illanwk Hcaùlinljt TILLAMOOK, OREGON, OCTOBER Thursday night, at the U. B. Church, at 7:30, Mr. Guy Phelps will s(>eak on the subject of State Wide Prohibition. Some day you are going to see an excellent Lain, by which you could perhaps double your pey. And if you take advantage of that you are k to see others that will yield just a greater profit, kt is the way men grow rich—by taking advantage Ine good chance after another. Blit it is absolutely jessary to have small capital to start out with and only way most of us can get this is—try save up i nickels any dimes. It takes only a small amount get started and the habit of saving grows easier iry day. Start a SAVINGS ACCOUNT in our ik and you will see how easy it is to save. 30-inch new plain and fancy stripes Novelty Suiting at Patzlaf's in all the uew and popular shades ‘or the Fall, at the yard, 30c. Charlie Maury returned from a business trip to Portland Sunday, and has resumed his labors at lark Latimer’s barber shop. These cool nights remind one of cotton blankets, comforts and wool blankets. At Patzlaf's they have a complete line of the above. The first rain and wind storm of the season made its appearance on Sunday and itcontinuedto rain and blow all that day and night. 6, 1910 $i So per year. Now Ready for Your Inspection! ! The most wonderful values ever offered Women’s Misses’ and in Children's High Grade Wearing Apparel at Popular Prices. An oppt r- tunity to make your selection from the complete variety of the Season's most favored styles as shown only by CHAS. A. STEVENS & BROS., CHICAGO. Custom Tailored Suits made to special order according to your own choice of materials and syles. your individual measurements fr< 111 PERFECT FIT AND SATISFACTION ASSURED. Ready-to-wear Suits $10.00 and up, Dresses $1X30 and up, Coats $7.50 and up, Skirts $5.tX) and up. Furs. Waists. Petticoats, Sweaters. Muslin Underwear, Kimonos. Knit Underwear, Hosiery, Corsets. Neckwear, etc., also Misses' Suits and Skirts and Children's Dresses at correspondingly low prices. D. F. Trowbridge vs. 1 awrence F. Sanders and wife is a suit filed PLEASE CALL AND SEE THE BEAUTIFUL FASHION PLATES AND SAMPLES. in the circuit court to recover I cheerfully offer you any assistance I cun render you in making your selections, taking measure­ $465.(0 on a promissory note. ments, making liberations ami delivering the goods to you at the same low prices you would pay t< r At a meeting of the city council the same goods in their store or ordered through their catalogues. on Monday, it was decided to call an election on Ootober 19, to vote MRS. MARTHA E. WALLACE, P. 908, Tillamook. Oregon. on the proposed new city charter. \ Cheese Maker wants position in — REPRESENTING A nk cheese factory, 16 years’ experience □ U N T Y riLLAMOOK CITY. ORE._;sUPfQ vision ! and holds diploma from the State of Michigan.—Address Headlight Office. • For sale, house 6 rooms, large Shipman the “Piano man” left wood house, all out buildings, all out Friday to do business in Port­ in good order, 2 lota 50 X 105. Price The Genuine Bridge Beach in the obtained a like verdict, but tlie case The lathers and plasterer» who land. :e eream at T he S pa . $1350. Inquire at the Headlight have been at work on the Commer­ bent made and the most successful being taken Io tlie Supreme Couit, , Joe Atkinson was in town with a Office. >r. Morris, eye specialist cial Building have completed their heating stove in the world, and you McIntosh waa given a new trial and load of cranberries Friday after­ be Cream Cones at T he S pa . . The fall and winter line of goods work and from all appearance it may rely upon getting the worth of obtaining service on Mr. McNair noon. It while in Portland, the case was are all in at Patzlaf’s and we would will not I k - long until the entire every dollar you put into one, ilarn Chowder at Mrs. Hill's. . not only heats up with any kind < »t tried there. Attorney H. T. Britta Miss Maggie Creecy, of Blaine, is be pleased to have you call and look work is complete. fry Mrs. Hill’s home made bread. ! of wna attorney tor McNair and at­ visiting with friends in the city this over the line. You will not be ask­ R. T. Spaulding, of Bay City, was fuel, but it does what you expect ohn Hickey was in town Wedues- week. torney R. R. Duniway for McIntosh. it. — K ino a S mith C o . ed or urged to buy. in the city on Thursday and swore r- I “The Price of Honor," preaented The rain and high water have Miss Laura Tohl, of Nehalem, is out a complaint against Fred Os ­ Rev. S. G. Finnev will preach at ^■elephone for one of Mrs. Hill's 11 visiting with her sister, Mrs. Dr. by the Dramatic Club Friday nml been causing considerable damage Bay City on Sunday morning and trander for jumping his board bill. ^Bea. Boats. at the Presbyterian Church in thia He left the county and it is thought along the rivers the past week. Saturday nights at the t'peru Hi use Sunday night the Yamhill stage waa witnessed by two Ing houaea ■ he S pa for the beet Ice Cream in Wilbur Davis returned from the city in the evening, the service that he has been located at Sheridan. was detained on the road for over and judging from the hearty ap­ Ke city. hopyards at Independence on Sat­ commencing at 7:30. Star brand process barley, $1.25 four hour» by fallen tree« nnd dan­ plause, was thoroughly enjoyed liy ^feor sale, typewriter, cheap.—D. urday. __ , Large flocks of geese have been a sack and $3'2.50 a ton ; oats, $1.90 gerous bridges, it not arriving at t the audience. It may tie truthfully El Shrode. Arthur Bodyfelt came in from going south this week, which is hundred, $38.00ton ; bran, Me. sack, Trask until after midnight. It is ■aid it wna a great success and ■Ted Lystercame in from Hemlock Three Rivers Friday, returning somewhat earlier than usual, and $29.50 ton; mill chop $1.05 90 lbs. reported that the No-th Fork bridge those taking part are to be congrat­ on account of this some persons sack, $23 ton ; shorts $1.35 HO lbs. ■k Tnesday. Saturday. on Trask is in bad condition mid ulated on the merit of the perfor­ sack, $32 ton.—W m . C uktib . The ■Tom Coulson was in from East Highest Price paid for Hides, Furs predict a cold winter. also that the Stascck logs broke i mance. On Friday and Saturday Employment wanted by a man Grain Man. ■eaver Friday. and Sheep Pelts. N. Melchior, Till­ loose from tlie I mkiiii on Wilson nights, -\l/l r.i milker. Good reference. Inquire Plasker Bros., of thia city, to assist been moving into the building Poor Married Man.” ■ See F. 8. Whitehouse A Son for V» 1 has sold hie r,l<, place on Three Di--., Rivers : intended for laughing purpoaes them in their business, as they have at tlie Headlight office. which is owned by M. F. Leach, { only. ■ire Insurance, etc. * to Dave Bailey. By the number of imiuiries For the chilly—thin-blooded—who a large amount of business on band next to Jenkins’ Jewelry Store. It this plnv »ill lie witneaseu by a Screen doors can be obtained ■ W. S. Cone, of Bay City, was in at Bayocean Park. * Remember the date, has lieen fitted with a good set of big crowd. at the Tillamook Lumber Mfg. like Warmth and Comfort, we reco- fee city on Wednesday. Miss Bernice Johnson, who is living rooms in the rear, and with Friday and Saturday, Oct 14th mid mend one of our Heating Stoves. Co. in this city. ■* I5tii. Secure your »eats early. ■ Amos Vaughn and wife were in We set ’em up. Price is right.— teaching school st Hemlock, and a modern glass front. Mr. Schnal ' Tickets are to tie on sale at Ismiira II. Sours, cheapest and best paper K ing a S mith C o . fee city on Wednesday. * Miss Eliza Dawson, who is the chil­ may well lie proud of his new place Drug Store Monday. Leave orders at I For cement by the sack or the hanger in town. Plasker Bros, will do your plumb­ dren's advisor in the East Beaver of business as it has as tine a show * Barrel see D. L. Shrode. * King A Smith Co. Notice. ing in first cluse style. Let 11» figure district, were visiting friends in window as any store in town. For men only. At Patzlaf’s a on your work. Will guarantee our town over Saturday and Sunday. I A. Sweifel was in on business Notice is hereby given that on Several of the young people of the new line of Ixigging Shoes will turn work, having just employed an ex­ _ We understand that the false work Irom Nehalem Saturday. town met at the lecture hull of tlie M. Monday, < >< tôlier 17, 191(1, the Coun­ the water out, not in. perienced plumber. * • • for the bridge which is to cross the E. church on Tuesday evening and ty Board of Kuuulizution will meet I For Monuments in Marble or at the ( ourt llousf of Tillamook Fred Sappington returned from prauitc see D. L. Slirode. Nelson Company, of Bay City, Nestucca river at the Conder place formed a literary society, with oil! County, Oregon, and publicly ex­ Garibaldi Beach Saturday where he v». D. R. Wheeler and wife is a suit was washed out during the high cers as follows: John Ascliim, pre­ amine tlie assessment rolls for I Dave Reddaway was in from Bea­ liais been on business. filed in the circuit court to recover water, also that the new