Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 22, 1910, Image 4

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and —
The Voters of
drunken men, p.
—......... j ------------
scenity of the viles possible ty|»e.
announce mi wit 1
“It is no wonder that even in the i 1
better towns of the wild West, as Cjindidate for re-nominatLLl
Republican ticket, to the nr 1
well as the effete East, and conserv­ Countv
Clerk, ami if ' M
elected 1 will
ative South, the stranger who visits
a saloon is at once invoiced, labeled and serve the public to the ' M
my ability.
and damned.
Very re.q.ecfullv,
“This growing disrespect for the
I- C. noud
saloons is the harvest of tears ,
ripening by the lurid glare of the
TotheVoiers of Tillamook CoJ
thousands of nights of hellish de- '
bauchery.” -The Prohibition Year
1 hereby announce tnvxeif J
I candidate for re-nomination ool
Book for 1910.
.Repubhcan ticket to th* OflU
'Sheriff. If nominated and e|«J
Civilisation vs. The Saloon.
A full page editoral in the June 1 will qualify as such Officer J
will conduct my Office, and enJ
number, 1909, of the Woman's all Laws without tear or favor!
Hua a good clean record of effective service and has faithfully lived
World, the widely known Chicago any one.
up to his motto adopted four years ago :
magizine, which has a circulation
Very Respectfully,
_______ U. CttLWjtM
exceeding two million a month, ,
thus graphically epitomizes the case
To the Voters ot Tillad
of civilization against the liquor
L H*„ M.
Farmer, ■ - a resident
“The saloon is certainly having a
Some of the things aiuomplisheJ at the last session of Congress :
Hebo, Oregon, do hereby ann
hard time of it—and the worst is myself as candidate for the o
Secured over $1*81),IMJI) for river and harbor improvement in this
yet to come.” How has all this County Commissioner, subject
come about? Mainly four things: the voters of the Republican
Secured over $4).3OJ j 9O for public budding and other purpose» in th it?
The cold, clear conviction has fin- at the Primary Nominating
distiif t, including Oregon’» Civil War Claim.
tion. to be held September
soaked into the system of the 19K).
Defeated the l.afean Apple Box Bill.
average man and woman that the '• If nominated I will accept
Aided liiinviM and settler» on public domain, including Siletz
biggest part of currant crime and nomination and will not wit
pauperism can be as easily and If elected will be fair to all.
Secured pannage of many bill» of interest to localities and for the
roads under such regulati
traced to the door of the will insure them to be first
relief of veteran«.
saloon as a clothes-line can be and uniform. Contract work
Han l»een an active niqiporter of the administration in redeeming
traced from one post to another; \ ever and wherever it will bed
platform pledge« and a««i«te<l in passage of Railroad Rate Act, Postal
to the taxpayers of
that dirty politics, town graft, city vantage
Savings Bank Act, Bureau« of Mines Act, Reclamation Certificates Act,
■nook County.
graft and big municipal graft and ,
ami many other act« of great national importance.
Yours respectfully,
all the soiled machinery of the |
H. M. / aj
lie has won the hearty commendation of ex-
bossism stick as naturally and as i
President Rooseve't for upholding progressive
inevitably to the licensed saloon as To the Voters of Tillamook
burrs stick to the curly coat of a ,
measures urged by him while president of the ures, the elector really needs, first
dog; that the license I
United States.
In response to the request of
money which the people ostensibly friends in various parts ot
counties, sections, townships and
From the New York Tribune, May,.30, 1908.
the Tillamook receive from the liquor traffic is a County,
ranges. After he has paintstak- Edited by
I hereby announce
Washington, May 29.—Pre«i(lent Kooaevelt today issued a atatemenl
mere drop, in the bucket compared aS n candidate for the Offia
Ministerial Association.
commending the Oregon member« of the House fortheir support of ingly traced out the boundaries
to the actural cost of the liquor County Judge.
iidminialration policies and wishing* them success in tue coining elec­ proposed for the new comities and
If nominated and elected, I
"Gentlemen, you need not give traffic to the community in which
tions in that state. The statement follows:
the portions of counties proposed
The President said goodby to ttie two Oregon Congressmen, Messrs. for annexation of conditions in each yourselves any trouble about the rev­ it is permitted to exist; that exper­ be fair to all, and in the tran
of all County busineel will
Hawley and Kilis, and stated publicly that lie took the occasion to
enue. The question of revenue must ience has shown abstinence to be a deaver to promote the be»ti
thank them lor the attitude they had consistently maintained in the locality affected. On the measure
support of the administration's policies, and to wish them success in designed to make the voters of the never stand in the way of needed re­ prime requisite to success in all of Tillamook Countv.
