jllj-'AMOOR TTPi A tit Tq-RT. S^PTFHVT'R'RR 92, lPin. Literary Firsts and 8«conds. The youthful oewspaisr reporter who"bas visions of being a fHiisais au­ Ware Politely Drawn, but the thor la still wondering over the epi­ Bank Threw Them Out. gram made bi a Hiii->e«sful confrere »ding IO George Cary Egglestotg when the Inlier noted his |H>lni. |.m» *,f nule Iwlluiu days »l«»wed meat over the return of a tiimiuscripi. 'ludiffei elice In mouey mat tern, “I thought sure." said lhe re|M>rter. lit the form of coin was rarely with a sigh, "that that coiifouudwl sto­ jbe pia mera were lit lite habit ry wlaild sell. It's gtaxi sluff If I did Hug t-Uecka »it a allp of fmila* ap. write It. anil I atu certainly surprlanl tii.g Hie tKlilk to "please" pay that 1t i-aiiie ba< k " ,,unl s|i«'ifle • esahil writer grliiiietl aiol ,listoni of imylttg by cheek so thru |>la< rd Ilia hand on the othei y woiimemled Itself to a <-erialu Uiau'a shoulder. illy parsoti ut my time thill lie "My dear ls>y." he said aonwwb J to It on one occasion In rn grimly, "tiiere are only two stage« u> tiorame and iui»«-rt»v of Hie the life of a write. One Is when tie ty of having a iHUtk de|««a>-k lltulnary to the drawing of and the sccoim I when he Is surprised lie weut to Richmond and at noi geliinii Ihein I ni « k \plles for his little the tirsi; I’m in tho «evond And I here It was us* small to l*r «•ailed a you are” hut anti for ea b pur*-b.-isr be But ilio rvjMirtor is still wondering. i latrilenlarly |«illte check Philadelphia Times. • i, the banks threw these out ground Hutt Hielr author trnd no Escorted Her Anyway. t the po**r old parson found the Willie Rolmrt Browning and hie mo * •ri ii dittli itlt *me to understand Barrett were living alone in Kl<>r^n< ) thought that the very ptir|«>se the son gave one afternoon an «»xhihi ink's lielng was to cash eltecks Hon of Ills new paintings tn t!te ftinilb -«ou» « ho hapiiened Io ta* short drawtug hmhii T*> Mr Browning wn ey '«'h.v. If I'd had rhe itsmet assigned the tusk of mi-etiug fti hunk ' tie es|>latned. i shouldn't guests Uite In the afterm«»n. wile* written Itie che* ks at till; I the r***int was well tilk-d. tin re npiieuf, have got the money and paid nt the drawing room d*a*r a >v**ni*. I«.' ivhos«* f.-n e was familiar Yet M htuately rhe matter enme to the Browning *-otilfteiied to I»* lit Rh-hmoml ar There was eniluirntssiui‘11’ «»n lx»’ ite HI» Indorsement mede the «ides for a niomeut. and »lion t he tv« g*««1 and suvetl tlie unworldly mnn said eagerly -Utt. please. M sou a deal of trouble.“—Chicago Browning. I'm the cook Mr Burro- £ PARSON’S CHECKS. DEEP SEA WATER, Wth Which 8amp,aa Are akan From Ocaan Dectha water tsmlr for getting wster mv«l« from «elected depth« In 'an is a cylinder of brass, tier Irei or other metal wbh-b re le *-orros|on ot «ea water gen Hhiut iwo In* tun In diameter reive or fourteen Inches long pward openlhg ralre at the lop ttoni. eontieoted together on s stem f ugs are cast on the the cylinder for eonvenleutly ir It at any point along the ■ if rhe line-fly whlr-b If 1« to rred Into tbt* sen I Hiring the g of the line the valves of the ire kept Iitihealed hy the pa« ' the water through the eyllu •I ds It« descent, hut when the Is reversei the valves seat ves and are ks-ked hy the de at a small prtifieller lu the -ork above; the iip|s*r valve, -Ides Idly on a sleeve during the )K of the tail He. |>ut descends a s*rw ti,read to press the ii|«>u ihelr seats wheu the line K-ea to be hHUled up A s|ieel the waler al the depth to which ler bottle lias dew-ended Is thus I to the surface confined wlfb- l«>Hle. and a eerie« of «jiei-l tom different depths may he st one haul by securing a if water tsittles m the required In along the Bounding Hoe- ÏC American. Th« Gantl« Gama of Golf, le occasion an old Indy was In ne railway compartmeuf as a vt golfer« “I found fearful this morning." said «»nr. one. “At t I fell right Into tlie middle of lly gorse bush, mid at Ibr sec- was «tuck up on the top of a pitched out of bouods Into the rd at the third, got caught by re at tlie fourth I stuck r««t ep hole at the fifth, found my ried lu mud at the sixth I was I a heap of mugti films at the I. got lost «1 the eighth and I up at the bottom of that dirty t the last bole." ■ioua uie," cried the borrilled y from her conier of the car and tbey told me that golf was mao's game! I'll nev«r le! my play again!