ilLLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 29. 1910 Editorial Snap Shots. THE PRIMARY ELECTION Democratic County Vote. Governor. Jeflecson Myers................................... 29 No other l>ook baa had such an inflnence upon the literature of all Christian nations as the BiJ>le. The Bible is also the greatest book of biography in the world. It gives the biography of the greatest ANCIENT-YUCATAN. It^Myatariou* Ruin* Cnca th* 8c»na of Human Saorificas. Rah! Rah! Riih ! A 1 Kt. List of the Successful Candi­ Oswald West.......................................... 551 It was Ctiii lieu --Cinehcu Iran the Secretary of State. ’ (hatttitl ut low water to Tilla­ dates in State and County. waguiiicent. the TuJ Mahal of Ooti-ul I Turner Oliver ............................. ’ ‘ mook City would Fooh make I Justice of the Supreme Court America—and the building we werw 60 >nd beat men that have ever lived. this the center of th»' htmlter Those winning and receiving the ' Woodson T. Slater........................... gazing on was tbe must wonderful of * No other such biography as that Justice of the Supreme Court._ industry. Truly there is a bright J nominations on the Rcpublian ticket tlie ruined group. 70 recorded in the four gospels has Will R. King................................... future b r this city whenever I are : As we looked U| m > u It In tbe moon­ State Printer. A3 ever been written. The biographys this water way right into tliei Congressman, W. C. Hawley. light we could not help feeling how James E. Godfrey........................ 11 of the Bible are the most perfect awe Inspiring this colossal temple, heart of the county is taken in ' Governor. Jay Howernmn. I J. Scott Taylor........................ Secretary of State, F. W. Benson. Commissioner of the Railroad Com-'ever written because they record leiiring Itself 120 feet Into the sir. must i hand and cotisuiiiated. State Treasurer, Thomas B. Kay. Justices of the Supreme C< lift, J years, H. J. Bean and T. McBride. Justices of the Supreme Court, 6 years. G. H. Burnett and Frank A. Moore. Attorney General. A. M. Crawford. Superintendent of Public Instruc­ tion, L. R. Alderman. State Printer, W. D. Duniway. Commissioner of Labor, <>. I’. Hu If. Commissioner of Railroad, Frank J. Miller. State Engineer, John A. Lewis. Water Commissioner, James T. to compliment W. ' Chinnock. JUUK„V, ., Judges of Circuit Court, Percy K. We wonder, the next time that Bro. Trombley toot« Ilia In ru in the Methodist church, whether his conscience will not trouble him considerably for the manner in which he vilified Bro. Hawley, one of the brain- ies and Js'st read men belong­ ing to that denomination on the 1’acitie coast. Will the Bros, please pray for Bro. Trombley ? I mission of Oregon. Hugh McLain...................................... Charles P. Strain .............. Judge of Circuit Court. John Bavne ...................................... Wm. Galloway ................................. Representative. Henry Kunze ................................... yj both the good and the bad in the ¿j life of those whom they consider. • Here our biography minimizes the 1- bad and magnifies the good. The ,l) Bible gives it all without prejudice. ]3' The Bible is the greatest book in the wodd as a book of prophecy. In this respect it is wonderfully marvelous. One hundred and fifty distinct pointing to the coin- ming of Christ, made hundreds and thousands of years before his coming, were perfietily and com­ hnve been tu tbe sueieiits. Ou the top *255i. auents' heads tlim the tyrant like priests of the Itzas. majestic lu their That nuiy tn wnhppr|M t _ ls*jewele!l and befetiI tiered robes, tore P>Ke; Some lide a nammer cut •ne ­ out tbe palpitating hearts of their Thea« beards J rlilclal victims after slicing open ttle be; breasts with a silex kulfe. Some with the quadnt< « 'I'tiese sacrifices were probably per- faahion. formed In view of thousands of wor­ I Some circular, some oval la m Some peritendicithir in km«, shipers of the sun deity congregated Some like a