illainook HraìHùjljt "'Ml« TILLAMOOK, OREGON ' ' "F «t #l-5o per year. -Hl th,, "*O4W ■"11'1*1. •"'riutm,,; " *. m "■ ....... '‘““‘"'•••JIM ¿- □ANAertSTAyST COMPANY -, T*«it*t, th«' iMg hat e,„ "l-l hi, MlJI| t'irtnu Fall Styles. Ladies’ Home Journal Patterns now in stock, New Dress fabrics, New Persian Dress JTrimmings, New Laces, Ribbons and Embroideries, Haltom’s big New Store is overflowing with Jt|£jcinds of bright, snappy Fall Goods. Cutne to the Store to-day and save money. the HOME OF THE FLORSHIEM SHOE. THE HOME OF HART-SCHAFFNER & MARX GOOD CLOTHES. ruicB, $5.00, $6.00, $7.00 "NUF SAID.” TMWUIB’CHídUÍS Manon BAKKcar AmKanoN Rie». > ’i>* (taf < the ond th« • the -t«o >e mot beni Ou tbeq| tbe Ma» i rtle« vu Mo»«<( mnor of ite ie astrotwst Terrtpi«, ** largWr » food. is t is rbe hi wu vitale Swamp, mp intel* "7< pipe at > of (Mr re oolj inidluotH lu tbe id WteA d laopitn • irnish ig r. Erwig d lincuam troup ■b alike I Oninj. timi it U. tall I prartmt i iuuui: ite Irtblj Ite • Kia» rotile templi» d at par throufbont tbe World. Accepted in of tickets, hotel service end other travel ex- Self-ident»fvin*. Safer then money t twice as nt; The best form of travelers' credit. We will d to explain the system and supply these cheques: ■ t*5 “2 [I* 4* » . * rl Underwear High grade al) Wool Sample Un­ derwear. This is a lot of L’niler- weur that regu­ larly sell for $1.50 and $2.00. Sale price per garment . OOK JOTTINGS at T he S pa . a. eye specialist 1 Cones at Tins SPA. , for the best Ico Cream in typewriter, ¡wanted at cheap.—D. the Tillamook tin Slieeta for your Crout arre Is.' * The editor has been on the sick list this week, and if this issue of the Headlight is lacking in iuterest and news, it is on that account. President E. E I.ytle, of the P. R. & N. Co., and Attorney John H. Hall, of Portland, were in the first of the week and left on Wednesday. Sanitary metal door mats free, as long they last. We will give one of these mats with each cook stove. Range or heater. K ing & S mith Co. • Rev, S. G. Finney will preach at Whitehouse A Son for Hay City on Sunday morning and nee, etc, • in this _ity at ¿7.3) in the Presby­ nt by tbe sack or the terian church. Sunday school con- venes nt 10 a. m. iD. L. Shnxle. * tner Oshkosh came in on y with freight. lluur Mats trae with stove » U A SMITH Co’s. the beat kind, at tile Lumber Mfg. Co. . sizes. QO vOL, also have We a lot of higher grade underwear samples in all Values to $2.50 per garment, We will close out at . $1.33 Men’s Derby Ribbed Underwear. Regular 50c. Values. Special 1 Q Sale................................... Each The Present Important Announcement. We have secured the services of Mr. J. B. Schier as the manager of our Dress Goods De­ partment, Mr. Schier is a man of a wide and varied experience in piece goods, having been employed for jneare tn some of the largest Dress Goods Establishments on the Pacific Coast. Under Mr. Schier’s management you can expect a revolution in the dress goods business of this store. We will endeavor to 'place a stock of goods at your disposal that will have no equal outside the large departments of Portland. Your criticism is invited. Your suggestions are solicited and your patronage desired. Every courtesy will extended you in making your selections, and the prices asked will always be the most reauouable for the class of goods wanted. E. T. HALTOM. A splendid line of anil Work Trousers just opened been Men’s Dress SOXS We are nlwnvs leaders in men's Bix'krt. we carry about .71 differ­ ent lines of Wool unj cotton sox. Men's Cotton Sox, 3 Pr. for. . . 25c Men’s Black or Tan Cotton Soxs, 2 Pu ir for Men's all wool Cashmere Soxs. in natural tail 25c 25c Men’s all wool band knifed soxs, very heavy pair . . 