**—l-uuduu Globe. said as I was to come and see liis pro ty pk-rnr'«.“ Wberetijsin Mr Browning, oflTerin his arm. showed her about Hie r*«> with all the attention mat he *«>n hare liestowed U|a>n a reigning qlteei The Ret ard the Bulbs. According to the Freix-li n.-itiirnll De Parvllie. a gnnlener pbintisl ot afternoon 2511 tulip bulbs on a terriu- unit next morning he nttfh’oil ihm if» ground hail lieen distil riunì finti «li the bulle« hail till boeti tdkmi awr He w.-is eotil’ileul that rtiia tutti îlot- the work. unci, inking a «l'tlilc*. lie l>- gnn to illK In rhe hope of dlac-overl' their nest, Soon hr iiumrih>-il a Inr- female rat. will h he killed need afte digging a few more llllllllte^c hr we evidently used ns si»reli<’iiM*« for i thenl he found the 2!ili tulip bull This was reimirkiible. hut more r markable was the fact that tlie’ we- Uenlly arranged In two n.w« and tli hot one of them had been giuiwed • otherwise Injured. The Rhodum Sidus. An amusing «tori ¡old to Hood rt nrrllH-s h**w n country iiiirswttii.-t nitule it Inrge sum out of stiles of simple little flower wlik-ti hr «••hl tit def the uh me of Hie Rh*«ltim «tdit This i-bnrnilug iianir proved quite n sttrsctlou to tha inilles. amt Hie fl*,w tHs-sme the rsge of the sens**n. It wn one of thorn* freaks of fashion ft. A whk-h there Is uo ■«■coimtlng length a t«nanlst who ftniiMt lini th plant was not mi IIIK-OllinilHI •evil I r»« quested to know where the mirare’ man got i I h * name front, fir ell He the following reply: “I fotuul 'hl« flow er In the road t>eshle us. so christeiie It the RlssJuni sidus" Th« Lost ■ Salo. ■'I've Just hn|>|«-iied io reineinh«” that my wife told me to get s Hu pm- that will go under the l<«-l«>x Ila” you anyT' “No. sir. but we bare some that I'm' be xboved under the I cc I hii . Won ' that do Just as well?" "I think not. young man Mr wlb Is a bit particular h I mhii my geiHir the exact thing that «lie tell» m* '• get. I presume I can hud It at s,mi< other store. G<«id day. sir" t'hi«ng- Tribliue Horta Sanaa. During a henry d«wti|«ewr of rain an Irish farmer srnt III« bov Io « deniaii Arid to living home a hor«e Monto* filo« eiapnrd. and Ihr mensrngrr rviiirioo Wit Icon! the horse Falhw- Didn't f UM Acquiring ■ Riputati««, ihboi iiuwlcy. who lived In the ith ceutury. most unjustly got mt at too of »wearing tike a The ripianatimi 1« ibat the f Cumberlaud, who fought the >f Vullodeu and who «»« un­ ir profane. m«-r went In quest primate to get his analsrarw-e * retain bill whh-b he disliked, rued to the bouse of Ioni«, «ay- ■ nil right ly Ionia. I've aren Ibinbop. a od he lya be'll aee ls»lem to before bril »ote — Ml!** Aa a matter of f«ct. profanity had hem nupplled the orti mer» run of euavma i be duke. - Loodcai Tallar Tao Empty. Bonney fmortniig of the «r-iiml det mt11—Come, okj hwy. tefa go out ou deck. Krmkfast w.*«'t hr «erred for half an hour yet. aud « itrisk walk < m > ■a empty «toium-h will «!•• y**u tr«<1 Klatdmr tfeetHt trying to «mile* Take a walk ••«• yimra. If y<*u llkr. chnpple Mine 1« la «mtirrly IMU amply.—Cbk agu Tribuoe Sams Ply Mors. ■ n wi$ hmttng noor ibo family hln wife fftaorod (lirosigto (tea John." she said. It teil« ber« » ng feiluw who «U Sned ktMIO mg" ’• cheaper than I got off.“ re­ ite nian. hla eye still oo th« hlladetphta Ixlgee. In Art Ciralaa- ■'rtiat picture h* l>v an *4d ma«ter." the owner «rated |*c,*odli “ütofrb. uotpli." *o«uu»i>«ed the rrtt- lral vWtor -Wh» I ««« he master aFF*—Pbttadetfrhla larger The Dear Old Frauds-. Those old, pieusant, innocent frauds of the circus are not practiced now— tile iuit«>sing Uve barred gates that as t’ae liarse approached them were slop­ ed into insigiiiticant wattles aud the rings through w hich the slgnoriua pur­ ported I • leap, but which in reality were Insinuated over her by compliant attendants. Aud theu there was that venerable Jockey performance, the cul- minatiou