veai............................................... 1
Tbe.v srv of primary ltu|H>r
other candidate.
Aix month»...................................................
What to do with the unemployed taniv lu »'laHKiuskliiK They tiav«. au
Thrve months................................... «........
line now liecome an international Important pla- v In aiirfiirv, hh h liaoli
problem for an international con of hhih I twenty Itiebes till« k Is prisif
gress on this subject which was aguiiiHt usiftern rltle shots Ths slw
held in the Sarbonne at Faria during trl.nl pro|H-itli-s of sand show ihai it
has fsMitlvv »iwirk’tly. slthoiigti h hm !
the week. Among the 2«) delegates
Tliough tl*e »rmoreil leviathan« j present were the following noted of sill«-«, ths < liief coiiHtiiiH-tif of sand
is iMimtlv*.
re unteHteil in bailie, the acci­
American sociologist«: Frof. Far­
Tbs Hliignliir drytuu »ffM-t which <w
dental explimionH in their interior« nam of Yale, United States l abor
curs n lieu s stistib of Wit sand Is
h I i <> w that they are Hiiiiietiniee dang­
Commissioner Neill, Edward T. De­ I rcsawl by ih,- fiax Is duo <*utln*ly to
erous customers tor their own «ide. vine of Columbia, J. B. Andrews of uu alterailou lu ills pllliiK “f tbe siiud
Secretary Wilnon predict« that Wisconsin and others. Ait attempt gridu.. Xoruuill) tbe grulus aie close
the corn crop this year, unleH« an I by a German delegate to introduce togetlieV. bill abnormal piling la
early frost occur«, will be tile larg- I the Socialist remedy was barred by 1 brought iils-ul by pressure of ilie foot,
ext in the history of ih<- country. . the Congress on the ground that it the s|Hice tietaeen ibe edges of the
- ......... .. ■ ... ,
So many new u»e« have been found woultl lead to endless discussion. grains Is-ltig euliirgt-d slid the water
for corn, in addition to the standard j M. Villemin, head of the French dralne«l away If the pressure of tile
f<H>i Is continued tile siiud iMHomes
old one«, that the price is sure tc ' ! Em ployer’s
Association, argued
wetter tiiau ever, tbe |sirtiill vacuum
I <■ «atislactory.
thut the decline of the apprentice ’ quickly tiriuglng waler fniui tbe sur-
Eighteen thousand veteran» took system was tlie chief cause of un­
I roundlug unni!
part in the latest Grand Army pro- employment, as children left Belli o*.
In T|ulvk»iti<i thè uiovhig eharHi-ler
cee»ion, but over 40.UJU army and and went to work without ever hav­ I I h thoiigln tu he due lo tbe Imprlxou
navy pensioners died last year, it ing mastered a trade.
Mr. Devine meni lietweeli tbe grulllH <>1 gunew fruui
is gratifying to see ttiat the veter­ said that unemployment statistics uiguuie mailer. -Cbli agu ì'rlbuu*
ans cun still muster for parade an I should differentiate between those
army three times as big as repie- ! who are out of work bemuse they
A shopwalker in a large business,
sented I'ncle Suiu at Buena Vista. can not get it aud those who can
uoled fol ms severity to tbe SHHIMlaL'ts
Champ Clark, us reported in tlie get it but are unwilling to accept a
under linn. one day hi ep |n*d up to a
Congressional Record of .'lay 21
co uuier tr»nu will« b a ladylike penM’u
last: “I think it would lie a liless- exchanges should not urge workers bad Just ieff unsolved. f
ing to the American people it it (the against taking lower wages.
'•You h»i I bal lady I phvh without
duty on wool) was all wiped out in
Some mote startling evidence making any pur«-hatie?" be asked an-
that schedule." Mr. Clark has cut about the plans of the railroads for gril.v of Hie invek looking young uiuu
out this passage from his speech doctoring their books so as to con- 1 res|MHisllile tor Ibe buudkercLiief de
us circulated in the campaign. ceal double dividends was brought partmeiit sales.
