TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. SEPTEMBER 22. 1910. Obituary. '~£raruiii\a GRANDMOTHER . not be as spry us she uhc <1 to be, but she is in close touch with her world for all that. The tel« phone enables her to make ns many call» as she pleases, and in all sorts of weather. Formal gatherings have their place, bnt it is the many little intimate visits over the telephone that keep people young and interested. Grandmother’s telephone visits do not stop with her own town. The Long Distance Service of the Hell Telephone takes her to other towns, and allows relatives and friends to chat with her although hundreds of miles away. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Snrali Jane Rittenhouse waa born in Bellville, IllinoiH, July 10th. 1843, married to Christopher R Ritten­ house November 15th 1870. and moved to Grand Junction, Colorado, in February, 1887. From there to Dayton, Washington, about Sept, let ot the name year where they resided until her husband died January 13. 1888. She then moved to Oregon in the Fall of 1889, in which state she resided ever wince. After a some­ what protracted illness, she passed away peacefully, on Sept. 10th, 1910. Of the union with Mr. Rittenhouse there were born six children of whom three survive her, Albert E. Rittenhouse, Lizzie J. Easom and Hugh L. Rittenhouse, also an adopt­ ed daughter. Mrs. Annie Reddaway. Her age was 67 years 2 months and 6 days. She was baptized and unit­ ed with the M. E. Church July 29th 1894 The fol lowing lines were composed and respectfully dedicated to her memory by Mrs. M. A. Alley: Thy spirit has flown to the realms of light, To bank in the glory so pure and so bright, To dwell in the mansion prepared for thy soul. Where endless eternity ever shall • roll. ______ Notice. The Oshkosh failed to bring our powder this week and no doubt will disappoint the parties who have been waiting for it. We communi­ cated with the Powder Co. in Port­ land today and they informed us that the Elmore Co. had promised to have the Oshkosh bringthe pow­ der next week. Watch papers for notice of arrival. King & Smith Co. cilities, the forests in that section remain practically untouched. Wlmt may prove the first steps toward placing Tillamook within Senator Jonathan Bourne Makes easy access of the markets of the world will be taken by Major Jay J. Ilis First Visit to Tillamook. Morrow. Corps of Engineers, United Mr. Russell Hawkins of the Whit­ States Army, tomorrow. Accompa­ Notice. ney Co., I.<1., brought Senator nied by United States Senator Jomithun Bourne and Major Jay J. Jonathan Bourne and N otice I s H ereby G iven ,—That Russell Morrow to Tillamook on Wednes­ I law kins, of the Whitney Lumber at the request of the city council, day, the senator being accompa­ Company, Major Morrow will go to any person who have suggestions nied by his secretary, Mr. Prescott. Tillamook and inquire into the ad­ to make with regard to the proposed This is Senutor Bourne’s first visit visability of deepening the channel new city charter, or amendments to to Tillamook,and like a great many to the sea to a stage of 20 feet at the offer, should file them in writing other persons who visit this county zero mark. The present depth is with the city recorder before Sept. for the first time, he waa surprised but 12 feet, and none but the small­ 29th, 1910. 10 find th.it we have such a splendid est coasters ever venture across the T. B. H andley , country, and such fine, good roads. bar. The port has no railroad, mid City Recorder. A board of government engineers consequently no means fordevelop- Farm for S..le. had Ix-en appointed at the inatigi«. ing its vast and unlimited resoun es. 11 in of Senator Bourne to m.ike a With a 2(>-foot channel established For Sale, a Farm, containing 20 report on the prospect of the im­ and imiintiiined, it will lie possible acres ot second bottom land, 3Vj provement of the lutrand buy, which tor a ship to go out of Tillamook miles south ot Tillamook City, on had been turned down by the hoard currying 1,000,090 feet of lumber. main road, with three cows, one of engineers, mid us it waa impoa That is the result which the mer- yearling lieifer, five calves, 85 head of -.hicketi, 28 ducks, farm imple­ aihle for either Colonel Bidtlle or chnnta and lumber interests of ments, house with four room», born Major Kutz to meet Major M< tn,« Tillamook are