of which was a leap from tlie ring to a standing position, albeit at an angle of thirty degrees, on the horse's back. In the old circuses it was the custom of the horseman to tnlss the crowning jump two or three times in order that a fiercer flame of interest might be kindled in the audi ence. After two failures the baud would stop (always the presage of a moment of strain supreme), the horse's bead would lie loosed, he would be urged to a greater pace, aud the feat would gloriously succeed. Then what a crash of brass and outburst of clo­ light In the building. Involving even the staff nnd ringinaster in the expres slon of ecstasy! Those old, simple days!—Cornbill Magaxine. Remarkable Instinct. “Every time I go shopping I thunk hen ven that I have a good business head." said the woman who bonrts that her qui< k wit ulwa.vs saves her from tlnan. lai loss. “A saleswoman came very near getting into trouble today over a Is-lt I bought. The only thing that saved her was luy business instinct. First I bought a belt for $1.25 and paid with a two dollar bill. In handling my change the girl drop­ ped a quarter into the paper anil boxes that strewed the floor back of the counter nnd could not flail It. Of course I could have held her account­ able. but Rhe looked so tired and wor­ ried that I hadn't the heart to ertluous. I have already taken measures to assume immortality for myself by attaching my name to that of Rodin. Henceforth in every ency­ clopedia you will read. ‘Bernard Sluiw; subject of a bust by Rodin; otherwise unknown.’ “If the bust is lost, broken or spoiled, so much the better for me," lie con­ tinues. “Tbey will s|>eak of the 'lost Bernurd Shaw of Rodin.' as today tbey speak of the lost Athens of Phidias. Nothing can tie more beautiful thun the statues which no one ever saw. Therefore I have done all that is neces­ sary. I can get along without ban­ quets. You will only lie iimMu's hosts. I have the honor to be his model."— Dramatic Mirror. The Lash of a Fiend. would have been aluiiit as welcome , to A. Cooper of Oswego, N. Y., as a merciless lung rucking cough that ( defied all remedies for years. "It | was most troublesome at night." lie writes, ‘'nothing helped me till I used Dr, King's New Disc* very which cured me completely. I never cough at night now. Millions know its matchless merit tor stuh- ■ born colds, obstinate coughs, sore I lungs, lagrippe, asthma, hemor­ rhage, croup, whooping cough, or hayfever. It relieves quickly and ' never fails to satisfy. A trial con- | voices. 5Hc. $1.1X1 Trial bottle tree. I It's positively guaranteed by Chas. I. Clough._____ A Reliable Medicine - Not a Nar­ cotic. Mrs. I*’. Marti, St Joe. Mich., says Foley's Honev and Tar saved lu r little l«>v's life. She vviites: "th r little boy contracted a eevetc I lot - trouble and ns the vics tor's medicine did not cure him, 1 gave him Foley's Honey and Tar in which I have great faith. It cured the cough as well ns the chocking and gagging spells, and he g< t well in a short time. Foley's Honey and Tar has many times saved us mnch trouble and we aie never without it in the house." C. I. Clough The Gratitude of Elderly proyie. Goes out to whatever lu Ips give them ease, comfort and strength. Foley Kidney Pills -. lire kidney and I I ladder diseases promptly, and ¡give comfort mid relief to elderly people. C. I. Clough. Summons. SCHOOL $ V* sA W If in doubt about your eyes consult me. 1 will tell you the truth about tliein and the information will coat you nothing anil von will not lie asked to liny. Dr. HENRY E. MORRIS, Eye Specialist, Tillamook, Or. Napoiron and Woman. Napolevo 1.. »bo era» a great act mlrrr "f female talent whet, It» owner did not. like Mme de HI ad direct It against hltnaeif. need to «ay. Tfer- arv women wb*> hare only oae fault— via, that I bey «re nut umh » " SA SA Notice of Sheriff'« Sale of Real Property. Salem, Ora W. I STALEY, Principal ¿XPORT BEER, KAISER BLUME. Unsurpassed. Non-Intoxicating MALT TEA Tha Muaic Waa Fatal. A New York politician owe found It neceHaary to attend an entertainment at an orphans' home, and be was hav­ ing a bad time of It. The selection by the lM>ys* baud was particularly «lie trcMlug. Turning to a friend, the j»di tk-ian said with a alinttoer. “No won der they are orphans."