“Yes. sir. I'*—
Why this multilation, Mr. Clark?
out in the examination of Vice
“And she was at your counler fully
Secretary of Agriculture Wilson Fresident Fark of the Illinois Cen­
ten minutes?”
hopes to see cattle growing in the tral Railroad by the Interstate Com­
“Doubtless; but. then, you see” —
South to replace the losses from the merce Commission at Chicago
"Exactly I saw that. In spile of all
breaking up of the old ranges in the Tuesday, when Counsel Atwood the questions she put to you. you rare­
West. The extermination ofthec.it- of Kansas City represented the ly answered ber nud never attempted
tl< tick will promote cattle growing General Shipper’s Committee. In to get whal she wanted.’*
“Well, but”—
in that section, he thinks. Probably defining what a proper rate is, Park
“You need not tnske any excuse. I
it will, but why the homesteiider«of said it should leave the company
for carelessness."
tile West cannot raise more cattie a yearly surplus above expenses I shall report .vou
“Well. I hadn't «bat abe wanted?”
and dividends of $6.(MM),(XJ()or$7,000, ■
is still an unanswered question.
“What was that?”
Tile newapuper sleuths who have 000. That surplus he would put
"Eire shillings
She was canvass
been trailing Mrs. and Miss Elkins into improvements, which in turn Ing for snliscrlptlona to uu encyclope­
in Europe, are now watching a house would he capitalized and so on like dia."—Loudou Globe.
Next D<»or to Tillamook Cotintv Bank.
in Paris where they are thought to an endless chain. Again tile con-
An Aquatic Tragedy.
be stopping, and waiting outside to troller of the road testified to the I
When visitors came. Hobby
see if the duke of the Abruzzi ap­ sale of millions of the company’s
pears. This is always yellow jour­ stock to the present shareholders! ! often turned out of bis room und Into
nalism. When editors fought strong at par when its price in often market the garret tor n night or two. He did
not object to tbis. but be felt that It
men because their strength was evil, was a third more. Counsel con­ endangered certalnS herlabed potwea-
there was often red journalism. Aie
h I iiiih
When UI h unde, tbe clergy
afford to do that it had no right to
w.- progressing in all thing«?
nniu. arrived unextieetedly one ulgbt
Die action if tile health author­
llobby wan transferred to bin garret A good school—none
better, Well established reputation.
ities of New York in detaining the asked on what he based his opiu- I quartern In linate nud wltb small cere­ Successful graduates. Skillful, painstaking teachers. Living
ion that the physical value of the ’ mony. ami neglected to take auy pre
Atlantic liner tirosser Kurfurst, and
expenses iow. Many other advantages, Let us tell you
road was above its $2H5,000.(*00 cap- I
holding it at quarantine until the italization, Park said he depended I cautions to guard bls treaaurea.
Write for catalogue.
"I have to thank tbe tbougbtful per­ about them.
necessary examinations could be
son wt><> placed a glass of water on tbe
m ule into the case of a su«picious
tattle near tbe bed lam ulgbt.” said tin*
illness on board, will please the intution.”
In a remarkable letter to his sis- | clergyman tbe next mornlug.
country. This vessel lias Bremen
awoke In tbe night and found It re-
for its starting point, and many ter, which was given to the press on freablng-moat refreshing."
case« of cholera are in the country Monday, Mayor Gaynor of New
"Ob!" aald Hobby, I d a tone of sor­
now convalescing at his row and reproach. "You're drlnked
of which Bremen is one of the prin­ York,
cipal ports. Cholera exists in Ger­ country home from the murderous up my nice new quarlum. aud all"—
many. Italy, Austria ami Hungary, attack of Gallagher, the disgrunted I Rut here Bobby'» revelation was sup­
former city employe, diacritics in | pressed by Ills mother.—Youth's Com­
having invaded those countries
detail his sensations at the time of I panion.
from Russia.
I*r. Ralph Bernstein of Philadel­ the shooting and after the first
Who Got the Baby?
phia, addresHing the Homeopathic
One* u | k > ii a lime a crocodile stole a
Medic»! Society of I’eniiHylvanin, the notion that he was dying, how taiby aud was about to make a dinner
Boiler Work, Logger’s Work aud Heavy Forging
WeiliieHilny, said “it hardly seemed
of It. i'be frantic mother begged so
Fine Machine Work a Specialty.
piteously for tbe child that tbs croco-
probable that cancer «lioulil «till
be considered a constitutional dis­ the shot nor the sounds of the dlle said:
“Tell me one truth and you sbalt
ease," and added that "we can struggle to subdue the assailant,
your baby again.”