iliieKet for tiwtr- on the pin Ins below, the heart after It Thus Height, depth, brtfab eqnare. oval, round was torn from the tneiuliraties being And rules geometrical in burueil ns an offerlug tu the Inner holy -iXaliuiuii of holies, while the body of the victim ro||K| the stone steps to be sucra- On the Democratic county ticket for County Judge, there is a tie between Homer Mason and Rollie Watson ; H. M. Farmer has the nomination for county commis­ sioner, and H. Crenshaw and Web, Maddux tie for sheriff and J. C. Hol­ We want pletely fulfilled without the varia­ den has the nomination for county R. Watson on the flattering vote Kelly and I. 11. Van Winkle, tion of a letter. Besides this hun­ clerk. For county treasurer P. W. he received on Saturday fori On the Democratic ticket, Oswald dreds of other prophecies concern­ county judge, and this was, West was nominated for governor. Todd, 4; David Martiny, 4 ; Thos. ing nations, cities, individuals, ! Coates, 6 ; and H. E. Morris, 4. brought about, principally on, Palestine, Babylon, etc., have been Republican County Vote. 1 lT. G. Jackson and P. Kerr run neck I account of his ndvtM'acyof good | fulti'led to the letter as all secular laud neck for surveyor, and Roy ro tds and the system we have so ' The primary nominating election history proves. often advanced itt their eott- passed off quietly in Tillamook Hinkle has the nomination for I The Bible is the greatest book in county on Saturday with but very coroner. H. T. Botts has the nomi­ ntruction. It was a clean nice the world ou science and ethics. for county judge, anil as the little interest taken and a compara­ nation for the Port of Tillamook. , The foundation of all moral law tively small vote cast. On the whole majority of Republicans have and all systems of right living is sh wn by their votes that they, there is a disposition on tbe part of REVIVAL MEETINGS IN from the Bible. those who participated in the Re ­ prefer Homer Mason, Mr. Wat­ The Bible is the greatest book TILLAMOOK CITY publican primary to suppoit the son find those who supported, as a book of promise. No other ' ticket from top to bottom, as it was judgment him will .show good Evangelist D. E. Olson is bock contains so many promises • I y helping elect the successful a clean race and tree and open for Drawing Large and Inter­ of good to the human race. < Over | candidate. That is the most 1 ' anyone to get into the contest who of the truest and , two thousand ested Congregations. j meutally eaten by the people.—World honorable course to adopt. I , desired. Most of the defeated cand­ . sweetest promises ever made to Wide Magazine. idates, both in the state and the The people of Tillamook are be­ or received by man are found in Th. Haughty Plant,« * Oh, 110, Bro. Turner, there is county, have pledged their support ginning to realize that a great re­ the pages of this great book. Foe» of Royal r,« to the winning candidates, and if 110 lenr of tlie simp shot tmtti vival is in progress at the Church The Bible is the greatest book in In uo part of tlie »uni i getting tiny strings on Homer these promises are kept the indica­ of Christ under the leadership of the harmony of its various divi­ It I. Chargad With Being a Breeder of distinction.« more rigkk M.'isou or any of the other Re­ tions are that tlie Republicans wil ' lu colonial Virginia. Tisi, Evangelist David Eugene Olson, sions. In the sixty-six books writ­ Bad Manners. publican candidates. We have win out with lurge majorities in the >thut i-vlvuy siepptsl fruía 4 and Associate Evangelist M. M. ten by forty different ages of time general election in November. "My attention was recently called to lived eleven years itt the coun­ <*<>ttrt of Elizabelll HUo |pj Moss and their helpers, Mrs. Moss there is not a single contradiction. an article.“ observed the retired pro­ Congressman. ty and have never made auv' Virginia The lord iifugJ No other set of books ever brought and Miss Bassett. Since the reviv ­ fessor. “ In which the writer rebuked 231 ported lo his eslate a lliJ eliort to get strings on ¡my of' \V. C. Hawley ........................ together could fulfill thia condition. H. F. Mulkey ...................... us. Individually aud as a uatiou. for 237 al began last Sunday the house has gentlemen and liidamiiM t lie county official, for the reason j Governor. been crowded with attentive listen­ Again it is a book that never growa our lack of manners due to the burry and afterward ¡ »meilirJ that want them to be just as' Albert Abraham .................. habit. He classed this habit among old, it ia ever fresh, always read, al ­ ers. On Sunday evening the house Each formed a class »ixnl tree and independent running Jay Bowerman . .................... the bad. senseless. Inexcusable habits, others, and aluiost at ••»,, was packed to tile doors and many ways loved. their offices ¡ts we are in run-' Grant B. Dimick................. E. Hofer..................................... Lastly, it is the greatest book in and I fully agree with him. Watch a created a quasi system utaJ were turned away. tting the Heudlight. Andastoi Secietary of State. the world in its power over men. crowd anywhere, pitching off trains 'I'lie proprietor olifigstM 4 Mr. Moss and assistants came to improvement of roads, Bro. ' F. W. Benson .......................... Hod Isiats or surging on to them, fight­ protect his tenants ftuei M 323 No other book or groupe of books ..... 1<>2 the city three weeks ago, and, with Turner, living on the spot, you I G. Wingute ........................ lug for first places going up stairs or They III turn agreed to hlM the assistance of Rev. V. E. Hoven, is able to take a man in the lowest down, squirming and elbowing to get State Treasurer. would have more influence with battle, precisely tlie aptroa Ralph W. Hoyt ................................. depths of sin and degradation and through a gateway or an open door, ed by William the t'roi|»w Mr.Mason in getting some ttec-■ Thomas B. Kay ................................. 213 minister of the church here, organ­ 265 ized the work in preparation for tlie redeem him to a lite of rightousneas and If 'you were to inquire not one military defense of his null essary road work in the south | Justice of the Supreme court. 290 coining of Mr. Olson. That careful and usefulness among men. The man .lack or womau Marie could tell viroumettl naturally brrd st part of the county and to the Ileury J, Bean Thomas A. McBride ........................ 275 organization is resulting now in the Bible has been able to dp thia in you why he or she was on the dead its of command, fostered t a beach resorts Iliati we would. Wallace Mctamant ],il large attendance and great interest. millions of lives. jump. directing the efforts of tali« Justice of the Supreme Court. i The sermon was listened to with "The average male being will consult posed a sense of res|s«si«l A Workers' League has been or­ 1 be Headlight did nothing Geo. H. Burnett ................................. 372 rapt attention by the audience which bls watch, bound ai rosa the lawu. ntu tbe planter fur t be lire i| t<> hin t lite feelings or the repu­ Frank A. Moore ................................. 298 ganized to meet each Monday, Wed­ packed the house to the doors. The like mud for a car. hire a cab to break bis keeping. Attorney General. nesday, and Friday afternoons. music of the meetings is one of the tation of any of the candidates Above all else the pin* A. M. Crawtord .................... ......... 321 This league is taking a course in most attractive features. The sing- the spis-d law driving to a ferry, dash in the recent primary election, J. N. Hart............... ......... into his office as If he had done 100 guarded liis rights »s u Ena 141 ing by the Moss family in fheir trio “ Training for Service ” under the and for the most part if was a Superintendent of Public Instruc- work is a rare treat to hear. The yards In ten seconds, remove bls bat man. Wbeu llla-rty langimbd leadership of Mr. Moss. This course tion. land tbe Virginian sliinlilris| < lean campaign in Tilkimook, duets by Mr. and Mfa. Mose or by and overcoat, open Ills desk, pull out a . 