H ome » 1
the election which is to take place on Monday next.
districts effected by the promised forms; but give me a sober popula­ legtimate business, and that the
The President stated that he wished publicly to express his appre­ county boundary change the sole tion not wasting their, earnings in
saloon is not only a menace to this
ciation ot the cordial manner in which the gentlemen had backed up
To the Voters of Tillamook
the policies an<l the meaasures which the President felt were of such arbiters of the question, the voter drink, and I shall know where to condition, but is at the same time
conscfpieiii e for the welfare of the country, in connection for instance will probably not have much diffi­ obtain the revenue.”—Gladstone.
a parasite on every other branch of
I hereby announce myself is
with sm h matters as securing employers’ liability legislature, both as culty in arriving at a conclusion.
In its astounding growth of pro­ trade and commerce.”
didate for the República» n
regards interstate commerce and as regards the employees of the gov­
The principal measure to be voted hibition sentiment the south is
tion for County Judge at the
ernment itself; securing child labor legislation, and the effort to secure
ing primary election.
the proper administration by the courts of the power of injunction, and on under the head of labor legisla­ in harmony with the most progres­
A Paying Investment.
My policy-, if elected, will f<
finally securing by the nation of thoroughgoing and adequate control tion is what is commonly known as sive thought of the age, which has
Mr. John White, of 38 Highland put forth my very lx*st effort»
over the great interstate corporations, a control which shall be both an employer’s liability bill. It is of come to recognize that there is no Houlton, Maine, says: “Have been cure good roads, and to make
effective to prevent any wrongdoing by them ami at the same time of that character of legislation that
money which flows into the coffers troubled with a cough every winter county road money firing full
such character i.s will permit the reward in sinple fashion of all busi­
and spring. Last winter I tried
ness which isfcso conducted as to be for and not against the public nearly every Legislature wrestles of the state so expensive as that many advertised remedies, but the received for every dollar ex
I liave spent a great deal of
with and in discussions of which which comes from liquor licenses.
cough continned until I bought a time on the roads, and will a
almost invariably either the em­ —Tlie Herald, Washington.
50c. bottle of Dr. King's New Dis­ great deal of time on th«
ploying class or the laboring class
covery; before that was half gone, future. I am familiar with
primary law. In view of the with­ is accused of trying to gain the
the cough was all gone. This win­ conditions, and if elected,
As Seen in Front of the Bar.
drawal of active support by the Port
"The Story of an Alcohol Slave,— ter the same happy result has fol­ a judge the most remote tai
tine year......
i.no land Chamber of Commerce of the b *tter of the other. Only an affirm­
lowed; a few doses once more ban­ can see, and show his personal
dix months ....
ative argument is presented in the as 'fold by Himself,” Pages 426 to ished the annual cough. I am now
5 ! proposed constitutional amendment official pamphlet, and this by the 4311, in the August, 1909, McClures convinced that Dr. King’s New Dis­ trouble to, and receive projier
Three months
■ linking state aid railroads possible, Oregon State Federation of Labor. Magazine, is a study’ of the liquor covery is the best of all cough and
Good roada have been not
and also in consequence of the The voter who has no knowledge question from the personal point of lung remedies.” Sold under guar­ hobby with me, but a deep l
ftbr ^iiliimooh Ijtnblígbt, awakening that has finally come to of the practice of law, and who view. "The alcohol slave” kept an antee at Chas. I. Clough's drug and I believe that my election,
county judgeship will tie
the railroad systems concerning wishes to hear both aides, might accurate record of his expenditures store.
tory to the taxpayers.
central Oregon, the average voter do well, if he can afford it. to obtain, in the saloons during tile thirty
How to Get Strong.
