4 trial Snap Shots. busiest day in the week L our neck with job work, Lhot man devoted nearly Lrsday morning arranging Lntertairmient of Senator Jnd Major Morrow. Now Lour d‘rty ,i,1,e hamnier jo. Trombley, and do your ry knocking stunt. ie Congressman Hawley i an “insurgent” and got ought tbe administration, CO he managed to get into s and harbors bill would n cut down that it wouldn't minted to very much. But ley did perpectly right sup­ tie Taft administration. Lp shot man has done noth- tjure the candidacy or hurt kgs of any of the RepubH- tants in this county. Nei- |e we allowed other« to do bo iewspaper. We would have bole lot of fun and it would, t, have cauaed a good deal tend bad blood had we taken te of some persons. When Lblican voters nominate a | Saturday, each and every- l will have the Headlight’s [ no matter whether they binbly, anti-assembly or a L everyday regular Repub- je the snap shot man. ks that the snap shot man [g a good deal of cheap ad- t in the Herald, as usual, bre differently constituted ■list Jefferies, for we can sack" whenever we feel like lie manner in which we in- l‘come back" on the fellow | had so much to say in ad- |of the Holy Statement and [the Republicans holding an |y is this: It is customary «►papers to set their .legal iemente in six point type, pinbley sots his legals in bint type, donsequently they [more space and make more >r litigants to pay for. The jot man is probably a pretty d of a man in many ways, »nbley, but he never grafted Jons in that way, and it is Ing to us that attorneys ok after the intereatsof their store closely. Inis that everytime that Con­ iati Hawley comes to Tiila- ■uit there a few little, silly lit- Kiiiptible individuals like the Bf the Herald who does not ■ show a proper respect far bresentetive of this district, E h ime the editor of the Head- fas public spirit to leave hie ■isiness for several hours so w proper reBpect to distin­ ti visitors to this city, we are [the object of attack by the a idiot who nlways gets his ■turner out knocking when- bmething of iinjiortance to the [is happening. Haven’t Till- ICity enough civic pride left w proper respect to distin­ ti visitor ? The Herald does ,w common decency to men o' g character like Mr. Hawley, your resentment of this on hy and vote for Mr. Hawley, ks proved himself to'be a con- pus, hard-wokking congresa- T il LAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 22. 1910 do any tiling tlieiiiaelven to build up or give credit to those who do so. The same narrow spirit is shown by tlie light these individuals are now making upon Congressman W. C. Hawley, who claim that he has done nothing for Tillamook. Let's get down to facta, not hot air talk. Before tlie rivers and harbors com­ mittee appropiiates money for liar­ bar uuprovement a project has to lie drawn up and decided up. All the projgcts in Tillamook have been completed, so a congressman can­ not do anything under those cir­ cumstances. Everytime during the fast four years that Mr. Hawley came to Tillamook he forcifully ad­ vised the memlters of the Port of Tillamook and the citizens to decide upon a new project so as to be in a (tosition to get government assist­ ance. This has not Iteen done, no doubt, because the Port of Tilla­ mook have Iteen changed, and the present Port waiting on the govern­ ment engineers to come here and agree on a project. If anyone, then, is to blame, it it ourselves for being so slow, not Mr. Hawley, for he told the Port when he was in Tillamook last week had they agreed upon a project and it bore the engineer’s approval, he would have obtained an appropriation in the last rivers and harbors bill. He secured $880.