TXU j AMOOK headlight OT^J^ ! le is here! DAVID 1C1 ▼ X And his Singers will be at the BIG He is here. . EUGENE TENT, ____ ______ _ TILLAMOOK, nncrr™ OREGON, OLbON SEPTI SEPTEMBER 25tll SUNDAY, SUNDAY, I , ' « ' ) David Eugene Olson, Evangelist, Syclone Evangelist of the West. I he 1 aeoina Ledger says . Elocutionist and Physical Director, who speaks in several languages aud practices what he preaches He is one of the greatest Evangelist in the west.” 1 he K. m hvster. Minn.. Record, says ‘ Olson speaks with all the power of Billy Sunday, but with a better choice of language.” Moss Esther TUhaiAlo^ 17 ^'»ss Chorister. Soloist and Organizer. He is an excellent chorister and one of the beat sol ist and ’ i.stntr I tilt,in loss and Miss Minnie Bassett who are splendid smgirs and experienced Evangelists workers. ! « PROGRAM . THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY they will hold meetings in the Church of Christ (Christian Church), 7:45 Each Night. NOTICE.—Sunday they will begin the Revival in the Big Tent. ' ,,re"' .“b';SChMO°' K'',1|V " A M ~TI,e E'""8lli“’ »»*« «* R«'iva with hi» great Ser.uon on : - Paul’» Create». AppeaL" ‘ « P s'Tr t dw y1“" '»•*««-• P--V <«•--». ••»•timetree, on: ' The Psychology of Succear" lltuatrated. TWP.I-Hegtve.hi.wonderfulbermo...... "The Greate.1 Book i. the World/- You cannot afford ,o u,i„ one ofthc.e You sho*^^ A Lecture to busing*