Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 29, 1910, Image 1

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    I J
No. 17
The Golden Gate left last Satur-
day with the following passenger»:
I D. Stillwell, Mrs. Getcliell, J. Tour-
bain, C. H. Wood» and wife.
Snow Drift flour, $5.UU a bbl. and
$1.3) a sack. Lighthouse flour, $5.40
a bbl. and $1.40 a sack, Iin-
perial flour. $5.75 a bbl. and $1.45
a »ack.-W.q. C urtis , The Grain
Some day you are going to see an excellent Mr». Harry Crane, of the Miami,
|u, by which you could perhaps double your brought her daughter to this city
I And if you take advantage of that you are Saturday, that she may attend the ♦
High School. Miss Cinne will stay
see others that will yield just a greater profit, at the home of Dr. Boats while in
the way men grow rich—by taking advantage town.
;ood chance after another. But it is absolutely< 1 W. J. Garrett, who has been work-
ry to have small capital to start out with and
f way most of us can get this is—try save up
kels any dimes. It takes only a small amount
and the habit
of saving
jay. Start a SAVINGS ACCOUNT in
id you will see how easy it is to save.
ing for E. T, Haltom for over a year,
left for Portland by way of the North
Yamhill stage Wednesday morning.
He ha» resigned his i>osition at Mr.
A number of politicians of the
city spent the greater part of Sat­
urday night at th* telephone ex­
change, in order to get the result
of the primaries.
Bed is forgotten
in such cases.
Dor Shaw returned to Tillamook I
the latter part of the week, from
Kalainath Falla, where he has been
spending the summer. He, like all
others, say that there is no place
like Tillamook.
J. Kerr, an experienced plumber,
of Portland, has been engaged by
Plasker Bros., of this city, to assiat
them in their business,as they have
a large amount of business on hand
at Bayocean Park.
Elmer Allen and Arthur Case left
for Portland by the Wilson River
stage, Tuesday morning. "Pete”
will attend the Portland College of
Dentistry and “Art" the Y. M. C. A.
School of Engineering.
Mr. Pennington returned to this
city, by Bewley’» auto stage Tues­
day evening, from McMinnville,
where he has been visiting relatives.
He also visited Portland and other
points, on business while outside.
A. Bush and A. N. Bush, partners
doing business under the firm name
of Ladd & Bush, has brought suit
in the circuit court against France*
Xavier Moreau and Nilus McMillan,
guardian, for $630.70 on promissory
Star brand process barley, $1.25
a sack and $32.50 a toa ; oats, $1.00
hundred, $38.00ton ; bran, 65c. sack,
$29.50 ton ; mill chop $1.05 00 lbs.
sack, $23 ton ; shorts $1.35 80 Ilia,
sack, $32 ton.—W m . CURTIS, The
Grain Man
W. E. Souther, the Pacific States
Telephone Co.’s lineman, who has
had charge of their work in this
county for the past eight months,
left by way of tlie Wilson River
stage last Friday to visit with rela-
tives in Hillsboro.
- Next Sunday at 2 p.tn., Elder G.
v Perotherer, of Rickreall, Ore.,
will preach in the Adventist meet­
ing Isiuse At the close of the
sermon the Baptist of Tillamook
City will tie |organixed into a Bap
tist Church of Christ.
E. P. Sarrette, ex-president of the
Counfy Court of Raleigh County,
W. Va., with bis »on, Covey, who is
a teacher in the public school*, are
here on a visit with their daughter
and aister, Mr*. J. M. De Lillies and
family. Miss Inez De Lillies accom­
panied them from La Grande, Ore.
Mr. M. Pierce, who has been
in Tillamook for the past year, left
Lin at T he S pa .
today to visit his mother at Carlton.
jrris, eye specialist
See Mrs. Shrode for lessons in
A sample of her work
ham Cone» at T he S pa . .
may be seen at Jenkin»' Jewelry
PA for the beat Ice Cream in
Attorney II. T. Botts is in Port­
le. typewriter, cheap.—D. land on business in connection with
the suit of P. McIntosh vs. Alex
S. Whitehouse & Son for McNair.
trance, etc.
Coal delivered, $10.00. Shingle,
Inent by the »ack or the $1.85 and $2.75.
An almost new
1 D. L. Shrode.
drop head sewing machine cheap.—
bnumente in Marble or D. E. S hrode .
lee D. L. Shrode.
Frank Haberlach and wife and
y door Mata free with atove Mrs. Clarke, brother and sister of
$ n <; & S mith C o ’ s .
’ Carl Haberlach, are in from Clacka­
lartiny and family have mas on a visit.
F. S. Whitehouse has sold his log­
Brom the state fair.
engine and outfit to County
1». the best kind, at the
Judge Goodspeed, who will use it
■ Lumber Mig. Co.
to clear land.
