T1L.LAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 29, 1910 011 ! ty Board of Equalization w ill meet at the Court I louse of Tillamook of tlie origin uf ibe expresslou "mining tbe corridor by a stranger who asked. laiwela, without fuss or friction,” want these qualities mid the&uccesa ! County, Oregon, unit publicly ex­ says N. H. Brown, of 1'ittstiehl. \'t. they l»f England, where they lui rmiso self aud tor anutber friend. They Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, lcating liquors within the rapidly after a few warm April show­ charge dve ceuta for a copy, aud 1 September 17, 1910. municipality. er* and the lielief prevailed that tbe haven't a cent of change. Cao you A. M. H ake , 32« X Yes County Assessor, rum brought them. let me have ths money tu buy two A good school—none better, established reputnt ion. Others trace I tie saying to uortbern copies r Successful graduates. Skillful, painstaking teachers. Living mythology. In which the cat Is said to Notice of Sheriff's Sale of Real “Now. I had not made any speech, endorsed by Many other advantages, Let us tell you Property. have great influence on the weather, and tliey do nut ehiirge five cents uor expenses iow. 40,000 OREGON CITIZENS Write for catalogue. nnd aallors still buve a saying. "Tbe any cent« at all In the document room; about them. In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon ( ì R OREGON HOME i si has a gale of wind In her full." but I gave bitn I he dime be wanted: for the County of rilluniook,. State of Oregon, ) ASSOCIATION. w ben she Is unusually frisky. Witches and roproaclied myaelf afterward for ilai it t iff. | that rode u|*>u the sturins were said my stinginess Such an artist at flat- va. > T. C. Gove. to assuiue the form of cats, and the tery ought to hsve bad a quarter, at Defendant. I stormy northwest wind Is called “the least.'*—Chicago Record Herald. N otick k H brehy G iven . Tknt by vir­ tu« and authority of a writ and order of »ale cat's ill's-" In the Harz mountains i*sued out of the nbove entitled court, in the even at the present day Then the dog above entitled chu > c , on the IMh day of How Romans Took Thsir Food. \uyttsi, 1910, I will, at the dooi t»f the Is a symbol of wind, which In old Ger­ Tbe Ronin ns reclined at their ban­ County Court House at Tillntnook < itv. man ph lures Is figured as the bend of quets ou conches, all supporting them­ «ircgtin. on the Sth dav of Orto»>»r 1910, it lo d’clock a m ot aidd day. offrr lor side, a dog or wolf from which blasts Issue. selves on one elbow aud eating with sell at public auction to the highent for «ample» of our “Diamond and bidder for caah in hand, the real property The cat therefore symbolizes a down­ their fingers from dishes placed In tbe ¿XPOR T BEER, situated in Tillamook County. Oregon, pour of mln: the dog. strong gusts of center of tbe table. Each was sup- Quality” RE-CI.EANEE more particularly described a* follows, to- wit: wind, w hu b aix-onipany It. nud so n plied with a napkin, and knives were KAISER BLUME. A »trip of land .*>0 feet wide off the north Karin and Field Seeuo, ruin "ot i'Hts aud dogs" is a heavy rain used, though It does uot appenr that end of and cxtcndinK acrost* from cast to went of the following dem-ribed tract of wit’j wind every one wns supplied with one. Unsurpassed, Non Intoxicating, jj Grasses, Clovers, Vetches land, to«wit : Nothing. It would seem, could be more Begiuning nt a point 19 iod< anti 2»' Hnka I Alfalfa and Grains fo; north and 334 feet east of the south w> i»t fatiguing than to partake of a repast MALT TEA corner of thnt tiact of laud deeded b> G W . A MGFRUN LEGEND. tn such an awkward posture or less Blackwell to H M. H up I i , situate in Till«- mook Countv State of Orr»'.nn. nnd thence i It Tail* of th. Origin of Man’s Sub- conductive to neatness. It lielug almost