TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 29. 1010 I If We Had a Lady Mayor. ' DIVIDED THE MESSAGE. INDIANS AND BULLETS. The Way a Financier’s Clerk Extem­ porized a Cipher. Wlieii Wall si ret first caught the fever for •industrial rorablmitlous" Kild Is-giiu the r.organization of every tiling 111 sight nn,' of tlie voiartes of blgli timin'e found hlmsrlf in Chicago tn extreme nerd of cotuuiutiicallug with his New York office He u I iuimi louiplcied mi arrange­ ment for tile coiisolidatioli of several veslern enterprises. Im! In older to get the final miHiority be lived'd from New York he must explain all he hud done by wire to Ills partners j i There was no time lo write, He bad no cipher code. For a long lime be tried to think out some way Io send the Information so Unit It womd lie i bellringer, plain to his partners and meaningless will horn lo any one else. His secret was a val­ sounds like uable one it nd once sent over tbe wire mlglil Is- sold out to Ids rivals In Wall politics street for n large sum. At lust lie decided to take t Ilf* chances In plain English Accordingly he wrote the message and gave It to Hulf mi hour his assistant to send later, when the assista IH carne buck. he asked him If lie bad sent It "Not Just that way.” said Hie clerk, "1 rewrote It—the first word on >1 Postal blank, tile second on n Western i'nlon. nud so on 1 «ent half by each company, mid neither half meant any thing Then I si'UI a second message by one line, saying. 'Rend Isuh mes- »ages together, alternating words'" 'i’he scheme was hat simple for t lie high financier to have eiolved. but It worked perfectly. I OLD TIME LONDON Th» Days When Men in the Pillory Were Pelted With Eggs. London in I7IKI was n comparatively small city of uliout UutHMMi luhuhituuis. the rough and ill kepi main roads to which had lieen Inn slightly improved since Tudor times. Tbe ghastly spec­ tacle uf many of the trees on the Hotitb- wark road bending under their liurden of banged men hud indeed lieen slight­ ly motlilh'tl. but mme tbe less the de­ composing I u ' ik I h of "traitors" «till till nd the atmosphere Hbout London bridge and Temple Bar wild myriad» of ham*- fill miiTohes Our linniedlntt» forbears were evi­ nut overpartli-mni about Hights I dently mid smells They were in i UHtomed lo see men sitting hl the pillory pelted with nil ten eggs aud |MisHihly tiu-hid <1 among their Immediate elr. le mil a lew H im had been deprived of their lies •» and vara for expressing too freelv Hieir opinions, polltli-iil mid relli'ioit» The drains were In mi ii|i|>.I!mu eo'i dition The Innumerable < hur Ir ani« Were so bill ot I-Iittins Hull lll.'V idl'tl pro|M ted through the turt Ileal md hull ImlHiig. dug rights »ml tuixmg I milli lie« «ere nili'iided even tn royal ly ns lute as IN'Jll, mid live vtgirs Inter all llie "dandles'' In Londnii were |i:iy lug high prii vs to stand In the eiiriH round I'yluirii to Iwhind twenty two of tbelr fehow i-reutiire» hanged for mis demeanors which In our Hine would be punished h lih a few days' liupria- oumetiL—Loudon Saturday Review An Ingenious Defense. Nlrnhle w I im mid a glib i<»ngup fre- qiietitl.v hjkp prrliitf “iupperH” «ut trl.il before flip dvpuiy coiDUilssioner al hpadqiiurtvrM Sump of tin* “dofniiM»**** put up by Hn‘und»,rs an» more liigon* I oiim than <*oti\lin ing. \"ot long ago a giant patrolman. H<*<*m«*»d of lw»ing about a quarter of h iiii I v off I i I m vvolvvd tliN excuse, “You nee It WHS like thin. your honor. I was patrolling my |M»nt when I thought I heard a man up the street yelling 'Fire! Flref I ran in the direction of Hie Round, and. would von Iwlipve nn*. Mr. ('oinmHM|om*r, tberv hum <1 a follow out on iho Mhlowalk Irving to wake up a friond of hh oil the tloor, and ho whr yelling with all bln might •Mover! Meyor!’” Woll. ihaiM a brniMl new one.“ xald tho trial cmiimh. siom»r. the Musph-lon of a audio « tom *» Ing bin fa<-e. “I'omplHlni dlHiulmted.