330 is open to anyone who desires to Mrs. Moss and Mitos Bassett are slide, twk his feet on It. light a cigar ery aggression of royal tjwl though somewhat different in L. R. Aiderman................. State Printer. beautifully rendered ahet ween kins and H the Gospel in song. and nominated ¡1 ticket support <>. I’. Huff .............................................. 250 ably apt and fertile in his illustra­ and after she's arrived she’ll calmly other people nitutentally •»( the candidates ? If there is any G. M. Orton ..................................... iso tions, forceful in expression and pnt down her purse and parasol, finger taut as that group of Virgium honor in polities, we think they I oiiimissioner of the Railroad Com­ choice in language. One is im­ Summons. the goods for fifteen mluutes. ask lias given to humanity « e* missioner of Oregon. should abide by the vote of the pressed with his tremendous streng­ men. soldiers, orators. |«irw>( In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon questions concerning tbe prices—past, Frank J. Miller........................ .. ... 327 people. Or is there to be ano­ th. I11 body he Is a giant, remark- j for Tillamook County. lotiopbers.—Everybody'» IM State Engineer. present and future — and move off lei ­ ther tight at the general elec­ j John H. Lewis ............................... . . . 3117 ably developed and preserved—six F R. Brais, Department No. 2. surely without buying so much as a tion Itecause this or that person i Division Superintendent of Water feet tall, straight as a Norway pine, j Plaintiff. Baring th. Feet at Ws4 s|)Ool of thread.”—Providence Jour- va. Division Number One. did not get the nomination ? In India Hindoos and M with muscles as hard as steel; in Laurence E. Sanders Mi. Gertrude E. A. alike wear Isutti ¡Modal»»d« We hope not. The Republican I James T. Chinnock............................. 296 mind he is a giant, keen in intellect, I and Sanders» i red K. Gettin...................................... 117 persi and the latter Imnnttol 1i< ket would have lieeti some­ Defendants. marvelous in memory, powerful in Th. Father of Tobacco Smoking. Judge of the Circuit Court. To Lawrence E. Sanders, above named de­ what different if we had had Percy R. Kelly ...................................... 24k» in reason and argument; in spirit , It la quite hojieless to trace out the In variable rule Is to rwt»’»* fendant : entering a private ism* > In the name of the State of Oregon : You father« of smoking lu geueral and to­ the naming of the candidates, I. II. V an Winkle .............................. 32I he is a giant, with great power to are hereby required to appear Ar.d answer stepping ou to the mat *4 Representative. bacco smoking In particular. Who Brat but we are going to allow this to the complaint died against you in the above lead men to a better life. He has A. G. Beals............. .................. gyf) which the visitor takes til*■»* entitled court and suit, on or before the lust drew In amoke of any kind through a interfere with our pledge to great personal magnetism, attract­ day of the time prescribed by the order for (.ouiity Judge of Tillamook. must be cast off. the rtgh» W the publication of this summons heretofore pl|>e In Englund and who first of our support the Republican ticket Homer Musoti............................... 322 ing and holding the interest, atten­ made and filed herein, and if you fail so to first. liefore the woclili" • nominated on Saturday. There Rollie Watson ................................. 210 tion and good will of every one he answer, the pluintiff will, for want thereof, countrymen took to tobacco will al­ temple or mosque. »»d '' County Commissioner. apply to the Court for the relief praved fur ways remain disputable. It ¡8 equally are others who feel as we do, but No such preaching has in his complaint on file herein, to-wit: For uncertain which western tribe made garded as an absolute ledd II. M. Farmer .... ............... 