- 000 in that bill for hie district, and if the people of this city had t>een doing something themselves they should have been prepared with a new project. They were not, and could not expect government aid. The Headlight lias advocated bar, bay and harbor improvements fora number of years. Knows some of the difficulties the late Congressman Thos. Tongue had in getting appro­ priations for Tillamook on account of the opposition of those who kept Tillamook iMittled up for their own interests. We have also watched the interest that Mr. Hawley has taken in Tillamook and in other places, and the success he is hav­ ing is certainly gratifying. As we said at the beginning, there are a few individuals in Tillamook who are always wanting to pull down and who falsely accuse public men of a great many men of things that are not true, and this is the unfair method some of the county news­ papers have tieen attacking Con­ gressman Hawley. Anti-assembly Republicans, so- called, assert that the 1200 repre­ sentative members of the state as­ sembly and the many other mem­ bers of tbe several county assemb­ lies violated tlie primary law. But the people still have their primaries just as if no assemblies had iteen held. Nobody will be nominated without the people's sanction. The very men who inveigh against as­ sembly recommendations are ap­ pealing to voters in the primaries. The public assembly recommenda­ tions ought to have more weight with tlie voters than the secret con­ ference selections oí their opjion- ents. Both will be passed upon by electors in the primaries. Then why so much stuff and nonsense aliout trying to latas tlie jteople ? — Oregonian. A Paying Investment. - Mr. John White, of 38 Highland Houlton, Maine, says: “Have Iteen troubled with a cough every winter and spring. Laat winter I tried many advertised remedies, blit the cough continned until I bought a 50c. bottle of Dr. King's New Dis­ covery; before that was half gone, ! the cough was all gone. This win- i ter the same happy result has fol-1 Be is a spirit of unrest in the lowed; a few doses once more Ian- ished the annual cough. 1 am now Mican party, not only in this ; convinced that Dr. King’s New Dis­ ■ but in other states of the I covery is the best of all cough and B, which is plainly indicated ' lung remedies.” Sold under guar­ lent elections. Generally after; antee at Chas. I. Clough’s drug ________________ k spell of prosperous times store. ■are those who want to drag How to Get Strong I the party which brought i* P. I. Daly, of 1247 W. Congress I They are not content to let St., Chicago, tells of a way to lie strong: He says: "My ■lough alone, and it is also a cottle mother, who is old and was vetw Be coincident that the agita- feeble, is deriving so much benefit Itlie trouble maker and the de- from Electric Bitters, that I feel kd politician can obtain popu- i it'.« my duty to tell those who need Ipport. We have now those in a tonic and'strengthening medicine about it. In my mother’s case a Epublican party who call them- I marked gain in flesh has resulted, B “insurgents.” Did it ever insomnia has been overcome, and Ito our readers what is liable she is steadily growing stronger.” | Electric Hitters quickly remedy •pen in the finnocial, commer- stomach, liver and kidney com-: [nd industrial world if this in- plaints, -xild under guarantee at Incy should gain much more Chas. I. Clough's drug store. 5Uc. ■ ay ? It «rill bring on« fiaan- It Saved His Leg. Ind industrial panic, sure. The "All thought I’d lone my leg.” | ot the November elections writes I. A. Swenson.of Watertown, Boon decide whether there iti to Win. “Ten years of ecxema. that 15 lightening of capital and a cur- doctor« could not cure, had at last Ent of labor, and the genera­ laid me up. Then Bucklen'a Arnica in wages, produce and land, Salve cured it, sound and well.” Infallible for Skin Erujttiona. E will surely follow. Mo«t of Edema. Salt Rheum. Boila. Fever E aware what will happen to a Sores, Burns. Scalds Cuts snd per ot farmers in this county Files 'JSc. at Chas. I. Clough's. nave bonght expensive land Your kidney trouble may tie of but little ready caah, and «hat long standing, it may be either happen to the price of butter acute or chronic, but whatever If another jtatuc comes, blame it »• Foley’« Kidney Remedy the insurgents and tlioae in will aid you to get rid of ft qitkkly and restore y»iur natural Rate who are trying to bu«t up liealtli sn«l vigor. “One bottle «if lepublican party by the oitish Foie v' a Kidnev Remed v made me they have i^Je0ed iEtu po.iuca. wdl.'' «aid I. xl it ml ot Grand is not aneiEction acare bv any View, Wis- Commence taking it to. but the sober judgnw nt ot now. C, I. Clough. ihoseee the probability ot an- They Take the Kink* Out. ’pant-. If* criaia to avot-le I, •*! have need Dr. Kififf'a New iJ4e ■ be on account of tbe country Fills for many years, with iscrewa- They take the kg a level headed Prest lent mar aaii»faction. kink* out of Hunit-.h. lirer and • head of Ew government bowel*, without fuwa or frkttoti, ’’ Pitt*AeM Vt. fortunately for TillnroM «--e aaya M. H. Br»*a. «r Laid In • Stock. WtiFO U m * im it* I’itrrt* I^HUard waa m ti.»