** — New York Tribune. A Reliable Medicine Not a Nar colic. Mrs. I- Mnrtl, St Joe, .'Itili., any» r.'ln s Honey nini lur saved liet little iHiy'a lile. She writes: "Out little Imv conti.icti'd a aevere broil elilal trouL'e mid ua the i I ih I oi ' s in, ,lu inc did lint cure Inni, 1 guvv Inni I'oley's Itoney mul fur in winch I imvcgre.it t’nith. it cured the cough ua well us the chocking and gagging spi'll», mid he gol well in ii .short timi'. Foley'« Honey mid far has ninny tunes • uni ii« iiuii'li trouble mid we m< ncici without it in the house.” t I < lough Sumner's Ready Reply. Charles Huuim-r when In London gave a ready reply Ai n dinner given In Ills honor he Himke of “the i.slies" of some dead hero “Ashes: What Amer­ ican English'" rudely broke In sn Eng- Hshrnau “Dusl you meiin. Mr Sum­ tier We dua l burn our di-nd In ibis country” "Yet," instantly replied Mr Suumcr. with a courteuUM smile, "your poet Gray tells uh i ba I 'Kveu In our ashes live their wonted fires'" The Anierlvau whh not crlHelsed agalu that evening.- Argouaut. A Glorious Part. “At last." exclaimed the low m- median. "I have a |wtrt that Just mii I h me.” w "Good." said the Orsi old lady ' "Y'ou are the only actor I ever kuew wl>o was thoroughly satlstiisl with Ills part. What Is ItF* "Oh. the part Isn't much. aa far as Ibst goes, but I'm supixswd tu be a burglar, amt I break Into a pantry and vai a real meal nt every parfurtuame.” —Chicago Record Herald A Paying Investment. J”»"¿"',ite. l “nee more Imn- t*he,| the annual cough. I am new Ctmeimwd that Dr King . N. « l>(, • «»very .« tb. lw»t of all cough H,„| ...tee at Munk I Clough » d'ug He Worked On. Wife- Geera* this burning of the candle nt t»iih ends tuvsns an untimely grave II I« nearly 12 o'clock Come tu Issi George-Rut l ui doing thia night work I d order B11y another timid who bad crept near him nnseeti. He took to bis heel« «nd. Iielnt? a quick ruuuer. reached tlie furl amid a shower of bullets, hut the galee were shut, mid the men Inside were ho frltihieued ibm they dared not ofa*u them Finding himself shut out. Hay threw himself rial on the grotittd In tbe rear of »1 MUllip. ami here. |terhtips seven step* from the fort mid within sight of Ills motln*r, he lay for four hours, while the bullet»» of the Indians tore up the ground on either side of him At last he gn»w Impatient ami culled out to the gurrisuu: “For heaven s sake, dig a hole under tbe cabin wall nud take me Inf* The men Inside set to work Itnme dlately. and the brave young hunter was speedily safe inside the fork FORTUNE ISLAND. Th. Story of the Buried Prue of • n English Buccaneer. An English bui'iaueer. having I*wild and tired a rich prtee. found liimself pursued lu turn bv a Spaui'li titrate. Hud In order lo save Ills treasure sought aoine Isolated shore ou winch to bury It until the time came to divide the spoils with bls followers So he run into the Biilianin group and. lauding on a low lying si rip of saud mid pnlm trees, cached bls plunder aud. uunilug the place Fortune Island, sailed aw.ii He left a miml'er of negro slaves I»- bind lo guard tlie buried treasure, mid tbe present liihiililimits are said lo lie descended from these slaves, The Por tune islanders believe llie old sea rover ueier returned tor his chi*st and Him It Is still hidden somewhere near I lie tide level It Is n<> uncommon sight for tourists on the rare ocasloti« when a steamer slops itlere to see some hulf milted black man digging In Hie sand probiibly In otiedleuce to a dream ot ut her sign Tbe natives are half civilized, exceed ftigly siiperstlH'iiis mid very |»sir and live mostly on fish »nd fruit They do not attempt to plmil vegetables, pre ferlng to rely on I he (»uinty ot nature as the fierce hurricanes that sweep the Balnimas mam upnail anil destroy g»r dens The little colouv 1» huddled Itv getber lu a collection of squalid huts thut are blown clear away lu nearly every storm and have to lie built anew Tbe Island 1s nine miles long and » mile wide at the broadest part and lies 110 miles northeast of Cuba. — New York Press. cret Service Men. T T T BO'ITS Tho Pardon Paperweight. A ttorney - at -L aw . Tuder the headline "A Queer Munic­ -■--La ipal Gift” a Vienna paper tells Ibis story: “in rhe year IStiU a private aol- Complete set of Abstract Book, dier statloued al Sass killed au officer iu office. Taxes paid f0rnoo of bls regiment and was cmidemned to be shot. Comrades who kuew tbe ex­ Residents. tenuating circumstances. friend». prieaiH. relative»—all pleaded In vain Office opposite Post Office. for mercy, tbe colonel In w lioae hands Both phones. the mutter rented ln»lstiug on lile death penalty Tbe day came and the man wus