most certainly deny that cancer
The mother replied. “You will oot
is really transmitted by inherit­ been shot in the head by an assas­
give him back to me.'*
ance.” He admitted, however, that sin, and he was not surprised, lie­
"Then." said tbe crocodile, "by our
some families do have n type of cell
agreement I shall keep blni, for If you
structure which Ims less resistance that "I might be assaulted," on have told tbe truth I am oot going to
to the cancer germ than do others. account of annoymous attacks I give him buck, and If It ta a lie I bare
But he insists that it is strictly a was getting by mail. These lie also won "
Rut tbe mother said. “If I told you
germ disease, and tell« of the sue-' attributed to the attacks of the
cess ol bis treatment of «kin cancer Hearst papers in connection with the truth you are bound by your prom
J. P. AULiEN» Proprietor
the refusal of the mayor to stop the lae. an.Uf It la oot tbe truth It will not
with solidified carbon-dioxide.
showing of the prize tight pictures be a iiWiutll you bave given me my
In accepting his twentieth noin-
nation for Congress at Danville, in New York, but which Gaynor
Wbo got tbe baby?
Special Attention paid to Tourists.
III., Speaker Cannon warned the
country against further meddling his interference with. Thinking of
No Santo of Proportion.
A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation.
with the tariff and insisted that the , a possible attack from some one
The youug man wbo bad s(>ent bls
efforts for several years without
one important and difficult problem
Uli v before this country is that of f Gaynor had stopped his practice of ault In studying art was talking with
raising a billion dollars a year to walking across the bridge to and bls practk ai uncle, wbo bad patiently
from the < ity Hall. "Such journal­ paid the bill».
meet the federal expenditures which
“Of course." aald tbe young artist. ”1
ism,” writes the mayor, "is in de­
luive been growing from year to year
kuow I haven't made much of a go of
on the demand of the |s-ople nud fiance of the criminal law, und it
It. but I don't tblnk you ougbt to ad-
not Irotii any one purty. He an- did not enter my mind to publicly rlae me to try aometblug else. You
serled thut while tile majority hud
know It'a best to put all your eggs la
nlwais talked alMiut economy it has district uttorney to protect me from oue basket and watch that tmaket "
steadily voted in Congress tor the
"Um! That may be. Charlie; but
would say I was thin skinned. But did you ever think bow foolish It la tn
largest appropriations, As lor the
the time is at hand when these put ao many baskets around oue ban­ »
tariff contest he suw i it just uti it
journalistic scoundrels have got to tam egg J”
had been for fifty years, a contrat
get out. and I am ready to <lo mt
between prote. tion and fiee trucie.
share to thut end. They are abso­
Appl»«d History.
He hud no defense for the Pffÿ nr
Mnt Profwaor - My dear colleague.
lutely without souls.
If decent
law us it needed none in hie
people would refuse to look at such Ihn • little puxiied. Wbeu did the
papers, it would right itself at tint |*elo|M»Rilevino war begin? Se.--
'NMl ITofeMuor - B. C 431. Klrwt Tro-
Inn torin.il statement issued nt once.”
feasor-Quite right. Quite right That
I iiii oln Tuesday, W. J. Brysn it n
nouuci-d Ins decision not to vote for Capt Bogardua Again Hit» the la the u uni ber of my doctor’» tele-
phone I WM to cell him up and tell
Bull’s Bye
James C. Daliiman. the Demoi-ratic
Thia world famous rille shot who him <uy wife to «let. —Klchange.
camlidnte tor governor, alt hough
holds cliuiupionship of Ilk* pigeons
he would work lor the rest of the it< III* i.itiset iitive shots is living
Yswe Own M<»fortun«*
she is in
state ticket. Thia, Ilia first ilepait nt Lincoln. III. Recently inter
Rear yonr nwn misfortune« with b»lf
lire from |s>litical regularity, Bryan viewed, he says: - *'l suffered a
touch with
the reolgnsttoo that you bear other
explained was due to Dulilmun'a long tune with kidney and bladder issqile'» and you will be happy. It la
Tbe telephone enables her to make as many
aland «gainst county option and trouble and used several well known ao easy to tell other i*ople bow to be
kidney medicine*, all of which gave
calls as she pleases, and in all sorts of weather.
lor the liquor ioterenta. He ia glad me no relief until I started taking heroic and ao dllbcuit to be courageous
to have the issue thus clearly tire­ Foley Kidney Pills. Before I need uUreel ve*
Formal gatherings have their place, bnt it is
seated to the people of the state Foley Kidney Pills I bad severe
fthe many little intimate visits over the telephone
A Slight Chang*
this year, rather than in luty, unit Ku kailies und pain* in my kidneys
that keep people young and interested.
with eiiprrv
—1— and * h cloudy
Slight changes «imrtlme* make a
says the voter* now have an oppor­ voiding On
.. great difference “Din wee for noth inc.”