iipvions to see with about 10 tone hay, and two before December, Senator Bourne brought about. With that accom­ stands of bees. Price $-1,000 ; fl,300 induced the chief engineer nt Wash­ plished, it is preilicted that the little or $2,00:1 down, balunce three years at 7 per cent interest Enquire at ington to have Major Morrow collie town down the coast will jump in­ the Headlight office. ox er at once mid decide on n pro to prominence at a single bound ns ji'Ct so that lie could introduce it ut one ilf the busiest marts of trade Singer Sewing Machines. the next seasion of congreaa, and if in the entire West. It is pointed Now is your opportunity to ¡jet there la a rivers an I harbors bill to out that the immence volume of a machine that will last you u life have it incorpornted in that, This of shipping which would follow time, on can hv monthly, " ' payments was decided upon, and Mr. would mean the establishment of that you wi ill scarcely miss and Russell llawkina kindly «•on ■ many mid varied enterprises, such no interest. 1 personally guarantee every ma­ aented to bring the party to Tilllu ns factories and manufacturing chine and will keep it in repair free inook. phi tits, Earming and dairying in- of charge. Your old machine will be taken In the evening Senator Bourne forests are expected to occupy the as part payment. and Major Morrow met with the land ns rapidly as it is logged off. Machines delivered at your home, meiiiliera of the Port ot Tillamook The lumber interests and residents on free demonstration trial. in lhe rooms of the Tillamook Com­ of Tillamook are expected to assist Call in and see the New Singer tiff mercial Building, where tnere waa the government in improving the B urdett S hipman , Tillamook, Ore. Wlialem's Jewelry Store. a huge gathering of huaineaa men, harlmr ami channel. Major Morrow who listened to flic diacnsaion. will ascertain during the trip just Don’t Break Down. After going thoroughly over th«' how much they will be willing to Severe strains on the vital organs, situation the Port of Tillamook contribute to secure the desired like strains on machinery, cause practically agreed to three things, depth of the channel. In the last break-downs. You can’t over tax via,, that if the governmekt would rivers and harbors act provision stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels or undertake die improvement of Till was m ide forthecreation of special nerves without serious danger to yourself. If you are weak or run­ ninook bar. giving 29 leet of water examining lionrds of United States down, or under the strain of any on the bur. the Port ot Tillnimxik engineers to implire into just such kind, take Electric Bitters, the wuiilil expend $!«>>.D«t for a 10 foot propositions as this Tillamook pro­ inntchless tonic medicine. Mrs. J. E. Van de Satide, of Kirkland, Ill., chiiunel; or $i75,tNNI for a 12 foot ject. The board on the Pacific writes: "That I «lid not breakdown, chiiniicl; or $4.79.999 fora II foot Coast is coni|Hised of Major Morrow, while induring a most severe strain ■hamiel from rillumook City to Major John Biddle of San Francisco, tor three months, is due lue wholly to -- en­ Tillamook buy. Major Morrow was und Major C. W, Kutz, of Seattle. Electric Bitters.” l ae them and en- inclined to favor n 15 foot chunnel As the other two members are busy joy health and strength, batislac- ♦ion positively guaranteed. 50c. at ou the bar, but Sepator Bourne and looking utter reclamation affairs has. I. Clough’s. Mi. Russell Hawkins were persis­ just now, Major Morrow liua been tent iu demanding a 20 foot channel uppuinted aa a special sub-commit Safe Medicine for Children. on the bar. It was also decided to tee, with instructibns to obtain the Foley’s Honey and Tar is u safe make the channel from the liuy to necessary data ns to the cost of the anti effective medicine for children lhe bat 18 feet. Major Morrow was priqHised improvements, the umount as it does not contain opiates or harmful tirugs. Get only the gen­ under the impression that if the 20 the Tillamook people arc willing to uine Foley’s Honey and Tar in the foot proj'-ct on the bur was under, contribute and such other informa­ yellow jmckage. C. I. Clough. taken, it would give u greater depth tion u« may lie deemed relevant. of water than that. NOTICE for publication . Depart ment of The Interior. I liis morning n number or buai U. S Land