—Rixceas Sfaga- Kiue. Diplomatic. T believe our buy Is a taira dtpto- it.” ■Has he shown extraordinary ability as a pryvars-stor?" •'Well. no. not that exactly, but be can cheat other boy« Io trade« «i«l make them think they are getting all the best of It.” * A Rotai school none lietter, Successful graduates. Skillful, painstaking expenses tow. Many oilier advantages, alsiut them. Write for catalogue. The Unreality of Opera. There are people wise still complain of the unreality of opera, who cannot subject tlieiiMcrlves to Its illusion. And indeed the illusion of opera breaks down If everything In it Is not kept at the same distance from reality. In that world of musical expression we must never lie suddenly lowered by any incongruous detail into tlie ordl- nary world of prose. Realism, the at­ tempt to work upon the emotions by complete Illusion of reality, la disas­ trous in opera. If the scene Is a rall- way station we remember at once thnt people do not sing when 'they are catching trains.- London Times. A Money Savor. “But you are taking conakhmbk risk In Wttlhg yer "But then, you »ee. they worry over It .»» tioit they k«<- their «[»(«etllee. »o 1 save money In the long run ” CHILDREN Your eyes nre worth more to you than tiny hook. Your safety and your success in life depend on your eyes; therefore, take care of them. Alwnys hold your head u|> when you read, Holtl your b< >ok fourteen inches from your face, Be sure that the light is clear and good, Never read with the sun shining directly on the book, Never face the li^lit in reading, Let the li|fht come from behind or over your left shoulder, Avoid books or papers printed indistinctly or in small type. Rest your eyes by looking away from the books every few moments. BOTTLE l> BY Soda Waler«, Slpthona, Bartlett Mineral In the Circuit Court « »• the State of Oregon tor the County ot Tillamook. State of Oregon. 1 Hid nt iff. I vs. ;• J. C. «love. . Defendant I NnTicit is II nnkiiv C.ivKK, That by vlr- tuc aiwl authority of a writ and order of sale issued out of the above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, on the IMthtiiiv of August, 1919. I will, at the door of the County Court House, at Tillamook t ity, Oregon, on the Mth «lay of October, 1910, at 1 <» o’clock a m of said day. offer for sale, and sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the real property situated in Tillamook County Oregon, morr pnrticuhitly dve* rilrerl as follows, to- wlt: A strip of land f»O fret wide off the north end of and ratending across from east to west of the following dcscrilrrd tract of land, to-wit : Beginning at a point Id rials and 2«» links north r«nd 334 fret rast of the south west corner of that tract of land deeded by O W. Blackwell to >1 M. Hush, situate In Tilla­ mook County Htntc ol Oregon, and tfence running north ton point Al A feet north of the s«»uth,ltgr the said Blackwell's Home «tend claim . the nee south the said county road to n point If ami 20 links north of the south line of said Block- well’s Land Claim . thence cast to the place of beginning 11 CHKNMIAW. Hhcriffof Tillamook County, Oregon Fiecnos. THE Columbia Bottling Co., Astoria, Oregon- Water. * Do Not Delay Your Fail Planting for aamplea of our “Dianwr Quality” RE-CLEANEi Farm and Field Seed.*- Graaaea, Clorera, Vetcbe Alfalfa and Grain« fo The P. A. Starck Piano Co. H hm «■•tiil>liHh<-|1 T. liOTTH, Attorney for Plaintiff. For conatitutional amendment giving to ciUoa and lown.q exclusive power to license, regulate, control, auppter-i, or prohibit the sale of intox­ icating liquors within th« municipality. Mlllnre« ft Dry Land Paatwr« Mi«t-»-. W. ♦ Land Paet«»« Mialura. 5p* '»I Mi.tara I** B«r»»4 o»av Land. Cerar C»«pa ix Orcka/da. Tril »a ”**" •'f **** 1^..; „„,--»■* U»«a *W yaara' exf- r erne right her» |a 1b« Pan« Forth •*-! ■««! tAmaa la ad»taa STRAWBERRY fÜWh PLANTS 32« X Yea ENDORSED BY 40,000 OREGON CITIZENS I I (•KF.ATFW OWI.GON HOME kt I.E A smx IATION. 01« EI.ECTWII Ill'll.DING. POE I LA ND, ORE.