.i arising _
in ____
the _____
Grandmother^ telephone visits do not stop
tunity tn decide "whether the state ing I would get dull headaches.
would be aatveaM* foe Inataae*; oot
with her own town. The Long Ihstance Service
sludl go iHickwsnl or forvwmd on Now I have taken three liottlea of
•o, "NwCMaff for dinner.'
of the Bell Telephone takes her to other towns,
the liquor question " And he con Foley Kidney Pills and feel luff
per cent better. I am never both­
and allows relatives and friends to chat with her
"Tn present arguments’ ered with my kidneys or bladder
although hundreds of miles away.
in tavor of going l>«ckw»nl would und again feel like my own sell.’*
not only contradict wliat I have a|. | C. I Clougb
ready said on the subject, but
<ioo<l results always follow the
would emt>nr uui me in the tight use o( Foley Kidney Pills. They
that 1 expect l<> mate hereafter tn contiiin pial the ingredients neces­
Every Bell Telephone is the Center
save our |s«rty front the istium of sary to tone, strengthen and regu­
late the kidneva and bladdei. and
being the reprrm-ntative ol liquor t<4 orc backache. Cha* 1. C lough.
of the System.
heaves Tillamook for
Astoria and Portland,
THURSDAY of Each Week
Freight and Passengers
.. J
You Use Them.
We Sell Them
Salem, Or©
W. I STALEY, Principal.
Tillamook Iron Works
General Machinists & Blacksmiths
The Best Hotel
Headquarters for Travelling Men.
her world
all that.
A spry
used to be,
In the Circuit Court ut th»
for the C■.;■•***
State of Oregon,
1'lai miff,
J. C. Gove.
NOTIC B IS H kkkh . Gngg-
tue and authority of a writ
issued out of the above entitled
above entitled eaubc,
August, 1910. 1 will,
County Court House,
Oregon, on the Hth d
at 1U o'clock u nt of sa
and sell at public auc..„Bi B
bidder for cash in hand, the
situated in Tillamook Conati
more particularly described
A strip of land 5o feet wide of
end of and extending acroie
west of the following detcri
land, to-wit
Beginning at a point I fl rod« awi
north and 334 feet east of th*
corner of that tract of land dttdi
Blackwell to H. M. Eush. ritn
rnook County. State of Orego!
running north to a point 514 fa
the south line ol the said Blackw
stead claim ; thence south alon/
county road to a point 16 rud»
links north of the south line of
well’s Land Claim ; there: eaetj
of beginning.
Sheriff of Tillamook County.«
Summon i.
In the Circuit Court of the Stat*,
for the County of T
United Railway« Company
a corporation,
A J. Provooat and Lilah
Provoost, hi« wife.
Defend ants*.
To A J. Provoost and Lilah Froi
above named defendant!.
In the name of the State of Orem
You are hereby required t?
and answer the complaint
you in the above entitled actios os*
the expiration of six week» fro«
of the first publication of thia bu
if you fail to so appear and answer
thereof the plaintifi will apply touü
for the relief demanded in the
herein, which is that a judgment be
that the following described tract oi
situate in Tillamook County, OretC
wit: Beginning at the north wtg
of lot 9 in J. j. McCoy's addition
town of Bay City, in Tillamook
Oregon, and running thence eait
then *e south 10O feet, thence wen Si
the ice north 100 feet to the yia<c
iimg, be appropriated to plaintif » (
the purpose ot constructing,
maintaining a railway line, and a t
telephouc and electric power line
and that the amount of compensât
paid therefor be determined, and that
the payment by plaintiff into conn hi
defendants of the amount of f»»
when so determined, that the pltuntitgj|
upon become and be the owner of
of way, and that plaintiff hate
thereon appropriating said propertji
This summons is published bv ordtr
Hon.H. F. Goodspeed,County Judpo
mook County, Oregon, made and datd
rillainook County, Oregon the 1stdav
•September. 1910. The time prnerihi
*ald order for publication is once a mA
dx successive weeks, and the date ufth
publication thereof is Thursday,
1st, 191U.