takeu to tbe pluie of eieeti-' ^/ARL HABERLACH, lion. Six members of bla regiment, with ritiea. one at which coo- | armed ;taiued a blank cartridge, took tbeir ATTORNEY AT-LAW, The man's places aa executioners. eyes were bandaged and with arms securely pinioned Ue stood ready for the volley, shouting 'Comrades, ulm Office across the street and north fro, wellf when a mounted courier dashed the Post Office. rlnto tbe crowd waiving a white Bag. crying 'Pardool* Ue was l.leuteuant Baron du Mont, whh the eoioner« Q^EORGE WILLETT, pardon, wbk'h would have been use­ less bud It arrived one tuluute later A ttorney - at -L aw . The municipality secured tlie tive bullets from tbe tiring equad, bud them Next to Tillamook County silvered and mounted lu the form of a tiny pyramid on a silver plate, and Bauk, thia, suitably Inscribed. Is kuuwu a» T illamook tbe 'pardou paperweight,’ tbe ouiy oue O regon . of Its kind ” The |FR<*inU of fWllUlt*! f»'i( bill* Iwii’k b>r iln*ii I* to the persons sue Is a <■ urloni* and exciting etuplov by Ho Th»* expvn incut goveriimeiii to this work are h motu, (he most '.sllifui uiemisT. of file «e < rei service The protection ot the curreu-y <1"pend« in large inen «ure up nn ilirr efficiem y and He- pi'in« Hie, < ike are almost lu'hi'ie flu follow i.ig case 1.« one lllii.«irnHuv the ditti cullies which the «is ret «erv|.e |>niple nn-vi mid overcome; A bank clerk In Clevelnnil Imd de teilvd a counterfeit Iwi'Uti dollar bill In tlie deposit of H small retail grocer An expert was seul for mid uialvr took the case lie found Hull the gns-er laid re | i-eTved Hie bill from a st»» dealer, w II" i hud II from a dentist, who Imd It from somebody else, mid so on. unlil Hie «<« ret service tnan finally irm id the j bad note to an Invalid woman wit" hi'd used It to pay her physician : When question'd till« woimin «aid that ( tlie niolle) had l»'eli sent lu r In liei brother, who lived 111 New Orleans Tbe «letiih looked up Hie broitier'« »nt'S'edeiits and «min beemne eon Th. Useful Crocodile Fish, vimed that lie wits Hie loan wanted In tbe rivers and lakes of tbe Mexl- to The liro'b'T. however, sism provisi | tlie «III I.sfaetlon Ilf Hie He, I-' ■ I service can stale of Tabascu there hwiuiu a fish known as tbe "crocodile tisb” man that Ids suspicions were 1 iinfoiind which is most useful to man ed Indeed. It llpi eur.'ll Hull Hie inoli The skill of tbe crocodile tisb. If ey h»d been received bv Hie New Or for rent properly cured, may be utilized for any leans man I d part pay of the purposes for which tbe lighter of a house he owned weights of leather are employed. Tbe While rhe sleuth was oil of tbe crocodile tisb Is a perfect lu­ aged, he couldn't give over I Im bricant amt also used for softening when he had gone ho far. «o Im leather lu addltiou to Its qualities as Hie next train for PlttslHirg a lubricant and emolleut. tbe oil pos- The tenant of the lioiise In I'ltis burg proved to he r traveling is uhsi kesseH medicinal qualities for which a superiority tv Hie finest of Norwegian who spent most of his Huie hi Hie mid die west Tbe sei ret service man had cod liver Is claimed. The tlesli of I be tbe good Im k. however, to vateh hlui crocodile tisb is extensively used by lust as he had return'd from a trip, the natives as fmid and highly relished mid the man hi od e recognized Hie by them its one of the delicacies of tbe bud bill us one that had been given country. Crocodile fish range in length him liv a patient In < ’levels nd. Hie I from ten Inches to four feet, aud when dried assume an ashen hue. with light­ very fsilnt will'll' e the sleuth suiriod The patient was a boss intpenter er shadings of a bluish tint.