My republicanism is the ki
J. Daly, of 1247 W. Congress upholds Statement No. 1, the
HARD STUDY MUST BE will, in most instances determine before making up his mind how to years from January 1, 1878, to April St., P. Chicago,
primary’ law, and a pr
readily how to vote on this measure. vote, briefs from at least two law­ 27, 1908. The drink business cost
come strong:
He says:
“My policy as defined by T
No Muddle on Good Roads.
yers on the subject, one from the hint a total of not less than $61,990. mother, who is old and was very Roosevelt.
ia deriving so much benefit
I earnestly ask all of my hi
Pamphlet to Voters Lacking The necessity for better highways class of attorneys referred to by 88 in cash and robbed him of twenty- feeble,
from Electric Bitters, that I feel to register and vote for me i
in Clear Arguments in
it'9 my duty to tell those who need primary election on the 21th «
“I estimate,” says the writer, a tonic and strengthening medicine tember, 1910.
out the state, and the amendment oration lawyers,’' and the other
Various Measures.
proposing to remove the constitu­ from the class called “anti-corpora­ "thnt my drink mates bought fully about it. In my mother’s case a
R oli . ie W. Wf
marked gain in flesh has resulted,
of Home 12t*,0tli voters in tional restriction on the incurring tion lawyers.” Then, if still in as much alcoholic liquor for me as insomnia
has been overcome, and
Oregon will have in Ins |M>sse»sion
she is steadily growing stronger.”
within the next tew days the 200- Jf.Ktkl to build permanent roads, measure and “yes” on the other, the total time spent in buying Electric Bitters quickly remedy To the Voters of Tillamook
which provides for a commission to drinks in 1860 saloons, in 58 cities, stomach, liver and kidney’ com-
puge "pnmpldet" containing the I will readily be understood.
I, HaTry P. Kerr, of B’l
of 19 states, was 32,874 hours, 1,369 plaints. Sold under guarantee
To go down the list of other m«*ns- study the question.
initiative mid referendum measures
’s drug store. • S0c. Oregon, do hereby place
Advice of Lawyers Needed.
days, nearly four years. My ex- Chas. I. Clough
that will l>e voted on in Novt-nilier, 1 urea and vote intelligently, the elec­
before the Republican »
The laymen will also probably j perience and observation leads me
but it is probable that very few of tor will require a large fund of in­
Tillamook County forth*
The Gratitude of Elderly people. County
Surveyor, and if
to believe that 50 percent of the
the electors who desire to give con- formation not found between the
Goes out to whatever helps give
si ientious consideration to the covers of the official pamphlet, nnil, himself on the merits or demerits total number of drinkers in saloons them ease, comfort and strength. and elected to the said
give my very beet effort»»
constitutional are minore.
I influenced directly Foley Kidney Pills cure kidney and work that 1 am called up»
measures before them will lie able particularly, the obstacle to intelli­ of the proposed
In do so simply by perusal or even gent action will be found almost amendment providing for the re­ twenty young men, my contempo­
give comfort and relief to elderly form in a competent and
insurmountable on the measures construction of the judical system rary associates, to begin saloon people. C. I. Clough.
tory manner.
i lose study ot th«- pamphlet.
Very truly yours.
I lieu- me.12 measures published thut pertain to local or neighborhood in Oregon, without^ obtaining the drinking, eight of wliorn have since
H akky P
It Saved His Leg.
advice of one or iflore competent died from causes due to drink.”
in the pamphlet. On some ineas-' issues.
The bill prohibiting the taking of
ores, argiinients both lormiil against
In conclusion "this alcohol slave”
In the measures relating to state declare»: "Saloons mustjiave fresh writes J. A. Swenson,of Watertown, To the Voters ofTillsawH
an* published, on some only one flail from Rogue River oy any meat's
Win. "Ten years of eczema, that 15
I, U. G. Jackson, of T
eiile presented, mid on still others except with hook and line, is a strik­ institutions, local pride and the de­ drinking boys every ¿ay or they doctors could not cure, had at last
no argument whatever. It is likely ing example of the latter class. Tbe sires are woven in with the state's must go out of buBiq«»*i.for lack of laid me up. Then Bucklen’s Arnica Oregon, do hereby place «1
that not more than n lew ot the pamphlet contains one argument needs to such an extent that the patronage. The saloon-keeper get­ Salve cured it, sound and well.” before the Republican
Skin Eruptions. amook County, as a ca
-t .t»« voters in die state will find for Hie lull and two separate argu­ voter will find himself baffled after ting a freyh drinking boy every day, Eczema. Salt Rheum. Boils, Fever nomination for County
pamphlet. is billing to let qld liquor drinkers Sores, Burns.
ments against it. Statements as to reading the
Scalds Cuts and If nominated and elect
faithfully perform my
nioir Ihun one-fourth of the facts and conditions made in the Affirmative arguments only are pre­ fill‘graves, jails, pens(|nd asylums. Piles. 25c. at Chas. I. Clough's.