4(W meets. Judgment against said defendants for the they should, as we do, submit ever before been heard in the city of sum of H45.O0, and accrued and accruing in­ the .nbliuie discovery. There Is even attempt to enter either full.’* Sheriff. tbe domestic habit arose <*• to th«' will of the people and Henry Crenshaw................ .... terest. as provided in said note and mortgage ' 474 Tillamook. described In said complaint, and for the sum 1 dispute as to whether tobacco takes its I vlous propriety, and the t»W County Clerk. support tlie Republican ticket Mr. Olson's sermons thia week of >1 OO attorney's fees herein, and for the name from the Island of Tobago, from J. C. Holden ............................... ual of "the shoes «f ’•* ’ from top to bottom. 509 and disbursements of this suit, and for have been ou the following subjects: costs County Treasurer. a decree foreclosing said mortgage, and for the Yucatan province of Tobacco, from now and for ceuiurie« pK* the sale upon said foreclosure, as provided David I Martiny............................... 472 “Paul's Dying Appeal,” “The Psy­ bylaw to satisfy said judgment, and barring Tabasco In Florida or from a y-sbaped throughout Islam. < *u 1» *• rhere was one thing which County Surveyor. chology of Success," “The Greatest all equity of redemption of said defendants, pi|>e which the people of Hispaniola cd to have hero dkistei M ' probably imopje di»| not notice in V. G. Jackson................. ’............. 277 Hook in the World,” "How to Read and the plaintiff may become purchaser oi I smoked wltb tbetr noses. Only one it be uot derived dlrn-flj ft1*' Ilnrry I’. Kerr .................... ,M»i C • an<* ^or other and further Z44» th»' race for congressman in this the tOurt ma-T •eetn “««t with name Is definitely associated with the versal social etiquette d (*■ and Understand the Bible," "The e*uitv* Coroner. dtstnet. W. E. Hawley relieil W. C. Hawk ........................ .. great Institution, that of Jeon Nicot. 31 Supreme Thought of the Bible,” .J I*»! M,"nlO,‘iA,^ri.T‘S UP°n y0“ bX Order the French ambassador to Portugal, S’f.thc c **• Good speed as County ! Oil his clean record and what he Port of Nahaieiib Did Hi» Best "The Seven Biggest Fools in Tilla­ Judge of Tillamook County, Oregon, in the who spread the fame of the herb lui«l done lor his district while H. V. Alley .......................... Tbe young politician «»*• 31 mook.” u( thi "•«”« - •’><>« In hia sermon Sunday C. 11. Wheeler through Europe. And of all who are 38 tn congtess, but, unfortunately •a possible, but that* evening on "The Greatest Book in . Port of Bay City. a rtar ** September. 1910. familiar with nicotine today how bls possibilities «*• *" tot B I'. Mulkey, he rvaortetl I W. C...................................................... and the date of the first publication hereof Hawk.................................. the World, ” Evangelist Oiaon said bong on the 29th day of S.’ptcmue 1910 11 many associate It wltb Nicot or have asked him what bis ’ t<> ungeiitleniimly bv Gnat Nelson...................... ao ^ of the lust pubiication'tiereof 1' in part: "When Walter Scott, tFe 1*. th* '0,h/«7 olNoriXr. even beard of Llm!—London Chronicle. Port of Tillumook. at tbe mayor's reieptkta to* im iiiuuting aniitnberoi things I,, _ great English Novelist, was dying including the confidential air which wen; not true about his H. T. Botts........... 157 ♦ i™1 and insertions hereof in said Dave FiUpstrick........... An attend­ A Misplaced Title. •’I'll tell you Just as WhiCh 11 for -a 27 he called for the book. political opponent, or, in other ¿First Justice District. Among obvious misnomers one Lon­ myself." be said. "I a * ant thinking he meant one of his IIOLMKS * HANDLKY. w< rds, Mr. Mulkey resorted to ustice, los. Kffenberger Effenberger don tbester is to be found. Drury me she should wear ’ 11 own works asked which book. Attorney» for Pintatlff. ‘ oiistuble. Al Crawford ti e same methods some of the rt ‘There la but one book,' said the Laue theater Is not in Drury lane, and morning ar break fa* Second Justice District I leinocrntic new spaiiers did to Summons. no reason can be assigned for giving It decided on her rose rotor* Justice, K. W. Stanley............ dying man. and that is the Bible.' • Mr Hinvlev, mid, proba­ Constable................................. tbe name of that thoroughfare. The wbeu I saiii gi»«iby w 235 This lias been the testimony of the tn the Court of the State of bly, lie sees now where he made third Justice District. ‘ first theater built on tbe present site spread a gray one I***** 1 I greatest men of earth. The Bible C. !.. {y;;h«^««»oíTuu"n¿V#3 ¡1 mistake, for it is generally Justice, I. W. Hiner........... was at one time frequently referred to ored on one < halt mid Plaintiff, . *" the greatest book in the world. ! ' conceiled that Mr. Hawley has Constables, J C. Creevy and H. as tbe theater In Covent Garden On beside tbe white <>n •***'# _ vs. * 1.- Jenson, tie It in the greatest book an a work L. B. Sanders. taking something else mt 1 built up a clean, conscientious Feb. 8. 1H03. Pepys notes: "1 walked Fourth Justice District. Defendant 'of history. First because it is the If ber hair budu t < aagM^**^ record tor himself, ami he has JiiHticc, Miiert Warren ........... a L K 8,nder* ’*« «bove named defen- up and down and looked iq>on tbe out­ 12 oldest, older even t tan Chinese side of tbe new theater building lu sbe turned round I s^F* a right to lei 1 pioud of it, mid 4 »••••table, John Lon^core lo Ibe name of the State ol Ore.MO 5 history which goes back only to' able to tell you " You are hereby required to auutr and Coveot Garden, which will be very w*' think tltut Mr. Mulkey erred R- publican Central Committee. to the eomulatnt . ™ the Hood. The Bible Iwgins at the aniwer In the «boye entitledlaetion a ______ __ fine." In those days no theater ex­ panion. • n litdgmenl when he atk-mpted 8. V. Anderson. Fairview t*^. 23 beginning and records many events or bei..„ the isted In Covent Garden, tbe predeces­ to besmirch Mr. Hawley's repu A. II. Malaney, t’niun .... In the order h,r puMkatlo. ma<^ he^b? Ths Ptrfsrt before the flood. Second, the his­ to-wit the luth day of VorembTr l»!,?^ sor of tbe present opera bouse having Miles Warren aud Smith Elliott tiitmn Public men get very "John, dear." |i|H»rluint\, the life <>f a W. H Hoskins. Foley. . ■‘Well. h»v Impulse of feminine humanity after an J",as,k -mo. 4. date 3 roborate the history of the great may not t* t*rf’rt’* penton w ho aspires to |s>lilical I W Harnson. Garibaldi a.vldent if a woman could be raised 000 i— 7 hook. jld¡X£°" J“ to date from tbe dead she would straighten nest* enough to • «dll» »' IS not n tied (,f r.«. » bv I M Leisberg. Netarts .... 4 Tbe Bible is the greatest txxik as simple tastea Lhlai* ’ « f. W. l.vster. S>uth Praine any means. 3 Ftb «»«* to «... ber bat before doing anything else.— G H l amb, Tillamook........... Marlon Crawford 2 a volume of literature. No other I Ib’,,erh»ch. Hoouarton ( 84 volume or set of volumes furnishes , i •' ’ •»'i- Little NestiKva . ; found hrr wuy l>uck 22_____________ duri"“”*' • ■* -t to perfret r red Zaddach. Nehalem .1 1 literature of such variety, beauty 1 Of th., action and "•'«'»«'•I* health. She write, «an<4 excellence. am*. n 1 ‘ and "I "iitlcivii The finest IHietry. with kidney trouble and iHichncIi«* 1 here are imlicatiotis on tbe p- P«rt history, story. oratory. •tory. ami my ai>|>etite was very poor ut ot a few lemons who are not will I sermon and song are found essay, I got on the mg tn abide by the result of the Foley Kidney Pill, .„d 'vr pH-1 page* — of thia 'RAI1. Ismk. Jtlj All < - • ’M»« of the V»< pablKBttoa be«.« O. th- a fair trial They me them mary election, and ■rent I upon r.itef av continmst nil now. ............ - 1 um ■ rain m pc-iiex-t lie.dth ' Mo”«bw, lui o’ C 1. •»> run i judgv ' " m" M"*°" ,Cr “nd '’’•pirtotion Of theirthongM 'tí < lough. ■- T Sorra Am> otrno« »n t-rrr county juilg sud style. TilUmoo*. Oregon ” ,or f1*'"“« I COLONIAL Vii THE HURRY HABIT. 41