—New Or­ The sc ret service man i;ol tils address leans Time»-Democrat. from the '»-mist mid went right after Poor Human Nature. I he new < lew Ai this point *ie nail a The woman who bud succeeded in premonition Him someHiing was going lo happen, mid He wnsn'i Mrdlng house pay—was confiding tu said Hull lie Had received I lie bill from I u friend some of tbe tricks of tbe a certain Parker The said Parket trade. "While you must never allow your was the hiiiii II gris-er hi « Imse bank deposit the eomiierfi'lt Imd tui ii. d up Im» rd era to ttet too far beblud In tbelr I'lie expert tie« to the grocer« a- piivmeuia. It Is also true that you will qiHekly as n cab child take him mu' profit conHiderubly by allowing them n little leeway. So long hm you are sure found it •■ll••l•d He li.id left ton ii . Afterward It was shown bevimtl of your money It pays a laudlady to qlieatuiti that Jhe »ris er was the ageii* have tier boarders a week or two be- of an organize! band of e>iinlerfeliera hind iu tbelr board.” "I don't see that," Interrupted ber Hip shop wits a mere blind Tlim the tiffi which he gave the caritepiet friend. "Well. I'll tell you." continued tbe should get back into hl« own fluid, "When a inau owes buck after traveling all over tlie coiltlueiil landlady was one of those miracles ot i-h.ince board you buve him at a certain dis­ fur which there Is an explnnatlou - advantage. Not one lu a hundred un­ der sin h cireu iiista ncea bas the nerve Chicago Record Herald at mealtimes io ask for a second belp- lug —New York Times. A Dean Ramsay Story. geutecltcr ^buokat, '1 A H. GOYNE, A ttorney - at L aw . Office : Opposite Court Hou«, T illamook , O regon . T. BOALS, M.D, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, TILLAMOOK. Office- Olson Building. Residence : Mr». Weis»’ house, WMt «I Mrs. Walker's. s. M. KERRON, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, C oncrete B uilding . Tillamcok, Oregon. R. 1. M. SMITH, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Office over J. A. Todd & C'a. Tillamook, Ore. c - hawk , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, BAY CITY, OREGON. R. BEALS, Dean ItHmsnv's memoirs contain ni> The Human Lobster. anp'dotv of an old woman of Startli The lobster has always uppealed to «pry. Just la-fore her death she sol- REAL ESTATE, enmly Instructed her graiidnepliew. the Englishman as affording a nick­ name for tils fellow Englishman. '■Willy. I'm decln' ami as yell liar Hie F inancial A gent , charge o' a’ I have. mind. now. Hint ns “IxibMter" whh a favorite term of abuse much whisky Is to lie used‘ut my tu- among the Elizabethans, though It Is Tillamook, Oregon. Surprises In Chinese. ndral ns there was ill my baptism.” only conjeciurnl that an allusion tu red “Some people.” said an American As signifying a Willy. having no record of tlie qnnn- faces whs conveyed consul to China, "live as long as tlty consumed at the Imptiam. d>« ul.sl Moldier. "loiMter" originated In tbe twenty years tn China and never learn to give every mourner tty mix h »» he civil war. living applied lo the Round­ R. P. J. SHARP, more thnn a dozen Chinese expres­ wished, with Hie result Hint the fu­ head culriisslers. as Clarendon ex­ sions. But not so my lit He girl She neral piiK-vsHloii. having to traverse plains. "liecuiiHe of the bright Iron resident dentist used to meet me each evening with tell miles to the churchyard on a short sbellH with which they were covered." some uew Chluese expression which November day. arrived only al nigni- Afterward the allUHlon was transfer­ she had lenmed dnrlug the day. Now. fall Then It was discovered that ilie red to the soldier's red uniform, But Office across the street fnxr- the Chinese IsngUHge. like the Japan mourners halting at a wayside Inn. that was tbe "Imiled lolister Court House. Tbe "raw esc. Is full of honoiltics, and 1 fondly bad rested tbe coffin on a dike ami lolisier" was naturally the man In Dr. Wise’s office. I ms glued one evening, when my little left It there when they rvHOmed their blue, the tioilcvtnan lo earlier days girl greeted me with some entirely I Journey The corp«ai,a:iH a day lale we hud GroHe explaining that "to boll new expressions, that she was saylug In arriving al the grave one's lobster" meant for a clergyman something like this: 'Here comes the lo become a soldier.—London Chron­ /-TA SARCHET, honorable personage, my father.' L . Tbe Fashionable T«1* icle. Interest In Ancient Days. "To verify my gm-ss I asked a little Aa ■ nil* tile ancient» frowned upon Chinese boy to translate. At first be the Idea of Interest. They called it Th. Man With th. Iron Mask. Cleaning, Pressing and R'l*3' was rather backward, but 1 urged him usury, and. except In the cnse of The Mau With I be Iron Mask was until be Anally said: wanhhips and trusts. when tlie law a mysterious French prisoner of state, ing a Specialty. "'Tour exi-ellency. your daughter Insisted u|a M people. C. I- Clough