Lour property and avoid
Sam Lundburg brought his wife to
IF. S. Whitehouse A Son. *
the city from Nehalem for medical
•e Atterbury returned from
treatment, placing her under the
I end of the county Satur-
care of Dr. Smith.
4 : ’
- ■
Roy Powell has returned to this
f. Dunlop has been re-
city after an absence of three
to the M. E. church in months. He has t»een living in
Vancouver the past summer.
Price paid for Hides, Furs
Wanted, 15,(MJ0,000to 20,(JtX),(XX) feet
1 Pelt». N. Melchior, Till- nt merchantable firtiniber. Address
the Oregon Box Manufacturing Co.,
insen left Monday morn- 1336, Macadam, Portland, Ore.
lena Vista, where he;will
Married, on Monday, in thia city,
x Melvin F. Webster and Miss Evan­
Iger returned from Port- geline L Bailey, the Rev. D. L.
day. where he has been Shrode performing the ceremony.
Sanitary metal door mats free, a<*
in. of Three River», and long they last. We will give one of
■sen. of Blaine, were these mats with each cook stove.
Range or heater. KINO A SMITH
door» can be obtained CO.
lllamook Lumber Mfg.
Cheese Maker wants position in
I city.
• cheese factory. 1« year»’ experience
k, cheapest and best paper and holds diploma from the State
l. town.
Leave orders at of Michigan.—Address Headlight
kith Co.
Rev. J. F. Dunlop will preach in
►r sale at a bargain. Easy
lay be seen at Mrs. Plank’s the M. E. church next Sunday, both
* morning and evening as usual. Ser­
r Webster Holme» re­ vices in the evening beginning one
in a business trip to Port- half hour earlier.
Editor H. S. Turner, of the Pacific
Employment wanted by a man
Mu rday.
Outlook, wa* in the city on Wednes­
I Roy Wood brought in a
day. He informa ux that althongh
with stock and ranching.
pads of freight for the El-
the Republican ticket ia not exactly
milker. Goo<5 reference. Inquire to hi» liking, having gone into the
al tlie Headlight office.
primary election he will support
preh and steps were ad-
The Elmore left last Thursday the Republican ticket. And Bro.
pie to the Presbyterian
with the following passengers- Trombly inform* its that he will do
i*a week.
Mra. Smith and family. W H. Coop-
fore* leaves this week to i er and wife. Cliff Hiner, C. Helman, the same.
I studies at th* State Vni-
A large number of people from
j C. D. Lcnaingmeyer.
town went deep aea fishing with
Plixaker Bro* will dr- your plumb
I doors and window* from , ing ia first class style. Let ns figure Emmett Jenkina, last Sunday.
Amongst the ciowd was Host Allen
■look Lumber Mfg. Co. on your work. Will guarantee our
ot the Allen House, and he has been
■toney by doing so.
* work, having just employed an ex­
dishing i»p cod fish to hi* gue»t*(
■ time you send away for perienced plumber.
cooked to the queen’s taste. whi< h
I get a Money Order from
If your floor* need repainting, reflected great credit on th* new
look County Bank.
give them a coat of Ready Mixed cook at that hotel.
p. Finney will preach in Fluor Paint. Special price of 33cta.
The Elmore cam.* in W'edneaday
Mcn.in Church next Sun. quart and $13) a gallon. See our with the following paaaengera: J.
■Morning and evening.
Paint Window K ing a S mith C o . • I Murpby and wife. K P. Sarrette,
F. Roger*. V.S.. »topped
If you intend to purchase a cook S. Smith and wife, Mabie Olson. O.
brr Tuesday Bight, while stove, range or heater thia fall, do I P. Young. J. Wtadom, O. Serrett*.
■ from Nehalem to Salem. it no*. We are giving a sanitary I lues DeLWi**, W G. Mr sen. J.
Bartel in School Distict metal door mat free with each stove : Tullefaon, J. F Koung and wife, R
■ lav with Edgar Munson *r sell. Buy before the mate are J. Lunberg, Mrs. Woodward, H-
gone K ing A S mith C o .
* Si-hwinkel. Mr*. Nolan, one China-
Mt her Lowry ao teactiera
Tillamook City appear» to be the
mo*t attractive location for a*v*r»l
parti*» who ar* anxioua to eetab-
li»h milk condensing plant* in thia
«■■■Ip. I’ M. Dickey, vice-pteei
dent of the John B Agcn Co., ami
treaenrev and secretary of lite Mt.
Vernon Co.vdea*ing to.. baautHain.