Otkce «t Portlnml. Oregon. September 18th. lWlO. nesa men iiccouipunietl Senati r Notice Is hereby siren that Henrv c. k»nae. whose poat otw address Is Dll«, Bourne mid Major Morrow down m.iiik Oregon. dM. on the tst day of J«ly, the bay in the Henrietta, where l*«S. rile is this ortii-e Swora Statement said AppIK-ntlon No ozoaii. to purchase the Wg they lkvd over tin- situation, ac­ SE«a »ml NM\ SW Section 34, Township companied by Captain Grout, anti I Sorth Rnnae « * est. Willamette Meet dian »nd the timber thereon, under the met with the Port of l-hty City, provisions of the set of June S, I87S, sod nets amendatory, known as the "Tim­ wliivh agyvetl to < eti-m» in honor of the visitors at » 30 per M. and the land •1XO.«H>; that on Thursday, when a large niimls'r «•1.1 applicaat will olh-r Snal proof In sup­ port of his appllcatloa aad sworn statemeat ot business men were present, and tin the gatb day of November. 1910, before 1‘ II Uoyae United states Commissioner, at a number of complimentary 1 illamooh. tlwgon ■ peechea made. Any person Is at Hbertr to protest thia $650,000 FOR HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS. Evening Tvlegrum. Tillamook «tonda an excellent allow ul be«-ouung one of the lead mg lunater export center« in the "orbi. If it ahonld ship but $M.l ai d returned «Hying itiui they might send a uiessnae ot tell word“ for she said, pausing, with her eyes died ■ certiilii price mid that address and uu a pail which hung ou Mr» llowe’s signature would not nmui After as arm "What kind of lierries grow od ■tiring lilmself Ibnl the men iiitlM them? Do.-« It lake lung lu dll a pull write tie walk>-d away, but was stop like that?* Mrs Howe looked down Into the pull |M-d at the d.sit by one of the »Iran "I liar» with a meditative air aud answered gers with prohise ttisnks tss-n lu th* 'll« only ■ few days." He the KO-ond question "1 should lio|>e'twould." «he replied said, •'sort WHS laid on »blptsHird and •'What kind of berries are they?" since I In tided that everybody would “I can't I s|sike to two persisted the young woman try to swindle tue. men usliiy. mid Ixittl did-me a favor I quite see. Wbat are you picklug?*’ " Taler bugs." siiId Mrs Howe as "That’s no longer Imre any fenr right." said the man. "but. |ti»t the ■he Biade another contribution to the same. look out for the third man.'*— depths uf the pall. —Youth's Compuu lou. New York Tributi». Public Sneaking Explained. Sh. Lov«d His Tomb, The .Iu|»«n«*e visitor to the city w*» An tinmensely wealthy widow who gave yearly hmie<-t He arose sih I begau qtiuinlly ”1 often wouilet." tie sa:d. "why II Is ■oine Individual casea of ilewervlug jH.V«Tty herself Dne Of ber ngeuts you Aiueri<-aiis will hinder your dices- brought before her a ixmrly clad wutu- tlou by umklug these after dinner ■IMWCtM*«. We Japanese rest after our su, »living: “H«‘re 1» a |ss>r old woman, a very tueala It is lunch better. I kiiuw that d«» ent sort of fierson. Her husband I t ru veil'd with a Japanese legation used to g<> alsiut with a dancing bear over the C til ted States, and every- This creature, though usually very where lhe Americana would make us tame hik I gentle, one day threw Itself dine, then ask us for speeches after We would much rather have ou Its master and ate him up." ward. “Alas uiy good sir." the old woman dined at our hotels and retired after­ I broke In. "since that moment the poor ward to rest for the followlug day Ls-a-st and myself have beeu without a asked some one why it wna. this universal after dinner speeehmaklng home”’ "IVhat! The beaatf a»ked tbe utuong the American men ut public wealthy woman. "Is It tbe same that dinners, and he reput'd that tbe devoured your husband?" American man never had a chance to "Alaa, my good ludy. It 1* all that Is any anything at borne aud that wus left to me of the dear lamented one.”— why.”