lunning north to a point M 4 »c**t noitli of the south line ot the said Black well*» Home ImpoHaible to keep tbe bands clean (action to Woman. stend claim ; thence south along the s.dd We have S|x*cial Mixture? h.; even with water supplied by tbe slaves There Is a quaInt old Nigerian legend county road to a point TH roos and 2<> link « north of the south liar of said Hlaek- SjH-ciul Purposes— thill relates tbe origin uf man's »Ob­ or to prevent tbe food and wiue from well’s I.,md claiui , thtiice east to the place falling ou the clothing and the draper­ of beginning. jection 10 women Dry Land Pastur« Mixtur«. VV»*t II CRENSHAW Land Pas'ur« Mivtuin, Spi ci.-I Ai the beginning of things, tbe le­ ies of the couch. This manner of eat­ Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon. Mixtur« for Duruod-cvar Lund, gend run* tbe world was (»copied by ing dlsapj^Nired durlug tbe dark ages Cover Crops for Orchards. BOTTLED IIV THE women only One day, the earth god. so far as tbe couch was concerned, Summons. Tell mi the nature of your noil and y»nn A w I ihmh I Na! hmqieiied ti.v accident to but tbe peculiarity of taking food with In the Circuit Court of the a co* poratlon. be meant io slay tbeui. be would bring years. Noriliwent quid Plaintiff. tleatrm tlon on all together rather than vs. ill es uh to acivitu A J. Provoist ami Lllab Ha Wanted te Know. kill them one by one. yon. frovoost, his wile, There «us a attiHII crowd at tbe soda 1 Awbasal wan sorry for the grief be Ifvlcndantss. , A?k foi rosl&t Ha CO counter wbeD a lall mau ruebed In uud Soda Waters. Niiitliiiris, Bartlett Mineral tend caused and fed to thr place of begin­ "What! Yist mean to say he Is go­ St. West, und both Phones. wbasst m last. “Year they roared ning. be Hppropilulrd to phiintili's use for ing to take that acid?" I a great shout, and. cuteblng bold of thr purpose of constructing, operating and iiiaint Mining a railway line, ami a trlrgmph, "Oil. uu! Listen There Is a silver ne another, danced for Joy at tbe SPECIALTY IN ALL KIND OF OAKES telephone nnd electric power llur thereon, wedding at his house tonight, aud be (ought of tbe gift Awbasst waa send ami that the tonoiml <>f compcii» at ion to l»c paid therefor I m *determined, hik I that upon Is going to test the preaents aa fast as ALL KIND OF BREAD the pay incut bv plaintiff into court lor the Thu* men became the aereante of hi* friends bring them In." defendants of »hr amount of coiiipcHMfition w hen so d<*tci ininc«l, that the piaiiuift there­ Abd then and there they voted him innen h nd bare to work for them IO upon I mcoiu C nnd la- the owner of said <1*1.1 Do Not Delay the iiM-aueat man In town.—Chicago is dny. of way, nml that plaintiff have Judgment thrreon appi'»printing said property to it. News. J This summons is pwidlsbni by order i»i the Settle It Now Settle It Right W. I STALEY, Principal. Salem, Oro I I S end i*M FÄLL SOWINi Columbia Bottling Co Astoria, Oregon PORTLAND SEED CO. VIERECK, IN TOUCH WITH FRIENHS and RELATIVES Tillamook Bakery Y<>ur Th« Sansa •( Humor. A mat, usa a «ease or humor or he pi not. If be has not he f-aunot ac- Hri- It; It he baa it by birthright be ■not lose It with the passing of ■ r*. Tbe only change aa life goes I In one who has this Inborn sense Is ■ I different things ap|»eal to It from nse that excited amusement in ■th. but In thia It 1s like other botai tacultles An Judgment mH re Hnd rliieus. do tbe power of dis- gering those Iblngw that excite ■lea tieeomea more discriminating, ■mor Is uot a pbyalcal attribute to le as tbe body loses Its youthful ptfc'ttr. but purely mental. Men neasure have their deatb- «»» vi i ur » ri y ■dy of Ilf®.