<Mi »0 ojition on aoni* land Iwlong
ir.g tn F K Norton. n»rfllt 0« town
It I* pr«q*»w«1 to ervxrt a |*i»i*t co*t-
ing|Bil<U>. with a capacity M I. Mai
cases per day. xi»d which will give
at»’s Variety Store,
B. D. i AMIR. Pro
•‘Drop in au J Look Around.
$15o per year.
Now Ready for Your Inspection! !
The most
wonderful values ever offered
Women’s Misses’ and
Children’s High Grade Wearing Apparel at Popular Prices.
An oppor
tunity to make your selection from the complete variety of the Season’s most
favored styles as shown only by
Custom Tailored Suits made to special order according to your individual measurements fr> ill
your owu choice of materials and syles.
Ready-to-wear Suits $1(1.0) and up. Dresses $13.31 ami up, Coats $7.31 and up. Skirt* $5.1X1 and up.
Furs, Waists, Petticoats, Sweaters, Muslin Underwear, Kimonos, Knit Underwear, Hosiery, Corsets.
Neckwear, etc., also Misses' Suits anil Skirts and Children's Dresses at correnpoiidingly low prices.
I clieerfullv offer you any assistance I can render you in making your selections, taking measure­
ment*. making alterations and delivering the goods to you at the »nine low price» you would pay fir
flie same goods in their store or ordered through their catalogues.
MRS. MARTHA E. WALLACE, P. 908, Tillamook, Oregon.
employment to ItW men. The option
on the property whs made through
F. R. Beals’ real estate office.
The Tillamook Electric Light Co.
is making an effort to give the busi-
nee* poition of the city modern and
more up-to-date street lights, and
with thia object in view they have
installed a street lamp opposite C. I.
Clough's drug store with two large
white globes, which has a neat and
pretty effect. It is the intention of
the .company to light one block on
Maio street with these street lamps.
“The Price of Honor," Opera
House, 2 nights. Friday and Satur­
day,, Sept. 30th and Octolier 1st
The Dramatic Club will make a
name for themselves in this play.
Mr. McCowell feels elated over the
manner in which the members are
appearing in their respective parts.
In no piny previously have they
taken such an interest, ami shown
aircli -rapid advancement.
friends may feel assured of a
perfonnance worthy the attention
of the most critical audience. Mark
the date.
Friday and Saturday,
September 30th and October 1st.
usual paid the expenses and the
girls furnished the food which whs
certainly the best. After spending
a fine day on the seashore they
started back for town, arriving at
the dock at about half past a<*ven.
The students always look forward
with interest to the annual excur­
Political Rally
On nex* Sunday afternoon, nt 3
o’clock p. m.,. nt the Big Tent in
Tillamook City, Oregon, Dr. Clar­
ence T. Wilson, the noted »peaker
who put Col. Hofer to flight, will
s|ieak on the subject of Stute Wide
It i» expecle 1 that rn iinin -nee
crowd will be pr< »ent w! e 1 it 1»
considered that l?r. Wilaou is >in
orator of no ine.iti al ility. The
|ieople from all parts of the sur­
rounding county will lie prertent
and the celebrated Mo»s family will
furniali iiiu»ic fortlie occasion.
Every man, woman and chilli
within reach of Tillamook City
ought to lie present at thin meeting
ns they will be sure to hear »oine-
thing that will repay them lor com­
Ticket» are going fa»t at Lamar » ing.
drug store. Secure your »cats early.
Why Cost of Lirina is High.
Board Meet* at Kalamath.
James Walton, secretary of the
Port of Tillamook, has received the
following telegram from Senator
“In acconlanee with my request.
Chief Engineer» have authorized
Major Morrow to meet Colonel Bid­
dle and Major Kootz at Kalamatli
Falls, in order to ex|»edite report
on Tillamook project.”
Captain J. Groat has receiveil in
atruction* to survey and make a
profile of the contemplated improve
merits in Hmpxarton »lough, and
Surveyor I’. O. Jackson will assist
him in the work.
School Note*.
The students have at last settled
down to good hard work after I*-
coming acquainted with the new
ineml>er» of the fncnlty ami also
with the new subject» which th*
promotion to high grades neceasi
tated them taking.
The main assembly room ia f«><
to its capacity, there being a num
her of Instance» where two occupy
one seat.
There were a few who enrolled
the |ia»t week Imt a* moat of the
people have returned from the fair,
the enrollment will probably re­
main aa i’ is from now until the
second half.