serve the interests of the
’«iHiiTvi* v iihout refvretire to Home affirmative argument are specifical­ sented us the bills to establish a Every dav ♦►.-x the saloons are
Tillamook County to the
din ill 'liny or to boohs, i I im ' ii
open in saloon-licensing states,
iiivntM or iii.ipM Mei ui *<| ut their own In the argument for the bill it is
some saloon-keeper or bar-tender acute or
— chronic,
' , but whatever
vx penne.
slated thut "runs are yearly dimin­ the maintenance of state normal shoves across the bar a glass of it is Foley’s Kidney
I here are uiy ht niruHurvH on ishing,,” but in one of the negative schools at Weston, Monmouth and cool, refreshing beer to a young will aid you to get rid of it
which the iiveruife voter should be arguments is the declaration, "The Ashland. The pamphlet is lacking man, an«l says ‘You are bigenough quickly and restore your natural To the Voters of Til
ul»lc to iimkc up I iim mind by read« run of salmon is not diminishing in recomendations from stute boards to drink beer now.’ Then there is health and vigor. “One bottle of
I hereby announce •J*'!
Foley’s Kidney Remedy made me
inir the pamphlet, listeniiiH t<> the us stated.”
or officials who have charge of the started a fresh minor drinking, who well,
for nomia»***
” said
-■”* J.
Sibbul of Grand
until menta that are lioiind to take
present state asylum, and there is can outdrink a relay of old timers. View, Wis. < Commence taking it Republican ticket, to W
Voters Left to Puxxle.
Justice of the Pence. xsf’ „
place and by reading documenta on
no word from the State Board of Ed­ I should like to see all saloons leg now. C. I. Clough.
In the affirmative argument is the
District, r.ud if no
both aides of the iMauea uh published
ucation on the need of normal islated out of existence for the pur­
elected, I will accept suck
statement: "They have used nets
When Merit Wins.
in the newHpaperM.
. schools.
serve the public to the tv­
pose of protecting the growing
us small aa one-incli mesh for the
When the medicine vou take
He who depends solely on the youth of our nation.”-< American
Liquor Issue Plain.
, a.
purpose of gathering trout with sal-
cures your disease, tones'up your ability. Veryres^thiH^
For example, the three iiieHMurea uion,” but the opponents of the pamphlet for information will not Prohibition Year Book for 1910.)
system and makes you feel better,
stronger and more vigorous than
pertaining to the nale of intoxicat* bill come back with the contradic­ know that there are departments
ing liquor« are such that their im« tory assertion that "the fisherman's in both the State University and Liquor Frew Confess Saloon Vile. before. That ia what Foley Kidnev To the Voters of Ti
Pills do for you, in all cases of
port cun be understood by anyone. net is so constructed that it preclud the Agricultural College devoted to
Practically every representative backache, nervousness, loss of ap­
I hereby announce
One I m a pro|M»Med amendment to es the possibility of any salmon
of the Liquor Press has admitted petite, sleeplessness and general
teaching. Many voters may believe
for nonuM
the constitution declaring for state­ trout living taken."
the vicious character of the traffic weakness that is caused by any candidate
disorder of the kidneys or bladder. Republican tick« t t'> tar
wide prohibition, and another ia a
As a matter of fact, more than that one strickly normal school is which they champion. A specially C. I. Clough.
Constable, of the
coordinate prohibition law design« ItkMtH voters who live outside of needed, but without further investi­ frank confession of these facts was
District, and if
rd to enact the details in the pro­ the Rogue River Valley, in order to gation. will be at a lose to deter­ given by the Wholesaler’s and Re­
I will accept
A Sure-enough Knocker.
hibition of the Male of liquor as a vote with knowletlge of the facta, mine which one of the three would tiler’s Review, of San Francisco, s
J. C. Goodwin, of Reidsville, N. serve the public to the
l»evciHKv. while the Hunt is the op- would have to make fiersonaj invea- be of moat benefit to the people. few months since:
C.. says: "Bucklen's Arnica Salve ability.
Very rc’*l*c v h
a sure-enough knocker for ulcers
|Hisini( constitutional amendment ligations of fishing condition» on The advice of leading educators is
A man who knows the saloons ia
A bad one came on my leg last
needed by voters aa well as a know,
designed to give cities and towns the river.
well can honestly say that most of summer, but that wonderful salve
exclusive |M»wer to regulate or pro-
For puriKxea of investigation,
them have forfeited the right to knocked it out in a few rounds. To the Voters of Ti
the state and the effect an increase i
hi bit the sale of intoiicaiits.