— iauspolis Star. The Inspiring Bagpipes. II was nt a seaside resort, and along tbe board walk came marching a band or highland bagpipers In full costume. They were tremendous fellows, but their music, to my untutored ears, was like tbe squealings of forty stuck pig" Yet I have never beard strains to com­ pare with theirs for arousing a desire to die for one's country. I think bag pipe music must have t»een fashioned l»at:k In the old days by some demon uf perversity out of tbe whistle of ar­ rows. the clash of claymores, the neigh­ ing of war steeds and the shrieks of the dying. When I hear It I think of tbe wheel of fortune, tbe car of Jug gernaut. the mills of the gods and tbe Inquisitorial rack and svrew. It whirls along with a cyclonic rhythm that sets tbe feet to tramping and bliss! to liolllug.—Hubert M. Gay In lauric. Ths Flax Plant. burn Is obtained from the flax plant ■Dall, delicate annual with a tiny flower The plant Is pulled by In tbe summer, the seeds, known meroe as linseed, being reiooveil tbe straw subjected to vurluus to separate the tlliroin« |uin i i-onstitmes the linen First It Is in water nnd then |«ie-««M a drvlug and besting imn-vw« ring wh«*eta until all fur>-lgu er la removed. It Is then ready Manufacture A Scandal Spoiled. “Of courw be and bis wife voted tv each oiber now." Jewlous Mis* Gausslp. "but do 70U think «be will always be so true and all that?" •Well." replied Mine Kidder. “I have reason to know that ooly 1**1 night be bud m-casloe to set a trap for ber" “Ab! Du you know. 1 euapected eumetblog“- "Tbey mure than suspected They knew there were mice In tbe bouse'— I'MIadelpbla I'ress. Hot a Qusstisn of Etlqustts. » nrodrii ks ifb* Isudludvi—Can II* you tu mime more uuup. Mt. k*y’ ! Duniley—No. tbs ok* » Hendricks I engagingly- Don't te. Mr Dtitnley. because it Isn't ■reed gtsid form lo be bel(»xd I tu uuup Wte'ru out pnnk utar te I**** iDuniley-Ob. etiqoeffe has noth- b du with II. madam; it's (be riantlng SUI AUTVMH CAI AIM . JAPAW I*- A7-0FM 4* larsUt ka ar” <• f '*F ardara •»««•« ael«wi na»H v aUw»«. TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Every Bell Telephone is the Center of the System. asm for catalog mo . Al PORTLAND OKAUON SEED CO llon.H. K GotMlMprcd.County Judge ofTUla- mook County, tHcgon, madr and datiii Mt Tillamook County Oregon thr 1st «lay of Srptrmlkcr. I9io Thr time prescrilieil in »Mid order frit publication is oner a week for nix «uccvBsivr weeks and thr date ofthr first -ibltcaf ion tbrrrof is Thursday, bcpinubt-r K>. II T H otts , Attorney for I'lnintiff niitil 'K l'un Ptmi ie AI lox Ih-partmrnt of Thr Interior. lì. H, Land Office at PorHaml. Oregon. Mrptrnil er Kith. 1910, Ice 1« Itcrrby uiven that Hrnrv c r, whose post office arldrms I m Till« mook. Oregon, did. on thr lai day <>f July, lilt* iu title oilier Sworn Htatriarnt and Application. No UJUfo. to pnii hast* thr W J4 Hit 14 «iwl Nk.*4 Awlfc, hcction 14, township 1 North. Runge 9 A cmi , Willamette Meri dlan nnd the thnlter thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3 !*;•*, nml nets amendatory, known as the * firn« Iter and Nlvnr Law,’* nt such vaine as might IK* fl>rd by appraisrmritt, an*' that, inir«iiaiit to Bxich application the lami nn«i tliill»rr thrreon have beet* appraised, at •72<*3M>< the limber estimated I^ ihiihhi lioard feet at $.5»tcnt him «•, bv filing a corroboralrd m A ìonv I i in this office ull«g- Ing facts which would defcMt thr rittiy. H k ihmiY. Megi Birr “Neskowin” THE OLD SALEM CAMP GRfT'm Ths Burdan a* Oalf. Golfer (wltte a full bag. teoklag fur a caddtei-l aay. my frlead. do yuw bap- pea 10 know <>f any owe wta«"— Near­ sighted Vlltagw tteatUyt-Xo. I due t. All tbe folks ruuad beea dues tbetr uwu umbrella repairin'/— Perk. We earnestly invite yon to make yon r HUMMED O’ TING nt NESKOWIN PARK, for we predict tli.it you w !l c-vi r li.i o cause to regret tb.it you c .I iom : th!« irle. I »»¡tot. Ci «■<• i . « yr»»i tri’I u.. take yttur annual rucatiotif 1 t by all u.ua.«-, <. 0.4 NESKOWIN AND ENJOY 1 H E I T i U uiik