bridge on sident ; Edgar Munson, vice-presi­ said year, and correct all errors in ker the first of the week. Rev. W. B. Hollingshead came in $145.65 for .goods and wares furn­ the Wilson above Bester's met with dent ; Blanch Whittemore, secre­ valuations, descriptions of lands and other property. buid board I Jas. Edwards came in from Sand­ the same fate. and lectured in the north part of the ished the defendants. tary ; Cloyd Dawson, treasurer ; will continue in session from day lake Tuesday on business. county on prohibition. Felix Roy is back from a three Mrs. Ascliim, critic ; and Fred to day, until tlir i-xainiiiation, cor­ Duck season opened the first of • The Oshkosh arrived in port with months visit to Eastern and South­ Miniek, sergeant at arms. Their rection and equalization of the the month, and, as usual, there is a Steinor Blaiaer and wife, of Ta­ assessment rolls for said county ¡merchandise last Saturday. ern states and Mexico, where he had Fri lay even next meeting will be sliuil Is- completed. coma. are visiting with his brother man or a boy hid tieliind every sod Shingles, the best kind, at tlie the time of his life taking in every ­ I ing at 7:3P. Dated al Tillamook, Oiegon, or log where there is any likelihood Joe at his ranch south of town. I Tillamook Lumber Mfg. Co. . thing that was to lie seen. Bui tin y Our Powder September 17, MKL Powder Is Here, of a stray duck passing. A. M. H ank , How about those new lace cur­ wouldn't allow him to ride in tin came Saturday and can be had any Art Ruger and wife, of Neskowin, New goods received at Patzlaf's County Assiissor i tains? Patzlaf's have just received same seat with the color folk. were io the city on Tuesday. time now. As it is getting the time Store. Ladiea’ Tailored Suit» nnd 240 fiairs in price 45c. to $3.00. Singer Sewing Machines. There were two fistic encounters of >ear when transportation is un­ I New Furs, 1010 line, in at Patzlaf’s Get your doors and windows from Coats; also Missis' and Children's. in the city a few days ago. which certain, we would suggest that any in sets and single neck piece. the Tillamook Lumber Mfg. Co. A large anil strong line of Outing did not bring any glory or honor one that i« going to use any |Hiwder R Now in your opportunity to g -t iiiachinc that will lust you a .ife Forrest Ayers, of Beaver, was in You save money by doing so. * Flannels and Umbrellas. to the young men wlio forgot tlieir this winter would do well Io secure time, on easy monthly, pa) menta town Wednesday on business. Bill Harris took a load of miecel- that you wifi acurirely miss und gentlemanly traits of charactor and the necessary amount now. You The next time you send away for la neons materia) to Three Rivers on no interest. Harry Sappington was in town who resorted ungentleinanly mix something get a Money Order from can leave it in our Powder house I fxrsonsll ▼ fftinriintec rvery ma« Tuesday, to tie used on the Conder Wednesday from Three Rivers. ups to settle their differences. and get it as weeded. Attend Io Chine and wi II kvf|» il in rrpMir free the Tillamook County Bank. bridge, which is tiring built across Wm. Ryan returned to tlie city Don’t wait until il is of charge. Mike Kelly, who had lieen drink­ this matter. Whitman Lamb was in from the the Nestucca river at that place. Your old machine will I k - taken from ypper Wilson on Satnrday. * ing. was robtred of about $75 at the all gone.—K ing A S mith C o . woods, where he has been looking hh part payment. Gun« and Ammunition are going For Sale,—Two dairy cows. Ap­ after the Whitney Co.’s intereats. Ramsey house one night last week. Rev. J. F. Dunlop returned from Machines deliverecl at your home, fast these days. I .argent and moat ply t<> G. H. Ward at Beals' office. * free demonstration trial. Do you want a new bed spread? varied stock of these goods west of 1 He had his opinion who robbed Hillslairo where haslieen attending on Call in and see tlie New Singer ('6. Oren Wallace was in town Friday Patxlaf has just received 130 new him, but could not furnish enough the annual conference of the M. E. 1 Portland. Our price« are absolute­ B vmhktt S iiipman , Tillamook, lire. evidence to cause Deputy District Church on Wednesday of last week. from the south part of the county. one». Prices $1.00 to $4.50 each. . Whaleut'a Jewelry Store ly correct.