—New York Press. New York Herald. Had a Good Roaaon. Sleep. Dan. a colored mau. wus employed The *lnt sleep Is the ■onnAe't— after ns (sirter In s mercantile establish­ the first hour the inteuslty of sleep ment In a town In Florida, and bls slowly dlnimslies: bein'e the value uf dull«»« reqnlr«*d blm to hHve tbe store forty winks after dinner In quickly swept by 7 o’clock In tbe morning. He rtx u|x*rxtiug »battered |x>wers. Tern bad tss'ti late for many mornings, and pernture and- vitality are lowest at on tbe sixteenth i-onsecutlve time bls about 2 » m. ■<> that two boors' sleep employer remoustrated with him thus: Is-tore midnight tire worth four there­ "l»»u, why can’t you get here on after. Nature lias no rule as to the time?” length «1 sleep except that men need •Well. Mr U." said Dan. “yer see. 1 less than women, since woineu are the live rb«» other side ot Mount Hermon more sensitive creatures and a wo cemetery aud eau t always get yere on man's heart lient» five times more Iti time " a minute than a man's. Sleep should "Why In tbe world do you live so be Just m > long that when you wake far from your work?” said bls employ­ In the morning n stretch and a yawn er. only xre iiei-esssry to bind j«iu In a Without a moment’s hesitation Dan dnrfliiie of Imundlng vigor As tn res|H>uded enriy rising. It is comforting to bear "Yer see. It’s dis yere way. Mr. L.— Dr Bryce say It Is a habit that has I’ll lie honest’ wld yer—1 wanta a gone tar in wteck the constitution» of borne beyond the grave.” many ■ growing youth.—I<0O TJjat lx wby mand by asking them unex(as-ted and It wax so effective Since I tx-gau to ausurd qm*atlons Bill occasionally diet I twive Imen weighed ofteu. Tbe be met bls match. Thus one bitter other ttny wtieu Jaiu«*» wax buying Juouary night. Hud there were reliable acales 111 ■ nd deinsudfrtl: the netglibortKHnl to weigh Baby on. “llow uiuuy stars are there In the "Said the luitcher. ’Brtug her down sky?" here' '«'he soldier, uot ■ whit dlsturb«*d. “ ’Thanks.’ said James; ’I will.’ answered coolly: “Janies told me the butcher wus ex­ "Walt a little, and I'll tell you." pecting us. ho we went He wus remly And be delllierately commenced count for na. He hint rigged up a nk-e little lug. "One two. three." etc. shawl arrangement suxiiendinl from U beu be had reached KXI Xuvaroff the banging »«'iileH to put baby In. nnd who waa half frozen, thought It high then be w.-i» JntrudtK-ed to—me. time to ride off, not. however, with Janm busti't culled nie Baby slue»."— out Inquiring the name of the ready New York Tliuea. reckoner. Next day the lat'er fouud himself promoted. Curious Cid English Law. i t ---- - - It Is Interesting to recall in connec­ Qypaiaa and Death. tion with rad way accident« that ouly The custom ot placing tbe pntperty a few years tan k any lustnimeut nf the ileHil In their grav«*» bus always which by accident was the Immediate been follow«1 by tbe true Itomnny cause of kiss of human life liecame In gypsies. H Is due to »ortie old tradì English law "deodiiiid" that la. be­ tiou of III luck ntrending the posHeeslou came forfeit to the crown, to lie de­ of no nrt1<-le wlkw former owner I» voted to pious purisises This law ap­ gone, aud murti valuable property Is plies to lua-oUHitiveK. but lu course of burdt-d lu ibis tiellef. 1 bere'l» siso a time coroners Juries. Instead of claim­ seiminent amuug gyimleH against tbe ing the forfeit. Indicted a tine. Ill the I■ resession of anything that ba« be year INKS a kx-oiixrtlve ou the Liver­ longeil to a dead person, because It pool and Manchester line whk-h by semes t<> remind the living of tbe de etplodlug caused the death uf Its en pnrttsl and inspire In tbeni a dre.-id ot gtneer and Brrtuau waa dned (2U. delitti Tile custom uf burying their while the followlug year another en prugierty with gypsy d«aa Ixt' k: Take a pieve of thr root of a «•lltlowrr ami a partridge» heart. n«ll thrui Into a ball and make the Inali rei It. If you want to ku<>n whether your hur« tuv you cru-li ■urne blrrdlua heart. Jf the Jnk r » red. he due«; It ft I« white, he du«-» uot Napoleon's English. N'apoleuo 1. began to team English ■t St. Helena, anti there is • letter ex taut from bltu wbk b begins: "Sime •txt week I learn the English and I do •ot any pru*rr»H H Klx wwt do fourty • nd two days If might have learn 8vty word fur day I could know It two tbousaud» aud two hundred." purchase before entry, or initiate a contest at nay time beforv patent issues, hr *Hng a corroborated aMdarlt In this ,i»t. alleg­ ing facts which would defeat tbe eatrr. H > ihuar. Register lipping th« Flag Rlnk, g Booming of th« Gue, ’ 1» the «toys belore ■ uiiu ,«, de«sl uutll i oinp-iriuli ely rwt,u „ " ..................»de 11» xulntu'tlug |„ ' lug or ”i1i|»ping" Its n,u 1'1^ oldest nud uhiki honorable trw,' which a ship cun give || nitefe* the tMMiinlug of gnus, howevat Thia salute bus always 1*.,.^ ed by English speukiug seailM.