T il LAMOOR TTR A nr Literary Firate and Sacand» ¡SON’S CHECKS. ■ Politely Drawn, but the ■ Threw Them Out. ■u George Cary Egglexton. ■ mite Helium da^a«lH>wed Beute lit money mauera. Ip form of colu whr rarely ■la ulera were lit I lie babil ■et k» oli a slip ut fuoltH-ap. ila- batik io “please" pay ■jieciUed EggleHlou »ays: In of imylitg by check m > ■itiriulitl ItKelf to h cvrtaiu ■mm ot my time liuti lie Il |R>li>t- meul over the return of a niHiiiiscrlpi. "I thought sure." said III- rv|s.rtrr. wilb.a sigh, “that that conrouii ii tin- olhvi man's slnailder. "My tirar boy.” he said somewl- •• grimly "then- are only two suites u> the life of H writer One Is when he Is «urprtHHl hi gettliig u I m siorlvH l«i>-l> and xhr «. r - oih I when he Is HiirpriHmi b»lire III at lint getting them I mi - k tiir tirsi; I'm in Ibr Hetsind An<1 I h*»i «• you are " But the n-|Hirtrr Is still wondering Philadelphia Times. Escorted Her Anyway. While Ilotieri Browning mid hl* w h (hr matt it mm<- to the it h well tn d<> Hud yen- I who knew l‘nr«<>n I ntxj rd io I»* In lUeliiiioiid at Ila Indiiraeriietif made tbe Laud Ml'rd (he unworldly deal of t run bl«.**—diiiago SEA WATER ■h Which Simp,« Ar« «From Ocean Oaptha I bottle for getting water «-front -elei-ted depths in la cylMtdrr of liras:«, tier b»r other metal wlil. h re IkoHlon of sen water, gen I Iwo Imhen In diameter for fourteen Inches long ti openlltir raise at the lop I connwted together on a b I.tigs are cast on the ■cylinder for conveniently | al any point along the be line-by whlrb If Is to Into the sea During the ■be line rhe valves of tbe ►pt unhealed by the ps* rwater:through the eyllu bs dew-ent. but wheo the »versei the valves seat ■nd ar«* ka-ked by the de I small; prtqieller lu tbe Htbore; the Upper valve. Idly tut a sleeve durlug tbe it be tarttle. but descends few thread to press the rtltelr seats when the line Io be hauled up A Sfteel piner al tbe depth to wlth-b ■ tie Inc deiu-euded Is Ibits me surface confined with- p. and a aeries of a|w*cl ^different depths may be tune haul by securing a let bolt lea al the required bug the sounding Hue.— ■erica n. |antle Gam« of Golf, raslon an old mdy w « r In III way cotn|«irtmeui a> ■ lifer« “I found fearful unorning." «aid one. "At HI right Into the middle of trse bush, and at ilw rcc ■tuck up on the lop of ■ bed out of bounds into the | tbe third, got caught by [the fourth I stuck faxt He at tbe flftb. found my- ■ mud at tbe sixth. I «•«» Imp of rough flluis at I be I lost at the eighth sod It tbe bottom of Ibat dirty last bole.” .me" cried tbe horrified ■n bee comer of tbe car Ibey lold UM* that golf was > game! I'll never let tuy :again."*—loiodou Globe. B nitwi were living alone In Flor-n< (he m <» ii gave one afienusm an exhibí r1on of his new pttliithig> tu the familt drawlim To Mr Browning wh nx'ilfned tllsk of Uleetitig tli mwMts ti the »ftern.Hiii. wtiri tbe r »•’ V Browning < <»nld not r»M nil h«*» »mm« and tie 1ndvt*d from hvr appenrau (hat she was not an Invtieil Lru«*si There was emharrasMiuein on !>»’ «Ides for a monieui. «nd »h<«n ihe w< man said engiTly please. M Browning. I’m (he rook Mr H: ground had I meli disturbed and Hr the I iu II m had all been taken awa- He was eotit'drul that rais tubi t|oi- the work mid. inking a spade, lie li­ gan to dig In rhe hope of dlwovert' their nest, Soon he unearthed a lar- female rat will h he killed anti afte digging a few more minutes he di covered mt underground • hmnlirr llo- with Imv anil leave« ami rounn-t«*l i a corridor with two holes whf h we evidently used as siorrliousrs for t fhettl he found the tgWt tulip hull Thia was remarkable, hill more r markable was the fact Him the» we- neatly arranged In two row» mid th not one of them had been gttawetl • otherwise Injured. RAY FEED CO. Removed to A Reliable Medicine—Not a Nar­ cotic. The Rhodutn Sidus. An amusing stori itilil ti» Hood d arrllHw how a cotiittry iuir«wr»m:i made a large «nm «ml of sates <>t simple little tiower wlik-li he sokl tit def tbe name of the Itlpsliliii sititi This ctinrmlug name prove.1 quite a attractlou to th» lathes. mih I Ute fiow- iNM-ame the rage nf the sensim. It w>i i one of tltoee freaks ttf fnsltlon fi> A which there Is no arrotini itig length a Is>lan 1st who fontttl Util th pls nt was not an iineonmum we.<| I r.