H. T Bom,
Attorney for Plait!
Department of The Interior,
U. 8. Land Office at Portland,
September 16th, It
Notice is hereby given that Hew
K inxe, whose post office address is f
m »Ok, Oregon, did. on the 1st day of
lg »9, file in this office Sworn Statemest
Application. No. 1)2040, to purchase the
and NK»4 SW1», Section 34, ?
1 North, Range g rtest, Willamette
dian, and the timber thereon, under
provisions of the act of June 3, 18;»,
acts amendatory, known as the -T»
ber and Stone Law,” at such value as
be fixed by appraisement, an*’ that,
to such application, the land a
thereon have been appraised, at 17k
the timber estimate«! 1,200,000 board
at $.50 per M, and the land $120.00;
said applicant will offer final proof in
port of hi« application and sworn I
on the 2Kth day of November, WK),
T. II. Goyne. United States Coiumusiosc.
Tillamook, Oregon.
Any person is at .liberty to protest
purchase before entry, or initiate a eon«
at any time before patent issues, by
a corroborated affidavit in this office,
ing facts which would defeat the entry
In the Circuit Court of the SUteofOiQ«
for Tillamook County.
Department No. 2.
F- R. Beal«,
Lawrence E. Sanders
and Gertrude E. A.
To Lawrence E. Sanders, above
fondant :
In the name of the State of Oregoa Ya
are hereby required to appear and
the complaint tiled against you in the
entitled court and suit, on or beforttkri*
day of the time prescribed by tbe orde*
the publication of this summon» berew*
made and filed herein, and if you
answer, the plaintiff will, for wasttta*
apply to the Court for the relief
in his complaint on file herein, to-wit
judgment against said drtendasta to*
sum of $44-5.00, and accrued and sccrwai»
terest. aa provided in said note and
j escribed in said complaint, and for tbe**
of $1OO attorney’s fees herein, and
costs and disbursements of this wit !■■
a decree foreclosing said mortgage. ««J®
the sale upon said foreclosure, aaprw*”
by law to satisfy said judgment and wnu
all equity of redemption of »a*
and tbe plaintiff may become
?aid sale ; and for such other
relief as to the Court may see
^his summons Is served upon you
»f the Honorable H.F Good*pet<toC*~
fudge of Tillamook County, ,?re<°?’’Lw
ibsence of either of the judges ottbe*7
Dated Court.
this 29th day of SeptetoMk^
and the date of the first nuhlicaoi«
being on tbe 29th day of septemi* .
- biicattoa*?
Attorney» t«f r>*
In the Circuit ConrTof the State of ûnf*
. _ for tbe County of Tillamook.
Î. Ia. Dye,
E- Sanders,
To L. E Sanders the above ■
«nt. In the name of the State of Oreg*- .
You arc hereby required to «Pf***
answer to the complaint tile! Agais*
• ■ the above entitled action and
>r hetorc the last day of the time pre*
tbe order for pubhcatien
to-wit the l»»th d.«> <M Kovemher.
if Tow fail to aaswer. for want tto«*
will take judgment s
for the sum of Kight Hundrwl Ft
Dollars, together with
r*te of eight per cent per
On $2t»O oo from April 14th. !»B>
of $205.71
lad ament.
from June 25th ltlO»W
On glAu
uo from Jan. 12th, ItK *
from F.b >1« *»><*• *
•->" ^Isi-Tu'from May Mtk. 1»>A •'
'■•r th. farther .on, of |; h 5
«• «***
frr. herttn ami thr cual» «ad
of tM» ardo.
This summons
nnbhshcd by J-HtO»¿ -x.
e f is llmalsiafl.
County Court of the Stale o< Grrgoa«*^-
“»ted th
<»• th
tbe dal
P**hlH atto i <jf this Sumin«»»« wiR <
U» torn Sa. or M .rrmber l»*0*
■ T. Boira A.NI- GU-US »1
«ttorae.» -or*
T* *«■»»*■ Oreo*.