„ exactiuu has burned the tiearta««, powder of general I., uh ,,f llgll| mundpra. For a foreign ship, , l , merchant or martial, to enter an t llxli port without veiling tuimii, dipping Ita nnlliniiil flag «■» tM „ the chances of war. although i|w» foundest |ieace existed. Wiih.mi rm ltig or argument the »Imre duhiimi, 11 iiiiiu of-wur would send a ruatdi shot across th«- Ixtws or between n imistH of the ItiHoleut Intniifer. art tbe offeudlug hag <-utne not down ( stantly the foreigner waa brougbr 1 ber xenxes by belug raked thni^k, through. Such was the reception corded by Sir John Hawkhia in sixteenth century to the Spanlsl] mlral who in time of pea«-e sailed | Portsmouth sound without veiling topsulls or lowering his flag. Salulex are euseutlnl mutter»of u etiquette itud lire exchanged under elaborate code arranged between powers. The number of guns tu Bred under all conceivable dm Htances Is miuutely stlpuluted.-s York Press. THE OLD OAKEN BUCKET. A Orink From th« Wall That Wail Appreciated. The girl accepted tbe glaw of water with a fervor in ber word»: went away beyond the maonw of dimiry ixillteness. "Yes." she confessed. "I am it grateful. You dou't know wbat lb lug It is to Is* able to get a drink of u refrigerator—Just o|x>0 (be ami take It out. You see. I've I visitlug Ht oue of those bodtuy li country where the poetic old < bucket still Is ou the Job. Brery I wauled a drink 1 had to get a aud a weight and a rope and a bi and a cup. I dug the lid of the up with the knife. ThCo I adjt the weight oil oue side of tbe bi so It would tip over and take to i when It hit the bottom. Then 11 up the bucket, took a cupful of a colled the rope, shut down the lid put the knife away again. All tbit Just oue little drink'. "Once we went out driving, found one well where we couldn't the lid up. We found another a' the rope was too short. 1 «» dying for a driuk by that tine.« of the boys held another upside d In tbe well-by the legs, you ka and we dipped out a drink that Thank you. I'm very comfort where 1 am. No oaken buckrti me. except In songs.”—Kanau Star. Saving Time. '•How much Is that?' asked tbe who was lu a burr.v. "Dollar uluety-elgiit.” replied saleslady. "Would you mind callingII $2e” “I'm sorry, but ft's aptost rules.” “Would you consent as • f>r* retain the change?” ■'•Certainly uot! I do not W t,p*'" ns He turned sadly away, i bright idea struck hltu. Be ’** the door, called a passing tiewstn«: took him to the counter. Her* for file article desired and nt” of protest shoved It into W» F Laying down a two dollar bill, k to tbe newsboy: "Now. sou. yon wait fortbat 1 change, no matter how long H 1 aud here’s half a dollar fory<® ble.”—Washington Star. Ruaaian Peasant W«dd'»P A peasant wedding In B8*” a festival for the whole vite often for tbe young peoplrn’* boring villages as well. Wte* the eventful day the youM P” semble nt tbeiiome of the Wi* her sew. The brfdeen»« •** bls men frlemls to treat ,6,‘® and «went s. Appropriate sung, and tbe brldegroutk* r* Is put to tbe test Oo,if.X holds out to him n plate. down a »liver mlu they song full of compliment». g|v«»s collier and Is to afford more m<> kery whole village Is Invited I» rlage ceremony, which i»-l^ with all the nuclent stii*«’"'— and aolemnlties. Retribution- "You are chanted with family only 15 cent* a nanc«.'' | That'» all I do ■nd It Is enough ” "Enough to feed a «if* •* dren?" "So I contend." ■ “Five hundred dollar* R* Nobody can call lW» get away with •*- " i-^Ker - - - -i Net F»r Hi. • "Rut they say." r*,n"r ^^ “tie has a f*»1 bea'1 fnT “Nousense’’ replied ■Why. be s »tmnhitely I*1» phla I'reas. Wheg Merit Win«. Absolutely Pure "Johnnie !*• “Yea'my “Why are you sitting on that boy's frn-eF “Why. r- "DW I no« tell you to always count * hundred before run gave way to pas slou and stniek another buy?” “Yee'ui. aud I'm doin’ II; I’m Just •Ittlo’ ou bls fa<-e an be'll be here when I'm dime countin' the hundred — Houston Post. COURTESIES AT $U the medicine von take cure« your di«ea«e. tones up your system and make» you feel better, «trxmger and more vigorous than Th"‘ '* wh"’ Kidney I ills do for you. tn all cases «>( backache. nervou«ne«a, loea of ap petite, ■ lee pies» ne«a and general wen knees that »• cnnarsl by ary disorder of »he kidnerw or Natldn. C. I. Clough. On» Thing Alw»r« ••J Hr»« hand (rem»»»*111* J. drawer« Well. R’» never Bud snyrblo* always And taalt. It I » *