- quested to know where the ntim-r' He ell -Ite man got the name from the following nqtly: I fotintl ’hl« Ito« er In the road Is-shle ua. >«> christens It tbe Kissi uni sldua" Opp. Dawsons Barn. “Every time I go shopping I thank heaven that I have a good business head." said the woman who boarts that her quick wit always saves her from fiipturinl loss. “A saleswoman came very near getting Into trouble today over a belt I bought. The only thing that saved her was my business instinct. First I bought a belt for $1.25 and paid with a two dollar bill. In handling my change the girl drop­ ped a quarter Into the paper and boxes that strewed the floor back of tbe counter and could not And It. Of course I could have b»hl her account­ able. but she Imtketl Ro tired and wor­ ried that 1 liadn't the heart to do Unit, so bow do you thluk we settled it?” Her husband gave it up. “Why,” Haiti she triumphantly, “I Just exchanged my $1.25 belt for a dollar one, and neither of us lost any­ thing.” ■’Remarkable instinct, m.v dear.” said the busband, and she smiled over bis approval.—New York Sun. The Gratitude of Elderly proyle. WM. Goes out to whatever lulps give them ease, comfort and strength. Foley Kidney Pills < ure kidney and I ladder diseases promptly, and give comfort mid relief to elderly people. C. 1. Clough. CURTISS, The Grain JVIan. SCHOOL CHILDREN. Ytmr eye«art* worth more fit you than any hook. Your safety and your success in life depend on vour eyes; therefore, take care of them, Always hold your head up when you read, Hold your book fourteen inches from your face, Be nure that the light is clear and good, Never read with the sun shining directly on the book, Never face the light iti reading, Let the light come from behind or over your left shoulder, Avoid books or papers printed indistinctly or in small type. Rest your eyes by looking away from the biMiks every few moments. Summons. k* * * W. I Salem, Ora STALEY. Principal Th* Unreality of Opera. There are people who atlll coinplain of the unreality of opera, who cannot •ubject thenixelvea to Its illusion. And Indeed the Illusion of o|>eru break« down if everything In It ia not kept at the «ante distance from reality. In that world of musical expression we must never tie suddenly lowered by any Incongruous detail Into the ordi­ nary world of prose. Itealism. the at­ tempt to work upon the emotions by complete Illusion of reality. Is dlmia- troua In opera. If the acene Is a rail- way station we remember at once thnt people do not sing when 'they are catching trains.—London Times. ¿XPORT BEER, KAISER BLUME. Unsurpassed. Non-Intoxicating MALT TEA Th« Music Wa« Fat«/. A New York ladlik tan nin e It net-emuiry to attend no ent ort ai union 1 at au orpiifina' hotno. and be wan b«v Ing a Imd time of it. The selection by the boya’ iMud wan particularly din trcMÍii£. Turning fo a friend, tbe |w>li* fkian aalil with a abudder, “No won dor they are orpbana.”-Bor ren Maga slue. Horeo Sanaa. A Mon«/ Saver. "But yon are takltix considerable risk In tettine yoar youne metí owe two or three weeks' board." “Tee. there la some risk." anawerwl tbe boarding bouse kee|ier "Bui then, you r « v . they worry over It so ibai they lose ttoetr appetite«, no I ««»« money lu tbe long run ” Too Empty. Bonney (momma o< I be «rnml its« mitt—Cum*. «Id ls>y. trt’s isa <>u deck Breakfast won't la> -erred for half an hour yet. and a brisk walk ou an rtupty atonia. -b will 4» »-m «•»«! Klbbtwr Ifewtriy trying to RtuUe» Tnke a walk ■« y>mn>. If y«n like, chappie Mine Is la ratlrrly luo empty —CM, agu Tnlmne BOTTLED BY Columbia Bottling Co., Astoria, Oregon- Soda Waten, Nipthona, Bartlett Mineral Ila» be abown extraordluar; ability . a pryvaricator?“ "Well. no. not tbit exaetly. twit be can ebeat other twya lu trnilea aud make tbem tbluk they are «ettix>< all tbe beat of It.” rm Water. Po Not Delay Your Fail Flantlny Diplomatic. “I bell«v« oar buy 1« a I rmti till*« for sample« of our “Diamor * Quali ty” RE-CLEANEl Farm «nd Field Seed.* Graves, Clovers, Vetch* Alfalfa and Grains fu «f w-il «w-l yw te,aa » ,«in -t|-< «tw» rlJ. C. U oy «. Ik'ftntlMnt N oticm i « II kmkhv OivMN, That hy vir­ tue niwl authority «»I »< writ nntl order of wale isauttl out of the above entitled court. I d th«* above entitled chum -, on the |Nth*<1/»r of August, 1910, I will, at the door of the County Court House, at Tillamook < ity, Oregon, on the Nth day of Octoltcr, 1910, at lo o'clock a m of said »lay, offer for sale, tind «ell at |»ub|i<* Muction to the liighsst bidder for cash in hand, the icm I property ait um ted In Tillamook Count v Oregon, more partkuliifrly dracrHted ms follows, Ito wit: A strip of land f»O (ret wide t>ff the north end of and ex tenth nx acros« from cast to west of the following dr-scribed tract of land to«wit Beginning nt a point Id rml« and 2«> links