> Ui> ui«Hh»*r. HUiiuytHl by iimmi »» that deMtruywl iht* w«*»i»*n <*h»ib In* and lu 2f» «*eiilM. Pierre k’rew oil her frequently for a fl al n Hine Indi»r«iii|t IU* draft* with HMi dead uiolh* I nveat igiillou reveuh*d I he beui «if (be future tluaueler a* well h * hl* early adaptability to nieib udx truvertniiK Hie acquirement of wealth Having procured from a fur rler *u>iue ph**tM of fur thrown away tHM'Niise i hey were Infestisi with tnotba. Pierre *er re led f liein in an u»d chest In an iiniinwl <’I< im | There I tie quickly a«*« iiuiiHaiing ui<»th*< were bunked. to t»e drawn u|*>h whenever the inventor and [»erfeeler of the eu terprlae required [** ket money. Tiliamool K Lumber Manufacturing Compy. | Í Manufacturers of H EM lock LUMBER KILN DRY FLOORING, CEILING; RUSTIC AND FINISHED LUMBER. ALI Knighted Actor«. It I* an odd fart liiut of the English «dor* kuiuhled all bin «»tie had tir*i to le^ahze the mimes utidei which they had won fame. The question anise With the first pr«»|MMltlou to contei kulithihood on a irypsy It w«>nid be absurd *o to hoii«»i one John Henry Brudribb Yet legally uo sih -I j |ierson »* “Henry Irving’ existed .X«» >in It obstacle bad to be overcome when, on the CMvaxioii of Victoria's diamond jubilee. Squire Bniieroft knelt before bl* queen mat arose sir squire liinv of nupop ularity. for. having married a widow named Serujie. be seised her property aud kept bls stepson out of bls lulierl lance during bis awn lifetime.—laHi don New». KINDS OF i Agents for the Great Western Saw -jp I L ALEX McNAIR CO The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County. ft ORINO LAXATIVE J| for all stomach foubles—indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, gas in the stomach, bad & breath,sickhcadache.torpidlivcr.bilioukneasand habituai constipation. Pleasant to take. Sold by Chas. I. Clough. Did You Kvei Try IIAKKIN’N NEWe I’EEIl AM» UVERY BARN, If not, give him a calL Everything first-class. On Rainy Days A Fish Brand Slicker will keep you dry Second A»d fir* y«a tall valaa la comfort aad long wear block South of P U. w. g . £.3.00 H arris . Prop. •OARAETHt WATtEFEM* Acid by flrst-cl.Mlotaihn th. waatry ow. U-.d for ««< I rx Ciukpi A. J. TOWER CO. B ooton , u. •. A. TOWRi CAIADIAHCO.. IU. I’ T***« t *. C awaoa gypO ••• Foley’s Orino Laxative For Stomach Trouble, Slug gin h -tVbsi was that orno making «eh ■ Liver and Habitual Constipation. fnwi attorn r naked tbr remauraoi pro It cures by aiding all of the prier«* digestive organs—gently eti.nu­ “Hr found a enpfite O< hairs tn 'in­ tates the liver and regulates the food. «ir.- replied I be welter “lib. to that s"T bowels—the only way that "Yon «ve. «Ir. he's • vegMaiino and chronic conatipation can be sou rani get bttu to mt ensthtug out cured. Especially recommended vegeUibln -Voiikrnt Naimmaa for women and children. I Clears blotched complexions. Plsesant ts bus. Refusa irtstilittes. Against Hie Principles Sold byChss I. Clough. I s. VIERECK, Tillamook Bakery, ta *taa • *M*UM OWa^aa Fil’t « • • w E mbb I» «— jmw M U mb H a M mi Etw. t tx* krl4|M» v« Mt •»*« m J a U w » »♦ »**•* I m * be *« »"«MF fio J Exfc !•*» a-a/MtoU i«a* «<•••• opposi ! Wise Dental Co. KILL th « COUCH AM CURE TM* LUNC8 t ihl Al UN HOUSE. € orner Hill* ell Ft. U fai, anti 0 •• CO **oe»*T C D PalnleM Dentists iMi*o«f»i»HM*>> swrtiMW.taraw Ö** aw. » a. a w ar ■ a...... • «• » Dr. King’s Now Discovery WITH M ABO Miti © FOBC8iS»s AM MX IHMET — I t>M TKOHBII» OUABÀ MTKÄO EATINFACTOB OK BOBBY KAFUKDEG I AU KIND Of BREAD. I. O U (J E on Antur d«y of e >eh month in 1.0.0. F. Halt, al 7 :«> p hi F makk SgvtHA* a. W.M H. F. Motoria, Sec. The Gratitude of Klder'y peipie. tHieaoirtto whatever lu l| « t «ve them eaaa, ««•«<«.« »ml «lr«nj ll - bole, Kidney Fill* « lite kidney slid I I .«hier dte«’MMM pri.iuptly, give comf.^'t » n.i rebel tu « idi