50c and black. Per Men’s H*Avy Sox* in Navy Blue. Wool Per Pair I l^hom’s OUR LADIES’ UNDERWEAR for Fall lias tip, we DEPARTMENT have them in greys, browns and stylish Is now complete, we have u Mixtures. frem Piasker Brog, will do your plumb­ ing in first clues style. Let ua figure Nufangl ur property and avoid un your work. Will guarantee our , Si; Whilehouse * Son. * work, having just employed an ex­ nt once, Men ami Tennis perienced plumber. • Land. —F. E. Klinelian, If you want Io loarn to paint well well known and wearing Trouvera also for coat throw that old liecause the away and vest just Get a Psir of “ Nufangela” and have a new suit. splendid line the varieties I .allies' Heavy Jersey ribbed vests Weight Medium White ton Underwear fleece lined. Per garment unci 4A — • W. C’ot- 50c. l adies' all wool tine ribbed Un- ffl OF derweur.................................. Per garment •pl.Ai** Prices from $4-50 to $9.50 Stove, range or heater this fall, do it now. We are giving a sanitary metal door mat free with each stove aud Ladies' medium weight Jersey ribb­ ed White Union Suits. Per gui meiit pants are worn out. Floor Paint. Special price of 33cts. Price paid for Hides, Furs quart and $1.31) a gallon. See our Pelts. N. Melchior, Till- Paint Window. K ing & S mith C o . * e. • If you intend to purchase a cook choose drawers in good grade Egyptian Cottoll.......................................... Per Per garment ir a rille nt Ladies’ Don't to should satisfy all demands. for their durability qualities, which Hre their perfect form fitting style. you would better join one of Mrs. Sh lode's painting classes, ti Tiilumuok City and the guarantees a good picture, pupils are doing splendid work. y Webster Holmes went If your floors need repainting, usiness trip to Portland give them « coat of Ready Mixed y yell for a 14-fppJ elian­ doors can be obtained illamook Lumber Mfg. city, MEN’S For Service, for Courtesy, for Good Goods at the Lowest Prices Always Employment wanted by a man |Miaaed middle age, long experience with stock and ranching. Fair milker. Good reference. Inquire at the Headlight office. , cheapest and best paper we sell. Buy before the mute are * town. I .eave orders at gone. K ing A SMITH Co. know Drift flour, $5.90 a bbl. and ith Co. * den Gate left tast Saturday $1.50 a sack. Lighthouse flour, $5.40 and $1.40 a sack. Im­ following passengers: H. a bbl. i'í Bargains in Men’s Ladies’ ■ ■■■■■■— I I Pants, Jersey 4 AL Per garment “VC. Young Ladies' Vest, Ridded, white cotton. ail Wool Union Suits I I .. ............................ Justice of the Supreme Court, six State Printer James E. Godfrey Kosliee, Tom Weber, G. M. Kunyan, A. N. Durant, H. N. Durant, D. K. year term, 2—Geo. II. Burnett and and J. Scott Taylor. | Commissioner of Railroads - Olson, <>. A. Mac ready, Geo. Whal­ Frank A. Moore. perial flour, $5.75 it bbl. and $1.45 Attorney General—A. W. Craw- Hugh McLain ami Charles P. Strubl, en, Mrs. Scantan, A. A. Hamman, s and Ethel Snow. lord and |. W. Hart. j Judge of Circuit Court,2 John a navk.-WM, UURTI», Tiie Grain L. Young uml wife, A. W. Purvis, r doors and windows from Mun. Superintendant of Public Inst rue llayne and Win. Galloway. C. R. Ebersole. mk Lumber Mfg. Ct>. bon—I- R. Alderman. I The Democratic county ticket is . Sunday evening will bechildren’s <)|>era House« two nights, Friday, money by doing eo. * J. Kerr, an experienced pluinlier, State Printer — Win. J. Clark and a Mank as far as names are concern- evening at the Gem. Children un- September MKh and October 1st. t time you send away for der eight years old, ncc'oui|>aned by of Portland, has been engaged by ed, for no pMitiona were tiled with Willis S. Dunway. Plaaker Bros., of this city, bi assist The Dramatic Club will present get a Money Order from their pareuta or guardians will Ire Commissioner of Labor Statistics the County Clerk. them in their business, as they have under the personal direction of H. ook County Baqk, * admitted free. Children over 8 anil and Inspector of factnrieaand work­ a targe amount of business on hand J. McCowell, Hie very latest society Notice. r sale at a bargain. Easy under 12, Sc. drama, "The Price of Honor.” The shops O. F. Huff and G. M. Orton. at Bayocean Park. • Notice is hereby given tlud on Commissioner of Railroad Com­ The long spell of dry weather, the ay be seen at Mrs. Plank's moral tone of this play is often re­ Monday. Octolier 17. 