north and 334 fret east nf the south west corner of that tract nf land drrdcd by O U Black well to H M Huah. situate in Tilla niook County Btntc of Oregon, and tt.rnee running north to « |H»int ft I 4 feet north of the »«ui th, 11 Be <»l the said (IliU'k w cIL a Home • trail claim . tbencr »«mth rtlong tin «ui»l county road to a point 1ft r»aTs mh «I 20 link« north of the south line of said Black* well’s Land Claim , thence cast to the place nf Itrginning If t’KKNMIAW, Mhrrftf of Tillamook County, Oregon The P. A. Starck Piano Co. H uh r«tal>li«be> <>). Piano on exhibition. MISS FLORENCE EVENS, Agent. ADVERTISEMENT Settle It Now Settle It Right Dry L«-te F r W«»R Ml»t".r*. VZ. ♦ LaaU Fatewr« Mialur», S«»-' >1 Molar« lar Btew4 o,av Latel, C««te Cr«*a íar OrcAar«» T*ll tet laete aawlit M. T Hivrrs PAID ■ .......................... ....... ' W a h«r* Sfterlul Mlxtnre» fe Fp»-cial l’tirpute-* — I In the Circuit Court of the St te of Oregon for the Countv of Tillutuuok- Utdted Kailv, ays Company | a corporation. riaintiff, vs S A |. Provoost an<1 I ilah I Provoost, bis wile. Defendants«. J To A J. Frovoost »md Lllnli Provoost. the above named jJcieiidants. In the imine ot the State of Oregon. You are hereby required to Hpftear nml answer the complaint tiled Mirainst you in the above entitled action on or before the expiration of six week« from the date of the first putilicMtion of this Summons and if you lail to so appear mid answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to said Court for the relief demanded in the complaint herein, which is that a Judgment be rendered that the following described tract of land, ■Ituatc In Tillamook County. Oregon, tu- wit Hrximdng at the north west corner of lot ti in J. J. Met oy's utldition to the town of H hv < ity, in Tillnmook County, Oregon, and running thence east fto feel; thence south loufect, thence west fto fret; thence north 1OO feet to the place of begin ■ting, be appropriated to plMintitTs iihc for the purpose of constructing, operating nn«1 nuilni Mining a rnilwMy line, and n telegraph, telephone and electric power line thereon, and that the amount of conipefinalion to l>e paid therefor bv determined, and that upon the payment bv plaintiff into court for the tktcn«1antR of ihe iimuunt of compensation when so determined, that the plainlift there­ upon become and la* the owner of snltl right of way, anti that plaintiff have judgment thereon appropriating said propertv to It. This sunitnons ia pultliithrd hv oilier of the lion II |< Goodsperd, t'otoil v judge of rilla- tnook County, Oregon, made anti dated nt Tillamook County, Oregon the 1st day of St ptrmber, 191 if. The time prescribed in said order for publication Is once a week for six successive weeks nml tlir . l —» THE FALL SOV/IPF t Mrs. F. Marti, St Joe, Micli., sava Foley's Honey and Tar saved In r little l>ov's lite. She writes: "t'i r little laiy contiacted a eeveie 1 rot - chial trouble and as the dovtoi'q medicine did not cure him, 1 gave him Foley’s Honey and Tar in which I have great faith. It cured the cough as well ns the chocking and gagging spells, ntid lie gi t well in a short time. Foley’a Honey and Tar has many times saved ua mnch trouble and we are never without it in the house." C. I. Clough_________________ e Ddrlng a heavy do« tipotir of rain at- Irish farmer sent lit* he»» lo a dettati field to tiring home a hor*r Moflir filli« rla|RM*d. and Ihr measen ger Murían wltlxHil the horse Felber- Didn't Bed-’d. be knows u*orr as ye lolke than the two of us Pay Moe» ran tontine over tbe family wife ptaiH-rd rbrotlkb erfluous. I have already taken nothing anti vou will not lie asked to buy. measures to assume immortality for Dr. HENRY E. MORRIS, Eye Specialist, Tillamook, Or. myself by attaching my name to that of Rodin. Heiieeforth in every ency­ clopedia you will read, ‘Bernard Sliinv; subject of a bust by Ilodln; otherwise unknown.' “If tbe bust is lost, broken or spoiled, so much the better for me.” he con­ tinues. “They will s|>eak of the 'lost Bernurd Shaw of Itodln.' as today they ■peak of tbe lost Athens of I’hldlas Nothing can la- more lieautlful than the statues which no one ever saw. Therefore I have done all that is neccH- A good school none la-lter, Well e»t:il)li.she fought the Mlodru and who was un- ariane. Mxr went In qorat Sir to get bls axalxtarw-e bin bill whh-b he dial Ik wt (to the b-mse of lords, aay- riabt my lords I've aren pp. a od he asya he’ll see rs to — before he'll vote Mil*" Aa a matter MK WILK AltfOCIATION, MM ELXCTNIt Ill'll.DING. FORI LA ND, 1 Obli.