Not even a scar remained." Guar­
| the voter may Anti it wise to segre­
----- —
No difficulty will be encountered gate the :<2 ineaaures into seven
"The model saloon exists chiefly anteed for piles, sores, bums etc.
I. Axel Nelson, a
'«■• at Chas. I. Clough's drug Oregon, do hereby »
by the elector« in voting on the
classes There are four measures lions would have on the taxpayers i in the minds of editors of liquor store.
an tirage
self a candidate *'*r
amend ment that may be put under the head of at large.
journals, in the ima&rination of a
Mrs. Jacob Wilmer*. Lincolm III , County Commissi"1
Most | ter so na, also. will likely be I state iustitutiona." two under the
Election Measures are Many.
certain type of ministers, and in the found her way back to perfect the voters of the K»
stile to find it poasible to make up bead of "labor legislation.** three I U nder the head of election are j
mythical stories rehearsed at saloon
She »rites
"I «offered
their miuds from th«* nrgtmient» in under the head of taxation," five measures providing for separate' men s campfire
with kidney trouble and backache
the official pamphlet whether the under the head "election».'' nine districts for members of the legis I
and my appetite was very poor at
I nfortunately the average tip­ times.
A few weeks ago I got do all in my power
bill providing for direct nomination under the head of "county txiund lature, for granting the right of
ping house is a place of ill fame, a Foley Kidney Pills and gave then. practial engineer am
ol prvsntential elector« would not
ariea." three under the head of
place of shame and debauchery.
• ,.“lr trial. They gave me great work by contrai t to
be a u»ele»»ap|wiidage to the direct
Sponsible bidder.
liquor traffic, " and six under tbe ' nation of Presidential electors, for
"W ith comparatively few excep- relief so continued till now
the ctkorn cd . board aodthspuh
Very Resf*
lit» in perfect health.”
Republican Candidate for Renomination to
No Interest to Serve but the Public
lication of another magazine to ad­
head of "miscellaneous.”
vise the people how to vote, and a
Taxation Problem Important.
On the measures
» V rr ■ rela.ing
x. ■ m w • • ■ to — taxa
----- ­ - »chenie for apportion^
• represent­
tion the voter wi ill find perhaps the ation in the Legislature according
greatest opportunity for profound 1 to strength of political parties and
study. Oregon now has the general i without regard to representation of
property tax system which is in use ' communities. For the purpose of
to so full an extent as here only in studying the effect of the enactment
the other states of Rhode Islandand of these measures, what is known as
Washington. It is now proposed I the “Offi -ial Register of State, Dis
to change the method followed ; trict and County Officers” is a val-
in Oregon and the constitutional ' liable guide, inasmuch as it gives
amendments to bring about that an abstract of the vote cast in 1998,
end are submitted to the voters. provides information as the repre­
The official pamphlet, on this, sentation of different counties in
which by many is looked upon as the Legislature, and, also contains
the most important general subject a copy of the present state consti­
before the voters, contains but one tution.
In one miscellaneous measure
argument, and that is presented in
one and one-half pages by the Ore­ not heretofore meti ?ned, there has
gon State Federation of Labor and been referred to the people the ques­
Central labor Council of Portland tion as to whether a Circuit Judge
in Baker County shall have an in.
and vicinity.
The voter, however, if he sees fit, crease of $1000 a year salary. There
may fill a "five-foot bookshelf’ with is no argument for or against the
discussions by authorities on the bill, and consequently he who
methods of taxation that would be wishes to vote on the question intel­
thrown open to Oregon by the adop­ ligently will either have to go or
tion of these constitutional amend­ write to Baker County.
Finally, there is referred to the
ments. He who feels it his duty to
study the question with some people by the Legislature assembly
thoroughness is recommended to the question of calling a convention
the first, second and third reports to revise the state constitution. An
of the International Tax Conference, opposing argument only is pre­
to Fly’s "Taxation in American sented, but the fact that this year
States and Cities” and to Selig­ II amendments are to the consti­
tution proposed may lead many
man’s “.Essays in Taxation.”
voters to believe thut the Oregon
County Fights are Local.
constitution needs revision.—
In determining now he should
vote on the county division mean- Oregonian.