—K ing a S mith C o . Attorney Willett to have the person In the conference Mr. Dunlop whs i Rill Quick left by the North Yam- . Died, at Pacific City, on Tuesday. Snow Drift flour, $5 90 a bbl. and arrested. re-appofnted tothe Tillamook charge ; hill stage for valley points Monday. Miss Ruth, the 12 year» old daugh­ $1.50 a aack. Lighthouse flour, $5.40 An adjourned rneetiqg of the city but upon reaching home he found a H. B. Lockwood, of Cloverdale, was ter of Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Edmunds. i a bbl. and $1.40 a »a< k. Im- council was to Irave been held Wed- telegram stating that they had de-1 a business visitor in town Friday. See Mrs. Shrode for lessons in perial flour, $5.75 a bbl. and $1 45 1 neaday evening to consider a pro­ cided to send him to Gresham in | Insure your property and avoid painting. A sample of her work a aack. —WM. CuaTiS, The Gnsn position from the Electric Light Co. stead. It is ret’Oried by Mr. Dunlop loss with F. 8. Whitehouse A Son. * may be seen at Jenkins' Jewelry Man. j in regard to lights, but ns the mayor that the pastor of the Methodist J. J Hollett brought in a load of Store. A numtier of drunks came to the ' and only one councilman were In church tor the coming year will be cascara bark for ehipmeot last Fri­ the Rev. H. K. Salisbury, who waa I R. C. Magarell, formerly of Nes­ city on Monday evening nnd caused i attendance, no business could day I located at Sheridan last year. kowin, bnt at present the landlord i ' some little excitement by running ' transacted. Eugene Jenkins. J. S Ijunsr and of the Beaver Hotel, was in town on their bureca down the streets. They ' Died, on the 4th inat., at the home were eventually «topped by Maralial of Mrs. A. I- Donaldson at Fairview, S. A. Brodhead who, together with Tueeday. Mr. Henry Bevene, age-1 77 yeara C. H. Woolfe, have brrndotng bus Coni delivered, $10.00. Shingle, Kimball Deceased was inesa in Portland, returned in Mr. and three months, C. J. Blanchard was in town the $136 and $2.75. An almost new ao uncle of Mrs. Donaldson, and Jenkina, suto Saturday morning. drop head sewing machine cheap.— fore part of the week from Hemlock. Hearing that it waa raining on the 1 had resided in thecounty two years. He took out a load of furniture to D. L. S hbode . * ' the Gesner place for Mr Shoulnon, The remains were buried in the mountains and that the roads wcie New 3ft-1 nt h all wool Serges in •one too good, they decklid to leave who will reside there until bis house4 Johnson cemetery on Wedne»«lay. plain and striped effects at Pstzlaf's. McMinnville at 7 pm. and after tra­ is finished. Wonderful how that G« m 1 left off veling all night over what “Gene“ j Complete new color line for fall, at The Board of County Commis­ the Eleventh commandment from calle Slippery roads, they pulled the yard, 65c. sioners. composed of County Judge the table of stone. “Thon aha It not into town st 5 a.m. B. D. UAMAR, Pro. Mr. Woolfe Team fur sale. pound« Good drink, manufacture, or have in thy ■tnyerl over in Portland until the and •rue. Alao taro new wagons H F Cioodspeed end Commission- • poasessron, any spiritous, malt or first of the week, but haa since re-! Located in tb« forisale. Enquire of W. H. Purdin, era Bodyfelt and Alley in attend- . a nee. is grinding out county busi­ fermentod liquor of any kind what­ turned to the city. Tillamook. Ore. TIüUAMO^K HOTEL. soever under stale wide pruhiln- ness this week George Edmund« went to Pat 16c The «uit of P. McIntosh vs. Ales. I tion.“-J. C. Gov*. City on Wednesday to attend the > Dr. Hoels has moved into bis new McNair, which was brought it* W. E SoWther and George Wnar- Multnomah county, and tried la>t I “Drop in and Lo k funeral of his niece, a daughter of residence, which is a fioe. large two story reeoleiwe. which makes quite mell. Pacific Mates Tel. and Tele, week, wee to recover $2. AU and ir- D T. Edmunds. Around." linesmen, have been over rushed tereat for five yeara, allegerl to be| Mail Cuntrat tor J E Brown has sn improvement to that part of the city. Such houses as tlir Ltoctor'e with work since the storm on bon­ 'owing Mrlnioeli The jury brought made appli- ation 4" the der The wind end rein caused tine verdict in favor of McNair thorities to Imre the soirth mail ■re well worth twing proud *d, and with lite lines, I This caoe was trier I in thia county mu< h • hows'ht moth troul4e leave here at six o'etorh in 1» e it shows the effect of Bfnatfetitrnl« especially those running Io Port­ ■nd money in the •otne few yeaia agi, and McNair ■nomiw. the object >mag to git land sod Cloverdale sod dev urstioos thionuh in one day. • [TILLAMOOK COUNTY ÍANK¡»W» 1 CHAS. A. STEVENS & BROS.. CHICAGO. LAMOOK JOTTINGS Lamar’s Variety Store, I NECU GOODS on each boat. J