The boy» have started kicking
the pigskin again after a trn^niontlia
re»t Everyone feela confident that
with the matertai they have at hsnd
that they will be- able to form a
strong enough team to defeat any­
thing their weight in tlie county
The first meeting of Hie Literary
Societiea will tie that of the Emer­
sonian Soceity next Friday after
noon Things will lie carried on
much the same in the society work
this year a* last
We understand that Miss Anna
Hostnrta. who taught in flie High
Sclxe.l In** last winter, ta teaching
tlus year tn McMinnville
The faculty and stmlenls of the
bool ami eighth grail*. I«*
get her with some «4 III* Alumni
started down the hoy, lor a good
time at llsyocean and ths aood spit
test hatiirdav morning at afamt
eight forty fir*
Tlx* boys as
than thirty-five on the farms to
produce food, m>l only for them
nelvea, but for every sixt.v-five in
the cities. I doubt if the cennita
of 1910 will show that there aie
more than thirty persona engaged
in agricultural pursuit» to every
seventy who live in the citie».
“There you liuve the ingredient»
that go to make up high price» for
the nece»»arie» of life.
»eventy pernonn who live in the
cities are dependent upon thirty
farmer» for the raw materials that
are necessary to existence. The
only way that the seventy in the
cities can get the money with which
to pay the farmer* is to msnufac-
ture the raw producl» of the farm
into finished form», to perform
professional sei vice, or to assist
n he task of di»(ril>uting the pro-
<lu 1» of fnetorie» and farm». The
.. iii | k *1 illon among the »evenly to
perform the service» that arc re­
quired, liy the thirty will keep the
wage» of the »evenly low, while th*
great demand Cheated by the »ev-
enty for the product» of the thirty
will keep the prices of farm pro­
Singer Sewing Machines.
Now ia your opportunity to get
a machine that will hist you a life
lime, on ea»v monthly, payment»
that you will scarcely mis» and
no intcreHt
I personally guarantee every ma­
chine and will keep it in lepnir free
of chai ci-
Your old machine w ill be taken
us part payment.
Machine» delivered at your home,
on free demonstration trial.
Call in ami »«■* the New Singer (Mt
Ht'KiiETT S hipman , Tillamook, Ore.
W hah-iii’» Jewelry Store.
"Some people say that the trusts
make the cost of living high. The
trusts say that the cost of living
ia not high. 1 can illustrate," says
James J. Hill.
“Twenty-five years ago corn was
sold Hi 15 cents a bushel, It stands
to reason that when corn is as high
.1» it is now a farmer ran raise as
many cuttle, to which he must feed
corn, as he would if corn were only
15 cent» a bushel. The result i»
li you are interested in any kind»
that fewer cuttie are raised, and of Stocka or Honda do not tail to
the price of lieef higher, I mention write, phone or wire F. J. Calterliu
corn and lierf because they serve, A Co., Portland, Oregon. We will
a* any other
com­ quote yon a price on any and nil
modity to illustrate why the coat of kinds of Sha ka A Honda. We ulno
living is high.
will buy any stocks of value.
“The price of corn ia high lie-
We have bargains in
cause we are constantly decreasing
Government Standard Powder,
the |>ercrntage of those who raise
Alaaka Petroleum A Coal,
corn while we are conatanly increns-
British Columbia Amalgamated
ing the percentage of those who lire Coal,
Portland Hume Telephone Stock,
corn and its prodig-ts. In ITWItherr
Cascadia Mining and Develop­
were ninety-six men engaged in ment.
raising foodstuff* on the fanra
It will only coat a 2-cent stamp
to every four in the cities who for any information you wish.
needed foodstuff». but did not raise Please Try U».
them. At the time of the civil war
the numtier of men engaged in
Of twenty men, one ia a drunkard,
wresting foodstuffs from the soil 'one a total abstainer and 18 are hr
had decreased to eighty-four, and I twMn the extremes. There sr* two
the nnmtier who did not raise fhr! ttfinga I don’t want, one ia to be
foodstuffs they must have increased deprived o' a glass of wine or l-eer,
to sixteen I In !<•»• there were only I (he other is a .lave todrink
I need
XMii-an a producers,
»ar* i/lit.»*»— m while
.L.1« it-
1 •
. * « a
and rrlitfion thut knnwi»
nonproducing consumers had in t*m|»*ram *, not total alaitinance or
cressed to fifty three In l*wi the intemperance. I have no right to
producer« had diminished to forty- vote wet or dry because I don't
four, while the other* had increased believe in either,
There is no
to fifty-six. In IMUl only thirty­ beauty in a flood or a desert to me.
seven (iriMltMers were left to feed A stimulant differ* from Intoxica
sixty-three in the cities, end in IW«l lion or abstinence.
there were only a fraction more
f. C. Gov a.
That Faker
Thai faker going fhtough the nmntry at this
time will fell y«m anything alxiiit your eyes to
m ike a ante.
Beware of him. If you don't Imy he gets angry.
If you are in need <>< gtsaaes I am here, a ul I
am willing, »nd will make anything Mlisluctgry
Io yon. I ran l<* found af any time
How a I amt traveling men in my line »
Eye Specialist Tillamjok, Oregon.