19l< E«ln.dilution will meet day with the following passengers: State Engineer -John H. Lewie. seen, came to a close on Friday and at the Court House of Tilluiuook Christian" and such plays as it. Mrs. Alexander, Joe Bush, Nels ational Bank vs. Imwrence Division Superintendent of Water County, die gon. and publicly ex­ Saturday, when the first heavy rain­ It treats an old story in a new way. Hansen and wife, Esther luittic, E. nd vi e it a suit filed in iiaseaanieiii rolls for number one—James T. amine the fall of the year brought two days Words cannot descrilie the oeauty Division stud year, a nd collect al) triors in E. Hogue, F. Sander, M IL Hatha­ it court for faut) on a proiu- Chinnock. drenchingrain. uml depth of thought in "The Price valuations, descriptions of lands e. way, Henry Kunze, Mrs. Felger Judge of Circuit Court 2—Percy anil other property. I of Honor.” For two months Mr. Said lourd At a meeting of the city council and son. liver-d, $10.00. Shingle^- will continue in seasiim from day McCowell wai in correspondence R. Kelly and I. If. Van Winkle. on Monday evening, tbe matter of $2.75. An almost new Representative, Tillamook and ■ to day, until the examination, cor­ Star.lirand process barley. $1.25 with the author, endeavoring to the proponed new city charter was rection and equalization of the sewing machine cheap. — a sack and $32..7O a ton ; cata, $!.<■> ' secure it. He la-ing a personal Yamhill counties—A. G. Beale. aaai-sainent rolls for said county laid over until the regular meeting DA I shall be completed. C ounty T icket . next month, and the Elliott fran­ hundred, $3H.I*)ton ; bran, 05c. sack, : friend at last consented to allow Hie Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, $2V. jO ton ; mill chop $1 Ki W) lbs. | play to lie played iqain the Pai ilic gold watch, between the chise was rejected. County Judge - Homer Mason and i September 17, lull). sack, $23 ton ; eborta $1.35 H) Ibe. ¡Coast for a limited time only. Till- Rollie W Wutson. p sc • and town. Finder A. M. H im , bturn to Lou Kinnaman and Evangelist Olson Arrives in City. sack, $32 ton. — W n . CUltTI», The Isiiicsik will l>e able to see it for the County Commissioner—II W. _________ County A as a aai >r. ! first time. The new people in the b reward. Grain Man • Farmer. X *’ Evangelist Olson is here. Meet­ W you are interested in any kinds Sheriff —Henry Crenshaw. People to whom are addressed I cast will surprise you. Mark the hag. came to T. F. Harri ings start tonight al the Church of of Stocks or Bomia do not fall Io County Clerk—J. C. Holden. | date, Friday and Saturday, Ssplern copies of the Oiegon Free Press Rn Chicago Tueeday announ- Christ Come to tbe first services County Treasurer—David Martiny. write, phons or wire F. J. Cstterbn need bare no fear about taking ■ her 3Uth ami IKtntier 1st. Seats will Ideath of hie youngest sister and get all the good possible out County Surveyor—U. O. Jackson A Co., Portland, Oregon. We will , tie on sale at Lamar's drug store. tbem from the poet-oflice, a* they L who lived there. of these meetings. We feel that we | qtiote you a price on any and all and Harry P. Kerr. are being mailed free to the voters be' leck re. E. T. Haltom, ie ars fortunate in having secured Mr. kinds of btrtrnmrnl Standard Powder I in a case tried in the Jus- and Miss Bassett as singera. same Dawson. tboagh the Rspubli« ans have com AlaskH Petroleum A Coal, Cordially, rt. who now sues the de Central Committemen—Carl Hsb- Hritisb Columbia Amalgamated Maryette Johnson vs. H. B John-1 plied with tlia law Imt few Demo |k>r $430 damages. V. E. Hoven. The candidates eriach, Hoquartxm; fi. V. Ander- Coal, eon is a suit filed in the circuit crate have d<»n«- so. Portland Home Tele ph one Mock, son. Fairview; A. II Malaney, court, praying tbe court to issue a offering their names are: t Cascadia Mining and Develop­ Union ; T. R. Wilson, Utile Mes- R eitnucan . writ of injunction directed Ut tbe ment Representative m Congees tucca. W defendant enjoining him and re­ It will only cost a 2-cent stamp Port of Tillamook - H. T Hotts. straining hnn from the ronyryance C. Mwwls> and B. F. Mulkay. i fib any Information . you wish. V. Alloy Port of Nehalem-fl Govern« Altieri Abraham. Jay « the encumbrance <>f certain real Please Try Ua. property, and from tile exeention of Howerman. Grant H. Ihmi< k • nd and C. H. Wheeler. A Ma* Of Iron Nerve | D enis HATH any instrument or agreement with K. Holer Indomitable will and tremedou« ì fierretary of fit ate — F. W Henson third |at office in Tillamook City.